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/lit/ - Literature

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9577395 No.9577395 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people like this book so much?
>muh racism
>muh southern charm
There are so many other books that accomplish the same themes; usually, they're way better than
>Atticus told me [thing] is bad, so it's bad since he's such a great guy
I don't understand the appeal. Is it because it's like mandatory high-school reading in America?

>> No.9577397

>There are so many other books that accomplish the same themes;


>> No.9577403

>Why do people like this book so much?
Because it's a well written book.

>> No.9577433

Because it ticks all the anti-white boxes you mentioned for the Common Core jew. Makes it perfect for youth indoctrination.

>> No.9577501
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> Because it ticks all the anti-white boxes

Like? The only anti-white thing mentioned is racism which isn't inherently anti-white.

>> No.9577505

The book was regarded as a classic long before you watched SJW cringe vids on youtube faggot.

>> No.9577513

It's popular because it manages to capture both the comforting elements of growing up in the South with a loving family (part of the reason for the hero-worship of Atticus, it's a little girl looking up to her father) and the discomfort of realizing the world is less innocent than you thought, all in a voice that is (at least to the average reader) convincingly childlike enough to add to the punch of both elements. People bandy around the idea of comfy books on this board, but this book, for a huge number of people, really is comfy.

On the more cynical side, it probably also gains popularity from being a book written in a, for lack of a better word, very readable way that features on the American curriculum and features an anti-racist message that is easy enough to agree with that most readers will be able to feel good for nodding along as they read.

>> No.9577763

Its a really mediocre book i really don't get it either.

>> No.9577818
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Literally nobody has provided an actual criticism of the work.

>> No.9577830

Maybe that's because it doesn't have any glaring flaws and the people that call it shit just want to feel superior for disliking a very popular book.

>> No.9577839
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This is obviously it.

>> No.9577940

You're free to post the flaws, anon.

>> No.9577956
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>> No.9577964
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You're implying this is anti-white?

>> No.9577965

Mike Enoch said this book was taken by her Jewish editors and changed to be all this anti-racist stuff, which the author didn't even want in there. Her real book was the book that came out recently and apparently the guy is a true southern racist in it. Any truth to that?

>> No.9577967

It's clearly Jewish psyop to scare children into hating white identiarian movements

>> No.9577972

It's also literally racist to whites because that character asserts Jewish supremacy, so if you want to be technical with your faggy egalitarian ethos there you go, it's literally "racist."

>> No.9577973

What's wrong with this passage, exactly?

>> No.9577980

Go Set a Watchman was written beforehand and she didn't want it published. Perhaps it was a massive Jewish conspiracy, or perhaps she reused names from a work she didn't want in public which was then published as a sequel.

>> No.9577984



The jews wrote it apparently

>> No.9578003

>There are no better people in the world than the Jews
>Can't name a single thing they do wrong, Henry
>they (((contribute))) to every society (with porn, degenerate art and press, high interest loans, and the spread of multiracialist sentiment)
>most materialistic religion in the world = "deeply religious people"
>painting Hitler as an anti-religious Communist even though that's what the (((bolsheviks))) are in actuality
>but that ain't to reason to persecute them. They white ain't they?

The whole thing just reads like a Jewish editor doing blackface but for white southerners to get them to accept their program. And my children have to go to school where they are taught this mind-numbing garbage? No thank you.

Why didn't she want it in public

What's the book about

>> No.9578013

So if I wrote "there ain't no better people than whites in the world" that wouldn't be seen as anti-Jewish or anti-black? Smart ass piece of fucking shit

>> No.9578016


Is there any way to cut the mold from a /pol/tard's brain and still save them, or will they always die in the process?

>> No.9578018

What's it about? It's about Scout as an adult learning that Atticus was a member of the KKK. There's other stuff, but it definitely feels like the characters involved are people with different backgrounds.

As for not wanting it public, she spent literally decades saying she didn't want it public, as she wanted to retire from writing after TKaMB. She said she felt she couldn't top it, so didn't want to embarrass herself. Mix that with the controversy surrounding Go Set a Watchman's release and it does seem like it was released by others to take advantage of Harper Lee's name.

But then you won't care about any of this, because I'm clearly one of (((them))).

>> No.9578049

To be fair to the book, it's written at a time when the Holocaust was still fresh in everyone's minds, so of course it's going to tread on eggshells around the Jews and Nazis issue.

>> No.9578055

Wow you are so intelligent for voting Bernie sanders dude holy crap

That sounds like what Enoch was saying. Just wanted to make sure he wasn't completely making it up.

>saying Jews are the master race is "treading on eggshells"

>> No.9578068


> "There are no better people in the world" was meant to be taken literally
>exaggerating the contribution of a group when comparing them to the group that genocided them is supremacy

The book is full of exaggeration. Taking that specific use of it as a claim that the Jews are depicted as the master race in a book where they are mentioned on one page is just silly.

>> No.9578088

It's right there! It's what it says! It doesn't say "The Jews are like the greatest people!" Or "there's nothing wrong with Jewish people, boy."

Would saying "there ain't no better people than whites" not be called racist, supremacist, even now, when whites are being genocided by Jewish supremacy? What do you think the response would be if they then followed it with, "it wasn't to be taken literally!"

>> No.9578106

It's a children's book with the most predictable plot, moral lessons, and characters. People tend to like it because it's one of the few books they've ever read, and it's the opposite of challenging. I think it's the best children's novel of all time, but not much more.

"For a child’s book it does all right. It’s interesting that all the folks that are buying it don’t know they’re reading a child’s book. Somebody ought to say what it is.” - Flannery O'Connor

>> No.9578108

Yes, Enoch was right. None of the rest of the details matter, just that Atticus was in the KKK (In the book, literally stating that he joined to keep an eye on it and stop it devolving into violence).

Clearly the international jewery forced Harper Lee to change the narrative of a book written a few years afterwards, and were entirely unable to convince a senile old woman to change content when the original book was published decades later. It can't have been that the vastly different ages of the protagonist in the books both led to and were the result of her changing the message she wanted to convey and the way she wanted to convey it. Additionally, To Kill a Mockingbird already has Atticus partially falling into the paternal style of white supremacy as a bit of a subtext, if it was really a conspiracy to promote some sort of agenda that certainly wouldn't have been present.

Here's an idea: why don't you read both books and come to a conclusion yourself? Then you won't have to rely on posts on an imageboard to act as your test of claims about a book you've never read.

>> No.9578116

Again, you're taking the exaggeration very common throughout the book literally. Historical context and previous use of exaggeration are everything here.

Maybe >>9578108 is right, and you should read it before yelling about it promoting white genocide?

>> No.9578120


I'm not even trying to fuck with you, you're getting triggered over a piece of fiction that children read. Nobody steps away from Mockingbird saying "wow, the jews are the master race". In fact, most of those kids grew up to think Israel is an apartheid shit hole, though obviously they don't think that JEWS as a whole are shitty.

The only thing anybody is going to get from that passage is "oh yeah, I remember, the holocaust was bad".

>> No.9578125


>I-it wasn't literal
>r-read it

Go home Goldstein

>> No.9578127

I don't like /pol/tards but I gotta admit, you're right on this one, buckaroo

>> No.9578181

This is becomes pretty funny after having become familiar with /pol's worldview. Definitely not anti-white... but it's something odd

>> No.9578187 [DELETED] 

I've read Mockingbird, not the the new one.

I'm not triggered over the book, I'm triggered that it's taught to children and brainwashes them into thinking in the liberal multiracialist programme. There's nothing about the holocaust that is inherently immoral by the way. The "obvious" tone of judgement with which you treat it on a moral dimension only shows how little receptivity you will give to anything I say.

The Turks deny their genocide of the Armenians, and I'm sure if they didn't deny it due to UN standards they'd be proud of it. The Jews love their conquests of the various tribes around them as told in the Old Testament. They subdued the peoples for God. The Muslims are proud of their ancient Jihad, the Americans are proud of their conquest of the "native savage," the English are proud of their empire, the Russians are proud of their expulsion of the Siberians. Everything has its season. Genocide is often a prized historical possession for many a people, and if the Germans won their war (or even for Germans who are still proud of themselves) they would boast that they cleansed themselves of an economic parasite that, to quote the far Black Hebrew guy from that video, "Wuz oppressin dose Germanz." Your virtues are molded by what you were taught as a child, not be anything inherently obvious to "humanity" as a "whole."

>> No.9578195

She doesn't assert Jewish supremacy, she says they're nice people, which on the average is actually true

>> No.9578196

>>9578116 #
I've read Mockingbird, not the the new one.

>>9578120 #
I'm not triggered over the book, I'm triggered that it's taught to children and brainwashes them into thinking in the liberal multiracialist programme. There's nothing about the holocaust that is inherently immoral by the way. The "obvious" tone of judgement with which you treat it on a moral dimension only shows how little receptivity you will give to anything I say.

The Turks deny their genocide of the Armenians, and I'm sure if they didn't deny it due to UN standards they'd be proud of it. The Jews love their conquests of the various tribes around them as told in the Old Testament. They subdued the peoples for God. The Muslims are proud of their ancient Jihad, the Americans are proud of their conquest of the "native savage," the English are proud of their empire, the Russians are proud of their expulsion of the Siberians. Everything has its season. Genocide is often a prized historical possession for many a people, and if the Germans won their war (or even for Germans who are still proud of themselves) they would boast that they cleansed themselves of an economic parasite that, to quote the far Black Hebrew guy from that video, "Wuz oppressin dose Germanz." Your virtues are molded by what you were taught as a child, not be anything inherently obvious to "humanity" as a "whole."

>> No.9578198

I did always wonder about the obsession with the book.

>> No.9578201

Re-read it, Shabbos Goy


>> No.9578204

>There's nothing about the holocaust that is inherently immoral by the way.

>> No.9578220

>Your virtues are molded by what you were taught as a child, not be anything inherently obvious to "humanity" as a "whole."

Yes, all ethics are determined by childhood conditioning of cultural norms. Who are you people and how did you end up on a literature board?

>> No.9578224

There isn't. As someone acquainted with philosophy I'd expect you to know that or at least provide a better argument.

>> No.9578231

Is that what I said? No, I didn't. I said HIS virtues were. And that shouldn't have been vague since I coupled it with a large historical picture that presents morals as stable things but mostly as peoples in their struggles against other peoples.

>> No.9578235

Well, as I'm not sure what to say to someone unironically defending genocide as a concept, I guess you win this one by default?

I mean, I could touch upon how most of the groups mentioned would decry the genocides committed by the other groups, or how attempting to avoid being racist is independent of the systematic and violent extermination of a race of people, but clearly I was just brought up to believe that genocide is wrong, so fuck me.

>> No.9578244
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I'm sorry anon, I'd consider giving a real reply but I'm actually at work dicking around when I shouldn't be.

>> No.9578252

>I could touch upon how most of the groups mentioned would decry the genocides committed by the other groups

Indeed, always of the other groups, but never of their own genocides, unless we're speaking of Western whites who were, as you said, brought up ---- and with an institutional, systematic attempt to neutralize their history and neuter their racial pride.

>attempting to avoid being racist is independent of the systematic and violent extermination of a race of people
It sure is independent of that, since it makes sure that the non-racists in question could never again achieve such a racial victory and basically ensures an eventual antagonistic racial conquest of themselves by others, which they would be incapable to prevent or speak out about.

>> No.9578374

I don't have any problems with the book, but I definitely don't see the hype. It's very basic, I guess--doesn't challenge much. Maybe it did in 19whatever, but since a lot of the issues in the novel have stopped being big deals, I fail to see why it still carries any merit other than "the 1930's were bad" and "being a kid is easy". It's not necessarily poorly written, or stupid, or unbelievable, it's just sort of there. It's sort of like a baseline for mediocrity, at least, that's how I value it, and I'm usually all for Southern Gothic.

>> No.9578394

The jewish shilling around here is disgusting.

>> No.9579865

If you have anything of value say it. Otherwise you are just cocking.

>> No.9580641

I liked it. I think its popular in schools because it gets its message across effectively, it's relatively short, and its not a very high reading level.

>> No.9580650

When history impedes upon upon your safe space, its time to change ideologies

Also, this board is for reading not virtue signalling.

>> No.9580661


Clearly you haven't read the prequel.

>> No.9580834

Hur dur you're on the wrong side of histury

What the fuck do you know about history bitch

>> No.9581072

Jews are white dumbass. At least in the eyes of these characters they are. DAS DA POINT!!