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File: 13 KB, 220x293, 220px-2008.06.09._Michel_Houellebecq_Fot_Mariusz_Kubik_03[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9595916 No.9595916[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

delusional islamophobe manchild or genius satirist?

>> No.9595924


>> No.9595942

>delusional islamophobe

>> No.9595952
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>> No.9595958

so you acknowledge that islamophobia exists?

>> No.9595959


>> No.9596000


>> No.9596011

Trips confirm

>> No.9596013

yes but it is, in every instance, righteous.

>> No.9596031

A better name would be "islamorealism".

>> No.9596049

but since a phobia is the avoidance of an object to an extent greater than the danger it poses, is it not delusional?

>> No.9596073

Submission was either neutral about islam, or positive. He said himself in an interview that he did have respect for islam.

Anybody thinking Submission was islamophobic has not read the book ar is delusional.

t. muslim

>> No.9596111

dubs confirm that trips confirm

>> No.9596138

Fear of islam isn't irrational, so you can't have a phobia for it.

>> No.9596148

Subsequent trips go to far and should stop before it becomes too spooky

>> No.9596157

wouldn't it be irrational for abdullah bin abdulaziz to be afraid of islam?

>> No.9596159

No islam is dangerous to muslims as well

>> No.9596160

Lol no, he should be most fearful of other Muslims

>> No.9596166

>wouldn't it be irrational for wives to be afraid of their abusive husbands?

>> No.9596179

why would a man be afraid of the religion that gives him all of his power? unless you're saying every political and religious leader should be significantly afraid of their base

>> No.9596184

Look up Sunni-Shiite relations

>> No.9596191

There are competing brands of islam that often like to kill each other.

>> No.9596198

so christians should be afraid of christianity?

>> No.9596203


>these are the people that call you islamophobe and use white male as an insult

>> No.9596206

he writes the types of book you buy at the airport and read on the beach


>> No.9596215

not an argument

stefan would be disappointed

>> No.9596217

No, you tard. Christians don't kill other christians for being the wrong kind of christians.

>> No.9596219

depends. i yer a hun ah gonna chib ye

>> No.9596221


>> No.9596231


also see modern syria and sub saharan africa

>> No.9596237

Time is a linear concept and we do not currently live in the past

>> No.9596241
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>> No.9596242

>also see modern syria and sub saharan africa

>> No.9596249

Yeah you can be afraid of those. That's not irrational either.

>> No.9596250

>Liberalism BUSTED

>> No.9596255

holy... so this is the power of /pol/...

>> No.9596268
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>liberalism is pacifism and infinitely tolerant

do they even teach you kids history at school these days?

>> No.9596280

>>liberalism is pacifism
Never heard that before.
>>and infinitely tolerant
Find me a quote of a liberal describing themselves as "tolerant" in the last 10 years.

>> No.9596286

>hang 'em high

>> No.9596290

do you think all other christians are immune to sectarian violence?

>> No.9596300

can you even tie your own shoelaces?

I was highlighting the fact that right-wing millenials will often view liberals as hypocrites if they condone intolerance or violence.......western liberal values are, in fact, founded on mass murder and intolerance.

I take it you're new to the nuances of greentext.

back to nursery school with you


>> No.9596309

stop posting faggot

>> No.9596315

No, but it is not rational to assume a sudden outbreak of sectarian violence, if you know anything about the major modern day branches of Christianity.

>> No.9596319

Irrelevant. I haven't heard about sectarian violence between christians and I live in an almost 100% christian country
Islam's sectarian violence is extremely prevalent and making victims all the time

>> No.9596321

go suppress freedom of speach somewhere else, nigger.

>> No.9596322

i wasn't suggesting a sudden outbreak, but a rational fear of the potential for one to build

>> No.9596325
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you should visit glasgow

>> No.9596333

I wouldn't call him a delusional Islamaphobe, I would call him a competent satirist. Genius is maybe stretching it a bit.

>> No.9596340

you should visit islamabad

>> No.9596344

Stop talking shite. Sectarianism in Glasgow is caused by football ultras. None of them ask you if you're catholic or protestant, they ask you if you support celtic or rangers.

>> No.9596361

How's that related to religion at all, you fucking poof?

>> No.9596362

It is not rational to be afraid of every potential unlikely event. Once there are actual reasons to assume that it might happen, then you can be afraid and act accordingly.

>> No.9596371

Spoonfeed me on christian sectarian violence in these areas

>> No.9596377


seriously, if you're british you need a kicking.

its forgivable if you're american

>> No.9596379

>freedom of speach
Why are /pol/tards so retarded? Not that guy btw.

>> No.9596381
File: 838 KB, 1366x768, fuck yeah you are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britbongs are so adorable.

>> No.9596388

"celtic" and "rangers" are signifiers for catholic and protestant

>> No.9596397

my m8 got chibbed in glasgow for being a catholic.......he's a raith rovers supporter cos his dad is from kirckaldy

>> No.9596398

It's obviously a Jew shill trying to ridicule those who have taken the red pill.

>> No.9596400

This is really funny because all the Houellebecq threads are a great confirmation that /pol/tards don't actually read and only come here to shitpost about politics or their new favorite youtube personality. If any of them had actually read Soumission rather than just articles or /lit/ shitposts about it, they would have known that the book actually shits on them even more than on Islam itself kek

>> No.9596404

Was this post supposed to be exactly that as well?

>> No.9596409

westerners are more likely to die from choking than from a terrorist attack. should they have a rational fear of choking on a daily basis?

>> No.9596413

lol, no they're not mate. half of the fans don't even pretend to be religious, and the other half would rather go to a pissup on a sunday than go to mass.
source: my ass

>> No.9596415

I'm sorry but you are quite mistaken, arachnophobia isn't real because there are poisonous spiders that you ought to be afraid of!

>> No.9596417

arachnophobia is irrational. unless you mean to imply islamophobia is as well?

>> No.9596418

What a piss poor comeback. Choking is an accident caused by not chewing or swallowing properly. Terrorist attacks are caused by organised groups of people who wish to kill you for political gains. Big difference. You can't put in place legislation to combat choking. You can put in legislation to combat terrorism.

>> No.9596424

>time is a linear concept therefore our ideology which is presently widespread in predominantly peaceful areas is inherently superior to the other ideology which is widespread in areas currently ravaged by wars and we can ignore the fact that when the situations were reversed it made no difference whatsoever
/pol/ intellectuals everybody

>> No.9596429

thanks for reminding me to continue reading submission

>> No.9596430

but you can always be conscious of how you eat and what you put in your mouth and you don't always have control over legislation, so you should have the fear of dying from choking on your mind as you eat properly more often than the fear of dying from terrorism.

>> No.9596431

You should avoid things and actions that make you can make you choke. So that is a bad example on your part.

As an american you are also more likely to get hit by lightning than to die of an islamist terrorist attack. The difference is you can take steps against human made actions, you can't take steps against unpredictable natural disasters.

>> No.9596439

I should probably clarify I'm not the original person you were talking to. I don't live my daily life in fear of choking, or terrorism. I do however take necessary precautions to avoid various causes of death like car accidents, choking, heart disease/liver failure etc. What I cannot however do is take precautions against the threat of terrorism, because only the government has the resources to do this, and is not doing enough. Much of the anger surrounding this issue stems from the fact that these deaths could have been prevented.

>> No.9596461

the constant act of prevention would keep the fear on your mind more than not being able to do anything. you can take more steps against lightning by watching the weather than you can terrorism.

deaths from all the things you listed are quite preventable through from the governmental level through education, reform, and financing technological advancements.

>> No.9596486
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>you can take more steps against lightning by watching the weather than you can terrorism.
This entire discussion is totally absurd. I can't believe the level of intellectual dishonesty (or sheer stupidity) it would have to take to compare naturally occurring phenomena with the intentional murdering of human beings for ideological reasons. Your argument is even such a canned response that there are poorly drawn memes devoted to mocking it. Goodnight anon, I'm done with this discussion.

>> No.9596488

I am not advocating for this solution. But as a hypothetical: you could simply ban foreign muslims from visiting and immigrating, that would get rid of most islamist terrorism. You would only have to fear the muslims that are already inside and you could take further steps to monitor and regulate their mosques.
You can't ban rain clouds.

>> No.9596502

that image has nothing to do with my point but if you can't put together an argument that's ok, nobody actually wins anything either way

>> No.9596504

How do you think the government could prevent it?

>> No.9596513

>that image has nothing to do with my point
>it's actually a perfect representation of his point
what did he mean by this?
is he trolling?

>> No.9596515
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>> No.9596516

what about all the attacks that have been done by native born islamic terrorists? i don't have the figures for the past decade but if it's not the majority it's not a small minority.

and either way the raw numbers are very small

>> No.9596520

Not that guy but that's not even point tard, it's about why are you going buttmad over one thing, instead thousands of other things that are more likely to kill you? Does it have something to do with the fact that you are a tard who gets easily brainwashed by online shitposting?

>> No.9596521

>delusional islamophobe manchild
>Reddit actually thinks like this.

>> No.9596522

>yeah huh!
Well played.

>> No.9596526

The answer is that you are mentally deficient.

>> No.9596528

i never brought up policy and was only discussing the rationality of fearing islam

just because you inferred something doesn't mean it ever existed

>> No.9596530

This is correct. The only people who should feel offended about Submission are leftists/liberals.

>> No.9596533

why do leftys think it's just terrorism us islamophobes are worried about? it's the differences in basic values, and that their values influences the west when they refuse to integrate.
the west sets the individual first, islamic culture puts puts the family first
west: individual is free to do and say what they want as long as it doesn't hurt others, violence generally seen as bad, religion seen as a private matter, separation of church and state
islamic culture: honor killings for bringing shame to the family, not free to say and do what they want, can absolutely not say anything bad about islam, violence encouraged for those who "deserve" it, religion is def not private, it's politics and it's murderous

>> No.9596537

That wouldn't get rid of most islamic terrorism, a great deal of attacks are committed by people who were born in those countries. And banning people would only increase tensions and make them more likely to commit more of them moron.

>> No.9596541

Your kind is just as incompatible with leftist values as muslims.

>> No.9596549

This is such a battered housewife logic. Don't piss them off because they might murder us in turn? Do you even listen to yourself?

>> No.9596551

Read some Zizek, right wingers are the real threat to European values.

>> No.9596557

Cool strawman retard, maybe this shit flies on /pol/ but this isn't /pol/.

Is that you btw >>9596513 kek

>> No.9596559

not him but it's basic military strategy that's very applicable to the issue

>> No.9596560

I've addressed this in my post. You can completely avoid non-native ones with bans. You can't completely avoid native ones, though you can still do more to prevent them as well.

>> No.9596561

>why should we pay attention to terrorism when cars are way more dangerous? god, right wing people are so damn stupid! xD

>> No.9596562
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Revoking the passports of suspect individuals who travel to Syria would have prevented the incident in Manchester. Police and intelligence operations should be better funded. We should be reaching out to and encouraging moderate Imams, to help liberalise the faith. We should stop supplying arms to the Saudis and the "moderate rebels" in the middle east and stop destabilising middle eastern countries. Mosques where radical interpretations of Islamic scripture are preached should not receive any form of funding or tax exempt status. Social work and mental health professionals need to be reaching out to disenfranchised youth more.
Please, it's exactly the point you were making. Stop being so damned dishonest. Your logic was that choking or lightning is a bigger threat to the average American (I am European for the record) citizen, and the implication was that our worries over Islamic Radicalism were unjustified or out of proportion.
Because one is a contemporary issue caused by human beings killing in the name of an ideological agenda whereas the other issues are relatively randomly occurring natural phenomena that little can be done to prevent. In terms of heart disease however, I'm a big advocate of more physical education and nutrition being taught in schools, and I would like to see healthy produce subsidised by the government and the savings passed on to the consumer.
There's a microsoft paint meme comic for this idiocy as well.

>> No.9596568

Do /pol/babies actually think that people will respond to their greentext fanfictions seriously?

>> No.9596574

>a 1 to 1 transliteration of something you literally just said is a strawman

holy jesus, the intellectual dishonesty itt is off the charts

>> No.9596575

It's not a strawman and that isn't me.

Alright two options:
>let the potential murderer into your house because he might be insulted otherwise
>don't let him inside so he can't murder you in the first place

>> No.9596578

Time to look up what the word literally means.

>> No.9596583

>There's a microsoft paint meme comic for this idiocy as well.
Can you put on a trip so I can ignore your posts more easily in this thread?

>> No.9596585

If Houellebecq was genuinely an Islamophobe he wouldn't profess his liking of it so much. As it is, he sounds to me like those atheists that wish they could believe in God but don't. He wishes he could subscribe to Islam, or conservative Catholicism for that matter, because it imposes order and purpose on the world when his own culture's worldview seems totally void of both of those things.

>> No.9596589

You could have read the rest of my post where I outline how to deal with homegrown terrorism, but you either didn't or chose not to respond to it. Pretty pathetic.

>> No.9596591

>I've missed the point of the novel as much as it was possible and did not realize that the whole bit at the end was satire

>> No.9596597

that's an impressively bad analogy. you can't equate a country to a house, it's not about offending people, and everyone is a potential murderer

>> No.9596601

very low IQ poster

>> No.9596603

Reading anything written by someone who typed up something as moronic as what you did in response to my post would be a clear waste of time so I obviously didn't. Also, I'm assuming that's a no.

>> No.9596609

>this is your brain on nofap

>> No.9596612

Not even that anon but if those are all your posts they responded to, they sure betray exceptionally high IQ.

>> No.9596625

>you can't equate a country to a house
I just did. And it works well as an analogy, unless you want to bring up illegal immigration.

>it's not about offending people
The rational mentioned above was that not letting them in would cause more tensions. Please explain what this means, if it doesn't mean 'not letting them in is going to make them angry and they will want to kill us'.

>everyone is a potential murderer
1. We are talking about ideologically inspired terrorism, not murder in general
2. You can't prove this statement
3. Some people are more likely to commit a crime than others
4. The people in question subscribe to an ideology that condones and commands the crime in question

>> No.9596627

>if those are all your posts they responded to
they're not. just pointing out his shameful diversion tactics

>> No.9596631

>And it works well as an analogy
Only in your mind sadly.

>> No.9596633

Not an argument

>> No.9596641

/pol/ memes stay in the containment zone

>> No.9596643

That's not an argument either

>> No.9596647


>> No.9596652 [DELETED] 

Islamophobia isn't delusional. In fact, it isn't even a phobia. In fact, it doesn't even exist. There are just people who aren't Quran scholars who don't care to learn more about Islam or have an aversion to Islamic culture.

>> No.9596654

It clearly means that it's the most unconstructive thing you could possibly do because at the risk of appeasing brainlet right wingers like you, we would be playing right into the rhetoric of radicals and alienating every last muslim who is already here. Whose help we definitely need to solve this issue, not to mention.

>> No.9596666

The point of it is a tangible result, not the appeasement of 'brainlet right wingers'.

And the alienation of muslims who are already there is again only a problem if you assume that they are going to start killing their fellow citizens over it. So you are saying that they are potential terrorists?

>> No.9596674
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>my m8 got chibbed in glasgow
The sun is still up in America, please stop speaking potato

>> No.9596676
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Anon, all alienation is bad--it doesn't matter if someone is going to become a terrorist, society should do all it can to keep them from being 'othered' regardless of their point of origin or religion.

>> No.9596679

The sun isn't up here in Massachusetts, so it's clearly nighttime in America. You can kindly fuck off.

>> No.9596687

That is subjective, it is up to them whether they feel 'othered'. The policy itself won't have any negative consequence to them personally or their rights as citizens in particular. It only has negative consequences to non-citizens.

>> No.9596690

git tae fuck ya bam

>> No.9596691

It wouldn't have any tangible result, if a terrorist organization wants to commit an attack they wouldn't have any problem finding someone to do it from among those who are already there.

>And the alienation of muslims who are already there is again only a problem if you assume that they are going to start killing their fellow citizens over it.
Yeah, that's definitely the only problem here. Yes, the appeasement of brainlets like you would be the only tangible result. Actually, that would probably be only temporary as well because after the first domestic attack you would be calling for deportations of all muslims, even those born in Europe.

>> No.9596695

>That is subjective, it is up to them whether they feel 'othered'.
lmao got to screencap this

>> No.9596702

you think half of ISIS are praying five times a day etc?

jesus christ. look at the ammount o /pol/tards that describe themeselves as christian.... people will subscribe to a religion but have quite half-assed way in how they demonstarate how pious they are

>> No.9596703
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>type reasonable post outlining moderate actions that could be taken to combat the threat of radical islam
>not one single reply
It looks like Mohammed and his allies over at leftypol have been btfo once again, I'm out.

>> No.9596711
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>you think half of ISIS are praying five times a day etc?
You are excused from praying and fasting while you are waging Jihad. The difference between radical muslims and /pol/ christians is that one detonates a suicide vest at a concert full of children and the other shitposts "DEUS VULT" and "PRAISE KEK" from his mother's basement. I think joining ISIS is hardly a half assed way to show your devotion to a religion, on the contrary, it's the height of zealotry.

>> No.9596712

This is the same flavor of retard as that burger supreme court justice who said that slavery wasn't all that dehumanizing kek

>> No.9596713

That is wrong. The reason why terrorist attacks aren't happening all the time is that there isn't an unlimited supply of willing radicalized terrorist citizens and foreign terrorists get (though imperfectly) prevented from coming in due to watchlists and security checks.

>you would be calling for deportations of all muslims
Slippery slope argument.

And to just address your attacks at my person rather than my arguments: I am not american and not a right winger.

The policy itself is not othering them, so you can only talk about their feelings. Explain how I am wrong?

>> No.9596715

>..... Mohammed and his allies over at leftypol have been btfo once again

more like they don't exist outside your own paranoid delusions.

half of leftypol is people trying to troll "lefties" and the other half is retards looking to infiltrate antifa. its fucking hilarious

>> No.9596725

All those actions are already being taken/supported by leftists and some of them are actually being outright opposed by the right wing, but nice try.

>> No.9596732

Maybe reread your post a few times and you will realize how you are wrong kek

>> No.9596735

I will ignore this vague post, make an actual point.

>> No.9596741

No, the reason why they aren't happening all the time is because if they did people would stop giving a shit about them.

>> No.9596744

I said leftypol, not leftists. Important distinction. No left wing parties in Britain want to revoke passports from those travelling to Syria. None of them want to defund certain Mosques either. But if you genuinely agreed with all the points I made, then I have no idea why you were arguing semantics in the first place instead of just agreeing that radical Islam is a problem and that hopefully successive governments will do more to combat it.

>> No.9596747

I think you should consider taking my advice after all.

>> No.9596755

lmao are you actually mentally deficient, everyone agrees that radical islam is a problem kek

>> No.9596759

Factually wrong, because they happen in way greater frequency in Europe and people give more of a fuck not less.

They happen in a lesser frequency in the US simply because it is harder to get terrorists into the country and because the percentage of muslims in the country is relatively low compared to other western nations.

>> No.9596767

Lol my dude go on twitter after any terror attack and 99% of people will be claiming that the people committing the attacks weren't Muslim.

>> No.9596771

Oh yeah, you are in fact mentally deficient!

>> No.9596785

The UK and US population of muslims is roughly equal. If they wanted, they could have been committing terrorist attacks on a weekly basis.

>> No.9596790

ISIS isn't Islam, though--none of it's members are Muslims.

>> No.9596800
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>> No.9596807

That's right

>> No.9596818

>0.9% in the us
>4.4% in the uk

It's not even comparable. The total number is not as important as you think. The density of a muslim populations is more important for radicalization. Parallel societies of muslims living close together like enclaves are a huge problem in the UK, while they are not in the US.

>If they wanted, they could have been committing terrorist attacks on a weekly basis.
I could ignore this because I know you can't back this up with anything factual.

But anyway, why do they target european states who are so welcoming to refugees and multiculturalism to such an extend while the prime enemy of jihadist islam, the US, gets the silent treatment?

>> No.9596823

the irony is that the people who post this would say robert lewis dear jr wasn't a true christian

>> No.9596828

>The density of a muslim populations is more important for radicalization
Oh wow, you don't say.

>I could ignore this because I know you can't back this up with anything factual.
I don't think this is the direction you want to take here.

>why do they target european states who are so welcoming to refugees and multiculturalism to such an extend while the prime enemy of jihadist islam, the US, gets the silent treatment
lmao can you just ignore the rest of the post and reply to this part, clarifying whether you've posted this ironically or not, so that I know whether I should bother replying

>> No.9596829

Was he using biblical doctrine to justify his killing? If so, then his actions could be fairly attributed to Christianity and a problem in the Christian community. This phenomena seems entirely localised to the US though.

>> No.9596842

>This phenomena seems entirely localised to the US though.

>> No.9596860
File: 136 KB, 831x542, terrorattackmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh wow, you don't say.
So you know your previous point was retarded? I will quote it again for you:
>The UK and US population of muslims is roughly equal. If they wanted, they could have been committing terrorist attacks on a weekly basis.

Please explain the high number of islamist terrorist attacks in european nations such as germany compared to the US. Wouldn't the US and russia be more reasonable targets for most islamist terrorist groups?

>> No.9596861

I should have clarified, crazy Christians shooting up abortion clinics is relegated to the third world. Us first world countries do not have to worry about such things.

>> No.9596866

Making a hyperbolic statement and then making a contrary but equally hyperbolic statement?
You sure seem to be able to clarify what you mean with both eloquence and erudition.

>> No.9596874
File: 40 KB, 400x400, 1481158314639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You sure seem to be able to clarify what you mean with both eloquence and erudition.

>> No.9596879

This is a very dishonest map to include in this discussion. It isn't a map displaying islamist terrorist attacks like people are led to believe.

>> No.9596883

Well, could you at least clarify what you mean, even if you don't approve of the use of polysyllabic words?

>> No.9596890

if you think this is fedora language you're a fucking moron

>> No.9596904
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>> No.9596907

There have been over 120 deaths and over 540 injured people in germany, belgium and france due to islamic terrorism in 2016. Please explain.

>> No.9596923

>white people mess with middle east affairs since time immemorial
>they retaliate
>"wtf muslims are awful!"

no, the problem is you

>> No.9596954

>white people
Fuck off racist. Blame western nations if you must, but it has nothing to do with skin color. Obama fucked up the middle east worse than any president before him and he is black.

And the reasoning of the terrorists does not match your idea of why they are doing it. I guess you think they are retards and don't know why they are doing what the are doing?

>> No.9596966

Globalist interventionism is certainly a great evil but that doesn't cancel out the evil that is radical Islamic terrorism. I'm not sure what the problem is with hating Islam if it's acceptable to hate Christianity and other ideologies that go against one's sensibilities, or perhaps just ideology in general. Surely those that hate religion and ideology must hate Islam as well whether they'll say so or not.

>> No.9596983

The map isn't about islamic terrorism. It's about all events classified as terrorism by some organization since 9/11. Many of the red dots have no deaths/injuries involved but were still classified as terrorism by the organization.

>> No.9596992

Great, that's not what I wanted an answer for.

>> No.9596997

there's been many more pedestrians killed in traffic accidents. stop being so melodramatic

>> No.9597003

You asked me to do was "please explain" so I explained my post. The rest of what you said in that post is nonsense as well because the image was made in early 2016 iirc.

>> No.9597009

>your people literally get murdered by Muslims
>you're supposed to be happy about it because hundreds of years ago there were wars

>> No.9597014

>car accidents = terrorism

/pol/ btfo......

>> No.9597028

Why are you dodging the question so much? Why do states such as germany, france and belgium get targeted to such a degree while the US only gets minimal amounts of islamic terrorism. You said that they are not attacking the US on purpose, even though they could attack them once every week (your words). Why is that? Why are they ignoring the US?

>> No.9597051

If muslims were as useful as cars I'd be happy to keep them around. Also- cars don't deliberately crash. Muslims do deliberately kill. Also there are more or less a set amount of car crashes a year whereas muslim attacks keep increasing (when there shouldn't be any at all in the first place). Also muslims attacks are 100% preventable if we just kick the fuckers out and keep them out. Car crashes can't be stopped.

>> No.9597060

Dubs of truth verified.

>> No.9597069

porque no los dos?

>> No.9597072

>You said that they are not attacking the US on purpose, even though they could attack them once every week (your words).
I wasn't the anon you were talking to earlier. I just jumped into the discussion the criticize you dishonest map, which you are now avoiding.

>> No.9597078

>the criticize
to criticize*

>> No.9597082

i guess some people just like to get all self-righteously worked up about nothing.....good luck with that

>> No.9597089

If you can take active measures to stop deaths, would you not do it?

>> No.9597091

Don't jump into other people's discussions then. And I am not talking about the map because I want an answer to my question, instead of a tangent / goalpost shift.

>> No.9597092

Oh so you were being serious, holy shit

>> No.9597097

Yes I am serious, now share your wisdom. Or are you just bullshitting?

>> No.9597105

>why are there less attacks in areas that are much farther away from where islamic terrorist groups are headquartered

really makin me think

>> No.9597109

lmao faggot

>> No.9597116


Please delete this thread.

Thank you

- Anon

>> No.9597121

It's almost as if their actual goals are completely different from what you think they are!


/pol/tards are so hilariously stupid

>> No.9597126

Your/His point was that the percentage of muslims in the US, watchlists and security checks are irrelevent for the number of islamic terror attacks. You/He was trying to argue that a travel ban for muslims would not reduce islamic terror attacks in the US. You/He said that they could attack the US once every week if they wanted to.

Read the actual discussion before replying.

>> No.9597135

being this stupid is almost impressive

>> No.9597137

You read some Bauman idiot.

But yeah, reading is beyond your kind and the only reason you come to this board is to shitpost in threads like these.

>> No.9597143


>> No.9597145

It's time to go back.

>> No.9597153

The point of this discussion was the travel ban before a million tangents and goalpost shifts.

What is so hard to understand about this?

>> No.9597157

>its time to go back

oh the irony


/lit/ mods quit months ago

>> No.9597158

The leftist shill army is in full force tonight.

>> No.9597161

Please kill yourself.

>> No.9597162

>jumps into discussion that he didn't read
>gets angry at point I didn't make
>keeps getting angry

>> No.9597167

Only people getting angry here are the ones telling you to go back to your containment board and not fucking up any other threads with your butthurt crying about politics.

>> No.9597175

>gets his question answered several times
>keeps getting angry his question isn't being answered

>> No.9597176

>read this work that I've read and led me to my worldview so you can agree with me!
why do all liberals do this?

>> No.9597189

Yeah, it's such a fucked up thing that people expect you to read things on a board dedicated to literature. Please stop posting.

>> No.9597196

There was exactly one relevant answer given here: >>9597121

Everyone else didn't understand the question in the first place because they didn't read the discussion.

>> No.9597200

Or you're just too stupid to understand the answers you were given.

>> No.9597201

you didn't expect that, you expected me to have read and agreed with some marxist shitter like his word is gospel

>> No.9597204

There were plenty of relevant answers, you are just too much of an idiot.

>> No.9597210

>you expected me to have read and agreed with some marxist shitter like his word is gospel
lmao this is too much

>> No.9597220

>gets called out

>> No.9597224

>gets called out

>> No.9597230

That other retard (you?) said something along the lines of "they attack europe because it is closer to their HQ" which goes completely antithetical to premise of the question. This was the only other answer. Other replies were directed at the map and comparisons to car accidents.

>> No.9597231

No, you've got that right, I definitely have expected you to have at least read something by him instead of having to google who he was just now, kek

I'm just not used to interacting with brainlets such as yourself so it's really amusing.

>> No.9597236

why don't we get shills telling us how smart bannon is anymore. we used to get like one thread per day

>> No.9597239

Are you pretending or are you actually this much of an idiot? It has to be the former, right?

>> No.9597244

>completely antithetical
Goddamn how are you this stupid?

>> No.9597249

At this point I'm expecting the hurr I was only pretending to be retarded post anytime.

>> No.9597251

>"lmao this is too much"
>calling out

this fella might be important to whatever circlejerk you belong to, however I can guarantee you his name is unknown to the large majority of people into literature

brb reading some Bauman; maybe I'll agree with you once i'm finished :^)

>> No.9597263

My original point was that they don't attack the US as much as Europe because it is harder for them to do so. So that answer agrees with my original point.

The person I was arguing with said that this is not the case, which lead me to the question why that is the case.

So the answer in question obviously shows a lack of understanding of the topic at hand and so do you.

>> No.9597265

Okay, this isn't really funny anymore, time to abandon the thread, too many brainlets around.

>> No.9597274

>you haven't read the works of this Z-class polish marxist literally who, if you did you would surely agree with me!
that's some powerful argumentation, anon. i might start loving sandniggers anytime soon!

>> No.9597280

You're naive as fuck. Sure it's improved drastically, but there were times when you wouldn't get hired at certain firms based purely on your surname.

There are people here that are VERY knowledgeable about the Catholic and protestant history of Scotland. Don't discredit your average prole football fan as an idiot. They all grew up with that one uncle who told them tales of heroism and songs of bigotry.

It's more than religion. It's tribalism bordering on racism

>> No.9597291

Oh, so you actually are a /pol/tard, things do make perfect sense. Definitely no more replies for you.

>> No.9597342

Isn't tribalism bordering on racism the main problem people have with Islam?

>> No.9597346

underrated af

>> No.9597357
File: 11 KB, 171x266, 198384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can anyone explain why none of the words "Confuciophobia", "Buddhophobia", and "Hinduphobia" exist?

>> No.9597369

Unironic kek

>> No.9597371


100% of the people I've ever known use this word have had no problem bashing on religion and are happy to say the most bigoted things about Christians, they just have a hard on for protecting any group they perceive as underfoot, because deep down they see Muslims as weaklings needing their protection as they're slowly taking over the world.

>> No.9597373


>be Ahmadi
>flee Pakistan to escape violence and oppression
>Britain imports a dickload of the very same Pakistanis who made my life living hell
>get murdered
>Thanks Diversity!

Whenever you hear about Muslims condemning violence and extremism, it's usually Ahmadis, not "real" Muslims.

>> No.9597376

they don;t fight back when we colonize them

>> No.9597378



>> No.9597423

This desu

Just look at the rates of inbreeding in the world compared to the rates of violence and low IQ

All blacks and sandies

Coincidence? Jews say yes

>> No.9597458

We just look down on pajeets for their generalized low intelligence and social ineptness; Hinduism does not come into the equation because it is apparently harmless or not identifiable as the root of this characteristic Indian behavior. I would like to know more about the social consequences of Hinduism, to be honest.

Confucianism is widely looked down by the younger generation in the Asian countries that have a strong tradition of it, as well as in Japan because they hate Koreans and Chinese who are associated with Confucianism.

As far as I can tell the only people today to have a generalized problem with Buddhists are the Muslims settling in Buddhist territories. kek

>> No.9597470


Hindus will throw battery acid at girls for drinking at the wrong well.

>> No.9597496

That reminds me, didn't the Hindus drive the Buddhists out of India? For what purpose? They also segregated their Muslims into two Pakistans, one of which is now Bangladesh. Clearly diversity didn't work out for India.

>> No.9597526

>when a /pol/tard talks about something and it's clear they haven't even bothered to read the wikipedia summary about it

>> No.9597579

I just hadn't given pajeet x sandnigger relations much of a thought before. I made that post to gauge the reaction to it to serve as a starting point. I will read about it, of course.