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File: 668 KB, 640x960, portrait_of_jordan_b_peterson_from_daily_doodles_by_liarjohnny-darpuqp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9588007 No.9588007[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>The other day I came across an innocuously titled Word document Dr. Jordan B. Peterson crafted to help his students write essays. It was linked from a thread in /r/jordanpeterson, but can be found on the web with little effort.

>As I read through the document, I was blown away. In all my experience over the past decade working and studying in English departments, JBP’s guide contains the most useful, practical advice on essay writing I’ve ever come across. Not only that, I was staggered by how casually he delivers deep wisdom and profound psychological insights.

>JBP points out that essay writing is more than just a thing to do get grades in college. It’s a practical method for clarifying your thinking and learning to articulate yourself.

>This planet needs people (especially men) who are not only willing to enter into the chaotic fray of beliefs and ideologies, but who have the skill to articulate what matters most to them at all costs. At least this isa skill I’m trying to personally develop. So I reposted the entire guide below to bring his method some visibility, and in the hopes that others might find it helpful.


>> No.9588014

I don't even like Peterson much but I appreciate this type of thing. Thanks for your post desu.

>> No.9588201

Thanks, anon. I've been looking for this.

>> No.9588229

The Peterson hero worship has to end. Not everything he has to say needs to be worthwhile.

>he gets 40k a month on patreon

The man is an entertainer for god's sake.

>> No.9588263

Heroes need better antagonists than you.

>> No.9588277
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Sorthammer 40K:
in the grim darkness of the near future there is only room-cleaning

>srsly can we get a 40K/Peterson meme

>> No.9588298
File: 8 KB, 206x245, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck are you serious?

>> No.9588592

I was making a joke, but it does have an eerie point to it.

>> No.9588666
File: 102 KB, 1200x675, C9ECxr8VYAEZ9Pe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man is a warrior

>plans to curate a series of conversations with moderate Muslims about the possibility of developing a bridge between that faith and the fundamental beliefs of the West
>wants to do a series on the 100 greatest books of Western civilization
>would very much like to blow up the entire concept of a university


>> No.9588673

yo i am by no means a fan and have never watched one of his videos but the article is fine. better than fine if youre a lost twenty something

>> No.9588742

He's a necessary character in these times, anon. Whether you like it or not.

>> No.9588762

When did he actually get so popular? Which was the first video of his to go viral?

>> No.9588859


seems like such a long time ago


>> No.9588921

>You might think that there could not possibly be anything more to an essay than these five levels of resolution or analysis, but you would be wrong. This is something that was first noticed, perhaps, by those otherwise entirely reprehensible and destructive scholars known as post-modernists.
Gee you think he could put aside his own prejudices for at least a minute. His convictions are strong, but to a point of consistency or obstinacy?

>> No.9588935

necessary for what?

to pacify degenerate neckeards who get triggered by tumblrina's?

get out more

how can you take someone seriously who takes jung seriously?

>> No.9588944

Peterson was a strange phenomenon for me. He popped up right as I was wondering where the damn post-jungians are and expressed the same things I thought in a fashion that was just what I was looking for and for problems very relevant to me. A Dosto fan, biblical symbolist, post-existentialist, anti-postmodernist and all. Felt like synchronicity.

>> No.9588989

I'm saying it's inevitable someone like him exists. He helps neckbeards too, which is good, but he also acts as a cogent voice against the academic and cyber post-modern zeitgeist. And he brigns a psychological and crypto-mystical method to mainstream minds that overdue.

>> No.9589016

[SHILL WARNING] This is a stepping stone into Peterson's paid "Self Authoring" program where you write for fifteen mins on your fears, 15 mins on your aspirations,15 on sth else. You basically pay for ten writing prompts [/SHILL WARNING]

Bed, Peterson. Go to it now.

>> No.9589384


>> No.9589479
File: 1.37 MB, 2550x3300, Symptoms-vomiting biblical symbolist, post-existentialist, anti-postmodernist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biblical symbolist, post-existentialist, anti-postmodernist

>> No.9589507

>This planet needs people (especially men)
Wow okay shitlord

>> No.9589785

>The pen is mightier than the sword, as the saying goes. This is no cheap cliché. Ideas change the world, particularly when they are written. The Romans built buildings, and the Romans and the buildings are both gone. The Jews wrote a book, and they are still here, and so is the book. So it turns out that words may well last longer than stone, and have more impact than whole empires.
really activated my almonds

>> No.9589799

Haha, wow, what a load of pseud horseshit. The Roman church institutions still exist (funny how he forgets that with his wanking over the Bible), some Roman roads have been continually in use since they were made, Roman buildings still stand, and classical Roman writings have been preserved and are read today. Nevermind that they set the course of Mediterranean and European history, Peterson thinks they just vanished.

>But he meant it symbolically!
Yeah, he can take his Jungian symbolism and shove it up the archetype of his ass.

>> No.9589809

>reddit spacing
kill yourself

>> No.9589822

>the fucking scammy link to scribd

Here is the pdf:

>> No.9589849

>he's still a po-modrone

>> No.9590105

There is reddit spacing?

>> No.9590150

>rewrite an essay 6 times
What is this garbage

>> No.9590156
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>itt people who never read Jung pretending they are even remotely qualified to have an opinion on Peterson

>> No.9590158

Most good professors recommend that you rewrite an essay at least four times. Although the amount of sources he insist one have is crazy.
>Fucking five books or articles per 1000 words

>> No.9590182

If you want your essays to have any merit whatsoever 5 sources per 1000 is minimum. Otherwise your stuff is pretty much only fit for a shredder after you get your grade with it. Nobody cares about your personal musings, those are literary high school level

>> No.9590187

I'll have to keep that in mind then.

>> No.9590192

Fuck off Peterson

>> No.9590205

>>Fucking five books or articles per 1000 words
Have you heard him speak to his students?

". . . and what the hell do you know about life? You're in university, for God's sake. Sure, you can probably mumble a few lines of someone else's thoughts, but you don't even know who you are yet. . . "

I'm not surprised he makes them cite so many people. He thinks students are incapable of forming their own valid ideas. And he is probably right.

>> No.9590233

Thank you

>> No.9590262

>Nobody cares about your personal musings, those are literary high school level

It's the other way around.

High school = read what other people said about something and summarize it

College = do original textual analysis thinking for yourself

>> No.9590285

No, it is not. In high school you just learn the absolute basics, you scribble some bullshit and turn it in. In college you need to learn to think, and you do that by research and study. If you don't give sources you are not learning anything. You need to learn how others think, and position yourself within that framework. Personal undergraduate musings are only fit for the shredder.

The time for personal musings that perhaps might have some merit is after you graduate.

>> No.9590318

>Anyone can form his own valid ideas without reading great people
If this is the kind of insight you are able to produce, you are proving that you are unable of having valid ideas.

>> No.9590338

t. buttmad liberal arts student whose delusions of grandeur got severely attacked in this thread

>> No.9590340

What? I am STEM guy who likes reading great book. I know how inadequate I am compared to the masters.

>> No.9590345

>a STEM guy

why don't you be more honest and just say comp sci

>> No.9590352

Nope, electrical engineering. Try again projecting your insecurities, you're doing great.

>> No.9590365

so I wasn't far off
I love how physicists and mathematicians never actually say "I'm a STEM guy", it's always engineers and comp sci students

>> No.9590398

Jordan Peterson is a completely Literally Who outside of this website. His shitty gypsy face always leaves me like "meh". But I'm so glad there are people who waste their time on such a hack. I laugh at them desu.

>> No.9590405

>electrical engineering
>close to compsci
What the hell are you talking about? Try studying data structures then go back to Maxwell's equations, see how close they are to each others.

Nevertheless, it is true that physicists and mathematicians do not like to be put in the same group as engineers and compsci guys because theoretical science do not like empricism, because practice is messy.
Example: a mathematician will keep pi as a transcendental number whereas an engineer will approximate it to ten digits.

>> No.9590407
File: 133 KB, 1024x768, who.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally Who

Damn, didn't know he was that big. But I guess it makes sense, he gets half a mil a year on patreon alone

>> No.9590415

Dude, why are you so pseud. Your example of "hard" is a set of easy 4 differential equations, and you go on this meme example of approximating pie to 10 digits. Take it easy, brainlet.

>> No.9590433

I was not pointing out that there were difficult, just different from data structures (i.e. basic stuff in compsci). You should really learn to READ.

>> No.9590484

You, and some other people ITT, do you seriously think no one noticed? Your have a typing style and humour of a pseudointellectual redditor vermin subscribed to r/JordanPeterson who yet comes here because reddit is "le leftist shithole," and because this is THAT epic 4chan, the one you know so much about from r/4chan and their EPIC FUNNEH SCREENSHOTS, no cultural marxists here I can tell ya. But you don't really blend in. Sam Harris fans learned this and hopefully you will too. You are an abortion between a typical obnoxiously zany redditor and one month old btard. Go back. Don't return.

>> No.9590492

bro, go easy on the autistic rage

>> No.9590499
File: 292 KB, 2560x1440, 1479568374879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>JBP points out that essay writing is more than just a thing to do get grades in college. It’s a practical method for clarifying your thinking and learning to articulate yourself.

>writing essay
>rapidly become obsessed with muh prose
>meticulously self-edit individual sentences ten different ways, comparing each with the other to select the very best one
>three hours go by
>have one paragraph
>read it the next day
>it's shit

>> No.9590529

No. I'm not saying you cite nothing, but as you say "you have to learn to think" and as you also say "you do that by research and study" but also reflection and analysis. If you need to learn to think, then logically, in essays you have to demonstrate that you have learned to think, and not just that you can position yourself within someone else's framework.

>> No.9590564

Why are left-wingers so retarded?

>> No.9590572

retarded people are retarded. for every moronic tumblrina there's an equally stupid autistic frogposter

>> No.9590586

Frog posters don't control academia.

>> No.9590589

k? stefan would be disappointed in you

>> No.9590591


>> No.9590594

I really like Jordan Peterson.

>> No.9590635

I'm not sure "the left" even exists anymore.

americans seem to think idendity politics and center-right politics is "left-wing".

flogging a dead horse desu

>> No.9590671

Things change. Nationalism would have at one time been considered left-wing. Now it is considered hard right, meanwhile left-wingers tend to push globalism in one form or another. Identity politics, particularly in terms of nations having borders, are a facet of this.

>> No.9590678

this is what frogposters actually think

>> No.9590693

>le college teaches you how to think meme

>> No.9590695

>everyone I disagree with posts frog memes

>> No.9590699


>This planet needs people (especially men) who are not only willing to enter into the chaotic fray of beliefs and ideologies, but who have the skill to articulate what matters most to them at all costs.

Why is it every time I hear about this guy I feel like it is from some identity obsessed numale who reads self-help books about how he should be riding tigers?

>> No.9590700

>muh frogposting boogeyman

>> No.9590703

Clean your room.

>> No.9590714


I'm going too my dude, today is reorganizing day. Gonna get some sweet new shelves for my bookz.

>> No.9590722
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>> No.9590750

It's what it's supposed to do. Compare how you were academically in high school and in college and you will see a vast difference - if you choose a good major of course. At the very least it teaches you how to learn.

>> No.9590794

It is supposed to do but it doesnt, if you dont't read things that are outside of what college gives you or you just "think" when you are "supposed" to do, you end up being an semi-knowledgeable idiot, with no original insight at all who thinks "wow now I'm educated now I understand how everything works"
I'm not saying superior education is worthless or anything like that, but spreading the notion that "college teaches you how to think" only creates smugness and stupidity

>> No.9590800

>(especially men)

>> No.9590804

Women already get everything they want.

>> No.9590831

blanket statements: the thread

>> No.9590832
File: 240 KB, 1014x986, harold-bloom1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh cute he's fooling people he knows anything about writing too now

>> No.9590900

he specified how he uses that money in his recent podcast, he literally used all of the patreon money for hiring the museum hes doing the biblical series on and the camera, which totaled to like 30k usd

>> No.9590907

>Trust me goyim, its all going to a good cause I swear ;^)

>> No.9590910


he's going on a rampage right now on twitter btw gents

>> No.9590916
File: 64 KB, 176x170, richardiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>progressives calling other people "numales"

>> No.9590918

Oh woah, thank you great master for permitting me not to give you free money

>> No.9590921
File: 158 KB, 1200x1000, 1482943513337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I use progressive as an insult

>> No.9590923

you are forgiven my son, go in peace

>> No.9590931

very funny but actually i completely disagree with him regarding jews and antisemitism, either he is completely blind towards the eternal jew or he is low-brow redpilling people into the truth about kikes

>> No.9590932

wow he's a typical old man trying to assimilate with a younger crowd

>> No.9590937

Bless you

>> No.9591061

ITT: literally one guy shilling against peterson

>> No.9591065

HAHAHAHAHAHAH man are you bothered or something