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9607018 No.9607018 [Reply] [Original]

>"muh vagina"

>> No.9607029

Not a very interesting thread senpai.

>> No.9607033


If you'd read the book you would understand.

>> No.9607042

butthurt tranny detected

>> No.9607052
File: 215 KB, 750x828, 1490754080902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don/t fuck with me

>> No.9607066

Muh vagina but also she credits man with all of cultural and artistic history so I guess there's that...

>> No.9607084


>she credits men with blah blah

She literally only defines culture and art as a transient and doomed counterpoint to the omnipotent, all-pervading, and ultimately victorious "muh vagina." That's a credit?
Read her analysis of Moby Dick to see how off the rails she is. She bases the meaning of the entire novel on a single side-episode chapter because it's one she can twist into her retarded "thesis."

>> No.9607086

do you ever feel like your entire life is a troll?

>> No.9607096

She does say she is indebted to men, obviously, because she is an art critic.
"Muh vagina" less as the actual vagina and more of an extension of chthonic nature, the terrifying destruction and creation aspect of nature that doesn't make sense.
I'm not saying I entirely agree with Paglia but you're twisting her words.

>> No.9607101
File: 74 KB, 400x400, LOL_Smiley_Face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm happy with myself
>spends the time projecting this hard in comic form

>> No.9607112


>Fuck what the media has to say, I guess

Well then why did you go to the trouble of making this picture you stupid attention whore

>> No.9607120


I love when retarded anons feel the need to give me a shit, watered down explanation of a book I've literally just read.
How big was that dopamine hit when you used the word "cthonic?"

>> No.9607126

how much of a dopamine hit does it give you to act like an asshole on the internet?
great thread bro

>> No.9607131


A huge one.
I wouldn't act like an asshole if you had anything insightful to say. I just get mad when idiots pretend that their parroting is somehow valuable. Low intelligence triggers me.
Now answer my question.

>> No.9607207

women shouldn't be allowed to read let alone write

>> No.9607210

t. abdul al-britani

>> No.9607224
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psst... hey kid, take the Sharia pill... you'll thank me later...

>> No.9607240

t. satan

>> No.9607260


haven't read her book but she's great in interviews, esp. the recent one with tyler cowen

>> No.9607300

this book is the ultimate redpill

>> No.9607308

I mean, she's a feminist. She might be a controversial feminist, unwilling to blame men for all the world's woes... but she's still a feminist. Idk what you expected.

>> No.9607388

To be fair, being a tranny does sound like high grade psychological horror. It's understandable. At some level, i do feel at least a vague sense of guilt for 'triggering' you. I guess it's a key generational experience- think one of those countless YouTube videos where Peterson or Milo 'triggers' one of your people.

>> No.9607468


>> No.9607863

I've never really understood these books

No one is forced by law to dress or look a certain way. Media portraits what they think will sell most.

Men are usually portraied hairy, short hair and tall.
I'm short, not so hairy and long hair.

I don't go on about making tumblr posts. I look the way I do because I can and I chose so. People might look at me and not like, but they have the right to have that opinion, the same way I might look at them and not like it. If its harming you then just dress the way they want if you really cant take the heat.

People are just cry babies, jesus. There's always going to be a "look" that is mainstream. Have they realized that if they make the red haired, hairy armpits look mainstream, then the "traditional" looking girls will have to go through the same shit they are going through today etc etc... it's a never ending cycle.
I know sometimes words can hurt us, but jesus christ take some responsability for your choices. People have always and will always talk shit. But in this age they can't harm you, at least do it in a lawful way.

>> No.9607872

Lol you hae no idea what this book is about

>> No.9607895


I've heard it got bad reviews from feminists because they thought it was enforcing roles and stereotypes and what not. I know the book doesn't affirm that position.

>> No.9608254


Please explain what the fuck youre on about then, plebe breath.

>> No.9608276


It's not so much that she's a feminist, it's that she's unrelentingly Freudian.
I made it 650 pages and just couldn't do it anymore.
I skimmed the last 30 or so pages and suddenly realized that's what I should have done with the whole book.

>THIS represents THIS
>THIS symbolizes THAT

Over and over for 700 pages.

>> No.9608539

if you can't handle cry babies you're free to kys

>> No.9609410

i've got madd detective skillz

>> No.9609497

literally the female harold bloom. /lit/ would adore paglia if she were as big a sellout as him

>> No.9609677
File: 33 KB, 318x431, IMG_2648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna read this one, what did you think of it /lit/?

>> No.9609692

> ultimately victorious "muh vagina."
well it does birth LIFE DUMMY

why is he a sellout?

psychoanalysis hijacked mythological studies. but she's interesting and right about most things

>> No.9609704
File: 54 KB, 500x711, lucas4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually liked it. The last chapter calls the finale of Revenge of The Sith the greatest work of art in a long time (she gives a timeframe but I forgot). I agree with her, but the way she seems so heedless of the cultural hivemind's opinions makes some lemmings angry.

>> No.9609787

constant tv interviews, photo ops, lectures. he has become a "personality" (not that paglia is not also somewhat guilty of this)