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/lit/ - Literature

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9588741 No.9588741[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sequel is going to be any month now edition.

>What's Worm?

Worm is a web serial, an online piece of literature which is basically a massive E-book.

>What's Worm about?

Worm is about an alternate universe where superheroes exist, and is notable for having justifications for why superhero tropes exist in the setting.

>Why is /co/shit capestuff here?

Worm is a novel about capeshit and /co/ had a big breakdown over where worm threads should be placed. Last thread got moved to /lit/ an instantly broke /lit/'s bump limit so no we're making a new thread.

>> No.9588756
File: 307 KB, 1231x876, scion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Worm thread?
New Worm thread!

This is our home now.

>> No.9588758

What sort of global problem could Worm 2 feature that Dragon Unchained doesn't trivialize?

>> No.9588761

get this cancer out of /lit/ immediately, I recommend /trash/ or /bant/

>> No.9588764

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, anon.

>> No.9588767

don't bring /co/ here, it's one of the boards most infested by newfag femanons from tumblr

please please god don't bring them here

>> No.9588769

Dragon's getting pretty fucked up. A lot of damage from Defiant freeing her, and far more from breaking free of Teacher. Wouldn't be surprised if she's far less powerful than she was.

Valkyrie going evil.

>> No.9588772

Oh hey, it's the guy who is either a namefag or can't figure out how to sage right. Sorry "SAGE", but the mods have spoken. Worm lives here now, and with Worm 2 on the horizon (as well as not having to worry about being moved anywhere) you can expect to see a lot of threads about it in the future.

>> No.9588777

Dragon and Defiant will probably opt to stay out of things for a while in favor of raising some weird android child.

>> No.9588780

I wanna see communist China-style propaganda featuring Valkyrie. Even in death, our heroes fight on!

>> No.9588795


Another Entity, Slaughterhouse Nine Billion (they're from the future), Contessa goes rogue, Grey Man (fighter of the night man, aaaAAAaaaaa), whatever/whoever made the Endbringers, Evil Clone Taylor, the Sleeper

>> No.9588797

WTF is this trash

>> No.9588804

Are you talking about the fanfic?

As far as we know, Teacher didn't die in GM and is still around.
Simurgh's baby Eidolon was bbq'd, but she's still there, and no one knows what kind of plans she'll have now that she doesn't have to be a Worthy Opponent and doesn't have Scion to plan around.
Abaddon/Apollyon is still floating around in space somewhere.

Global problems are hard to wrap my head around because Earth post GM isn't just Bet now, it's a dozen alternate Earth dimensions, each with hundreds or thousands of settler communities.

>> No.9588805
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Too late anon. /co/ fucks that most likely hate capes to begin with & jerk off to Steven Universe only whine & bitch like the festering little shit they are, whined enough to move us people who were interested, or are fans of, worm out of /co/ & into here. Now if you don't like it, ignore it & hide thread like a normal person, instead of coming here to be a whiny cunt. I swear to god it's that easy.

>> No.9588806


>> No.9588814

If it makes you feel anybody this was rejected by /co/. But I suppose that could also just make you feel worse.

>> No.9588817

We shouldn't see another Entity, given that their usual MO is to make it blatantly obvious where they've gone to spare each other wasting resources traveling to a portion of space that's already been harvested. Maybe Abaddon shows back up and reveals the the entire plot of Worm 1 was all according to plan.

(Translator's note: "plan" means keikaku.)

>> No.9588826

could you post some pics of those femanons? are they worth checking?

>> No.9588833


Forgot about Abaddon.

Maybe the Three Blasphemies?

>> No.9588841

Teacher confirmed alive in epilogues.

>> No.9588849

Teacher is confirmed alive and up to shit.

>> No.9588856

He'll be in Worm 2 at some point, trust my itchy elbow on this.

Number Man and Contessa survived GM. What will Contessa do now that she has finished her path? She spent her whole life working for it, and now it's finished. Wildbow's MO is to escalate, and if Contessa shows up in W2, that's him slamming the instant escalation button in the story.

Wildbow explained Jack Slash's trigger event in a WoG (abusive parents, moleman childhood), and when asked about Harbinger's, he said he wanted to save it for the future.

Maybe we'll get some backstory on Number Man in Worm 2?

>> No.9588867

> What will Contessa do now that she has finished her path?

She's gonna try doing some things on her own without help.

>> No.9588878

Like what?

Go back to her uncle's farm and raise goats? Her whole family is dead. Cauldron is her only family, and most of them are dead.

>> No.9588882

Path to: Self-actualization and becoming my own person.

Step 1...

Wait, shit.

>> No.9588896

Step 2: Ballistic brain surgery, auto edition.

>> No.9588904

She can make a new farm. With blackjack. And hookers.

>> No.9588910

Two shots no kill, Contessa underpowered devs pls buff.

Seriously though, after all the shit that she had to go through in order to save the world (Path to: Being unmoved by the cries for mercy) (Path to: making the nightmares stop) I want Contessa to have happy things happen to her in Worm 2.

>> No.9588930

>happy things happen
>Wildbow story

It seems you got on the wrong bus, my friend.

>> No.9588934

Defiant's waifu loves him back. Happy things do happen, just not to the main character.

>> No.9588951
File: 125 KB, 779x1026, panacea__skatch__by_linaleez-datjhlm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panpan is best girl.

>> No.9588953
File: 419 KB, 1445x1044, drumph btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /sleeper/ here?

Greyboy deserved a better ending

the protagonist will not be as good as Taylor because Taylor's power is literally perfect for what Wildbow was trying to do and he won't be able to top it.

I really hope the MC isn't a moralfag and i reaaally hope its not theo.

what insane powers will the new shards make? anything that bypasses the Manton effect is pretty crazy, but there could be many more endbringer level threats. Speaking of endbringers whats the Simurgh's endgame?

Panacea and bonesaw are both literal gods but are too retarded to know it.

>> No.9588960

>no tattooed hands

punished panacea is best panacea

>> No.9588964

But she didn't become Venom Snake.

>> No.9589010
File: 159 KB, 734x709, Shielder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shielder best girl.

>> No.9589020

what the fuck is this shit
fuck off to ssfg or whatever hellhole you came from

>> No.9589033


>> No.9589046

Wasn't the entire point of Panacea that she did know and was terrified by the idea of it, so intentionally gimped herself?

>> No.9589055

Science fiction and fantasy general.
One of the quarantine threads here.

>> No.9589059

fuck off

>> No.9589061

Kind of. She was afraid of becoming a villain like her father, and felt that if she started flexing the real extent of her power she would slide down a slope into degeneracy, which is exactly what happened. The S9 made her break her rules, and it ended with her raping her sister (physically and mentally) and turning her into a flesh garden during the act.

>> No.9589121

Can y'all fuck off to /trash/ or /co/ already?

Comics are not fucking literature.
Get out of here with your weeb shit you illiterate fucks.

>> No.9589129

>calls us illiterate
>thinks we're talking about a comic
Wew, lad.

>> No.9589183

>Can y'all fuck off to /trash/ or /co/ already?
We went to /co/, moved here because this is /lit/.
Fuck off & go to another thread. It's that simple.

>> No.9589399

Good think Worm isn't a comic then. It's literature, get over it.