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/lit/ - Literature

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9585417 No.9585417[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

No wonder all of Athens hated Socrates. No one wants to put up with some eccentric dishevelled old man probing them with questions and hearing from him how wise he is all the time.

>TFW just read Apology and he doesn't even apologise.

What an asshole.

Did he get what was coming to him in the end?

>> No.9585427

Read the dialogue Parmenides if you haven't already. There the tables finally turn on Socrates. It's one of the harder dialogues thought. Hegel called it "perhaps the greatest literary product of ancient dialectic"

>> No.9585440

My book only has Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo, Symposium, Phaedrus and The Republic.

>> No.9585456

That's a pretty good selection to start with, but don't forget the 'late' dialogues. Read https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/plato/#HisSocEarMidLatDia.. I particularly like Theaetetus and Parmenides. I was lucky enough to get the complete works for 20 lira (+- 5 euro's at the time) on a vacation in Turkey.

>> No.9585947

Keep reading faggot

>> No.9585971

How one feels about Socrates is the ultimate patrician/pleb litmus test. Patricians revel in his excoriation of bourgeois sensibilities, while those whose social position is hard won and on shaky ground are threatened and or disgusted by his behavior. Hitler describes the phenomenon well in Mein Kampf.

>> No.9586011

>Hitler describes the phenomenon well in Mein Kampf.

is this a troll?

>> No.9586043

Only a pleb would ask that.

>> No.9586065

b-but I think Socrates was based, man!

>> No.9586150

Fine then, Hitler says something loosely related about the upper classes being better able to understand the lower than the middle class are capable because of those reasons. I feel dirty now for consorting with a middle-brow.

>> No.9586237
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wtf these are good posts

>> No.9586256

Well, my good man, would you say I am annoying because I ask questions, or are the questions annoying because they are asked by me?

>> No.9586265

I remember I once told my dad about Socrates and he said that's no way to treat your fellow human beings and that he would punch him in the face.

>> No.9586320

Because they are asked by you, wise man.

>> No.9586336

On the next episode of Dr Phil: patrician sons of pleb dads.

>> No.9586367
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Every philosopher worth reading has been a dick and antagonized their betters.

>> No.9586638

I often feel my talents are wasted here, yet I'm profoundly lacking in ambition and have utter contempt for the approval of the unwashed masses. Wat do?

Continue to shitpost on a Guatamalan hentai message board until I die.

>> No.9586653

Life is a tale told by a shitposter, full of memes and keks, signifying nothing.

>> No.9586660

I'm glad we haven't lost you yet. Less good posts everyday.

>> No.9586686

just cause some moron said you had two good posts doesn't mean you should let it go to your head

>> No.9586720

Diogenes famously trolled the shit out of Plato, but did Diogenes get along with Socrates?

>> No.9586783

It's not only that though, I got quints once on /pol/. Kek truly shines his dark light upon my posting lifestyle.

>> No.9586791

ok ignore my dumb ass you really are a god

>> No.9586817

Diogenes was a child when Socrates was executed so probably

>> No.9587039

>looking for an honest man
>finds a good boy