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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 73 KB, 760x624, Jordan-Peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9607622 No.9607622 [Reply] [Original]

I know J Peterson gets a lot of airtime over on /pol/ but what does /lit/ think of his books or his Self-Authoring program?

Am thinking of the latter to boot my procrastinating ass into gear in a more positive writing direction (already do a lot of journalling and random note-taking).

The 2-for-1 deal seems OK pricewise, but do we have any informed opinions about this? Cheers!

>> No.9607639

Please go back to /pol/

>> No.9607651

unironically sincere question.

don't mean to step on anyone's toes like

>> No.9607655

Please go back to /pol/

>> No.9607689

He's a pseud.

>> No.9607692

He thinks Orwell is a more significant figure than Hemingway. What a dipshit

>> No.9607696

Its not even close.

>> No.9607702

Please go back to /pol/

>> No.9607717

Back to /leftypol/, cunts :)

>> No.9607857

someone please unplug the broken 'tard record.

regardless of his take on Hemingway and Orwell, has anyone anything relevant to say on his writing programme?

Perhaps I'd have gotten less crap on /adv/, unlikely as that may seem.

>> No.9607873

>over on /pol/
You're going to have to be more subtle than that.

>> No.9607876

this is about his books and writing programme , in case you didn't read past the first clause, not his politics.

>> No.9607881

That's more like it.

>> No.9607886

I don't care for this guy but it's funny how people get immediately triggered as soon as they see him mentioned

>> No.9607899

I've not heard of this before. Could explain his program?

>> No.9607900

hardly. you didn't read the message did ya, anon, or I wouldn't have to repeat myself as much as the cretins on here. and Peterson's the hack? -
good one.

>> No.9607909

that was the reason for my initial query, anon.

>> No.9607911

You mentioned J.P and /pol/. I thought for sure you were false flagging or baiting. Nvm. You are just new.

>> No.9607921

It sounds like it's designed more as a kind of writing therapy than anything /lit/ related.

>> No.9607925

but isn't all (or most) writing a form of exorcism?

>> No.9607964

Not necessarily. Though even when it is there has to be more to it than that for it to qualify as literature.

>> No.9607969

Not when you're trying to summon something.

>> No.9607978

Finnegans Fucking Wake. I see.

>> No.9607982


>> No.9607984

Only thing that summoned is a bunch of pretentious hipsters LOL

>> No.9608004


Thanks for providing an argument in his favour, brainelt

>> No.9608006


How retarded are you?

>> No.9608178

So far I've only completed the "faults" portion of the present authoring module. The program is pretty straightforward; it basically just provides an orderly framework for writing about yourself.

>> No.9608181

Not /lit/ related.

>> No.9608184

any thoughts you'd care to share?

piss off, gimp. don't you have some vidya to exercise your trigger finger?

>> No.9608224

Stop bumping your thread and lurk more

>> No.9608265

I don't know since I haven't read it. But if I wanted to get advice on produtivity I would definitely go to someone that has knowledge of how the human brain works.

>> No.9608310

Pretty sure you can find a pastebin with all the self authoring stuff in it if you want to try it before buying.

>> No.9608318

yeah no doubt. the thing is, spending a few bucks on it might just force me to actually go and do it, know what I mean?

>> No.9608372

Ah so a psychologist that has hardon for neurology is the wrong choice right

>> No.9608384

i think he means that Peterson is the /right/ choice, or maybe you missed that part.

>> No.9608530

mods ban this

>> No.9608537
File: 46 KB, 691x455, 05-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up cognitive behavioral therapy if you want to improve yourself and stop procrastinating, but for the love of God, please sage all JP threads. He's cancer on academia and all social platforms that discuss him.

>> No.9608571


>> No.9608613

Post it if you have it, please

>> No.9608629

I'd be interested in seeing this too.

>> No.9608727
File: 213 KB, 480x508, tumblr_oqn7i1amOK1w7ctjgo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just kys senpaitachi.

If you're interested in the self-authoring program :



>> No.9608839

Google it. First few results.

>> No.9608913

Do you feel big, taking money out of a hard working man's pocket? Do you feel powerful, like your Marxist masters?

>> No.9608938
File: 92 KB, 500x348, anxioliticos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CBT is the gold standard in psychology circles. Peterson is a pseud who doesn't understand the things he criticizes and is capitalizing on conservative angst.

>just kys senpaitachi
Seriously though, if anybody is having suicidal thoughts, depression, or trouble focusing, cognitive behavioral therapy is the most effective way to improve your condition without taking medication.

>> No.9609456

What exactly is this man's accomplishments in the field of psychology? Does anyone that's not a virgin trump supporter take him seriously?

>> No.9610020

If i see one more goddamn i'm hiring a hitman to take him and patreon out

>> No.9610578

I'm sorry you're too stupid for fucking Hemingway

>> No.9610616

How is he a pseud?

>> No.9610630
File: 56 KB, 640x480, 1463777789861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's rarely if ever cited in academic papers. Nobody really takes his "self-authoring" seriously. He's a mediocre tenured professor who realized he could capitalize on "anti-PC" culture and complain about things outside of his field of expertise, and people would eat it up.

>> No.9610640


>8230 citations
>rarely if ever cited in academic papers.

>> No.9610645

He complains about Derrida all the time without even having read him

>> No.9610653

People are always extremely fucking desperate to delegitimize those they disagree with politically. It's really sad

>> No.9610657


He relies heavily on Lacan and Freud even though they don't provide reproducibly significant results in tests. Those who do focus on psychoanalysis academically mostly ignore him too.

The biggest tell is that he has made his career out of talking about things outside of his expertise. He complains about postmodernism all the time but can't articulate what it is.

>> No.9610661

He helped me a lot in the past three months and this is only the beginning of my journey to change

His ideas are not new and have been talked about since the 80s from the books i've read and I'm sure they go back even further in some writing's...

Self authoring works, there is a lot to what he talks about and I feel like I do have guidance again and a direction in life

With that said, I do feel I have to be honesst

This week has been hell and nothing he talks about is helping me deal with this, now it takes time I understand and it is just life one day you're good and another you feel like shit. Time to hit the grindstone again and sharpen myself, each day. The issue is I'll have a battle I'm fighting every day for about a month now. I feel he is helpful but it takes a lot of work from you to follow what he advises and find your own path in life

>> No.9610663

Did you seriously just mix Jung up with Lacan? Lmao shows how much you know.

>> No.9610668

He didn't start talking about postmodernism until a few months ago, you dolt. His career was already made.

>> No.9610678

and he's making cash money doing it. dudes not wrong either. he taught at harvard for several years, there's not a single person on this board as accomplished as JP.

>> No.9610689

He's also a climate change denier

>> No.9610701

He's also a contrarian.

>> No.9610709

You know, apart from being hilariously wrong, It's kinda depressing that your on /lit/ and don't know how rare receiving citations in academia are.

>> No.9610710


>> No.9610714

Not really. Most people who listen to him tend to agree with what he has to say.

>> No.9610715

He says somewhere in this video that he thinks there's evidence it might be wrong


>> No.9610718

Where'd you get that idea from? The human race originated in the savannah of Poland.

>> No.9610719

Everybody complains about Derrida, he's nearly universally despised in academia.

>> No.9610720

He hardly denies it. He says the oceans are more important.

>> No.9610724

Are you familiar with the phrase, "The pause"?

>> No.9610778

The only cancer here is you. Stop repeating the same shit over and over.

>> No.9610781

How do you know he hasn't read him?

>> No.9610783

True or false, this is totally irrelevant. Please STFU and stop being a tranny.

>> No.9610788

He never refers to primary sources and specifically said he prefers not to read them, so I doubt he's read a complete work by him.

Irrelevant to what? It wrecks his credibility in general. You're just obsessed with the trans issue for no reason

>> No.9610817

>rrelevant to what? It wrecks his credibility in general.
It's irrelevant to his self authoring program. How does is wreck the credibility of the studies performed on the self-authoring program?

Ideas should be judged on the ideas themselves and the evidence supporting them, not on the perceived "credibility" of the person presenting them. What you are advocating is a sheep-like mindset: believe the people you like and disbelieve the people you don't. Literally one of the biggest problems in society, and a major contributor to tribalism.

>> No.9610829

>He never refers to primary sources and specifically said he prefers not to read them, so I doubt he's read a complete work by him.

>he hasn't read derrida
>I doubt he's read derrida
>I have no fucking idea if he's read derrida

>> No.9610836

>He's a pseud.
If that's what you call one of the most cited personality research scientists in the world, fine.

>> No.9610848

He's disagreeing with the scientific consensus in a field outside of his expertise. That's atrocious behavior for a scientist no matter how you look at it. I don't have anything against him talking about psychology, of course.

Fair. I should have said I'm almost certain he hasn't.

>> No.9610850

Why does everyone always overlook his latent homosexuality?

>> No.9610854

He vociferously expresses very strong opinions on topics outside his area of expertise. That's the definition of a pseud.

>> No.9610861

I guess because he's been happily married to a woman for decades.

>> No.9610866


Wow a beard!
Anyone who watches him for a moment can pick up his latent homosexuality. Please do not lie to yourself.

>> No.9610872

This is obviously not true. Is some random blog worthy of the same scrutiny as an academic paper? The persons credentials do matter. And Peterson is not an authority - and in fact deoesn't even seem particularly well read by amateur standards - on philosophical issues.

>> No.9610878

There is a rumor on campus he molests little boys. Never was sure how he covered that one up, from what I am told that kid had bruises all over his body.

>> No.9610885

eh, Peterson is into politics now?

>> No.9610887

He has been for like half a year

>> No.9610949

>In this video he may have said something that somewhat implies he has the potential to have doubts about a specific and exact definition of climate change!
Jesus Christ, environmentalists are cultists.

>> No.9610961

Fuck off butt pirate

>> No.9610973

>Is some random blog worthy of the same scrutiny as an academic paper?
Yes? Why do you fetishize authority? Truth is truth regardless of where it comes from.
>The persons credentials do matter.
No, not really. Unless you're literally too dumb to learn things for yourself, you shouldn't just rely on what someone says because they're an "authority."
>And Peterson is not an authority
According to who? He taught at Harvard and millions of people listen to what he has to say, can that be said of you?
>and in fact deoesn't even seem particularly well read by amateur standards - on philosophical issues.
Okay, bro, but, that's just like, your opinion.

>> No.9610993

I don't get why people always talk about philosophy when Peterson approaches nearly everything from a psychology point-of-view.

>> No.9611009

Peterson talks a lot about Nietzsche, though I guess the psychological and sociological material is the most interesting part of Nietzsche's work

>> No.9611018

Literally everybody talks about Nietzsche, that's the great thing about him, he's so heavily over exposed to undergrads you can have a conservation about him with nearly anybody.

>> No.9611030

I am interested in the self-authoring stuff, but fear that I'm too cynical and full of self-loathing to honestly try it.

>> No.9611237

so do I.

what's the fucking problem?

>muh deconstruction

>> No.9611241

fuck, what a squeaky voice.

I don't know, anons, this is just such a turn-off if he's doing the video tutorials himself.

>> No.9611384

He has always been into politics, watch his older vids.

>> No.9611389

JP's fans are all pseuds who think anyone who doesn't talk about the world like Bill Nye or Lawrence Krauss is a philosopher.

>> No.9611397

I had a conversation with someone today and they mentioned this self authorship thing. I found the pastebin of it. Is it actually worth it or is it just a meme

>> No.9611400

as a psychologist i can tell you that he only spout nonsense

>> No.9611405

so it's just a meme then

>> No.9612294

how so?

>> No.9612435

this is leftypol

>> No.9612459

Psychology and philosophy can be heavily intertwined if the psychological approach you are taking is not one that has been subsumed by the scientific monism of the natural sciences.

>> No.9612487

Post the pastebin por favor

>> No.9612518
File: 402 KB, 599x391, tt_glasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why enter JBP threads at all if you're not interested in thoughtful discussion? the real pseuds reveal themselves.

>> No.9612521

I arbitrarily contribute to keep the threads going. they act as good containment threads for /pol/ tourists

>> No.9612532

it's pretty good, it helps you put your thoughts in order and make you confront how you are and why and so on.

i remember it being posted a couple times in pol, search the archives or google. but i think it's probably worth the price if you have slight depression or anxiety, or if you aren't sure what to do with your life. although i don't know how much it costs exactly, both of the subscriptions i have were free

>> No.9612550

prob not true to the intent of the board but I admire the strategy anon

>> No.9612553

thanks for this reply. makes a change from the cunt above.

>> No.9612650

I would suggest writing about yourself more, then you'll realise how cringy your self-loathing attitude is and change yourself.

Disregard this "self-authoring" nonsense though. Just keep a journal and reflect and criticise yourself sincerely.

>> No.9612663


>scientific consensus

That is a stupid thing to say about science and reveals you don't know shit about it.

>> No.9612865

He doesn't talk about Lacan at all. He's very open about Freud's shortcomings and points them out constantly when lecturing on Freud. He emphasizes Freud's contributions, even though he was wrong about many things, because he was "wrong in an interesting way."

He's not a Freudian, he's a Jungian.

>> No.9612875

What science? The only scientific figure in the debate between Peterson and Postmodern conceptions of identity is Peterson. Derrida is not a scientist. There are only 2 genders according to scientific consensus. Identity is heavily determined by biology according to scientific consensus.