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File: 15 KB, 220x294, 220px-Aristotle_Altemps_Inv8575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9604647 No.9604647 [Reply] [Original]

Is Aristotle the ultimate redpill?

>God exists as a prime mover, but he doesn't care about us and only thinks about himself
>Women and slaves have inferior souls and cannot even attain to the same virtue as normal men
>Not all people are equal; some are inherently superior to others
>A man must be strong enough to defend himself and his honor, and should not sit idle if disgraced
>Virtue and pursuit of knowledge are important, but you still need to deal with real life

Honestly, he is refreshing after reading Plato, who pushes asceticism, forgiveness, and teaches you to be obsequious. Where do I go after this?

>> No.9604649
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>> No.9604653

>Women and slaves have inferior souls
Greeks also didn't understand the womb. Redpill != correct any more than bluepill

>> No.9604663

>tfw Aquinas is almost a better Aristotelian than Aristotle himself

>> No.9604679


Do you people say this ironically?

>> No.9604684

>asceticism, forgiveness, and teaches you to be obsequious
What about these things do you not like?

>> No.9604694

on /lit/ i hope it's 50/50. usually it's just some guy who fucks other men "just to have fun" or "a little display of dominance" and gets embarrassed about it, so he gets on /lit/ and starts denigrating women.

>> No.9604695
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The next question is, where do you go after Aquinas?

>> No.9604697

>tfw not sure if you are quoting me quoting MacIntyre or quoting MacIntyre

>> No.9604703


>> No.9604710

Suarez, Catejan, Boskovic, Maritain, Amscombe, MacIntyre, Feser, Oderberg.

>> No.9604718

Christian detected.

>> No.9604762

>Christian detected.

>> No.9604825


>> No.9604830

Aristotle is the greatest thinker ever in my opinion. Joyce was right about him

>> No.9604838



I'd like you to stop embarassing yourself by using /pol/ catch-phrases. I know we're all anonymous here, but I'm afraid of you doing this in real life, or with people who know you.

>> No.9604843

meekness is for the meek

>> No.9604860

I used the term ironically for (You)s. Thank you

>> No.9604868

Nice save. We thought you were a fucking idiot for a moment.

>> No.9604872

The meek shall inherit the earth.

>> No.9604876

I am inclined to agree, although I find the value in Platonic philosophy as well. They are not as different as they are made out to be

>> No.9604879

>Meekness is for the meek.
Eating is for the hungry, anger is for the angry, happiness is for the happy...

>> No.9604885

Aristotle was a pleb compared to Plato.

>> No.9604930

I firmly believe that Plato is only as esteemed as he is due to Christianity's influence, the quality of his prose, and the ambiguity of his dialogues. Basically, he allows you to project your own ideals onto his writings because he rarely explicitly states something. Aristotle is the complete opposite: meticulous, arrogant, and scientific.

>> No.9604953

>Not all people are equal; some are inherently superior to others
That's not a very good point, though.
I mean, he's not WRONG, but simple ethics tell us we have to treat people as equivalent (at least under the color of law or authority) to ensure a basic social contract that cannot be freely manipulated. Otherwise the inferior should by mass overthrow the superior.

To use Aristotle's own wording, the slave revolt of the Israelites is a good example.

>> No.9605836


You don't ever actually finish with Aquinas.

>> No.9605947

if you treat unequal people as equals then they're going to believe it and wonder why they aren't literally equal given an equal playing field because they won't admit their own inherent inequality. then they're going to blame you and overthrow you anyway.

>> No.9605995

correct answer

>> No.9605996

I dont think aristotle believed in souls.

>> No.9606010

You can finish with Aquinas, but it just leads you to the cross.


>> No.9607414

There's a strong undercurrent of mysticism about Plato. He definitely saw deeper into existence than Aristotle.

>> No.9607452

No, he butchered most of ancient Greek language and Aristotle.

>> No.9607521
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>God exists as a prime mover, but he doesn't care about us and only thinks about himself

He still didn't have the fullness of revelation that happened with Jesus Christ.

>The Word (Logos) became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

His fascination with monotheistic God is still intriguing so much that some think that one of the God's revelations happened trough Greek philosophy (Socrates, Plato, Melissus..)

>Women and slaves have inferior souls and cannot even attain to the same virtue as normal men

He made exceptions to that, for example if man and woman are in the marriage and the are both genuinely good and on the same intellectual level. In that case they can be completely equal.

Same for the slave, he considered slaves to be nothing more than just a tools. But if slave possesses that "human" element he can be considered as a person.

PIC RELATED is just a small bonus about St. Thomas Aquinas who as all know built upon Aristotelian philosophy.

>> No.9607539

>he thinks Aristotle was better than Plato

Pleb-tier desu. All of Aristotle's decent ideas came from Plato, and the rest of them were just half-baked Enlightenment crap anyway.

It's ironic that the student of the greatest philosopher in history could turn out to be so terrible.

Aquinas ruined Catholicism. Although earlier men like Peter Abelard were arguably worse.


>> No.9607548
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>tfw you are philosophy student from Croatia and you have one full semester dedicated to him

>> No.9607554


>> No.9607608

wait til the plebs find out Aristotle was right about telegony all along.

>> No.9607620

Then we figured out what entropy is and can properly toss Aquinas into the dust bin.

>> No.9607656

Explain further how entropy discredits Aquinas. I am genuinely interested.

>> No.9607721


>> No.9607729

We are all meek in the face of fate, anon.

>> No.9607747

I enjoy Nicomachean ethics desu

>> No.9607865

if you read French (and why not, anon?) you can read Louis Rougier and see how and why Aquinas has been thoroughly debunked, without even going anywhere near entropy.

here ya go:


>> No.9607889

This. Read Gadamer.

>> No.9607950

Can you sum up some of the Louis Rougier's strongest claims?

>> No.9607957

there are reviews online, eg Persee.

the only major criticisms are that he ripped off the Dominicans! big fucking deal, and a legitimate argument is still a legitimate argument regardless of provenance.

go and check yourself, if you need an executive internetz summary you're hardly the type to read a book.

>> No.9607971

Not enough interested to read a book about it but still interested, one of the reasons why we post/ask questions on /lit/.

>> No.9607972

>be vague
>be deep

Pick one.

>> No.9607979

in a nutshell: the conflict between faith and reason.

>> No.9607983

ok thanks

>> No.9607987

> why is entropy a problem for aquinas
> just read rougier, its not about entropy but still BTFO tomasso
> quick rundown?
> uh try googling it, i have no idea


>> No.9607990

no love lost for Aquinas here.


>> No.9607992

i was supporting aquinas

seems like a really shitty critique he was shilling

>> No.9608002

> hasn't even read Nicomachean Ethics

he talks about whether your dead parents can get pissed off about the dumb shit you do

>> No.9608011

Like I've said, I don't think there is huge disagreement between the two. Aristotle dedicated his life to studying but also to creating a house with a garden that could sustainably support him and his close friends being able to chill and contemplate the unmoved mover. He was a pretty spiritual guy IRL.

>> No.9608687
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>there are other Croatian Aquinas shitposters other than me

>> No.9608701

causality isn't real

>> No.9608715

There doesn't seem to be much on the guy on the net, compared to French Neo-Scholastics he had a beef with.
For someone who has supposedly destroyed them, they outlived him by quite a bit.

>> No.9608735


If you reject causality you reject cause and effect, which is the foundation for science and logic. By rejecting causality you reject reality and reason. You can't even argue that causality isn't real without undermining your own position.

>> No.9608737

What the fuck are you talking about? Are you even aware of what the term "redpill" means?

>> No.9608738

> isn't
> is not
> is

hold on a sec, what do you mean by this?

>> No.9608754
File: 24 KB, 256x397, Closing-of-the-muslim-mind_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is actually what Muslims believe and it explains why they're so stupid. They think the only way to know truth is through revelation, and that everything else is irrelevant. Philosophy is heresy to them.

>> No.9608806

sorry hunny but the burden of proof is on you

>> No.9608821


I actually rolled my eyes when I read this. That's the first I've ever done that.

>> No.9608823


>> No.9608834
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>> No.9608838


>Man who rejects logic demands logical proof

>> No.9608858

If you don't read at least use google to make it appear you do.

>> No.9608868

-10 points Go back to the Greeks. Everything we perceive as real IS real to some degree.

>> No.9608874

causation is relative but value of 0 in my eyes so its not real

>> No.9610459

What I never understood is how Joyce is atheist when he's obviously influenced by Aquinas a lot. His alter-ego, Steven, is too, and that shows. Was Joyce maybe conflicted when it comes to his beliefs? He couldn't decide what he was? I always felt it was that.

>> No.9610481

What I gathered from this thread is that you can't actually discuss Aristole here without christfags assaultng you with that Aquinas meme.

>> No.9610528

maybe that's because christians studied greek philosophy more than your meme philosophers of preference lol

>> No.9610638

FUckin burn, brah

>> No.9610929

No, philosophy is for ugly faggots

>> No.9611515

>Talking about god and shit as i it were real
get yourself in treatment buddy

>> No.9611550


>> No.9611624


How dare they talk about things you don't want to talk about.

>> No.9611642

I wonder what sorts of speculation could be made concerning the so-called "virgin birth" in light of Aristotle's theory of Telegony...

that ought to get the christ-cucks TFO

>> No.9611644
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>God exists as a prime mover

>> No.9611647


>> No.9611648

Stop reading philosophy if you only want to confirm your /pol/ tier views

>> No.9611659
File: 245 KB, 800x1000, 643521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ tier views

the prime mover
fullness of existence
perfect being

"One god, greatest among gods and humans,
like mortals neither in form nor in thought"

basis of philosophy since ancient times

>/pol/ tier views

>> No.9611662

>>Women and slaves have inferior souls and cannot even attain to the same virtue as normal men
>>Not all people are equal; some are inherently superior to others
>>A man must be strong enough to defend himself and his honor, and should not sit idle if disgraced
Yes, these are /pol/ tier views.

>> No.9611668

>he butchered most of ancient Greek language and Aristotle.

How did he butcher Aristotle

>> No.9611672

"treat whites as friends and non-whites as animals"

Aristotle was the based redpill hyper-god of classical antiquity.

>> No.9611677

>Women and slaves have inferior souls and cannot even attain to the same virtue as normal men

explained in the post above

>Not all people are equal; some are inherently superior to others

some people, truly are, inherently superior to others

>A man must be strong enough to defend himself and his honor, and should not sit idle if disgraced

Well done Aristotle, we can all agree on this

>> No.9611683

Partly. The ultimate redpill would be reading a lot of plato's works, especially his early stuff to get socrate's, then move on to aristotle. That is the ultimate redpill.

>> No.9611795
File: 23 KB, 366x400, hobbes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human beings are worthless and broken creatures who will practise unknowable harm on others if they are not stopped by force

Prove him wrong.

>> No.9611816

The 20th Century where Sovereigns slaughtered more people and in crueler ways in the space of 60 years than in all of human history before them

>> No.9611839

>but simple ethics tell us we have to treat people as equivalent (at least under the color of law or authority) to ensure a basic social contract that cannot be freely manipulated.
you learn this at some liberal university of form some liberal parents?

>> No.9611876

If 'inferior' people can overthrow the 'superior' ones even when they're treated equal they would have even more reason to do so when they're threated unequal

>> No.9611892

>some people, truly are, inherently superior to others
Well yeah. An autistic savant might be superior to you in regards to mental math. A black tall guy is superior in regards to basketball. What does that say about their or your worth? Nothing.

>> No.9611969

Rene Girard completes Hobbes.

>> No.9612046

What literature does your faculty recommend? Help out a neighbour desu.

>> No.9612054

Fuck off, David.

>> No.9612076

For thomism in general? Or Bošković?

>> No.9612081

He misunderstood what Greek words meant, such as zoon politikon or zoon logon ekhon and did what Seneca did which was mistranslate political to social (in context of political philosophy).

>> No.9612107

Bošković. Branislav Petronijević dedicated a beautiful chapter to him in his history of philosophy that got me interested.