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/lit/ - Literature

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9604538 No.9604538[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Being an ugly male is life on nightmare mode. I'm a disposable and reviled working machine.

>when you accidentally make eye contact with a woman and she gets this horrified wide eyed look and gets whiplash from how quickly she looks away
>when you've never had any female attention ever
>when you've had no friends since 18 and are 26 now
>when you realise the working world depends mainly on social skills
>when people make zero effort with you socially and even extroverted people can't make small talk with you
>when you actually take the advice and "just man up and approach women" and the women you approach only respond with 1 word answers and look bemused and uninterested and waiting for you to leave
>tfw feel humiliated after trying the above 4 times and getting the same result and near disgusted looks, including someone who works for the same company on the same floor
>tfw squatting 4 plates does fuck all and everything related to gym culture is a horrific humiliation

It's not just the loneliness, it's the utter lack of purpose in a world where you are either doing meaningless and low paid work or doing technically impressive, highly paid, skilled work... by working at Facebook or Twitter to sustain female attention whoring infrastructure...

And of course the world does its best to pretend people like me don't exist. It's supposedly all my fault.

>> No.9604556

Does anyone else think that this sustained /r9k/ shitposting can't be coincidental? Someone is pushing an agenda.

>> No.9604559
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You're a subhuman faggot. What drives one ugly man to become a literary hero and undoubtedly bang cuties while the other becomes a dickless whiner?

>> No.9604573
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dude do some fucking creative work. not necessarily art - just make something of your surroundings. don't be so fucking average. first of all it'll give you something to worry about other than your social status within your immediate circle. second, it'll improve that social status in all likelihood.

follow the way, bitch

>> No.9604574

Mods, please do your job and prevent /r9k/ from leaking any further. OP, off yourself.

>> No.9604586

Stop being disgusting, worthless shit


>> No.9604587
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>Why can't anyone look past my appearance and love me for what's inside?
>I only approach attractive women

/r9k/, ladies and gentlemen.


>> No.9604598

You're just fat. Lose the weight, fat ass, and people won't be disgusted just by looking at you.

That or kill yourself. If you can find a rope thick enough.

>> No.9604620

Dude, his own mother says he doesn't get laid. Houellebecq is good but apparently no one will go near his dick.

Also, reading the first "Good looking male" made me feel confident. I tried Tinder in France and fucked two really cute girls, on top of some girls I met in the square (one who I was dating regularly). I later spent 5 days in London and randomly hooked up with a local there, too, who let me cum inside of her, also way out of my league. I spent the morning and she literally made coffee and breakfast for me and I chainsmoked with her friends and talked about going to SE Asia.

I never considered myself good looking but knowing this isn't a regular thing makes me actually feel good about myself.

>> No.9604621

I think /lit/ is one of the less autismo boards so people treat it like Normieland's Ellis Island.

>> No.9604635
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Don't get pedantic on me desu. The world is full of ugly artistic bastards getting laid. Don't give this sad sack of shit any room to breathe.

>> No.9604642

26? You are too old to be whining like this OP. March your robot ass back to >>>/r9k/

>> No.9604648

Lol try being an ugly girl.

If you are a guy you can still make strides in the world because of your intellect and your personality.

If you are an ugly woman no one cares about you.

>> No.9604666

Wrong, ugly women have an endless stream of minorities, and white trash waiting to court them.