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/lit/ - Literature

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9580581 No.9580581 [Reply] [Original]

One of my favorite book series when I was a little younger was the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini. To this day, I don't think I have as thoroughly enjoyed any other work of writing. If any of you folks out there have read it, do you think its mostly nostalgia that keeps this as one of my all time favorite series, or did you enjoy it as much as i did? Besides that, just a general Eragon discussion thread

>> No.9580606

I read the first one as a kid and was not captivated honestly. I was into historical fiction because nerd

>> No.9580608


My favorite book in high school was an 800 page history of greece.

>> No.9580609

I loved the books as a kid; then I went back and read them.

>> No.9580618
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Let's make this into a favorite books in high school thread
>Fallen Angels
>non-fiction on the Battle of Iwo Jima
Only read Rayuela because the Mars Volta was my favorite band and I heard Omar say it was good
r8 me

>> No.9580624


You should use a comma if you're using then as a conjunction.

>> No.9580625

What was it called?

>> No.9580643


History of Greece. I'm not shitting you. There was no cover art, it was blue and hardbound. I've googled and it might be the one by J.B. Bury.

>> No.9580653

Spotted the idiots.

Eragon is trash for unstudious, feckless, nerds like yourselves. Try to find more of your kind on reddit. People like you make /lit/ utter shit.

>> No.9580690

spotted the elitist

why can't people just enjoy a story without it being a literary masterpiece. you being a snobbish ass doesn't change the fact that a younger me had fun reading about dragons and adventures.

>> No.9580727

I liked the first book when it came out because I was twelve, but when I tried to read the full series years ago I couldnt make it through the second book. It was very generic with the mentor who dies I think and the !nazguls but mostly I it was him literally turning into an elf or whatever and the romance plot, again with a super generic heroine, that made me drop it.
Don't feel bad about liking it though we all have guilty pleasures. I still have a special place in my heart for Sword of Truth characters even though the series is super flawed and Goodkind is a lunatic

>> No.9580963

>I loved the books as a kid
>One of my favorite book series when I was a little younger

There you go, fuck-up. What, did you enter middle-school reading Eliot and Plato, you dumb fucking faggot? Childhood wonder about dragons didn't make /lit/ utter shit; /lit/ was always shit, and your dumbass masturbation to anything that isn't "studious" only makes things worse. YOU fuck off to reddit and let those above 18 talk about a childhood story. Go jack off to Camus.

>> No.9581038

I loved these books in middle school. I remember the 4th wasn't out yet, I picked up the series again a little wile after the 4th book came out. I just decided to re-read the entire series, I was a little older and it had been a while. Still decently solid books, good for getting younger folks interested in the good stuff. Like Wheel of Time. Just finished my 4th read through of WoT, it's just an incredible series

>> No.9581077
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I didn't read them as a kid. I tried as an adult and the writing was too bad for me to slog through.

I looked up the book to see if there was anything worth pushing through it for. I heard a lot of "Star Wars + dragons" and that was the opposite of a selling point for me.

I do read/enjoy some trash fantasy, like the Belgariad which is Star Trek level characterization--one dimensional. At least it was charmingly done. The Mallorean is almost entirely pointless however.

>> No.9581087

I read the first one and I really enjoyed it. It was one of the best books I've I ever read cause I'm so much into fantasy stories. Also watched the film but it was horrible so understandable why didn't they make a film for the second book.

>> No.9581090

I enjoyed the first one because I was a kid but my patience gradually wore down and I could barely slog through the last book. They're kind of bad honestly, unoriginal plot, characters and blatant sequel teasing

>> No.9581091
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KING Galbatorix, ruler of the Boddring EMPIRE

>> No.9581136

I liked them when I was a kid, never read them since then. I doubt I will.
Fallen Angels I read in middle school. Good book and pretty disturbing for a YA book.

>> No.9581157

I had the same experience, but didn't even make it to the last book -- only finished the first three.

Gets hard to keep going when you realize just how derivative it is. I could write a three-page plot summary for the series that simultaneously describes Star Wars, without even being particularly vague. The "ancient language" is just Old English with an extra letter or two tossed in here & there.

The one neat thing they did was when Eragon finds out he basically ruined someone's life by fucking up the wording on a blessing.

>> No.9581161

It's an absolutely horrible series. The first book is passable for YA but it gets worse and worse.

>> No.9581171

Read the whole saga, even as a kid I could see how unoriginal the plot was and how much it borrowed from Star Wars/LoTR/just general fantasy, but I loved it regardless. I was really into everything dragon related when I was younger, and I liked the ancient language too.
Cried at the end because I didn't want it to be over.
I went back and read a couple chapters of the first one again years later, the writing is blatantly bad and you can tell right away he wrote it at an early age.

>> No.9581173

I liked them when I was a kid.
I tried re-reading them after I read LOTR and the similarities were a bit too much.

>> No.9581248

Are you me?

I remember reading the sword of truth series and absolutely loving it when I was younger, same with Eragon.

It was only until later how fucking bad they were, especially Sword of Truth

>> No.9581299

The Mortal Engines Quadrilogy. I'm almost tempted to go back and reread them but I'm worried that it'll ruin my memory of them.

>> No.9581357

I loved it. It was my joint favourite series. It had so much adventure.

But it's shit.
>did you enter middle-school reading Eliot and Plato,
Not him but yes.

OTOH I was also reading Eragon so.

>> No.9581395
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This book was the surrealist shit in 7th grade. It felt a lot like Myst, but for children.

>> No.9581401

Gramps get out.

>> No.9581416

get the fuck out of /lit/.

>> No.9581436
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>Im old now
At least I still have my personality.

>> No.9581462
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Best children's novel right here. Fantasy shit was for dorks.

>> No.9581480

We made fun of people like you in the canteen.

>> No.9581504

During the time I was watching the trailer for the movie came the moment when I realized that making an adaption with sound and moving pictures wasn't necessarily a celebration of the source material. I genuinely felt bad and got turned off from movies after that.

>> No.9581516

It's what cemented my disillusionment. From then on I sneered at anything which looked remotely cliched, because I knew it'd be shit.

It's good to know I was a patrician, even as an eight year old.

>> No.9581676

I'm sorry, but you were probably an insufferable cunt in middle school.

>> No.9581679

I was, but it was completely unrelated to what I read. I read Plato n shiiet because I was really into history, rather than because I wanted to be The Smartest Kid in Secondary School.

>> No.9581686

I know, I was one too, but i'm not proud of it.

>> No.9581694

I guess I should caveat >>9581679 by saying I didn't want to look like the smartest kid in school because I already had an unshakeable confidence that this was the case. Hahaha oh man.

>> No.9582065

A smart blue collar guy would walk circles around you in mechanical knowledge/intuition. Verbal IQ isn't everything, calm down and have some humility

>> No.9582436

Dune was my middle school reading, I read the young merlin books by TA Barron when I was in elementary school. I read a lot of shitty SW books to burn time but mostly gave those up by the time I got through high school. The forceless space orc shit prevented me from enjoying them anymore.

>> No.9582480


>> No.9582503 [DELETED] 

RIGHT. Honestly one of the worst movies I'd ever seen. But yeah, I enjoyed this series with only slightly diminishing returns until the last book, where even 9 year old me was like "WHAT THE FUCK PAOLINI" like, seriously what the hell was he thinkign with that ending.

>> No.9582513

>9 year old me

>> No.9582771

Honestly man this book series is complete hot steaming shit, even by YA standards. Tried to read it after I went through lotr, narnia, hp, and some arthur c clarke books and maybe that influenced it (I was 13).

>> No.9582773

>One of my favorite book series when I was a little
you were a shit child. I am offended

>> No.9582784

Eragon was shit and you should feel bad. I mean it I used to read shit and I thought it was shit then.

>> No.9582871


>> No.9583482

>2011 book
>9 years old


>> No.9583759

You're too young to be on 4chan. Graduate high school. Reported for underage.

>> No.9583971


>> No.9584290

>thinks Camus is patrician-tier lit

>> No.9584344

I really liked it, and my fondness for it was enough to get me through the last book, though I wasn't as enthused as I was back then. I probably liked it so much because I've never read or watched LotR or Star Wars. The "waise nehat" ending pissed me off though.
>Saphira realizing she's a sadist when the younger male dragon bites her
>Urguls exposing their necks to show respect
>Eragon accidentally genociding small lifeforms he made an astral link with
It had its moments.
>Murtagh's romance
>Everything about Roran
>The "I'll make a cashgrab sequel at some point" ending
>Blacksmithing arc
And many more flaws

>> No.9584360

Read the first one when I was 8, by then the third book was almost out. After slodging through nearly 3000 pages of plagerism and feeble grasps at talent, I felt invested enough to read the final book at age 14, when it came out. In case anyone is interested, the protagonist finally triumphs over the antagonist by making him feel all the pain of his bad deeds.

A few years ago I heard some big mouthed mom talking about buying it so I offered her my copies to clean out space. She brought her son over, he was maybe 8. When the question was put to him he responded a flat "No the movie was dumb I don't want to read those." Almost gave him a high five.

>> No.9584835

i think u missed his point

>> No.9585186


Utter shit, tried to read it on a transatlantic flight as a kid but I found staring at the ceiling preferable to reading that pile of dogshit. It's unimaginative bland fantasy that others have done better.

>> No.9585204

I'm sure you were very popular

>> No.9585490

The author wrote it when he was 16. The first draft, anyway. As I understand it there was also some nepotism involved in getting it published.

Overall I think it's very uninspired and derivative. I liked them in elementary school and they have nice cover art but the fact that the protagonist's name is one letter away from dragon gives you an idea about what's wrong with it.

>> No.9585519

Because eragon is just shitty medieval star wars, you baiting cuck

>> No.9585528
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The magic and wizard duels in Eragon were cool desu, I remember one part where a wizard just drains the fluids/blood out of another because he wasn't actively defending against it
Are there any other books with magic like that?

>> No.9585549

Loved them as a kid, but yeah lots of plot threads just ripped from star wars (Eldest is just episode V) and the world is ridiculously similar to LOTR (Ellesméra is literally Rivendell)

I always liked how far they went with magic though, wizards were ridiculously op as it really makes sense for them to be

>> No.9585627

No shit. I loved it when I was six. Of course a thirteen year old's gonna hate it.

>> No.9586137

Eragon is shit

>> No.9586409

>there was also some nepotism involved in getting it published.
His parents published it. And it really took off thanks to Paolini being in Oprah.

>> No.9586433

>t. french high school
>If you picked L you had teachers making you read real /lit/
>t. highschool was a lot of edgy kids whose "favorite books" were by Cioran, Camus, Rimbaud and Zola
>t. mine was unironically some science fiction shit called "Gurvan" (looking back it wasn't really good or anything, it just had cool descriptions of space battles)
>when people asked I'd just say it was "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" or something, to fit in
>mfw I only actually read Zarathustra more than 5 years later as I was finishing university.
>didn't understand a thing desu

>> No.9586442

was meant for>>9580618

>> No.9586517

I actually read this. This is just Star Wars Ep. IV meets LoTR-influenced fantasy #8437. This book has poor prose, makes Tolkien look like an ornate and authentically old piece of writing. I'm not even being contrarian when I say this: You have nostalgia goggles. I read this even before I read any young adult/any other novels a pubescent person would read in his spare time and I still thought it was bad. Paolini's narration is as stale as a bag of scooby snacks.

>> No.9586788

I hope people who like Erogan aren't the same people who thrash G.R.R.M, Tolkein and Rowling,

Because while yes, genre fiction is pretty low quality, Eragon is the lowest of low fantasy. It's such a heaping pile of garbage even by fantasy standards.

>> No.9586806

I loved it when I was in middle school. It's solid genre fiction if you're a kid, and it has some fun ideas. Not planning on rereading it because I doubt I'd enjoy it much, but it still has a special place in my heard. Also, I wanted to fuck Arya.

>> No.9586811


>It's solid genre fiction if you're a kid

No, it's fucking terrible.

>> No.9586812


>> No.9586825
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On the subject of "complete garbage you adored in middle school":

Who else /warriorcats/ here

>> No.9587015


As a kid I never read Eragon because it was clearly an attempt to cash in on the success of Harry Potter, which was by all means superior.

>> No.9587024

I was like this guy. I read Harry Potter about 4.5 times instead of reading anything else, though.

>> No.9587141

As a kid i was in love with the Seaearth series by Leguin, and to this day i still have a high opinion of them. Unlike my other favourite, the Memory Sorrow and Thorn by Tad Williams, which today i think has its flaws. Some parts of it still hold up extremely strong though

>> No.9587191


>> No.9587201

My bad, i only knew it in my language

>> No.9587256

that's what I figured. What language?

>> No.9587385

I tried reading it and I found it unoriginal. It read like it was mostly derivative standard fantasy stuff. But then again I didn't even read past chapter 1

>> No.9587451
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I read this series as a kid. I have no idea if it's any good. Did anyone else read it?

>> No.9587592

I did but don't remember anything about it

>> No.9587717

I remembered there being a lot of really unusual ideas for monsters and creatures, which I loved, but even as a kid I thought the books were too short

>> No.9587723

>It's such a heaping pile of garbage even by fantasy standards.
The Maradonia series is far worse


>> No.9587870


If I was popular I wouldn't have to read books.

>> No.9587881

young merlin books were great