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/lit/ - Literature

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9592992 No.9592992 [Reply] [Original]

If you met John Green, what would you ask him?

>> No.9592995

Why do you descend to the level of your teenage readers, instead of calling them to rise up to your own level?

>> No.9592994

Can i fuck your wife?

>> No.9592999

Spare some change?

>> No.9593001

Is it your intention to encourage awful behaviour or is that just a part of what sells?

>> No.9593014

I wouldn't talk to him

>> No.9593021

Why are women so fucking stupid? Why can't they make their own decisions? Why aren't they self-sufficient? Answer that you four-eyed cunt.

>> No.9593029

What is the secret to becoming rich off the ignorance of youth?

>> No.9593030

Ask him to introduce me to his wife

>> No.9593032

Why do we eat breakfast in the morning??

>> No.9593036

I would attempt to 'redpill' him, fortunately i always have a folder of printed out race science jpegs, muslim terror attack photos and fat ugly sjw portraits with me at all times.

>> No.9593037

why have you made your life so nothing

>> No.9593038

I would ask my fist into his face

>> No.9593054

Are you implying that Islam is a good thing in any context?

>> No.9593060

Did the man who invented the college go to college?

>> No.9593063


I know someone who told John Green after he spoke at a campus event that he was a cuck. It actually makes me wonder how many people level his wife's very apparent rejection of him as a man and whether that keeps him up at night.

>> No.9593067

>I know someone who told John Green after he spoke at a campus event that he was a cuck
Did he just shout it from the middle of a crowd? How do you know it registered?

>> No.9593076


It's weird how redpillers always try to support their arguments with facts and figures, when we've all agreed to look past that sort of objective evidence in the name of tolerance and compassion. I mean, if you try to have a positive and loving attitude towards Islam, the nearly weekly terror attacks just won't bother you.

>> No.9593734


>> No.9593744

Probably ask him what his favourite book is and try to have a conversation about Moby Dick.

>> No.9593769

Can I have some money for the bus?

>> No.9593805

I would put a gun against him and take his wallet

>> No.9593809

Why don't you fucking shut your mouth?

>> No.9593812

His wife rejects him?
Show me

>> No.9594344
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You think a cucked faggot like him has a wife worth fucking?

>> No.9594348

I wouldn't even let her suck my dick if she begged me

>> No.9594385

My gf is obsessed with him. I would ask him to autograph something and give it to her.

>> No.9594394

His brother is even fucking worse
>being cucked by John Green
wew lad

>> No.9594433

Yes! As someone who had followed his YouTube vlog when I was younger, I have always been appalled about how he clearly has some intelligence, but he writes without any of it. Now, his following has become obnoxious, brainless teens who are myopically obsessed with fandom, which I loath to no end.

Also valid.

Isn't there a screen cap of his Twitter when he speaks of DFW and women, calling women magical, mystical beings, whom can never be understand by the shallowness of phallogocentricism (to rip Derrida's word)?

>> No.9594451

Do you masturbate when you write all the teen sex?

>> No.9594491

what am i doing in canada?

>> No.9594683
File: 354 KB, 484x600, smug john.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that John Green refers to his wife as "The Yeti" in his YouTube videos.

>> No.9594734

Why does he love a religion that condones killing and fucking of underaged girls

>> No.9594802

Why don't you?

>> No.9595675

Didn't he have an obsessive crush on her back in his college days, and she only gave in once he got somewhat famous?

>> No.9595702

If she's not fuckable then how could he be cucked?

>> No.9595708

I don't get how this board loves DFW but hates John Green

they're literally on the same level. They could be the same person.

>> No.9595754

because DFW approaches his subjects with a level of frankness and insight that Green deliberately avoids (or, probably, he is just unable to do so) as to avoid alienating his audience of teenagers. The man has no balls. He managed to cook up a story about two kids with terminal cancer only to make it fluffy and sarcastic and masturbatory.

>> No.9595756

john green is too omega to take his own life

>> No.9595767

whereas DFW writes edgy short stories about men who are mean to women and long parodies of pinecone novels.

they're both nu-sincere cucks if you ask me. DFW just gets a pass because he reminds /lit/ of themselves

>> No.9596193

Yeah, that's a good point.
Although I don't think it's an accolade to not be cucked if your wife is such an ugly beast that nobody would put their dick in her.

>> No.9596214

>if you ask me

Good thing nobody did.

>> No.9596246

If you ever spoke to me like that in real life I would knock your teeth down your cake hole

>> No.9596391

For a cigarette and when he said he didn't smoke I'd spit on him.

>> No.9596393

That's a good way to make less money.

>> No.9597285
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>> No.9597288

What's your favorite Mountain Goats album

>> No.9597302

Lmao fuck off you prick

>> No.9597311

>It's weird how redpillers always try to support their arguments with facts and figures
You mean fringe and outdated science, misinterpretation, and fallacy? Followed by implying any plausible counterpoint is part of (((Their))) conspiracy? "Redpillers" are just a bunch of manchildren who think they're Nick Land.

>> No.9597475
File: 1.08 MB, 1569x1603, 1488142494232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hi, first of all I'd like to congratulate you on such a successful career. Why do you believe that writing pulp romance is in any way valuable compared to the possibility of actual romance?"

>> No.9597545


>You mean fringe and outdated science, misinterpretation, and fallacy?

Well this is really in the eye of the beholder isn't it? And it's not like we have a monopoly on rigid thinking, I've noticed that leftists tend to dismiss any evidence that conflicts with their worldview, no matter how credible the source. Or they'll acknowledge the facts, but then claim that they're being "interpreted" incorrectly, and that someone from their camp needs to "annotate" them.

When the Supreme Court of Canada proclaims that even a factual statement can be considered "hate speech," I really have to wonder how objective and reasonable you guys actually are.

>> No.9597570

why are you on the internet?

>> No.9597573

This is extremely untrue

Green is essentially a failed romantic
DFW has very little interest in romanticism and mostly provides cultural commentary.
Dave's writing style is also far more interesting and refined than Green's garbage

>> No.9597581

This, actually. John Green might even be a better writer than DFW speaking on a purely aesthetic level. DFW is all the smug politicking of a Stephen King novel peppered with 6-syllable words that are hardly necessary to learn, and babyish concepts stretched into paragraphs. I mean, /lit/ or anyone really, has never pulled a paragraph from a John Green novel that exceeded "Wardine be cry" in sheer embarrassment. There's something to be said for not trying, vs. trying and writing a 1600 page novel high on anti-depressants and adderall about Quebecois assassins in wheelchairs, let's be real.

>> No.9597599

You should read The Recognitions, my man. DFW and Infinite Jest feel like they could have been characters ripped straight from that book. It's weird.

>> No.9597617

Have you read passages from his novels? They far surpass "Wardine be cry".
And the DFW line is intentionally ridiculous, nothing of sorts could be said about john green

>> No.9597638

So it's okay that Green's writing is irredeemable trash because he "wasn't trying"?

>> No.9597689

Look, I'm not going to argue with you guys over DFW's talent over John Green's. I know, the elite know, the minds of America's Ivies, Cambridge, and Oxford know that one writes decent novels for teenage girls and the other writes dreck for insecure restaurant servers who want to sound smart and attended Workingman State University.

I don't want to go into any more details. Just read The Recognitions and come back and talk to me when you're on the other side of that, because it basically predicts DFW among other simulations in American culture.

>> No.9597717

>Have you read passages from his novels? They far surpass "Wardine be cry".
I mean they're not bad but at the same time I feel like his prose was the second weakest aspect of his writing.

>> No.9597725

I was talking about green

>> No.9597730

I've read the Recognitions and I think you're overgeneralizing what Wallace has to offer as angsty, edgy and self-serving.
Which isn't true at all to me.
I know you're an intellectual monster and you just tower over a pathetic dweeb like DFW but to me, he seemed to have a real fear of irony and some of the implications of post-modernism. Which is extremely relevant in our current culture and it's honestly pretty impressive how much he got right
Dismissing it as dreck for insecure servers is embarrassing.

>> No.9597732

No one is saying that DFW is great, or even good, but acting like Green can hold a candle to him is ridiculous.

>> No.9597793
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