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9587094 No.9587094 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw logic and reason make it abundantly clear that the soul is just a fairy tale
>mfw Plato instantly gives way under my foot like so much sand
>mfw the house the West built on top of it collapses with it

>> No.9587206 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 345x504, 1496436304222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The west

And the east.
Wanna know what else is sand?

>> No.9587242

>tfw you realize the meaning of life is to be found in a bud light-fueled threeway with some 7s from daytona

feels liberating or something i guess

>> No.9587259

imagine what their buttholes smell like

must be nice desu

>> No.9587268

Heh........... so this is the power of American culture?

>> No.9587283

>not recognizing that the concept of soul is a leveling off of the original Greek ψυχή and attempting to recover our originary relation to φύσις from which we have erred
>simply taking the corrupted λόγον for granted

Our metaphysics had become null and trash and you've chosen to accept the facsimile instead of trying to disclose truth.

>> No.9587313

>being this spooked to fuck

kill yourself

>> No.9587330
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Point to the soul

>> No.9587338
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>> No.9587357
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>> No.9587382

>le epiphenomenom maymay
We is christian board tripfag.

>> No.9587401

There are no Christians left. Only ironical theist reactionaries. Point to the soul.

>> No.9587470

Yep, you're on 4chan

>> No.9587472

First of all, it must be said that in the outpourings of various occultists and other will-less parasites, when they discuss spiritual questions, not everything is entirely wrong.

What they call the "soul" does really exist, but not everybody necessarily has one.

A soul is not born with man and can neither unfold nor take form in him so long as his body is not fully developed.

It is a luxury that can only appear and attain completion in the period of "responsible age," that is to say, in a man's maturity.

The soul, like the physical body, is also matter—only, it consists of "finer" matter.

The matter from which the soul is formed and from which it later nourishes and perfects itself is, in general, elaborated during the processes that take place between the two essential forces upon which the entire Universe is founded.

The matter in which the soul is coated can be produced exclusively by the action of these two forces, which are called "good" and "evil" by ancient science, or "affirmation" and "negation," while contemporary science calls them "attraction" and "repulsion."

>> No.9587515
File: 571 KB, 1139x877, Le NT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are no Christians left. Only ironical theist reactionaries.

>implying they are mutually exclusive

>> No.9587650

The wasteland grows.

>> No.9587665

>t. fat ugly virgin

>> No.9587759
File: 145 KB, 610x487, 1496238939918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy who replies to the fat lesbian attention whore

>> No.9587990

You won't be worth speaking to for at least another 10 years. Come back then.

Or don't.

>> No.9589625

>It was real in my mind

>> No.9589636

lmao who's that dude?

>> No.9589647

Them prove me that youre (((reason))) proves this.

>> No.9589648
File: 31 KB, 600x476, IMG_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i can't even begin to give a shit about your existential crisis

>> No.9589667

>>tfw you realize the meaning of life is to be found in a bud light-fueled threeway with some 7s from daytona
>tfw you realize you're a balding Asian with a lip piercing, pentagram choker and a pinky ring.

>> No.9589731


Do you think 7 is too low or too high?

>> No.9591491

They're not beautiful, really. Can't you see the soullessness?