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/lit/ - Literature

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9610703 No.9610703[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw a disgusting STEMcuck tries to talk about literature with me

>> No.9610723

>mfw the guy with a Masters degree in literature fucks up my order at starbucks

>> No.9610751
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Nice le Starbucks meme.

>> No.9610786

Wow, you sound TOTALLY enlightened.

>> No.9610793

>He doesn't do STEM for work and literarture for leisure.

>> No.9610838

>getting a degree in your hobby

>> No.9610858

>be a STEMcuck
>do 'Contemporary Literature' as an elective
>assignments are generally analysis of books that employ interesting narrative techniques, like elegy, unreliable narrator, metanarrative and intertextuality, things like that
>one of the assignments is a "flash fiction" of ~300 words
>markers are fucking brutal /lit/ snobs
>get High Distinctions for all assignments
>aspiring writers and teachers only get passing grades

Stay plebeian, /lit/

>> No.9611297

Shut up and bag my groceries!

>> No.9612460

hm ah yes

>> No.9612522

>Compsci kid takes upper level ethical theory course an an "easy a" to buff his GPA
>Actually thinks moral relativism gets treated seriously on academia
>Gets upset because his paper revolving around "we can't say nuffin about nuffin because we don't know nuffin" doesn't get an A
He dropped the class in the first 3 weeks of the semester. Some STEMfags are okay though, just few and far between.

>> No.9612526

post ur story

>> No.9612566

I work in STEM without going to school. I study philosophy and music on my own.

>> No.9612587


>> No.9612594
File: 480 KB, 474x632, reddit_faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tries
heh what a pleb trying

>> No.9612601

>being money driven

>> No.9612602

>study Philosophy after having finished a Bsc in physics
>the smartest people I study with are nearly all STEMshits visiting philosophy courses on the side


>> No.9612615

I visit philosophy courses as a side thing in my free time that's not even considered my elective. I just like sitting in a free lecture without having to write papers.

>> No.9612638


>Being homeless

>> No.9612643

true masterrace, I think there's more STEM people on /lit/ than people realise.

>> No.9612648

>muh pragmatism
Found the amerifat

>> No.9612653

Pal we're on a Bulgarian turd farming image board, everyone knows its all STEMlords

>> No.9612677

>choosing STEM over Women's Studies

>> No.9612684

>choosing women's studies over hoarding memes and dropping out after a year and a half

>> No.9612695

We have no choice anon