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/lit/ - Literature

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9597417 No.9597417 [Reply] [Original]

>Past or In Progress Education
>Top 3 Books

>> No.9597447

>Learning german on my own when I have time. Planning on going back to college for something related to Humanities and hopefully not dropping out.
>Lolita, Der Steppenwolf and The Man Who Counted. Not the best books, but they were very important for me when i read them for the first time.
I'm really sorry, /lit/.

>> No.9597449

>call centre worker
>MA english literature
>and quiet flows the don, adventures of augie march, underworld

>> No.9597453


>Lab technician
>I just got my master's in genetics, and got into Duke for my PhD
>Oryx and Crake, Brave New World, and Ridley Walker

>> No.9597456

epic datamine thread hiro

>> No.9597461
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>Staff at St Vincent de Paul charity shop
>studying history, planning to transfer to theology
>The Waves, Jakob von Gunten, Skylark

>> No.9597464

>Studying Journalism (I know it's a dying field)
>Notes From Underground, Rayuela, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
I feel like a hipster liberal faggot

>> No.9597468

>Teaching fellow
>3rd year grad student
>ISoLT, Moby-Dick, the Sound and the Fury.

>> No.9597500

What did you make of Herzog

>> No.9597516

>general contractor
>book of the new sun, moby dick, blood meridian

>> No.9597859
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>College professor

>High school graduate

>Caesar and Cleopatra, George Bernard Shaw
>A Hero of Our Time, Mikhail Lermontov
>The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, Yukio Mishima

>Gabriele D'Annunzio: Poet, Seducer, and Preacher of War, Lucy Hughes-Hallett
>The Origins of Political Order: From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution, Francis Fukuyama
>The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Karl Marx

>> No.9597909

>Assistant-Lecturer of Architecture
>Ph.D. candidate; Greek Archaeology

>Bahelor's in Architecture
>Master's in Architecture History
How about 4?
>Blood Meridian
>The Iliad
>Diary of a Seducer
>On the Heights of Despair

>> No.9597919
File: 148 KB, 645x772, wojaksui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEET. Starting college in a few hours. Nervous, staying up and drinking beer.
>Autodidact, creative writing, college freshman.
>The Idiot, The Masks Of God, NIV Bible

>> No.9597932

good luck friend

>> No.9597941

>Economics, finished.
>Anna Karenina, War and Peace, The Brothers Karamazov.

Might enrol for Law next year desu.

>> No.9598361

>surveyor for intelligence agencies in 4chan

>Pedro Páramo
>The Savage Detectives

>> No.9598363

>call center worker
>PhD in EngLit
>Franny and Zooey, Martin Eden, Death of a Salesman

>> No.9598493

>Cruise Parking Lot

>BA in Political Science, hoping my GRE is good enough to get me into grad school with my subpar GPA (3.3; Major GPA: 3.5).

>The Renaissance, An Ideal Husband, I Am Providence: The Life and Times of HP Lovecraft

>> No.9598503

>"Academic" (assistant job at a faculty)
>Philosophy/History degree (B.A.)
>Magic Mountain, Crime and Punishment, Temple of the Golden Pavillon

>> No.9598517

>government employee
>MA political science
>Notes from Underground, The Stranger, Faust
Please be gentle, I'm in the process of getting into real literature in my free time and have just started with a couple of novellas. Suggestions would be nice though. Really liked Dostoevsky and am looking forward to Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.9598550

>the status-level of my labour selling indicates my worthwhileness

>> No.9598600

>hotel receptionist (summer job)
>undergrad in philosophy and literature (still in progress)
>All of Borges, The Man without Qualities, all of Shakespreare

>> No.9598654

>Philosophy student
>Le Journal du Voleur (Genet), The Sea and the Mirror (Auden), Forförerens Dagbog (Kierkegaard)