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/lit/ - Literature

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9584906 No.9584906 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, does anyone have any experience ghostwriting essays for students?

I did this and the student I wrote for is refusing to pay me after the essay has been turned in. If I am a student at another university from theirs, do I risk anything academically by threatening to reveal to their university that they didnt write that essay, or actually revealing it?

>> No.9584919

threaten to reveal to their university that you wrote the essay. They have more to lose, and you might be able to keep some semblance of anonymity when contacting their university.

Don't let people push you around like that. Call their bluff.

>> No.9584920

Ha what a shitstain. You should just threaten to expose him. Yes you'd risk something academically by admitting you agreed to do this that's illegal or something. You could however twist the truth and threaten the student by threatening to tell his administration that he stole it from you. You have options

>> No.9584937

The act of ghostwriting isnt illegal, at least in the us

>> No.9584957

Agree with the anon saying to expose this punk. Being caught for writing for people isn't nearly as bad as being caught having shit written for you.

You will get a rep as a struggling overachiever who was forced to humble his ego in order to make ends meat, and he will get a rep as a mental midget exploiter who tries to bluff his way through the system.

Genuinely smart and dedicated kids have ghostwritten for bougie airheads all the time. It's basically a trope now. You won't be dealt with nearly as harshly as him. If anything the nerds in faculty might sympathize and see themselves in you.

Play this chump if he doesn't make good.

>> No.9584982


>b-b-but muh guaranteed compensation for muh work

Don't try to make bank in shady ways if you aren't real enough to fuck someone up if they fuck you over.
He's not gonna pay you because he knows he can get away with it because you're a faggot and the most you will do is cry to daddy.

The underground is crowded enough without pussy faggots like you.

>> No.9584987


>The underground is crowded enough without pussy faggots like you.

lmao at his cornfest larp post

"the underground"?

>> No.9584991

Don't be a faggot. Just threaten the student, give him/her a deadline and tell them that the minute that deadline is up, an email will be sent to their administration or the head of their department. I bet they cave.

>> No.9584992


I don't keep up to date on all the cool nigger terminology.
You're a faggot too. You can't find anything in my post incorrect, so you try the shaming tactic like a woman. Watch your mouth and learn about the world around you.

>> No.9584995

and even if they don't cave, send it anyway. It's bad for your character to be a pussy. You gotta learn to pull the trigger in situations like this.

>> No.9585003


is this a subtle ruse or are you actually this larp happy

>> No.9585004

It's not a he it's a she. I'm not going to the beat the shit out of a girl

>> No.9585009


Then accept your fate or go cry to daddy.
There are other ways you could fuck with her but you're too pussy to think of it.
By the way, when you rat her out to her uni, she's going to do the same thing to you.
The fact that she fucked you over already tells me that she's got way more street smarts and balls than you do. You probably should just cut your loses and leave her alone, it isn't wise to start fucking with people who outclass you.

>> No.9585018

She can't rat me out she didn't write an essay for me, and ghostwriting isnt illegal

>> No.9585026


Really, then why'd you make the thread to ask the question dumbass?

>Ghostwriting isn't illegal

Goddamn you are dumb. It doesn't have to be "illegal" for it to be against university policy.

What's your uni? I will find their academic integrity policy on their website in 30 seconds. You could have done the same instead of making this thread.

>> No.9585028
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>when white knights pretend to be from the streetz so they can continue their knightly duties

If this guy got owned by her so be it. He had it coming. But your excessive emotion in defending her is literal white knight shit.

>> No.9585035


>defending her

It's not my fault OP is a beta. I'm giving him the best advice. What happens to the girl is just a side effect. It's beyond question that he should leave her alone. Their characters have been revealed and it isn't a battle that he's gonna win. You literally don't understand what white knighting is. Every day I'm more and more convinced that /lit/ is in fact the dumbest board.

>> No.9585036


>>defending her

That's clearly what you're doing son. Read your posts back. Check the emotion levels.

This white knight shit is no way 2 be.

>> No.9585040


Oh right you got me.
Now what?

>> No.9585041

She goes to a different school. Surely he couldn't be punished for writing an essay for someone at a different uni?

>> No.9585042

Why does this faggot think he can mind read? Does he think he's fooling anyone?

>> No.9585046

How much written (digital) evidence is there of this? Can she produce transcripts that show you knew she was going to use it to cheat? Maybe you were just writing an example essay to help her learn from, nothing wrong with private tutoring.

>> No.9585050


You stop being a faggot white knight.

Women don't need your emotional defending. Especially one that will never even meet you, silly sperg. Laugh at OP for being a dumb shit and leave it at that. Enough of the faggotry.

>> No.9585052



Lol. Try it and see what happens.

>> No.9585058

helping someone cheat is generally a violation of a school's academic honesty policy and can be punished by expulsion in extreme cases

OP your best bet would be to make up some bullshit like "this guy stole this essay from me" or "this guy offered to pay me to write this but I didn't know he was using it in an academic sense, I thought it was going to a journal or other publication"

either way you have a LOT more room to maneuver and a LOT more leverage over your client than he has over you. Blackmail the cocksucker. Be ready to follow through if he doesn't cave. Set a deadline for payment and then enforce it. Be somewhat reasonable though, they may simply be unable to afford it. If they are amenable to negotiation offer to set up a payment plan.

>> No.9585059

>Really, then why'd you make the thread to ask the question dumbass?

Because I wanted advice from those with experience.

I wasnt asking if ghostwriting was legal. Do you see that? I dont.

I wasnt asking if she could rat me out for the essay she didnt write for me.

> It doesn't have to be "illegal" for it to be against university policy.

Obviously faggot, that's why I made the thread. My uni doesnt have an outline for what happens to their students when they write papers for another uni's students. I can gather what it probably will be, but I want a clear cut answer

>What's your uni?
Like im telling you. Fuck off

>> No.9585070


You are apparently too dumb to follow a 2-post chain.

Read the fucking post I responded to.

>She can't rat me out she didn't write an essay for me, and ghostwriting isn't illegal.

>It doesn't have to be "illegal" for it to be against uni policy


Then why the fuck did you bring up the fact that it isn't illegal? You're one of the pieces of shit that fuck up this site.

>> No.9585078

>payed me to write this but I didn't know he was using it in an academic sense.
Probably your best bet depending on paper trail. If there's no clear evidence that you knew it was being submitted the university has got nothing on you.

>> No.9585085


You are apparently quite stupid so let me spell it out for you in simple greentext.

>She refuses to pay
>You tell her uni that she submitted someone else's work
>She gets in trouble, probably expelled.
>As revenge she tells your uni that you are ghostwriting academic papers
>You get in trouble, probably expelled.
>The End.

>> No.9585086

>Then why the fuck did you bring up the fact that it isn't illegal?

>By the way, when you rat her out to her uni, she's going to do the same thing to you.

Because saying she's going to rat me out is ambiguous for what she is going to say you fucking idiot. How do I know what you mean by being ratted out? She cant do the exact same thing to me because she didnt write an essay for me. So I pointed out it isnt illegal which was another option. For all I know you thought it was illegal and that's what you meant.

This faggot

>> No.9585091


>This is the quality of a university mind in 2017

>> No.9585094

How the fuck did she ever think you were smart enough to write a worthwhile essay for her

>> No.9585099

She knew because I do well, and got her better results then she could have asked for. Her professor even said she didnt have to take her final because the essay was so well done

>> No.9585101

You still haven't responded to any important questions asked of you such as what's your university's policy and what sort of paper trail is there. You're just responding to nothing.

>> No.9585104


You're fucking larping.

>oh anon, I'm not going to pay you, but let me tell you about how much the professor liked the essay

>> No.9585117

I said there is no clear policy for their students doing paper for other students. There is no direct reference to what happens to students writing essays for others, only general comments about academic dishonesty that make it seem like it includes those who write for others.

As far as a paper trail, she may still have texts about her asking me to do this and me agreeing, which mentions payment. Our emails said nothing about payment however.

No im not. At first she made it seem like she would pay but then waited weeks and decided she wouldnt pay. She didnt immediately tell me im not paying write when the paper went in. Youre just jumping to whatever conclusions you want.

>> No.9585122

tell her to suck your dick or you're turning her in

>> No.9585128


Just drop it, she's more savvy than you and she will absolutely wreck you if you try to fuck her over.
It doesn't take a genius to realize that your uni isn't going to just turn a blind eye towards you writing academic papers for others.

>> No.9585134

How is her getting expelled savvy you dumb faggot?

>> No.9585142

What the fuck are you saying?

>> No.9585145


I wouldn't pay for shit work either. Write better anon

>> No.9585148


>> No.9585151

Has /lit/ ever been endowed with such unimaginable levels of cuckoldry as this thread has experienced?

>> No.9585155
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Back to /pol/ you go

>> No.9585159

Says the weebcuck

>> No.9585163
File: 9 KB, 228x334, 19c9218e0fb8ac694d7424fd7f55c8af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think you are friend

>> No.9585172


>I'm 17 and don't understand the site I post on

>> No.9585195

You should have gotten paid first, because you're fucked no matter what now. Assuming she can prove that you wrote the essay for her specifically, then you can't get away from it if you turn her in. If any of you were thinking about doing something like this and don't want to get fucked over, you have a few options:
1. Get the money beforehand
2. Put the paper online somewhere in a place that plagiarism filters can't access before you hand it over
3. Don't ever expressly say that you were writing the paper for them, and try to pass it off as you wrote the paper because you were interested in the topic

If she has any record that you wrote it for her you're fucked, but if you want you might be able to defend yourself on the basis that you wrote it just to help her write her own.

>> No.9585222

What is the punk doesn't want to pay because OP wrote garbage?