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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 486 KB, 1280x722, futurists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9586419 No.9586419 [Reply] [Original]

At which point in your life did you realize they were right about everything?

>> No.9586423

Right now

>> No.9586437

When I was dumb and edgy.

>> No.9587479

I always knew they were right

>> No.9587486

Realize that Lord Kek is the truth and Hitler was great. Take the redpill, numale retard

>> No.9589029

when i read the manifesto of futurism

>> No.9589032

Surrealism > Futurism, sorry

>> No.9589039

Instead of Fascism vs Marxism I think Surrealism vs Futurism should be the current paradigm of political debate. Let's make it real with meme magic guys!

>> No.9589832

Lol no, Surrealism is ony aesthetics. No philosophical value at all.

>> No.9589841

>dude speed lmao

>> No.9589846
File: 42 KB, 948x669, 14878655778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post hurt me, and I think that was the point.

>> No.9589852

I realized some time ago that historical materialism is essentially correct, and large amounts of philosophy is idealist systematizing which nobly but fruitlessly searches for extra-historical truths. It's given me a whole new perception, however I wouldn't say I'm right about most things.

>> No.9589853

>dude dreams lmao

>> No.9589860

Rec me a good book on them (hmm why am I doubting no one here can... experience maybe)

>> No.9589861

youre retarded

>> No.9589867

You have to read Marinetti's complete works

>> No.9589868

I'm not the one claiming "philosophical value"

>> No.9589878

gotta go fast

>> No.9589882

Futurist Manifesto sums it up pretty neatly. They despised everything old and traditional and had a huge hard on for speed, technology and destruction. They aestheticised WW1 with its tanks and chemical weapons as a huge cataclysmic event in which the individual human life was completely subjugated to man-made machinery.

>> No.9589911

I think there's a big lesson behind all that. Futurists really teach you to move forward and to ignore everything lost, everything futile, everything that could represent a regret for you. It's basically the only existing philosophy that promotes pure and unconditional creativity

>> No.9589986


>> No.9589996
File: 2.05 MB, 1475x534, Europe After the Rain by Max Ernst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is nick land a futurist?

>> No.9590026

Are these quads?

>> No.9590036

You miserably failed


>> No.9590426

A year ago I wrote an essay for school shitting on them and praising Yesenin. I don't know what sort of brain damage I'd have to suffer from to change my mind.
I mean, they are sort of neat aesthetically but taking them seriously is pure idiocy.

>> No.9590429

why are italians so dominant aesthetically

>> No.9590450

You are the first brain-damaged idiot if you think you have to take them seriously. They were provocateurs, incendiaries, artists. Their thought shines through excess, but it's not excessive. You weight their words and then you draw conclusions, you don't read them as you would read a rational philosopher. They were >implying all the time, not >stating.

>> No.9590455

What do I do if I want fast dreams?

>> No.9590781
File: 258 KB, 1000x750, Burliuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The futurists would be funny if they weren't dead serious about how good their art is. Most of it is so ridiculous it hurts.

>> No.9590848
File: 239 KB, 906x1080, rissa-in-galleria-boccioni-19092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally who?

Have some Boccioni, man.

>> No.9590913
File: 11 KB, 263x192, 1493940887678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what's exactly the philosophy of futurism?

>> No.9590919 [DELETED] 

He's a russian futurist. I admit Boccioni was more talented but this painying is just a Seurat knockoff with a futurist theme shoehorned in.

>> No.9590927

He's a russian futurist. I admit Boccioni was more talented but this painting is just a Seurat knockoff with a futurist theme shoehorned in.

>> No.9590938

It's basically Tyler Durden's Project Mayhem.

>> No.9590942

It's not explicitly defined, it's rather based on the implications of Marinetti's writings. Basically, Furutism is against anything stagnant. It calls for infinite change, which is what life is all about. Destruction is necessary to upgrade; without destruction there's no creativity and I find this to be very true.

>> No.9590945

Sucking Mussolini's dick for national museums they won't even get. I guess they could be called cucks.

>> No.9590950
File: 473 KB, 1336x927, Gino Severini - Le Boulevard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the only cuck here

>> No.9590961
File: 20 KB, 640x480, 1494714449388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9590964

Almost any style a futurist tried to do was done better by another artist a few years before. They should have stuck with unedible food recepies, that's what they were great at.

>> No.9590967

Masquerading regress as progress

>> No.9590971

I guess if you have a very simple way of viewing art, maybe.

>> No.9590977

How would you describe this painting?

>> No.9591009
File: 295 KB, 1200x797, Umberto_Coccioni_la_città_che_sale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha find one artist that did this before Boccioni

Embarrassing (and wrong) oversimplification.

>> No.9591016

Cycling into the Anus of Time

>> No.9591027

Wrote a paper on the influence on Futurism on Antonioni's Red Desert. It's a real shame that Futurist cinema never really amounted to anything, despite it being the best medium for their ideas.
I don't think there is a complete English translation of Marinetti's works, but most of the important ones are available in translation.
If you want a general overview of the movement, it's worth reading:
The Foundation and Manifesto of Futurism
Let's Murder the Moonlight
War, the World's only Hygiene
Beyond Communism was an interesting read too; there's a section in which Marinetti directly addresses the notion of people being "citizens of the world" that has become more popular these days.
If you want to learn about specific Futurist media, then you can read the specific manifestos (i.e. manifesto on literature; on sculpture; on cinema etc.)
There's also Marinetti's writings outside of theory, like Zang Tumb Tumb (extended poem, very experimental) and his short story "The Untameables" which is a strange sort of sci-fi

>> No.9591064
File: 95 KB, 1149x1536, T01589_10[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9591094
File: 58 KB, 400x307, DaliTheSavage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like a cover of a Radiohead's album

Sounds great but I don't think that endless destruction would lead to endless creativity and for what I saw, I'd say that Surrealism is more crative and better aesthetically.

>> No.9591110
File: 108 KB, 672x668, kandinsky train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You chose a good painting, I like this one. Its dynamism is similar to what can be seen in early Kandinsky, with the abstraction replaced by the futurist reactionary attitude of attempting classicism by sticking to representation.

>> No.9591171


>> No.9591245

It may be aesthetically better, but after a while you realize futurist art has more unity

>> No.9591255

>has more unity

Can you explain this in a way that's not total bullshit?

>> No.9591303

Noise is the most enduring contribution the futurist made to the arts. Really makes you think.

>> No.9591325

russolo is our guy

>> No.9591342

Every time I manage to have control over my dreams, I go super fast and then the rising heart beat wakes me up.
Doesn't matter if it's rocket, skydiving, slalom or waterfall or any of that.

>> No.9591368
File: 275 KB, 962x724, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boccioni is more coherent than Dalì. Dalì wanted to represent the unconscious world, the realm of dreams... but that means everything and nothing. You can see lots of different things in your dreams and fantasies. This leads to a break into numerous details and fragments of reality, plainly visible in Dalì's paintings. There are disproportions: you find gigantic animals like elephants and giraffes in the foreground and almost microscopic objects in the background or in other parts of the picture. Don't get me wrong: I like Dalì, but I've always found paintings with more compositional unity more pleasant. Maybe De Chirico is a good example of this, regarding Surrealism. But, focusing back to Futurism, Boccioni's sense of oneness is incomparable. He looks more like an Impressionist than a 20th century's experimenter: whilst devoting his personal research to the subjects of speed and movement, he tries to capture the unique vision of reality, or of a single fragment of reality. Every element in his paintings are melted together in this fleeting moment, there's almost a stretch to grasp the noumenic essence of reality. Personally, I love artists who are able to transmit this kind of search, to make me think about it.

>> No.9591387


>> No.9591441



>> No.9591461

But he has no respect for silence, desu.

>> No.9591559
File: 196 KB, 1181x1181, Fausto_Romitelli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me think of how great they are, it's not their fault mr. autistic Japanese mememan had to shit up the genre.


As long as you keep your artistic consumption within the borders of Italy you'll never be disappointed.

>> No.9591565

Too soon ;_;

>> No.9591628


>> No.9593406
File: 727 KB, 1088x1509, Pierre_Trudeau_(1975).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your favorite futurist /lit/

>> No.9593414

Its philosophical value bridges the gap between Rousseau and Postmodernism.

>> No.9593421


>> No.9593427

A combination of the organic body and the metallic/mechanic. The mechanic is imbued with all the shortcomings of the body such as desire, the earth, its cycles (essentially the feminine) and man becomes the expressed and externalised will reigning over space and time (vectors).

>> No.9593439

Not who you are responding to but

>Dalì wanted to represent the unconscious world, the realm of dreams... but that means everything and nothing.

not entirely true:

>> No.9593469

I prefer Facist aesthetics

>> No.9593494
File: 366 KB, 1411x1044, bankruptcy-1902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boccioni was the man
Too bad about the war thing

Balla was more than just Futurism -- pic related

>> No.9593761

Holy shit, is that a painting? I stared at it for a minute before realizing it was not a photo.

>> No.9594969

>Here is the furious copulation of battle, the gigantic vulva stirred by the friction of courage, monstrous vulva that spreads open the better to offer itself to the terrific spasm of our coming victory! It’s ours, the victory is ours . . . I’m certain of it because the madmen are already tossing their hearts into the air, like bombs! . . . I’m raising my sights to a hundred meters! Ready! Aim! . . . Fire! . . . Our blood? . . . Yes! All of it, in big clots, to recolor the sickened dawns of the Earth! . . . Yes, we know how to warm you between our smoking-hot arms, oh impoverished sun, decrepit and chilled, shivering on the summit of Gorisankar! . . .
What did the Futurists mean by this?

>> No.9595151

Eia, eia, eia! Alala!

>> No.9595202


That's a reasonable position desu

>> No.9595233
File: 68 KB, 664x385, A.Libera-1932-Mostra-del-decennale-della-rivoluzione-fascista-a-Roma[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a fair amount of crossover in the early days, and even into the late 20s-mid 30s when Futurism started being less important, Italian fascist aesthetics were still more interesting than the Nazi stuff

>> No.9595424


>> No.9595594

It's getting there.

>> No.9596180

looks like fun