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[SPOILER] No.9605733[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm smarter than everyone around me and feel alienated because I'll never have intellectual peers
Books for this feel?

>> No.9605741

you're hiding something from yourself, op. i suggest you take psychedelics and come to terms. ride the tiger

>> No.9605747

You're fucking full of yourself...

>be idiot sperg
>thinks about himself a lot
>can't translate feelings or ideas via conversation or writing
>ergo can't really gauge how truly intelligent he is because he doesn't challenge those around him to flex their intellect

what does "intellectual" mean in the internet age, exactly?

idk, read infinite jest and realize how much of an ego worshiping Luddite you are

>> No.9605753

disgusting narcissist.
i bet you say youre gonna write a 'great novel' someday, have probably read less than 10 and are grossly childish.
You don't know shit. You will likely be a loser.
Do some drugs.

>> No.9605754
File: 56 KB, 313x500, notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is e x a c t l y what you're looking for. Maybe with your supposed immense intellectual capacity you might realize what Dosto is trying to pound into your head

>> No.9605760

surprised there arent more books like this that make fun of this shit, or are there, just not as good as dosto? notes was dope

>> No.9605762
File: 77 KB, 1500x1000, 61-Nyywy3ZL._SL1500_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't really like writing

I've read Notes twice. Yeah, I get it.

>> No.9605765

>but he likes videogames
we got another self-proclaimed misunderstood genius with little to no life experience to base this on

>> No.9605769

>t. Someone who has felt the same way as OP at some point and is deciding to let off some steam by being the blessed moralizer

>> No.9605771

here's an article for that feel

>> No.9605778

yeah i used to and still feel that way all the time, but still i would never post a fucking thread about it.
that's what I'm condemning here.

>> No.9605782

just stop
you don't know me or how much life experience I have. the fact that I feel free to point out my intellectual superiority over my peers doesn't mean I'm mentally unstable or damaged. I'm neurotypical

>> No.9605788
File: 121 KB, 250x310, dfwmememan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>say something asinine and retarded
>get told how much of a retard he is
>"Why, hello, intellect here -- did someone order a fresh Fallacy Card to pummel any pseud who steps in my way? This extra clever psychoanalysis shows that not only am I well read in the art of Human Neurosciences, but I am extremely sharp when it comes to recollection within the process of Mental Jousting."

>> No.9605790

Confederacy of Dunces, of course.

>> No.9605796

youre very typical.
most of lit is people like you.
as such its crucial that you have a certain respect and etiquette or youll just incite fires of cancer in this board

>> No.9605805

>when one of the dudes that just constructed a whole past present and future for an anonymous poster based on social memes and his "insight" into human psyche calls you out for psychoanalysing
l m a o

I'm certainly not typical at all.
I have a 99.95th percentile IQ. I was fluent in six different languages by age 14, all self-taught. I "started with the greeks" just before getting my first hard-on and was already exhuming Hegel before my first orgasm. You might think you've seen people alike me in this very board, but I doubt it. You might think you yourself is similar to me, but we only share an arrogant demeanor. You are not my peer

>> No.9605810
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subtle bait
hard to distinguish from all the pseuds on here anyway

>> No.9605813

>I didn't know /lit/ has ylyl threads

>> No.9605814

>I'm smarter than everyone around me.
No, you're probably not; in fact, most people "around" you probably have a very similar view toward you.

>> No.9605819

Oh, damnit. I didn't scroll down enough to realize this was a bait thread.

Carry on, OP.

>> No.9605829


I most certainly am. this has been proven both by objective means (IQ tests, SAT scores, academic performance) and by my very subjective, anedoctal evidence. Every passing day I'm more convinced of this. It's just that now I've lost the force of will necessary to contain my disdain for plebs

>> No.9605832

We all know that's a lie btw.
we're not all as stupid as you seem to think
the fact that you do/might think this is actually revealing of your own naivete

>> No.9605843

No, you're not, bud. And just seeing how much you lack in basic social grace makes me think you probably just have a high functioning form of autism. Not memeing or trying to be offensive, I'm just saying we had kids like you in HS and young undergrads all the time.

If you're talking the way you are, then you're definitely not as smart as you seem to think. Congrats on the Mensa wallet card though.

>> No.9605849

Thanks for that. Just realised ive been retarded this whole time.

>> No.9605854

>Seen people alike me
>"in" this very board
>"is" similar to me

You're going to need to bait harder than that, m8.

>> No.9605858

>We all know that's a lie btw.
how could you know something that isn't true? read some quine

kek, more social memes and quasi-psychoanalysis
I'm genuinely sorry you're unable to take off your ideology glasses and at least for a few seconds contemplate the idea of a being so superior to you that social dogma stops making sense. Too bad the urge to taxonomize something that threatens you is too strong. I get it

>> No.9605862

Observations about how the world tends to be are not "social dogma," OP. You're literally incirrectly using terms that you don't understand...

>> No.9605865 [DELETED] 

we can see through by using a basic form of intuition. Your posts provide all the tools we need to assess the underlying issue you probably, in all your autistic glory, failed to assess.
of course you get it that's essentially what youre doing right now.
you're a hurt little man. it's clear as day to me.

>> No.9605868

Thank you, based iPhone of correctness.

>> No.9605873

>taking the bait for the team

I'm gonna reason with you anon; what good is an inflated ego? What do you think you will accomplish by labeling other humans around you as plebs?
Would you be happy if you were left alone your whole life without others to care for you? Do you really think academic tests are a good measure of your peers abilities and talents?

I'm sure you're just a kid or maybe just hit the 18-21 mark. You aren't as smart as you think you are, and really, the dumbest humans are the ones who are oh so full of themselves.

Genius didn't overcome anything, actions and socializing did. With the attitude you have now you will never have a mark on the world, and with that you will probably have a worse life than the people you call plebs.

>> No.9605877

OP never said he was a genius, he is probably a little above average and thats all it takes to feel alienated 4life

Try talking to people, OP, if you stay on your head all the time it will damage you, I know because that is exactly what is happening to me
Help me

>> No.9605886

>I'm smarter than everyone around me
I bet you're the dumbest person on the planet.

>> No.9605887

>Never said he was a genius
I know you just got here, but just take a moment to scroll through the thread real quick.

>> No.9605889

>muh social grace
>not social dogma
maybe you're the one who doesn't get it, buddy

one might feel compelled to call your said intuition preconceptions
through your very tiny window into the world, you've seen and heard about stupid people behaving in a way similar to mine. my prepotence is not born out of cognite impairment; it's deliberate and a byproduct of a lifetime of delusion and disappointment regarding society. Like i said earlier: I get it. Compartmentalizing something is way easier than actually engaging the Other

>> No.9605896

> Compartmentalizing something is way easier than actually engaging the Other
acknowledge that this is essentially what you're at fault for and i'll at least forgive you a litttle

>> No.9605898

I used to think just like you, OP..

>Convinced I was smarter than everyone I knew
>Basically never listened seriously to anyone in my life
>Wouldn't engage in "small talk" because it's for simpletons
>Thought highly of my thirst for knowledge and reading ability
>Seriously accepted my view that all of my family and friends were dull plebeians

>One night, decide to smoke a bit of pot, nothing unusual
>Having a good time so I roll another joint and smoke it
>Very high
>Start to get a bit of a shiver and a very unnatural feeling of paranoia
>Thoughts are racing and i'm starting to have a really bad time
>This isn't usual, never felt paranoid smoking before
>Begin to hear the voice of an old man, very deep
>Tells me i'm a worthless filthy kike, that i'm going to die, that everyone hates me
>That I should kill myself
>Can't block out this voice no matter what I do
>Start having severe panic attack, convulsions in my body
>Frozen in shock by the tirade of insults directed at me and the high that I am experiencing, continual body spasms but can't move
>Hallucinating heavily at this point
>Everywhere I look people are dancing around me in the shadows and satanically chanting
>That fucking voice still speaks over everything and I can't unhear it
>Horrible anxiety and a fear that could only be found in deep night terrors, but brought to life
>Stayed frozen in shock until the sun rose, and then some
>Slowly crept up to my parent's room at 7 AM, just pleading with god or whatever was listening
>I just want my mom
>Opened their door
>Immediately broke down sobbing on their floor, waking them up

And after I was carted to the hospital by my family and held in a ward for a few days: I came to learn I had experienced a psychotic break that was the onset of my acute paranoid schizophrenia. I also learned that my inability to communicate with others was a very negative factor in the accelerated development of the disease and the belief that I was intellectually superior to all of my friends and family was a delusion of grandeur that I had held since young, which actually turned out to be one of the first and foremost signs that I was beginning the prodromal period of schizophrenia.

Now, i'm not saying that's happening to you, but there will come time when you need the people around you. We all have moments of weakness - if I hadn't had understanding parents I probably would have killed myself that night. I made a mistake not interacting with those around me, and I thought that they would leave me because of that and that I literally had gone crazy. But people were actually much more considerate than I had thought they would be. The alienation you feel is only what you impose upon yourself, and if you're willing to bridge gaps in personality and character you will find honest, admirable friends in most people around you.

That being said I still hear the voice every once in a while - old fuck. And i'm not even Jewish! He's such a shitter.

>> No.9605902

>You aren't as smart as you think you are, and really, the dumbest humans are the ones who are oh so full of themselves.
How can you not see how idealistic this assertion is? Why do you think intelligent people must have a socially optimal behavior? You're delusional

And I don't give a fuck about leaving a mark or posterity

I have friends and it's fun whenever we do anything laid back and entertaining in nature. However everytime any kind of intellect is necessary to relate to them, I feel sick to my stomach

>> No.9605905

You came to the wrong place to vent. People here are just looking for an excuse to fuck with you.

Trust me OP, I know that feel. Unfortunately, you have to either move somewhere where you're more accepted or you have to find a way to function in your environment.

>> No.9605926

Social grace as an indicator, not an "objectively true" spook measurement of intelligence. Are you even paying attention to the posts you're trying to refute?

>> No.9605935

i always thought this was a meme until i started smoking pot daily and taking psychs on the weekends. worked through a lot of repressed psychological issues. i don't do any drugs now, and i'm a contributing member of society.

>> No.9605983
File: 1.11 MB, 250x250, 1442788932220.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm rooting for you OP, I don't have any books though

>> No.9605989
File: 101 KB, 625x626, bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, is that retard OP still here? I want more lels! Gr8 b8!!

>> No.9605999

Funny, I'm smarter than everyone around me but I don't feel alienated.

>> No.9606005

I thought you were going to join a Trappist monastery? Or was that all a troll too?

>> No.9606015
File: 71 KB, 461x346, zyrmpas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read orgyofthewill and then challenge icycalm to a scanners duel

>> No.9606021

This whole thread reeks of shameless e-flexing. Even if you were "smarter than everyone around" you, have you ever realized that you will eventually die? Or how about that when you die your brain will be just as useless as any other dead dumbass? No one will actually care about you or your dead brain, then. The God that created you will not deal with your godless self. So much for your intellect.

>> No.9606060

I'm A Faggot, by You

>> No.9606090
File: 2.61 MB, 335x500, 1495236875971.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me remind you OP that everything you'll achieve/create/discover in this life will be worthless. You'll fade from the earth and nobdy will care.

>> No.9606237

In the OPs defense, he never claims to be an intellect, he only claims that he is smarter than his friends. They might be retarded for all we know, and if the OP is of average intelligence, (or even substantially below average intelligence) then his alienation would certainly be justified.

>> No.9606283

Y'all just dont get him alright?!?!?! He's special! His suffering is objectively meaningful! jsut get it, got it, okay, good?

>> No.9606405

Crime and Punishment.

>> No.9606436

underrated post

even if you ARE extremely intelligent, there is unvarnished wisdom in people who have to work menial jobs or haven't been to uni or read books or whatever. "dad wisdom"..... no matter how much philosophy you read, it's not gonna teach you how to fix your car. seeing everyone else as less than human is the first step toward isolation and inevitable insanity. you must be soft.

that being said, it is absolutely possible to be more literary than all your friends. see it as a chance to bring things to the table- not as being an island. anyway, if you socialize enough, you will, eventually, find someone with similar interests.

>> No.9606454


>> No.9606475

Aye. Most people in my little high school clique are as dull as doorknobs. Not interested in any conversation not involving video games, anime/manga, Hollywood, cars, or related shallow BS.

When I went to college, I made many acquaintances who -- while mostly sperglords and difficult to talk to -- were miles ahead of me in some area of intellect. I cried, but then I learned.

>> No.9606525

Too much feels in this thread

>> No.9606535

Move this shit to >>>/r9k/

>> No.9607008

The Catcher in the Rye. It's for you and about you.

>> No.9607110




>> No.9607151

Schizophrenia runs in my family. How old were you when this event happened? I'm 19 now and done everything they tell you increases your risk for schizo, so i'm probably in bad shape. Along with those old illusions of grandeur (thinking i'm above everyone) just being a general arrogant shit. Well I hope this doesn't happen to me.