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/lit/ - Literature

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9591572 No.9591572[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I hate this dingus. All you peterson fans just do it because he rustles people's Jimmies right? His book is awful. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/education/jordan-peterson-crowdfunding/article35174379/

>> No.9591576
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>globe and mail

>> No.9591583

he's an establishment shill making defenders of "free speech" look bad

>> No.9591586


it's sad that canadian academics have degenerated to making redpill youtube channels for beta frogposters

>> No.9591592

it's still an ungrade from the bluepill tho

>> No.9591636

> The Globe and Mail reviewed hundreds of pages of discussions about Prof. Peterson and his views on anonymous message boards, including 4chan and voat – two of the least moderated or monitored online forums. The conversations, which range from immature to obscene, show that the professor’s critics were the subjects of “doxing” campaigns, where activists are personally identified and harassed online.
> hundreds of pages of anonymous message boards
> hundreds of pages

top fucking kek

Good job, G&M. Literally paying your """"""""journalists""""""""" to browse this dumb site.

How many pages was it again? Oh, yeah, 100.

>> No.9591651

Lmao how do I get this job

>> No.9591655

>tfw those journalist are behind the peterson's threads invasion of /lit/

>> No.9591661

gotta love journalists creating their own news, which is to say making fake news

>spam a half dozen peterson threads
>write a story on how there are a half dozen peterson threads on 4chan
>wonder why everyone is sick of the dishonest media

>> No.9591666
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Oh wow, there's more. Are these guys the ones making all the Peterson threads?

> The contrast with what happened online is stark. On 4chan’s / “pol”/ subgroup, where hundreds of posters were commenting on a live feed of the event, a stream of misogynist and dehumanizing invective was directed at all three women.

> The Peterson tent may not be a safe space, but it’s spacious. Alongside those who find personal direction in his lectures about Jung, religion and morality, his fans include a strange fringe movement associated with the far-right and a semi-satirical belief in an ancient Egyptian god of chaos called Kek.

> “Kekistanis” conduct their conversations on the message board 4chan, and particularly its /”pol”/ space, where the movement was born. It’s a heedless world that thrives on a mix of shock, teenage-level obscenity and often, racism, misogyny and hate. But some observers have also suggested that the Kek movement represents a kind of alt-right paganism.

> The vast majority of discussions around Peterson on the 4chan / “pol”/ board, however, is obscenely insulting toward his critics. “Part of the animus and part of the anger on the far right comes from simply not seeing what other people can see,” said Whitney Phillips, the author of This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things, a book about the relationship between trolls and mainstream media. Prof. Phillips says the trolls of Kek and 4chan thrive on damaging others. Sometimes they may not even realize how deep the damage may be because they have never experienced the kind of aggression they are perpetrating. Kek is the name given to a virtual deity created by the online world, and specifically by the 4chan discussion board, populated by a mix of far-right Internet users, libertarians, trolls and teenage pranksters. Originally a garbled version of “LOL” (laugh out loud) from online gaming and Internet forums, “Kek” is also a variation on “Kuk,” an ancient Egyptian god symbolizing primordial darkness and chaos, and usually depicted with the head of a frog. In recent years, some adherents to the “church of Kek” have built a semi-ironic “cult of Kek” around the god to signal their identity as agents of disorder.

They sort of downplay /pol/'s edginess. Maybe they're scared of advertising too much for it.

And not a single shout out to /lit/. Not surprising, from borderline illiterate journalists. For sure our vast erudition would scare them off and they'd prefer to lurk a board with an IQ more in their range, even if their politics are the polar opposite.

Be Canadian.

>> No.9591683
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> dingus
> rustles jimmies
> his book is awful

mfw G&M journalists made this fucking thread


>> No.9591705
File: 1.38 MB, 3672x3024, 1488096943221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, Simona, this is for you.

Don't come back until you've read at least half (1/2) of these.

Good day.

>> No.9591731

fucking kys you stupid fucking whore
fuck you for shitting up /lit/ with your shitty meme threads to further your asshole of a """career"""
fucks like you are the reason why /lit/ is shit and why we're getting a non-stop flood from /pol/
fuck you

>> No.9591745

>even if their politics are the polar opposite.
This is a marxist anarcho-catholic board.

>> No.9591754

His stance is rational, and as a tenured faculty he should be protected assuming no crime or misdemeanor. And his main point of contention is Canada's new "victim's choice" hate laws, what he says is appropriate.

>> No.9591758

shut up you fuck

go read a book instead of getting all sensitive about web drama

>> No.9591774

based simona already fully immersed in the 4chan vitriol

don't go all white nationalist on me, girl, or else i will seriously consider cancelleing my G&M subscription

>> No.9591777

fucking normie shit
just because you have real-life outlets for literature discussion doesn't mean we all do

>> No.9591780

>I hate this dingus.... and I hate you for not hating him... and I hate his book.
Good, good let your hatred flow through your body.
I can see how your hatred made you stronger.

>> No.9591782


>> No.9591788

Not even close. Try again.

>> No.9591791

even worse
reddit-tier without a good cause for it

>> No.9591794

You need to have a cause?
I smell a /pol/ postee.

>> No.9591798

We get it, Simona, you're not from reddit.

> tfw I could have uploaded this thread to /r/canada and gotten a lot of karma

>> No.9591803

>You need to have a cause?
it means you're reddit to the core
I only use /lit/ but fucks like you keep ruining it

>> No.9591808

you think shitposting about web drama is literature discussion?

Kill yourself brainlet

fuck off virgin fuck[less]

>> No.9591812

You are the one who keeps bumping this shitty thread. (Not me.)
OP focuses on hatred instead of rational discussion, and now you pretend to be a victim.

>> No.9591813

Simona "Going legion on Peterson" Chiose.

>> No.9591821

>you think shitposting about web drama is literature discussion?
why do you think I'm calling these shitty threads out?
you're the brainlet you fucking moron
retards are going to keep bumping shit threads like these as long as the jackass """journalist""" keeps making these threads

>> No.9591822

while we're laughing at shitty journalists i just this in a story on alt-right protesters in the nytimes:

>To Mr. Chapman, 41, who on social media goes by the nom de guerre Based Stickman — “based” is slang for not caring what others think, and “stickman” refers to the closet dowel he wielded this spring at his first political skirmish
>“based” is slang for not caring what others think

wait, what? i'm not exactly sure how to define "based" but i'm pretty sure that's not it

>> No.9591830

Look, buddy. At least based Simona knows how to use a fucking comma.

She''s our Queen now.

>> No.9591833

yeah that's right bitch "call out" social injustice

shut the fuck up you virtue signalling fuck, nobody cares about your web drama go read a book

>> No.9591836


>> No.9591837

Is this a journalist's thinly veiled attempt at getting us to define "based" for xe?

>> No.9591839

My God. Is it really that hard to understand this place? I've been on 4chan for a decade, so maybe my perception is skewed, but we can't be THAT impenetrable, can we?

>> No.9591840


>> No.9591846

see >>9591836

>> No.9591850

see >>9591782

>> No.9591851

see my fucking cock in your mouth you online-knight of the realm of being a bitch

>> No.9591860

see >>9591836

>> No.9591864
File: 117 KB, 620x428, give_her_the_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I can't tell the difference between /pol/ and middle-brow neo-liberal journalists

>> No.9591865


learn that from epic funny videos from filthyfrank you underage fuck? go post another thread about how hard it is for you to read 1 page of a book

>> No.9591872

i read for 3 hours a day

>> No.9591875


wtf is this some shitty new normie startup trying to monetize autistic memes?

>> No.9591882

This is the le ebin raids discord that has been shitpotsing /lit/ since its inception.

>> No.9591883

you can read a book? wow dude I'm sorry you must be pretty intellectual

>> No.9591889
File: 12 KB, 400x399, s_G_RYJ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, it's official

4chan jumped the shark

goodbye, /lit/, goodbye

until the moby-dick reading group
journalists, if you fuck that up i swear...

>> No.9591890


But there's like two posts on there about this thread?

Stop trying to make epic cyber board wars

>> No.9591892

>go post another thread about how hard it is for you to read 1 page of a book
>i read for 3 hours a day

>> No.9591893

see >>9591865

>> No.9591896

see >>9591860

>> No.9591900

see >>9591860

>> No.9591902

not mutually exclusive brainlet

>> No.9591903

I wouldn't have trouble reading if I read and I wouldn't shit up /lit/

>> No.9591904

i feel u bro this site is fucking finished., once the jap bought and started virally marketing it on imgur and twitter and other normie sites it was inevitable it would become redddit

>> No.9591908
File: 60 KB, 590x768, sO63jccmcN6QvuOohI209ZNQ8oQ7r3YVfg-tqUymXWk[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peterson is the one credible academic left in the whole of western academia...he most certainly isn't a meme that attracts /pol/tier fuckups who no nothing about the world outside of vidya and anime....jung is not a bunch of fairy tales

>> No.9591910

Simona, Simona, I know this not the best opportunity, but there is Ai Uehara thread on /gif/ and there the post 10660419.
I think it speaks for itself, would you at least consider my offer? I shave if you know what I mean.

>> No.9591926

>Prof. Phillips says the trolls of Kek and 4chan thrive on damaging others. Sometimes they may not even realize how deep the damage may be because they have never experienced the kind of aggression they are perpetrating
How long did she spend here? 30 minutes?
4chan is full of the most damaged people you'll ever find
also checkd

>> No.9591935

just joined there

seems to be the same as /lit/, full of shitposting but with unfounded elitism

shame that there is few good places for just talking about books

>> No.9591950

I'm still a member there, haven't posted in weeks though. Give it a chance, 80% of the time it's shitposting sure, but occasionally there's good posters online like Rapture and Pine.

>> No.9591954
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>/ “pol”/

>> No.9591981

He helped me escape the tyranny of objective reality without having to blow my brains out, so there is that.

>> No.9591985
File: 64 KB, 547x605, 1484430002778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate this dingus. All you peterson fans just do it because he rustles people's Jimmies right? His book is awful.

>> No.9591997
File: 48 KB, 167x133, dfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread