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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 426 KB, 1276x675, 1496347040752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9583206 No.9583206[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9583224

Do people still unironically slut shame in 2017?

>> No.9583245

We don't change our mind because of the year, Trudeau

>> No.9583258

Anyone who isn't volcel monogamous sex only is scum in my eyes; even those whose relationships crumbled from a lack of foresight.

>> No.9583260

tfw no nut case social justice neo-marxist gf

>> No.9583261

>"Feminism isn't trying to destroy western morality you paranoid weirdo"

>> No.9583287 [DELETED] 

Oh god. Think I saw a video of this girl a while back, but I don't think she had black hair. It's a tragedy what happens to pretty white girls when they fall into the trap of jewish feminism.

>> No.9583393

I stopped at 2:24, no reason in particular as to why that spot, but...
... this is not poetry, it's just some girl venting. Why do you show us this crap? Why doesn't she just date a polite christian and avoid the butthurt?

>> No.9583405


>> No.9583410

The try hard delivery of slam poetry is so annoying. It's not original as everyone does the same thing.

>> No.9583416

this bitch is talking like vsauce

>> No.9583442

I want to nut on her face.

>> No.9583443


I only knew her from before college after college memes

>> No.9583448

stopped watching within the first 2 seconds. these women should be passed off to the somali's, that they may fully realize the art of sluthood and communicate it to the unwashed masses through their poerty

>> No.9583462
File: 245 KB, 1400x1494, 1561_Ursula_40_detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does /lit/ think of this poem about Ursula from The Little Mermaid?

"..you.. big lady, were the only Disney character who ever looked like me"


>> No.9583480
File: 376 KB, 800x435, serveimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just not true.

>> No.9583489

hnnngg this so much

>> No.9583543

blowjob eyes

>> No.9583553
File: 104 KB, 479x274, hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hi I'm a slut

>> No.9583560 [DELETED] 

Stop watching the porn jew, hit the zinc and magnesium then the squat rack, and maybe some day you will.

>> No.9583582


This so much

>> No.9583608
File: 60 KB, 500x495, 1073249875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this never gets old

>> No.9583619

hello slut

>> No.9583634

>slut shaming
na we stone them here

>> No.9583649
File: 407 KB, 624x629, Screen Shot 2017-06-01 at 7.04.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.9583689

what are these people even talking about. i don't understand. what are their grievances?

>> No.9583696

there is one from an asian called Cho Chang or something like that about how JK Rowling is a racist shitlord because asians were minor characters in Harry Potter.

>> No.9583736

whos this fat low rent Jenna Marbles

>> No.9583762

wouldn't they simply say that's because you're a cishet petit bourgeois neurotypical white male?

>> No.9583794

Love her voice. Too bad her poetry is Kuaresque dinglingshit.

>> No.9583803

awful, just awful

>> No.9583812

fuccboi's don't do this

>> No.9583834

Poetry is bad stand up comedy, now I see

>> No.9583868

not everything is jews, you fucking turbo autists

>> No.9583889 [DELETED] 

Who said everything was? What was being implied is a fact: jews are incredibly over represented and dominant in the porn business, have bragged about this fact openly, and even said their reasons for promoting porn is to subvert non-jewish culture and values. Why are you trying to downplay this fact? Because you're jewish, I assume?

>> No.9583900

Imagine being this spooked.

>> No.9583901

it's also a meme you dip

>> No.9583910

It's the sort of meme that led to /pol/ being colonised by the alt-right. Words have consequences, even if they are just memes.

>> No.9583915 [DELETED] 

>jew trying to downplay the culturally destructive nature of his tribe of desert savages
Not going to work, oven boy.

>> No.9583926


>> No.9583946
File: 137 KB, 952x845, 1495022235325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are almost all of them like this

Where do I go if I want a girl who didn't inhale cum nonstop between the ages of 20-25

>> No.9583954

yes and the consequences of your words is the totalitarian police state. So maybe everyone should stop taking themselves so seriously and think about something that really matters like how a /lit/izen bukkake would look on savannah's face

>> No.9583956 [DELETED] 

Lancaster, PA

>> No.9583974 [DELETED] 

>not slut shaming
>encouraging women to be used up, unvirtuous whores
Fuck off. Being a whore should be just as socially unacceptable as it has always been before 2000.

>> No.9583991 [DELETED] 


A common misconception is that to understand the jewish problem you have to venture into some seedy notsee bunker of the internet, when all you have to do is read their own publications. They brag about warping your mind by producing and promoting sick strains of porn that objectify European women, among other things. No white man in his right mind should be defending jews.

>> No.9584077

That's why artificial wombas are being developed.

>> No.9584083

Most people don't. Incels on the internet frequently do. You just happen to be exposed to the second demographic.

>> No.9584102

I don't know where you live, maybe Los Angeles or a place like this, but women who sleep around are viewed with suspicions almost everywhere.

>> No.9584205 [DELETED] 

If the degree of promiscuity among white women bothers you, attack the source: >>9583991

Women didn't just spontaneously start believing that being a slut was acceptable; this mentality has been getting slowly burned into them for decades, since the jews running our media and cultural institutions began telling women via movies/TV/music that it was okay behavior in order to dismantle the cultural traditions and hierarchies that had previously kept women in line. Our women are suffering from a mind virus. They are to an extent to blame, yes, but jews are who created it and continue to exacerbate it to our collective detriment: blame them first and foremost so we can begin to attack the problem together at its root.

>> No.9584237

Wow another dodger leigh yawper valley girl drone clone

>226 on patreon

numales seem to have gone to chaturbate first

>> No.9584253
File: 45 KB, 448x293, IMG_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shit thread, I hope OP gets permabanned.

In any case, it's already posted, so here's some actually good poetry.

Sprint and All XIV by William Carlos Williams

Of death
the barber
the barber
talked to me

cutting my
life with
sleep to trim
my hair—

It's just
a moment
he said, we die
every night—

And of
the newest
ways to grow
hair on

bald death—
I told him
of the quartz

and of old men
with third
sets of teeth
to the cue

of an old man
who said
at the door—
Sunshine today!

for which
death shaves
him twice
a week

>> No.9584364

>he doesn't realize that /pol/ started the alt-right
they've largely disavowed it now because it's mutated into this horribly cringey reddit thing, but still

>> No.9584410

this. Poetry, if you can qualify it as that, should only be read in monotone. This fake emotion for dramatic effect is degrading, imho

>> No.9584437

A highschool parking lot

>> No.9584497
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>> No.9584512 [DELETED] 

t. Shlomo Shekelstein

>> No.9584515
File: 68 KB, 500x299, Cho+chang+_88c00b3e2764fa9541d958c6ddecc898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically one of the best adaptation of HP

>> No.9584526
File: 96 KB, 564x848, 5cb8d2aa09394b0da90507a2b8cdfba6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more anglo-saxon

>> No.9584533

Go to church.

>> No.9584567
File: 50 KB, 488x322, Ezra Pound - old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Seafarer - Translated and read by Ezra Pound

>> No.9584607

I saw that before. It cracks me up that this is the kind of reaction white people get when they try to put minorities into their stories. They get berated for the smallest errors regarding minorities' cultures.

>> No.9584614

Why are all women addicted to heroin?

>> No.9584718
File: 1.27 MB, 1000x1000, 18513902_875756192565622_328810550014246912_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she's the epitome of *goes to urban outfitters once*

>> No.9584727

If you hate the people you have sex with, then why have sex with them and suck their cocks for their pleasure?

>> No.9584737

projected self-hatred

>> No.9584802

I'm so glad I don't live in the West.

>> No.9584850

slam poetry is gay and creates emotion where the words can't deliver. its like telling an answer to a riddle before they even try to figure it out

>> No.9584871
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>> No.9584904

it's shit she imagines her emotionally unavailable fuckbuddies think after they pump and dump her

in reality, they probably hate her personality and can't stand to hear her talk without a cock down her throat

>> No.9584934


>start to date cute girl
>it's going great
>you really connect
>she confides in you one day and admits that she used to literally do heroin

what do?

>> No.9584940

Accept her for who she is, disclose something about myself so I'm equally as vulnerable as her and then have heartfelt sex

>> No.9584944

Don't let her start doing other drugs, 'cause it will just lead down the same road.

>> No.9584952

fuck her really hard right in the pussy

>> No.9584962




t. total fags

>> No.9584968

>admitting weakness
>admitting weakness to a woman
>admitting weakness to a woman you are dating
don't do this

>> No.9584975


You have to at some point or they will leave because you refuse to open up and be real. But they will use all of it for ammunition down the line regardless. The game is rigged, lad. Doomed if you do and doomed if you don't.

>> No.9584977
File: 54 KB, 293x481, ...and.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9584981

You need to show some weakness that people can sink their fangs into, even if this takes feigning weakness - perfection is upsetting and intimidating.

>> No.9585016

no one wants a bitch and you don't want to be one

>> No.9585030

Mutual self-disclosure is a god tier social skill and you should be licking the shit off my taint in gratitude rather than LARPing as a functioning adult

>> No.9585038

>b-but I just told you about all my insecurities
>p-please fuck me...

>> No.9585039

*tips fedora*

>> No.9585075

weakness will generally come out in the course of a relationship due to worldly events.
It is best to deal with things as they arise rather than to wallow in them

>> No.9585084

I cracked up with this

thanks for the lols

>> No.9585087

No one mentioned wallowing, you are projecting.

>> No.9585114


>> No.9585139

end this, guys

it's retarded to give "generalized" advice to people you don't know based on your own experience. know one knows what's truly right for themselves, let alone all people in all situations. you do your best and learn from the outcome.

>> No.9585144

>don't generalize
>don't take or give advice
>learn everything the hard way
how to neglect the distinctive advantages of being a human being

>> No.9585152

like showing emotions?

>> No.9585160

Even animals can emote, that it's a lower value is apparent by its extreme use by women

>> No.9585182
File: 14 KB, 185x268, 1495987310793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep meeting girls that share my interests
>they all think they're literary geniuses
>they know this because their high-school teachers told them so
>they keep participating in contests and saying they hope they don't win because they can't handle the pressure
>they never win
>they're always sad after
>cue bout of depression

Why, why, why did I break up with my cute Muslim girlfriend... She's a rich lawyer now and I'm stuck with these fucking wannabe losers.

>> No.9585188

le BASED muslims XDDD

>> No.9585190
File: 537 KB, 559x461, 1496328765933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>wishing that you could've been the kept man of a rich muslim woman in some geopolitics gone bizarro reality
>not a loser

>> No.9585196

Can confirm this is true in LA too. The insecure whores who invented this movement are the first to slut shame those who cross them.

>> No.9585197
File: 56 KB, 640x640, 1517016_702582583098990_898951464_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was this her?

>> No.9585202

I never imagined a ragheadded uggo could project such narcissism from a photograph
just look at the upturned nose and raised eyebrows

>> No.9585203

muzzies are proud of their """humility""""
>muh headcoverings

>> No.9585208


Nah, she was more like an American conservative in terms of beliefs and decorum. She wasn't religious either - just pretended for the family.

>> No.9585213


Somebody post her "artistic nudes".
That's definitely my kind of poetry.

>> No.9585219

is this the one that did rape art porn or is it someone else

>> No.9585225

idk you better find those but here's a short film she was in

>> No.9585230

god I fucking hate these people

>> No.9585246


>> No.9585255

good lord, how do these people exist?

>> No.9585260
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>that """""acting""""""

>> No.9585261
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she's a model, at least

>> No.9585263
File: 81 KB, 736x981, 9c80444965d9de1c40b3c069a517dbdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that collapsed ass


>> No.9585265


>> No.9585267

She's just petite, perfect for my dick desu

>> No.9585268

God, a couple of squats a day would be better than that.

>> No.9585277


>> No.9585278


Control F "bum"

Zero results found

>> No.9585291

t. niggers

>> No.9585298

Post more Savannah, she fuels me

>> No.9585305

In the purely hypothetical situation of me ever getting a tinder account, I will make sure to clearly state that if you think slam poetry has any literary merit or even the right to exist, we're probably not going to get along.

>> No.9585306
File: 1.19 MB, 751x829, 1496053224816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You bet.

>> No.9585311

I want to read her book.

>> No.9585355

This silly young lady looks like she needs my LOAD on her FACE

>> No.9585400

open philosophical question since they say /lit/ is the smartest board: would you rather cum on her face but have her wash it off or down her throat but she swallows?

>> No.9585422
File: 2.58 MB, 2000x3000, Johngreen2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I'm a Cuck

>> No.9585425
File: 253 KB, 680x617, face-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I'm a Mutt

>> No.9585426
File: 63 KB, 1483x600, SavannahsDegeneration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the postergirl for why not to study humanities these days.

>> No.9585481

I prefer that she eat it. It doesn't seem right otherwise.

I like it to go into the open mouth / on her tongue, or on the face around the mouth / chin, and then scooped in and eaten.

>> No.9585492

i'd make her eat it every single day we fuck

>> No.9585497

I'd rather not be a puerile adolescent. Grow up.

>> No.9585503

>puerile adolescent

>> No.9585509
File: 8 KB, 236x232, 23abcb1440d8f26ade0d999b02dee254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if your gf is 23 and has slept with 9 guys before you, would you consider her a slut?

>> No.9585510
File: 206 KB, 1220x918, 1495574824352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9585513

Because nothing says "I'm not a fedora-toting sperglord" like discussing cumming on women's faces on 4chan.

>> No.9585515

it could be worse, but still shes a demi-slut

>> No.9585516

why can't I get over the fact that my girl has slept with people before me

>> No.9585517

Embrace your barbaric side, anon.

People who pretend to be all clean are faggy little frauds. Probably lacking in talent too.

>> No.9585520
File: 50 KB, 640x640, 342c9651406ce4e3a6426d87d37aa5b7--rupi-kaur-writing-inspiration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit she's a pancake no wonder she's caked on the makeup

pic related for more god-tier poetry

>> No.9585523


Because you're dating a whore, retard. And you won't be dating her for much longer anyway.

>> No.9585525

I speak softly and carry a big dick.

>> No.9585526

Not really. Women are serially monogamous. Chances are 5 of them were attempts at long-term relationships, and the rest were her believing that fucking some guy she was interested in after a party would make him call her 2 days later.

Women are spectacularly naive when it comes to male sexuality.

>> No.9585527

>god-tier poetry
>I don't have.
But I can offer shit-tier pottery.

>> No.9585530

she said 6 were relationships. idk. i care but I don't.

meh probably, back to square one when that happens i guess

>> No.9585534

Cum in her mouth and start making out with her.

>> No.9585537

its ok, i wouldn't get over it too
i'm not some sort of puritan, its just that i'd want to discover sex with my partner, i don't want someone more experienced than i

welp, that said, thats why i'm probably a single autist (its not so bad)

>> No.9585540

how old are you anon? the truth is it's difficult to find virginal girls that aren't fucked due to mental problems/religion.

>> No.9585541

Would you rather do it on Kik?

Or would Reddit make you feel safer?

>> No.9585551

i'm 23 studying computer science (which make relationships with girls even more scarce)

>> No.9585557

I'd talk about it with the woman herself, in person. Not some sort of half gross-out, half group jerk-off fantasy with a bunch of virgins on the internet.

>> No.9585561

How does it feel knowing that she has had at least 9 dicks in her, who knows how many in her mouth, and that she thinks of all the others every time you fuck her?

>> No.9585565

*tips fedora* would you prefer to swallow, m'lady?

>> No.9585566

Most guys aren't thinking about other men's penises when they have sex with a woman. Maybe you're pursuing the wrong gender.

>> No.9585575

enjoy HIV, ur girlfriend is a slut who gives head. Think about that next time u kiss her good night. You are now manually breathing and blinking and you just lost the game

>> No.9585580

this actually made me feel better because reading someone else's comments made me realise how stupid this is

>> No.9585595
File: 30 KB, 720x404, 1397101511303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have fuckbuddy like that, including short hair and choker

pic makes me want to visit her and get my dick sucked rn desu

>> No.9585633


really makes u think

>> No.9585703

Doesn't make me feel much tbqh, because the true measure of whether a woman is yours is whether or not she wants to have your children. Everything else is pretty much window dressing.

>> No.9585713

She looks better on the right.

>> No.9585718

Yeah, while she has your children she has her fun elsewhere.

>> No.9585719

left is for marriage
right is for the dick

>> No.9585724

based arab/paki/indian/iranian/nigger

>> No.9585726

>Muh redpill
>t. Hasn't fucked

>> No.9585728


>> No.9585733

do heroin with her

>> No.9585740
File: 176 KB, 800x927, 1385322819927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly get confused reading a lot of shit on 4chan and I've been here 5+ years too long.

I don't know what brought this change on but honestly, these post stand out to me way more than they used to.
Talking about >>9585561 >>9584968 and others.
/lit/ is better than /v/ for example but this shit's jarring, especially when it contrasts with the relatively sensible posts in the same discussion. Do these people never leave their rooms and talk to real people? Do they have any real friends or have they ever seen a real woman in their entire life? I know, I know, it's an incredibly cliché thing to say but I can't be the only one who's confused by this.
They're so fucking unhinged from reality.

>> No.9585805

>being a weak bitch
>being a retroactive cuckold

>> No.9585809

I'd like to slam my dick into her, if you know what I mean

>> No.9585819



>> No.9585854

>She looks better on the right.

You're high nigga.

>> No.9585869

>Yeah, while she has your children she has her fun elsewhere.

You should stop projecting your resentment of the world on the internet, because some time in the next 20 years everything on the internet will be public.

>> No.9585874

This is exactly what I'm talking about.
I wish I saw inside your head so I would know if you type all this diarrhea and know you're doing it or if there's some sort of random post generator clockwork going off every now and then.

>> No.9585875



>> No.9585895


Samantha BROWN


>> No.9585899


this this this

>> No.9585910

on the left she looks like a normal person
on the right she looks like someone with mental health issues
i know some of you katawa shoujo niggas like em grills disabled, but left is clearly best

>> No.9585956



>> No.9585957

absolute pretentious garbage lmao

>> No.9585967

Privileged piece of shit that thinks her life is hard because she's been called a slut before (probably for good reason too). Fuck this shit

>> No.9586063

There are always posts like this. Maybe your sense of what's 'sensible' has become more keen.

>> No.9586080

Yeah, you might be right.
I guess it's hard to know since I don't care enough to jump into archives from yonder days to see if it was better then.

>> No.9586086

>always posts like this
I don't think these types were as spooked by "le redpill" ~5 years ago as they are today.

>> No.9586096

I wonder if you are alright if you keep thinking about your partner having sex with other men while having sex with them; lay down the porn lad. And your fetish porn. You know what sub-genre.

>> No.9586100

Right because /lit/ was an intellectual excellence free from right-wingers until /pol/ ruined it.

>> No.9586102

>How come not everybody on my board is a numale cuck?
Maybe reddit would be more to your liking, boy.

>> No.9586110

Being mad online about sex and being right-wing are different things

>> No.9586119

Is it weird that I would be more accepting of her having done heroin in the past than if she had been a slut and banged hundreds of guys?
Maybe it's because I can be fairly sure that she actually recognized being a heroin addict is bad and won't relapse. Also society condemns one of those things and seems to celebrate the other...

>> No.9586125

You seem to think the 'redpill' meme exacerbated these problem posters. Also who here is angry about sex?

>> No.9587149

I mean this gets to the core of it because it's about jealousy

jealousy of people probably no longer in her life. Not rational in and of itself.

But you can't be jealous of heroine because it's not a person.

>> No.9587223


From what I remember, /lit/ was much more left wing in the past. Though it's still more left wing than a lot of the other boards, it is now more obviously infested with expressions of /pol/ and /r9k/.

But /lit/ definitely would have made fun of her in the past for the poem. I think less shit like what this anon pointed out:

/lit/ wasn't ever my main board though.

>> No.9587245

>i want the thick of your tentacles

>> No.9587257

The poem is mostly cringe because of the dramatic delivery. The content is cliche, and giving an impassioned delivery about it feels fake. Obviously performing can be effective at times, but this is banal.

>> No.9587342

people started meming but then it invited the actually retarded cucktier misogynists. this website has really gone downhill the past year

>> No.9587355

What a cute

>> No.9587360

Why you so mad?

>> No.9587363

one of the best. hadn't hurt the other ones, thanks

>> No.9587526
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>> No.9587538

>t. frogposter intimidated by a mediocre poem

>> No.9587567
File: 95 KB, 804x802, IMG_8455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing sexier than the soccer mom body type. I LOVE being high t and redpilled!

>> No.9587568


It's not purely jealousy though. A girl who is that promiscuous is probably not capable of having a long term relationship, which is what I assume anon wants.