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File: 43 KB, 301x428, jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9599123 No.9599123 [Reply] [Original]

Will I go crazy if I read his book on synchronicity?

>> No.9599178

Only one way to find out ;)

>> No.9599204

but it's very spooky and this guy looks smart

>> No.9599226

dr broscience

>> No.9599244

I've found there is disappointingly little synchronicity in my life. But when there is it's big and obvious.

>> No.9599260

I find mainstream opinion of synchronicity really annoying. Such as this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synchronicity#Criticisms
Clearly written by people who have no actual experience with synchronicity. It's plainly obvious that it's more than just coincidence if you've seen enough of them and if they have personal significance.

>> No.9599292

In my experience, synchronicity usually amounts to serendipity

>> No.9599502
File: 225 KB, 1920x1080, Fd6eC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone /Jung/ here?? I guess you could say i fell for the peterson meme and now want to read more about archetypes and christian mythos and whatnot from the actual source instead of youtube lectures of fragmented ideas.
What books should I start with? I have Man and His symbols, but have heard and am considering purchasing Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. Is this the right next step?

>> No.9599511

Durr ya think?

>> No.9599515

You should start with the Greeks then quickly realize what a useless pseudo-intellectual this idiot is

>> No.9599521

Do it.

>> No.9599592

Synchronicity is simply a meaningful coincidence.
Coming from the bottom of your being, you feel that you are in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.
There is nothing spooky about it. It's a form of causality that is felt rather than intellectualized.

>> No.9600162

"No actual experience with syncronicity"
My problem is i can experience it everywhere. And i can experience it nowhere at the same time. Volatile shit tier theory.

>> No.9600222

Start with Man & His Symbols

>> No.9600264

Well I remember someone mentioning that those coincidences should be connected somehow to archetypes, not sure if that's what Jung wrote actually

>> No.9600274

Yes. Reminder that Jung was someone who believed in a literal God and in materialisation (shit appearing out of thin air).
His fanbase consists of gullible morons and he was the precursor for the intellectual new-age bullshit movement that spawned charlatan cunts like RAW and Tim Leary.

>> No.9600323

not an argument

>> No.9600336

Ok here's an argument, there is no such thing as archtypes or the collective subconscious.
Good luck getting around that dipshit

>> No.9600345

unsurprising that a jung fan would use a stefan molyfaggot saying

>> No.9600349

>tells you to start with the greeks
>denies the idea of archetypes
plato is sweating

>> No.9600353

t. nu-male cuck

also not an argument

>> No.9600355
File: 466 KB, 2000x1000, o-MARTIN-HEIDEGGER-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got to grapple with the bullshit at its source

>> No.9600362
File: 155 KB, 625x700, PetersonPhoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jung fans calling others nu-male

I can just imagine what you look like

>> No.9600390

>subscribes to horoscope-tier bullshit catered to weak pseud males
>calls others nu-male cuck
lmao you are one sad sack