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9569997 No.9569997 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss self help books lit.

What do you think about them and if you've read any, how did they improve your lives? Is there any merit to them or are they just circlejerking for fools? Let's try to answer these questions in this thread.

Personally, I read a self help book when I'm in a depresive mood, it serves as a pick-me-up even though most of the advice in them is common sense. So you could say I'm reading them strictly as entertainment. I'm going through pic related at the moment and it helps me remind myself that I'm capable in overcoming whatever is happening to me at the moment.

Share your experiences.

>> No.9570072
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i usually listen to some self-help shit when I need to overcome procrastination, and it usually helps. I go for a walk and listen to some self-help audiobooks and by the time i get back i'm ready to work. Maximum Achievement is quite good, i wish i'd read it when i was younger rather than being an edgelord who thought self-help books were stupid. Getting Things Done by whoever is also a pretty good anti-procrastination motivator, but it doesn't have the over life view of Tracy, but when you got a shitload of work and can't get start listening to some GTD shit can get you moving...

For people that are too uptight to read/listen to self-help stuff I recommend getting the Harvard Business Review guides. They have the same exact shit as self-help books, in fact the time managements ones are almost completely rip-offs of Brian Tracy. Pretty weak that Ivy League B-school professors have to resort to paraphrasing a motivational speaker, but whatever. They do have good ideas for people who are new to management or dealing with corporate organizations for the first time.

>> No.9570107
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Self-help books, in most cases, are not nearly systematic and rigorous enough to be universally helpful. You glean a few tips if you're lucky, though chances are that if you're reading self-help books, you're struggling too much with the basics to incorporate "pro tips" meaningfully into your life. If self-help books were any good, they would posit both a philosophy of life/work or a science of motivation/success, but rarely do we find anything more than just another contrived wankfest. It's a shame, really.

Then again, if I knew how to get my shit together better than most, I would only want to share part of the secret lest my advice creates too much competition. Some food for thought.

>> No.9570119
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maybe part of your problem is this belief that you need some kind of spooky "system" to be "universally helpful".

>> No.9570128


Why would you need a self-help book if you've got the basics down? Nothing is a substitute for experience once you've become a capable individual.

>> No.9570138

>Nothing is a substitute for experience once you've become a capable individual.

if "life experience" was enough then there wouldn't be millions of 50 year old white guys voting for trump because they can't get a job

>> No.9570154
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Here is a prime example of why you can't skip life experience. You end up like this retard living in an isolated bubble with zero understanding of 2017's labor conditions.

>> No.9570174

>muh economic conditions

yet, they keep building luxury condos in my city and filling them with college educated professionals with good jobs, why do some people succeed and others shitpost their life away?

read ops book, u need it bad

unemployment is below 5%, get a fucking job

>> No.9570214
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>yet, they keep building luxury condos in my city and filling them with college educated professionals with good jobs

t. 2007

>unemployment is below 5%,

"muh U3 unemployment rate"

>get a fucking job

I'm going to an Ivy League university to study science, and I have a part-time job (among other pursuits). I'm not affected by neoliberal economics, but I still have enough empathy to realize just how much the average person is struggling to have even a tiny amount of disposable income. Look up some graphs detailing the growth of family incomes vs. the growth of living costs over the past few decades. It's fucking scary how much precedence Wall Street has over Main Street in American economic policy, and I'm glad that the pendulum is starting to swing back to the other side.

Besides, Clinton was the welfare candidate, while Trump was the jobs candidate. If people wanted a handout, they were fucking retarded to vote for the Republican Party.

>> No.9570564

If you're a coal miner, you're stupid if you didn't vote for Trump. Regardless of your perspective on the economy racism, etc.

>> No.9570631


Sometimes people just don't know what to do or what is a proper action. Self help books can help fill in the gaps. I read Dale Carnegie and none of that will work for me because I don't care about people or WANT to listen to their banal interests or about their lives. I do know how to do it if need be because I read his book.

>> No.9570757
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Do you even know what the word neoliberalism means? The pendulum is swinging more towards neoliberalism not away from it.
Trump has no serious plan to boost employment/investment besides tax cuts under the false premises that this will result in private investments in fixed capital formation, the thing is you can get a bigger rate of return hoarding bitcoins today than taking on risk in risky long term investments that employ people.

The number of people employed in coal mining has been on a continuous downward path and will keep going down due to market forces. Trumps energy policy will be good for natural gas, don't expect anyone to start building any new coal powered plants any time soon.

>> No.9570777

the lyrics to this song are the only self help I've ever used desu. give it a try, it's only two and a half minutes long

>> No.9570828

I feel too cynical to really take self-help books to heart. I don't believe I can actually improve, so all advice seems unrealistic or useless.