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/lit/ - Literature

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958852 No.958852 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, tell me about yourselves. What do you do for a living, what do you want to accomplish before you die, are you happy, hobbies besides reading, some achievements of yours, etc, etc. Lets get to know each other.

>> No.958873

I have never had a job and have zero connections in any field, and I want to be a fiction writer. At the moment I have not finished any work I have ever started

I've been doing this for about three years now

>> No.958880 [DELETED] 

I'm a 17 year old student.
I'd like to be remembered in some fashion once I die, be it big or small.
I don't feel too happy.
I play guitar, and search for all of the music I can.
I've done fairly well in school without a terrible amount of effort.
I've successfully avoided caring what the general populous thinks about me.

Things are alright, yourself?

>> No.958877

I have never had a job and have zero connections in any field, and I want to be a writer. At the moment I have not finished any work I have ever started

I've been doing this for about thirty years now

>> No.958881



>> No.958882

Not happy (bored...inb4 "existential crisis"), good grades with minimal effort, probably going to law school, hope to write one book (which I'm working on...who isn't?), I like to write songs and play my instruments.

>> No.958884


>> No.958888


go to colleggeee

>> No.958892


oh noes someone contributed to the thread.

>> No.958909

I'm pretty alright. Living with my fiancee right now, almost done with a Bachelor's degree (Computer Science), and I've been getting a good amount of reading done lately. Planning on going to college or pursuing your music interests?

>> No.958925


probably college, one more year of high school to go. I'm not terribly good at the guitar it is just a hobby. I'd really enjoy to major in English or Engineering (as different as the two are,) and have been reading a fair amount myself.

>> No.958926

I don't do anything for a living. I'm a student, my wife works.

Shit is pretty cash.

>> No.958945

High school English teacher, want to publish some decent books, write some screenplays, write and draw some comics, and would love to be heavily involved in the creation of a musical someday. Wouldn't mind college level instruction sometime in the future. I suck at staying focused on one thing and I'm pretty busy in general, so I have little to show of my work.

>> No.958949

That's actually how it is for me too. I stay home and keep the house clean, make and buy food, etc, during the other 4 hours I'm not at school and she's at work. This will probably dramatically switch once I finish college and can get a good job (hopefully) though.

>> No.958953

I dropped out of college and now I make $8/hr.
I don't want to be remembered. I would like to live quietly and die quietly. I don't think I would know if I'm happy because I feel the same as I always have, and thus have nothing to compare the feeling to.

>> No.958996

Going to school to be a high school teacher.
Work at a bookstore.
Have a close set of friends who are very awesome.
Supportive family that believes my aspirations are well placed.
Currently dating the woman of my dreams, and have been for nearly a year.

Hm. Looks pretty nice when I write it all out like that.

>> No.959019

I'm a college sophomore studying mathematics and I'm unemployed for the summer (it's my fault because I stayed at school for an extra month but I like to blame the Obama administration anyway). I have a not-so-scholarly piece published relating to Classics. I play the cello in my spare time and somewhat successfully if I say so myself. I've also been playing a fair amount of tennis lately.

>> No.959030


I am in grad school and will be for probably the next seven years of my life. Sometime in our early 30s, the wife can quit work and stay home with the kids full–time, rather than letting the relatives turn them into heathen.

>> No.959056

I'm a junior at a small private liberal arts college majoring in creative writing. I've got the beginnings of several novels written, but barely any of them go past chapter 3 yet.My boyfriend lives 1400 miles away and we only get to see each other every few months, but we have a great time when we are together and talk every day. I read a lot, mostly fantasy and young adult stuff to get some variety mixed in with the things I read for class. I'm in my school's RPG club and I play in two games, a D&D campaign and a Serenity RPG group. I'm an RA in the frshman dorms at my school, and when I'm not reading, studying, or chilling, I like to play video games casually and knit (not at the same time, I'm not that awesome yet).

>> No.959075

Graduated college in '04. I'm currently working as an ESL Teacher in S Korea. I enjoy reading as a hobby. It's how I spend most of my free time.

I'd like to go back to graduate school withing the next couple of years. I can never seem to save enough though...

>> No.959078

Sucks about the long distance. And I personally like to crochet. What got you into knitting?

>> No.959088

I do a mid level management position in a high tech industry where I am bored out of my mind most of the time. Seriously makes me want to cry.

So that's the other side, because I want to be a writer and never finish anything either.

I've recently been contemplating a web comic because the form seems more suited to the way my mind works. Of course I can't draw for shit but Gunnerkrigg Court has been an inspiration in that regard, since he was pretty dicey at the start too. Been poking around with tutorials.

>> No.959119

Doing nothing for a living. Had a job, was at college. Lost job, no money for college, chillin' at parents. Somehow not qualified enough to even get a retail job.

Would like to write a good book. But, right now, trying to get a short story published. So far not good enough. If I can't get a short story out there, not feeling too good about getting an entire fucking book out there. Thinking about the military, but don't want to be shot at. I assume bullets hurt real bad, as they've killed lots of people.

Unhappy. Not many hobbies. I like literature, tennis, and that's it. And I'm not even that good at tennis.

I guess I like dogs and cats too, but I had to leave my cat with a friend until I can get my own place.

No achievements whatsoever. I guess that makes me a new Xbox. I imagine that when people see me, they turn 360 degrees and walk away.

>> No.959122

The best way to improve your comic-drawing ability is to just go ahead and start to draw it. Doing that forces you to draw outside of your comfort zone and you improve way, way faster than just sketching and doing individual pictures. You can also hire an artist to draw it for you. Good luck with it though.

>> No.959134

A lot of my friends in college knit, one even has an etsy store to make a little extra money. I'm fat, so finding cute things wear can be a bit of a hassle, and expensive when it isn't a hassle, so I just buy yarn and make my own custom stuff. That and I find the repeated motions to be very meditative, when I'm not screwing up and raging.

>> No.959141


Etsy is kind of a pain unless you are really dedicated to it.

My wife and I talked about it, but we just decided to stick with doing things like she has been for years: She gets commissions mostly by word of mouth.

>> No.959153

18 year old day-laborer, spend my free time getting trashed or gambling. I'm about half way finished with an adventure story I'm writing about some wandering Gauls set during antiquity. Been getting into online poker and am just working on improving my game at the five and dimes right now. Life is good.

>> No.959166

Yeah, I figure it probably has lots of fees and the like, a la eBay. I tried selling an unopened collector's edition wrath of the lich king on eBay and the fees were so high I just didn't do it. As expensive as decent yarn is, I can't imagine being able to sell anything I made for a price anyone would pay anyway. If I make things for other people I just give them away. Trying to make socks for my boyfriend, but his feet are gigantic and it takes a lot of yarn.

>> No.959398

ATM, i am a retail clerk and a tutor at my university. I have a 4.0gpa, will be taking the GRE in august (practice scores are about 1300). I am applying to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Columbia for grad school. Before I die, I want to be known as one of the leading experts in the field of labor history.

>> No.959421

I got me a bindle full of dreams and full access to the internet. And beans, lost and lots of beans. Scads of beans, really.

>> No.959432

Currently work at a post office and sell the occasional poem. I don't have anything in particular I want to accomplish, simply experiencing life is enough. I am extremely happy, music collection and instrumentation (play guitar, violin and piano) is my other hobby, my current achievement I am most proud of (whether most influential in my life or not) is either becoming a published poet or being married. I'll go with married for sake of respect.

>> No.959511

19 y/o college student, I don't know what I want to accomplish before I die (maybe write a book or something? but maybe something greater will come later), I'm pretty happy (despite being stranded in the middle of nowhere for the summer), hobbies besides reading... video games, learning Japanese, not much else...

haha, what achievements? *bitter laugh*

>> No.959588

Eighteen year old setting of for college in August. Makes me sound like I'm going somewhere, but I'm still gonna be living at home. I wanted to be a Lit. professor for years, but recently decided all I really wanted to do was be around and read books, not pick them apart. I'm going for elementary school librarian. Kid's are the shit. They get excited about any fucking thing, even reading. I want to write a book, finish writing said book, then get it published.

I'm happy, now that I've decided what I want to do with my life. Hobbies? Playing video games, stalking the internet, watching cartoons. I still feel like a kid.

>> No.959599

Fuck my grammar and spelling.

>> No.959614

I just want to make out of the Army in one piece and go to college, after which I plan on becoming a journalist. Do I want to be a war correspondent? Not really, but I wouldn't mind writing about foreign affairs.

>> No.959629

Twenty-year old college student.


Major still undeclared (in all likelihood Psychology), planning on getting ALL of my prereqs out of the way this year, which will be a struggle since I've failed Liberal Arts Math several times in a row, but done pretty decently in everything else.


I live with my parents while I'm going to school and don't have a job. Pretty boring and mundane story.

>What you want to accomplish before you die

Right now I'm just looking for a job to hold me through. Also looking into possible international volunteer opportunities with The American Red Cross and so on.
My ultimate career goal is to become certified as an investigator, do background checks/tentant screenings/skip tracing/legal investigation, etc.

>Are you happy
I'm better off than most people

>hobbies besides reading
Writing (fiction and literary criticism), Acting (well, these days just auditioning, I haven't actually been in anything lately), going to concerts (if that counts as a hobby).


I've volunteered a lot and was in a student film once. Haven't done anything I've felt was remarkable since high school, but I'm working to fix that.

>> No.959642

I'm an applied mathematician and I work for Amazon on things like supply topologies and shipping strategies. I'm occasionally a little embarrassed by how mundane the details of the work I do are, but the work itself is fun and they pay me a lot of money.

I'm married and that's nice. I like to play with my cats. I don't have any particularly ambitious dreams, because I mostly do what I enjoy, and that seems like enough.

>> No.959667

>Doing nothing for a living. Had a job, was at college. Lost job, no money for college, chillin' at parents. Somehow not qualified enough to even get a retail job.

Holy shit this was me almost word for word about two years ago. Then a lot of things happened and my life had a major upheaval and now I can say I'm honestly happier now. Still trying to get things organized though; thinking about going back to college but starting to have doubts. I've been getting urges to write but so far they have amounted to nothing. Also the girl I'm enamored with lives an ocean away.

>> No.959670

22 y/o college student. I'm slated to graduate with a nursing degree next spring.

I'm content, live with my parents have a lot of personal space, good computer, tv, and 360. I work as a secretary, its enough money to pay for most things I feel like doing. I love fantasy, especially patrick rothfuss and brent weeks. If I could make 60 K working at starbucks I would drop out of college right now.

>> No.959705
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19 year old college student. Studying Mechatronics. I work at a company that specializes in automation and manufacturing. I build "Robots".

I hate my classes, and I'm growing tired of my job. I live in a shit town and all of my friends do drugs. I make $9/hr and can barely make ends meet and I'm just tired of always being broke. I just want to get away from everything, so I'm planning on dropping out, joining the airfoce as a computer systems programming apprentice. I plan to save up money and go back to school and study biomedical engineering. I have an interest in prosthesis. I want to make people into cyborgs. My goal for the future is to develop a neuroprosthetic that will allow me to upload/download memories.

My hobbies are 4chan, vidya, nerf guns, computers, programming, electronics projects, reading.

>> No.959711
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Oh, and before I die I'd like to have a conversation with an AI construct.

>> No.959732

>What do you do for a living,

Pretty average part-time job whilst at University. Pay isn't great but it's a unique job that lets me work alone and isn't hard.

>what do you want to accomplish before you die,

I'd like to have a book of mine published (like everyone else here). I'd like to scuba dive in the ocean, perhaps a shipwreck. Visit London, Scotland and Japan. Fall in love with the perfect girl and live happily ever after.

>are you happy,

I try to be. I'm fairly happy I guess.

>hobbies besides reading,

Martial Arts. Fitness. Writing. Military (particularly Special Forces) history.

>some achievements of yours, etc, etc.


I feel like putting my e-mail address so any cute tanned brunettes or Japanese girls can e-mail me, but I should behave myself on this board.

>> No.959743
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I'm always worried I'll ask for Cortana and end up talking to Shodan.

>> No.959755

I'm 36 years old, I work for the San Francisco Police Department, mostly as a bounty hunter retiring Nexus-6 andys. The job is pretty miserable, I hate the codpiece I have to wear to keep me safe from radiation. I'm married but I don't like my wife much. I listen to classical music. I once retired several Nexus-6 andys in a single day, which is probably my greatest achievement. I hope to own a real animal one day as a pet----I had a pet goat (real, not electric), but it got pushed off the roof of my conapt building and died.

>> No.959780

Fuck, I'd just be happy to talk to an advanced AI.

>> No.959784

- I'm going to school for Audio Engineering and Record Production. I have either a 3.7 or 3.8 GPA out of 4. I only have half of my schooling left and I should be done by this coming March. Then I'm either going to work doing free-lance stuff to pay off loans for a bit as well as with my current job, or I'm going to further my loan debt and go to school to take some writing classes. Sadly, the few things that I'm considered skilled at are the most subjective fields, and it'll be hard to get a job in either.

- Before I die I'd like to be in a band or work with music in some way where I can put out a CD, tour the world, and hopefully in the process change someone's life even just a little with my lyrics. I'd also like to independently publish some of my own works. Outside of that, I'd like to travel more, possibly start my own business, and continue to become a better person (hopefully).

- Hobbies besides reading include playing in my band and just making music in general, writing, watching movies, playing video games (though not that often), and just hanging out with my friends.

The one/biggest achievement I'm actually proud of is bull-shitting an essay in my sophomore year of high school on a standardized test for graduation and being one of the few kids in the district to get a perfect score on it. That, and also getting a perfect score on the writing portion of my ACT.

>> No.959806
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>> No.959826

I'm an insect exterminator, however I often use the chemicals for their recreational properties.

>> No.960014


I bullshit all the time on my English Lit. papers, and get a perfect score, it's such an exhilarating feeling, not because it confirms you're a good writer, or top notch "critical thinker," but because it gives you the feeling of being a conman by figuring out a formula to score perfectly but deep down you know it's not really a legitimate skill to be proud of.

I dunno about you, but the only writing I think that matters is the kind of writing that will make you money, writing a literary analysis won't give you a salary, that is why I hope to write for a major newspaper someday, and finish my useless literature degree.

>> No.960054


Nexus-6 andys<<<<<<wtf?

>> No.960104



>> No.960118

I'm a part time waiter in a chain restaurant. The pay isn't bad, especially for the hours (I never work more than 5 hours at a time, 4 days a week and average $150 deposits per week), but I'm looking to get into a more upscale restaurant once I pass the 1 year mark for the sake of having it look good on my application.

I want to have some extension of myself actively exist after I perish, and to be able to 'reach' more people than most people ever do during their lives and beyond.

I'm happy, yes.

I play the vidya constantly as well as watch anime/read manga. Currently I've been playing Blazblue a few hours a day since it came out months ago and am looking forward to the sequel.

I don't really have any accomplishments, unless you count making and managing lame roleplay forums with a fair amount of traffic, which I don't.

>> No.960213

Things are finally fucking getting better

>> No.960270

I'm 18, and I don't really do anything at all. I live with my parents and they pay for everything, including occasional trips and anything that I ask that they can afford.

I want to travel around the world and see weird shit, sorta like Ripley. I also really, really want to be able to write the stories that I come up with. It's hard for me to focus on one thing at a time, and I usually just give up on my projects.

My life is most excellent, so I'm very happy.

I spend most of my time watching movies and TV shows, reading or posting on 4chan. I really like stuff about UFOs and conspiracy theories, probably due to years of X-Files.

I haven't achieved much, I think. It's kinda sad to think about that. I didn't have a formal academic formation, so I'm really ignorant about certain things. I do speak three languages, though. And I'm trying to learn French now.

>> No.960278

I am an Irish/American living in London. I study English Literature and enjoy reading, writing, traveling and opiate use.

>> No.960287


Wow man...You have it exactly. For my Critical Thinking/Writing class for school, I just did both of my papers the night before, and my teacher told me to keep in touch and that she would read anything I ever write. It made me feel bad because I didn't actually try on that, and I feel that I might have more of a talent bull-shitting than actually writing (even though when I tell stories in real life I never bother to over-exaggerate the story or lie).

Good luck with your degree though. Like I said, if I could get into journalism or something, I'd love to do that.

>> No.960292

I'm 18 and still at High School: I just missed the cutoff date where I live so am older. I want to enjoy life tremendously before I die, marry and have kids (although that's not gong to happen because I'm a homosexual). I occasionally like video games and have fun hanging out with my friends in this small town, but nothing too intense; I've written two novels and a play - which are crap.

>> No.960327

Have you considered adoption?

>> No.960430

I'm a 20 year old male living Corpse.
I live with my Parents, I eat their Bread and drink their Water.
Sometimes I read a Book.
I have Friends, but I don't want them, I want nobody, I want to be left alone, I want to be a Living Corpse.

>> No.960431


Hi, you sound like an emo.

>> No.960454

I went back to highschool full time as a mature aged student when I was 24 as I dropped out when I was younger.. I was in a rut.. for 5 or 6 years before doing this.. this got me out of my rut.. I went to work at a supermarket.. where within 12 months I was put into positions of trust and respect.. then some new manager came along and didnt like me.. I never kissed ass.. nor did anything wrong.. he just didnt like me.. now I am working 20 hours a week and back into my rut again.. and planning as my next move to blow this shitty arsed town and reboot my life.. I have a wonderful girlfriend who loves me, family who support me, and friends who accept me for who I am..

Its like a living nightmare.. trying to be all you can be for the people you love, and whom you love in return, but unable to be the things you want to be because everyone else likes to see you fail..

I love life :D

>> No.960503

im consider myself to be an extremely intellectual and mature mind who continually gets trapped in stupid and juvenile situations for dumb reasons.
i'm also probably a sex addict, having had sex with up to 15 girls in my first year of uni, which ultimately led to me being more screwed then the girls.
i've written a play, two short stories, and have started numerous plays and stories that i've either abandoned or stopped for them being way too goddamn stupid.

>> No.960512

I'm a student. I want to write and travel and write and travel forever. I was just about to add that I want to be happy, but that's the next question, so I guess I can safely answer, no, not really, as well as the fact that I'm reconciled with the idea that I probably never will be. I bake and play piano and make other things that fall under peculiar umbrellas that I just call BEING CREATIVE LOL!!! I'm regularly overwhelmed by the need to DO something, and the only outlet I can find (right now until I manage to escape my present situation) is to make and bake and other stupid things that stop me from feeling antsy. The things I'm proud of wouldn't be considered achievements by anyone else, but keeping my chin up and being ok in general. Also the few accolades I've earnt thus far for writing, but I'm not inclined to feel like that's a claim to fame until I'm getting paid for it. I don't suppose because I value the money, but because that's how other people show you they think you're ok.
Thanks for asking

>> No.960522

No he doesn't he's a human corpse learn to read.

>> No.960533

I am a student and I study History at a local university. Here's into a mind of someone who might end up teaching your kids their education. I am very happy, and all I know about myself are a few things. I love and appreciate my life and the people around me. I wish to help others make their life so that they feel like I do. And the last thing is that I have tendency to go against everyone I know. Though i never back track, I naturally am inclined to be their antagonist to their reasoning/thinking etc.
I wish to help as many people and I wish I could truly stop the world from dying of hunger and lack of shelter. After helping the world, I want my peace. A cabin in the forest with my family without a worry in the world.

>> No.960536 [DELETED] 

as_PrEviOUSLY meNtiONED,_tHeSe MeSssagEs_WIll cOnTInue_UNTil_you_permaNeNTly_StOP_atTaCKinG_aND FUckIng with WWw.anOn3DstAlk.sE_(ReMovE_thE_3dS), REmoVe_aLl_ilLEgAl_cloNES_Of_IT_And_LIeS ABOuT iT_aNd DoNATE aT_LeasT_a mILlIOn Usd_tO sYSoP As CoMPENSatIOn_fOr THE_mASSIve_dAmAgE yOu RetArdS have cAUSed.
u b dq iwhayjbradh wstnrxmcqri lzy

>> No.960534
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I am a highschool dropout, (got GED and spent a few years at community college,) a former heroin addict with five years clean. I've had a wide variety of jobs, cab driver, screen printer, construction worker of many types, art gallery attendant, etc, etc... I went back to school after a few years off, (I'm 27 now,) and am about to begin my last year of undergrad. I have a huge interest in martial arts and have practiced a few different ones over the years. I practice Kendo these days and am starting to get pretty ok at it. Currently I work as a bouncer at a nightclub in Boston.

>> No.960693

I'm 20 and studying to become a programmer/analyst at a community college. Job prospects aren't good so we'll see how that turns out. I clearly have an aptitude for it that most of my classmates don't, so hopefully that works out for me. I am currently unemployed and have never held a job, so that doesn't really help either. What I really want to achieve in life is to get a well-paying, secure job and be able to live a life where I can do all the things I want to without worrying about money.

My main hobby is scrabble. The national championship is in two weeks. Last year I finished with more wins than losses, which was a great accomplishment considering my low seed and the fact that I was playing some of the best players in the world. I have been studying for this tournament for the past two months and feel mostly prepared.

I once won $900 at a scrabble tournament by miraculously winning the final two rounds against a player who was significantly better than me (at the time, now I kick his ass). That was pretty sweet.

Other than playing board games, I like to listen to metal, program, read, write a little, and play some vidya. I also troll 4chan a lot. No girlfriend, never had one. My saying is "I've got zero problems, and a bitch ain't gonna be the first one."

I am happy.

>> No.960714

I am a high school kid who desperately wants to be a successful game designer, so spends a lot of her time teaching herself math/ graphics programming. I am mostly happy, but often horrendously unhappy. I like playing the electric guitar and really really wish I could be a badass rockstar like Sid Vicious instead of a geeky kid.

>> No.960725

I am Anonymous. That is all you should want to know.

>> No.960747

I am a university student, work part-time at the local pub and make indie games in my free time, I want to have a well-known name when it comes to game development before I die, I play keyboard, acoustic and electric guitar, I've been able to program since late Primary School.

And I don't think I'll ever be proud of what I am in this world, unless I leave some kind of imprint on others.

>> No.960772

I'm a 21 year old English undergraduate, who's a few years behind with his schooling due to chronic illness. Original plans were to continue on to PhD in English and write/lecture, but I dropped that plan a few months ago when I realised how godawful academic life can be. Plan now is to do a MA in America / teach English overseas for a bit / intern and then convert to Law focusing on Commercial. Get enough money from 10 years of working in the city so that I can retire comfortably and do what I wish - which is an English PhD.

>> No.960778

I'm a high school student, so I live with my parents for a living (for another year). Before I die I want to make some sort of difference for the better, so I plan on becoming a United States Marine and then maybe a police officer. I'm decently happy, I suppose. I get frustrated with how shitty life is sometimes, but then I examine the alternative to living. I like to ride my bike, write stories, play chess, listen to music, and watch tv. I don't have very many achievements except a list f my over-achievements in the form of certificates that wind up in my wastebasket.

>> No.960784


You know, that would make a pretty kick-ass book which could be butchered later on into a movie.

>> No.960791

I'm 19 and studying Art History, but also involved in the creative writing program at a college in the northeast part of the US. Before I die, I want to have all the works of Nabokov under my belt (about halfway there right now), travel the world, and become a respected scholar and curator of art. I suppose I'm pretty happy right now, though things could always be better. My other hobbies are writing, biking, maybe some cooking, and researching UFO sightings. I got a 4.0 last semester, and I have a second degree black belt, but I haven't been able to keep up with studying karate for a while. I also read The Road in one sitting, like a boss.

>> No.960797

20 y.o. Currently working as a produce department manager, which is fine, really. But you know, same old story: what I REALLY want to do is to write.

Hobbies: piano (mainly classical), drumming, music in general. On and off hobbies are fitness, shooting, drawing, bicycling, photography and more

Mainly happy. Sometimes depressed out of nowhere

>> No.960801

I'm a high school graduate who's leaving for college next month. I want to become at least moderately successful so all the people that have looked down at me can go suck on their words. Yet I want to have a work published. Still kinda torn about which one I should pursue.

No achievement as of now. My personality is pretty low key, so I'm not that popular. Other than reading, I like listening to music, drawing, watching sports, fencing, and hanging out with the few friends that I have.

>> No.960802

I died in 1966 after drilling a hole in my head to get high. Now I'm undead and I have been given the job to reap the souls of the soon-to-die.

>> No.960804

So your body doesn't get goopy after you died?

>> No.960812

No, because I'm not dead. I'm UNdead. The undead have certain privileges, such as: we can eat food, interact with the living, and we have a new physical body.

>> No.960813

Neat. Where can I sign up?

>> No.960815

I'm 17 and I'm about to begin a Joint Honours course in Law/Politics at the University of Glasgow.

Ideally, I would like to be a human rights lawyer in an area of the Middle-East. I would also like to write a biography of David Hume someday.

I'm fairly content, knowing that I have no financial worries yet. I've been a tad bored lately, but I'm excited by the prospect of being able to soon study subjects that I enjoy at a serious academic level.

My hobbies are quite limited. I have a keen interest in current affairs, philosophy, and history. I'm also a massive music and film geek. My reading, as of late, has been confined largely to Russian fiction, the poetry of W.B. Yeats, and political theory.

>> No.960819

You can't, you're chosen randomly.

>> No.960879

work in retail. i'm 29. college grad as of '07. poli sci and english were my major/minor. hate my job. enjoy sex, guitar, writing/reading, video games and movies in this order.

>> No.960903

no wonder /lit/ is the way it is. it's full of 18-early 20somethings.

>> No.960926


those pesky kids! surfing teh interwebz like they own the place.

>> No.960930

I just graduated high school, so I don't really do anything for a living at this point in time, but I do want to get a degree in nursing and become a traveling nurse to save up money to go to med school and become a correctional psychiatrist.
As far as I what I want to accomplish before I die? My uncle's last words before he died were "Tell ____ I'm sorry I won't be able to see her grow up." All I want is to love everyone and be something worth seeing.

>> No.960932

25 years old

Medical Physicist

Want to visit 50 countries (currently at only 11)

Happy on some days, miserable and self-loathing on others

Hobbies: I play gutar, piano and mandolin, I am a recreational pilot but don't yet own my own plane, i hike and camp and use my vacation time to bum around to music festivals in the spring and summer

>> No.960945
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When I grow up, I want to be a principal or a caterpillar ...

>> No.960950

I'm 21 y.o., male, not very interesting really...

I live with my parents while I'm taking a year out from my university philosophy/english degree at Dundee uni.
I like running, reading, writing, playing guitar and piano and I sometimes write and record my own music.
I'm also a recently published comics artist, and I draw lots of very silly things between bouts of sleep and insomnia.

i'd love to do more traveling, and see the world - although perhaps not in a 'keep-a-tally-of-the-number-of-countries-i-visit' way, i'd just like to explore and expand my horizons of what's out there.
Achievements of mine... not much really. I got grade 1 playing clarinet. Woo, go me.

I live in the middle of nowhere in northern England, and I like to get to the lake district to go hiking when i can.

I'm a really quiet person, and I spend a lot of time just in my own company, I have no idea what I will be doing in a year, five years. it scares me to be honest.

>> No.960952

That is a ridiculous motivation

>> No.960954

I'm a professional writer, living in Ireland.
I'm very happy, seek only to complete further novels and general indulge my hedonistic tendencies. Oh, and propose sometime in the next year or so.
My other hobbies include games (both /tg/ and /v/), cooking, and nights out to drink & dance. I love my work and often work for fun, too.

>> No.960972

20 years old, male, Michigan. I'm on summer break from mechanical engineering at a local university. I skateboard, a lot. I read, a lot. Everything in between is just everything in between I guess.

As for goals, I just want to accomplish and be a part of something greater than myself.

>> No.962710

24yo male, graduated English teacher, currently finishing my masters in business management and marketing.

Wrote my final paper on a book review site. Found out a lot of interesting things about pitching a book/being a writer, nothing too cheerful though.

Play guitar, run, fish, travel, trying to read 52 books a year, succeeding so far since I started 3 years ago.

Ran a marathon once.

Depressed as fuck.

>> No.962739

fuck, even as a pseudo entrepreneur, reading this thread makes me feel so good about my life.

>> No.962754

23 m
Got a two year degree from a community college before dropping out after heading to Uni for a semester, anxiety and the dreaded no-moneribi got to me.
That was a couple years ago. Quit my job at a movie theater, thought I was going to be a writer and didn't know anything at all.
Going to therapy now every week living at mom's house, spending all day on 4chan. I visit /lit/ every once in a awhile and think about stories I might write.
Currently reading The Confederacy of Dunces, I feel like I can strongly relate to the main character in many ways.

>> No.962803

I'm a lazy, lofty-goaled, gay 21-year-old nearly done with a bullshit liberal arts degree, hoping to change the world through politics. I come on /lit/ because pretentious fags amuse me, and I like to be pretentious occasionally, too. I like to play teh /v/, watch teh /tv/ and film, and argue with people. I've yet to achieve much, probably due to the lazy part. I'm mostly very happy, though there will always be some things I wish were different.

>> No.962805

21 year old male. Finished college (and was a firefighter while in school), now live in a house in the mountains by myself where I mostly just read and write. I also spend a lot of time in the woods. Someday I hope to write something really worth reading.

>> No.962831

18 male not employed going to college in the fall, I want to code and write books, I'm happy because I will and I have the best possible girlfriend ever, I do minor hobbies like coding, I'm not fat, I did well on my APs. Life is great.

>> No.962854

1.) travelling salesman
2.) some time ago, i thought i wanted to explain myself to everyone, and write a novel. now, i just want to explain myself to my younger brother.
3.) no.
4.) watching movies, playing video games, writing, hacke sack.
5.) i've seen basically every tourist attraction in the united states, if that counts for anything
>6.) etc I hate it when people call me smart. I said this for years before I found out I was paraphrasing Confucius - I'm not smart, I just like to learn.

fuck, i've had too much to drink.

>> No.962875

Thanks /lit/, I thought that my life was shit, but compared to most of you is actually quite good.

>> No.962878

I'm a 19-year-old computer science student. I currently have a summer job doing crypto stuff for the Canadian government, which is pretty cool, and if I'm lucky it could lead to full-time work when I graduate.

I enjoy canoeing, camping, and just wandering around outdoors. I also like recreational math and programming; I've been meaning to get back into Project Euler one of these days.

My greatest achievement is placing 26th in the country on a math contest. That was in grade 5; I've been going downhill ever since.

>> No.962990

- I work at my fathers store at a traditional food market in a 3rd world country earning a shit wage but learning to manage the bussiness; used to study poly science, im probably going to get into physics, philosophy or something related to cognitive science.
- I would like to travel a good chunk of the world either by bycle or hitchhiking, i would like to have a wide circle of worthy friends, to keep my family, to have lots of good experiences and i hope to make a change in my fucked up country.
- Mostly happy, but dat social anxiety and probably a mild pstd due to some childhood shit keep getting in my way, working on them though.
- MMA, would like to do something like base jumping, dance, bboying and them movies.
- Nothing significant really, except that i've never lost a fight.

>> No.963011

I think about killing myself every day.

>> No.963079

My goal in life is self-actualization. Honestly, I'm thinking I would be content working pizza delivery for the rest of my life. I've found that all that I really need for fulfillment is my thoughts. I like thinking about how people work, the subconscious, etc. But that's also immature of me because I know that I must work hard to support myself and my significant other properly. Money is not useless to me. I'm not that naive. Though, I won't have to worry about that too much for now as I am going to college for music performance and theory. Since I started dating my other half, I've been much happier with myself.
What I'm doing right now is practicing my lucid dreaming.
Life's swell so far, OP.

>> No.963095

I think 5 year old mathematician would look up to Canadian-Government-Computing-Magician. Don't put yourself down. That job sounds uber cool.

>> No.963178

23 year old in the Air Force, My job is to spend the tax-payers money. I love it, I'm happy. I'll be making 240-480k once I decide to leave, but money is not everything.

I'm from Las Vegas, lived the crazy life now all I want to do is travel, eat new food, learn cultures, meet more women and be more intelligent.

I live a good life, I can't complain. I already have the network in LA/Vegas, I have choices with women and I know who I want to marry.

>> No.963202


Congratulations. But, does she want to marry you?

>> No.963228

I'm going into my 4th year of a Bachelor of Music, majoring in composition. Basically I want to become a music prof while playing free improv clarinet on the side. Obviously I play clarinet and compose, but I also play piano and go for excessively long walks.

I've been hampered by living in comparatively small cities, but I've managed to do a fair bit of classical, jazz and avantgarde gigging, and I played in the live debut of Anthony Braxton's Sonic Genome Project at the Cultural Olympiad.

>> No.963241

Honestly, it doesn't matter if she wants to marry me. I'm one of those guys that always has to have a plan, always has to have a path.

I've been through the whole nightlife in Vegas, and I'm scarred of what women can do. But yes, we talked about it. We both need growing up.

>> No.963249

Holy shit are you me?

I too want to close the gap between machines and humans, and see technology as a viable way of improving out fragile human condition. I'm studying chemistry, though, I should be able to find a way to do this.

>> No.963331

I'm a 22 year old college dropout currently working a decent job (lots of tips, plus lots of physical activity). I only have two goals. My short term goal is to save enough money to leave my parents (I love them but I need to get the fuck out) and move to L.A. with my good friends. My long term goal is to get the fuck out of this country (USA) by any means possible. I have a pretty good chance in the industry I have become qualified for.

My hobbies are reading and listening to music. Both really tie into my love of history, as I see both mediums as ways to re-visit and interpret the past. I wouldn't mind turning my record collecting habit into a DJ hobby, but I have been too shy to venture out and attempt to connect with people who share my passion.

Other than that I try to keep up with domestic and foreign politics, and consider myself a socialist.

Am I happy? Sometimes I feel pretty depressed where I am, even though I have it pretty good all things considered. But I don't think I will truly be happy until I realize my goal of leaving this country.

>> No.963640

Why is it ridiculous? It's what every determined person wants: to be the best. I enjoy labor history. I want to be the best at it.

>> No.963659

I think we could be bros.

I'm 24 college dropout/ going back to school for TEFL certification, and learning some stagecraft as well. I am a opiate abuser. I spend my time reading and writing. I'm producing a magazine right now. It's called Overdose and it is about famous and not so famous overdose deaths. My goal is to, in a year, leave the country. I'm going to, ideally, become really hopelessly strung out in amsterdam, and then move on to India for a spiritual pilgrimage. Something like that. I have a lover, who I will probably always be with. She is going with me overseas. She is from a rich family, so that helps. I hope someday to be someone's favorite obscure writer. That, and to pursue freedom authentically.

>> No.963692

I intern at an electrophysics laboratory and live with my parents.
I want to understand what people before me have done and thought, and I want to understand life, the human mind, and the cosmos.
I am content. I dwell strongly in Vonnegut's idea that whenever we're happy, we don't recognize. That's why I ask myself if I'm happy, and I generally agree.
I like to play bass guitar, eat well, and exercise.
I haven't been going to college for too long, yet my achievements are primarily education-oriented; therefore, I don't have too many noteworthy achievements.

>> No.963717
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>> No.963804

You can make it, Anon.

I believe you can make it. You have my encouragement.

I wish you all the best.

>> No.963814

Hi. I'm about a c+. Average job that I hate, decent enough looks. Few close friends, but I'm amicable with most people. I listen to a lot of records. I chain smoke and spend my nights high. I'm a big cinemaphile, and make a few bucks on the side doing videography. Lately I've been getting really into Anarchism and Marxist theory. I'm a Christian, but I hate the church and the what it's become. I'm somewhat introverted, until I'm drunk. Then I'm pretty great.

>> No.963837

Full time engineering student, work part time at a stationery store.

Id like to design my own house and write a book.

Not happy atm but not unhappy. I don't want to study engineering, continue living with my mom and I don't want to have to check my bank balance every time my friends ask me out to dinner. If things continue, I will become depressed.

I like to read, play acoustic guitar, eat, watch movies / tv series, play pool, and spend time by myself in silence.

No major achievements, although when I build my PC, I considered that an achievement.

>> No.963847

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.963849

Nah I really wasn't trolling. I am totally sincere.

>> No.963860

21 y o 2nd year philosophy student, unemployed and living w/ family for the summer but looking for work.

sort of enjoy the reading, trying sort of lazily to get into Badiou and contemporary philosophical texts. Not working as hard as I ought to. spend a lot of time alone/on the internet.

I'd like to do so much before I die. have a career, a family, write and illustrate my own books, join a band, have experiences, travel a great deal more, so much.
i get caught up in that kind of thing too much, because nothing is going right for me atm. I can't even sort out my short term life, so these things are out of the question for a 21 yo who does almost nothing with his time. feels depressing. unfortunately not happy with the state of things.
currently undergoing CBT for social anxiety god this is depressing

>> No.963867

Keep up with the CBT. Go out when you can, even if it's just to a coffee shop or a public park - somewhere where you can be around people but you're not expected to interact. You're young and in school - the whole world is open to you. Try and spend less time on the internet (especially 4chan) and more time on philosophy. Your second year is a good time to decide whether you want to stick with your major or switch. Any later and it gets more difficult.

You're young, be excited! Go outside! If you want to have adventures, start a band, illustrate a book, etc., you'll have to go do that - no amount of surfing the internet will give you the inspiration or the ability to do those things. Only sitting down with focus and dedication will allow you to accomplish your goals. Good luck!

>> No.963892

I’m a International business & economics major at a liberal arts college


I live in a studio apartment, work 2x a month for $100/hr and live off of savings from working 5 jobs total throughout high school.. Did I mention I’m living/studying overseas? I teach English, that’s why the job pays so much, but it’s boring as shit.

>What you want to accomplish before you die

I’ve got this crazy idea that I can become an underground Hip Hop artist. I play around, making beats and writing songs at least a little bit every day... I don’t wanna be one of those idiots rockin diamonds and gucci socks, I have a message.. I grew up in a shit place and want to right everything I perceive to be wrong before I grow old and have a family that has to deal with things that I can’t fix - if that makes any sense.

>Are you happy
I’m doing great - it’s just that... I’m always apprehensive about the future, and what I can & can’t do - my dreams in proportion to my abilities, that kind of stuff. It really holds me back but I can’t shake it. Since I was little I’ve been programmed to believe that I need to settle into a desk job until I retire. I wish I could, because that’s the safest option and whatnot, but sometimes I think I grew up so fast that that little kid inside of me didn’t die off and I still dream all day long.

>hobbies besides reading
Making music, boxing, kickboxing, video games, drawing, and looking at photography.


uhhh... Graduated high school with a 4.1 GPA
National honors society
Was on a few commercials, student films, and got to host a local TV show
My record for boxing is 3-1... not much of an achievement but I tried way too damn hard for those 3 wins and it made me realize that I should leave it as a hobby

>> No.963897



>> No.963899
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For a living? Nothing really. I work as a receptionist for a local attorney to make a little extra money, but I still largely depend on my mother.

I'm not sure of what I hope to accomplish.

I'm not really happy.

I mostly play video games. I'm sort of a loser like that.

I was the Valedictorian of my class, I won the county spelling bee in fourth grade, I'm near the top of a few leaderboards for Rock Band 2, and... well, that's it really. Not very noteworthy.

>> No.963900


>> No.963911


so playing video games makes you a loser

NOT being so gutless as to say that having fun and doing what you want to makes you a "loser" somehow, no, that is a-ok and fine, not even licking the boot just straight up deepthroating it over here

>> No.963912


In a nutshell - Japan. Rich, Japanese businessmen who want to say that they're being privately taught by a native English speaker

the average pay for English teachers is around $20-$30 an hour, I just got extremely lucky through connections that I got the chance to do that.

>> No.963936


Playing video games doesn't necessarily make you a loser. I suppose I should have clarified... I meant I was a loser because my only real hobbies are reading and playing games.

>> No.964313


Weird. I'd think they'd just have their kids teach them. In my experience in Japan, the younger generation speaks English pretty well.