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9563885 No.9563885 [Reply] [Original]

I'll be dropping LSD in the woods tonight. What ideas/concepts should I contemplate, /lit/?

>> No.9563893

Let the LSD take you to places. From my experience, you can't really structure and prepare your trip.

>> No.9563895

contemplate the idea that u are literally seeking validation on 4chan u little shit

>> No.9563899

I had a weird thing happen in my brain last time I dropped.
I was thinking about that whole "last thursdayism" thing.
I was watching some movie my housemate put on about biblical Cain still being alive as some kind of punishment.
I'm not even religious but thinking about the Bible being a weird misinterpretation of things that we don't understand was freaking me out.

Then I was doing this thing where I was stuck thinking about the world on a geographic timescale.
It was fed by my basic interpretation of scientific concepts that I don't fully understand but it was still blowing my mind.

I dunno, trips are very personal, the only general thing that you could contemplate would be infinity, but that happens to anyone on acid.

>> No.9563925

The thoughts will find you. Subconscious dude!

>> No.9563933


The fact that religions exist, how radio signal receivers are designed, and the eerie notion that the human spine and skull, which is the seat of the central nervous system, looks a lot like an antenna.

>> No.9563973


also, walk on the grass barefoot (thank me later)

>> No.9563978

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.9564030

Realize how weird everything around you is. With LSD you can get the whole "alien who does not understand humanity" vibe. Looking at a tree, or thinking about what a chair is putside of human experience and rationalization will help you grasp at the mysterious nature of the Universe.

You won't find any answer, but it's a great, direct introduction to most of the old, original phylosophical questions.

>> No.9564060

That better be the next book Tom

>> No.9564075

Every once in a while I'll trip and read for hours conspiracy theories for literary purposes. The more you read about a theory, the more you can build a conteptual system out of it, and the stronger the system is, the more creatively you can break and bend it. It's a great source for vague, synister ideas, in case your literature is pointing in that direction. Too bad that it is a powerful tool only as long as you almost never use it: the creative power relies in the fact that you can't make no safe prediction from that mindset (you think in a almost inhuman way), so getting used to it is basically a artistic death sentence.

>> No.9564136

I was thinking about the concept of infinity. And it was amazing to finally be able to grasp it. Amazing. Unfortunately, unable to put into words.

>> No.9564240

Contemplate about why the fuck you're taking LSD in the woods

>> No.9564265

Why is there so many references to the absurdity of a chair lately, is it just one autistic poster?

>> No.9564277
File: 158 KB, 1928x2048, rapture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invent a short story that explains
>creation of world
>structure of world
>human condition

>> No.9564302

contemplate your life and the path you're on.

>> No.9564308

it's a sartre thing.

>> No.9564322

contemplate the idea that you're a pretentious druggy scumbag

LSD just makes you stupid to the point the mundane is profound

>> No.9564354

of course there are no why the people see how because to what extent they couldn't be that far as they look less than stellar, right?

>> No.9564451

If you get to the point of ego death you will know exactly what do you have to contemplate
Make sure it is real LSD, nBOME can get you to ego death too but it can mess you up a lot more
Source: me
Sure is reddit in here, if you only pay attention to mundane stuff on acid it doesnt mean everyone else does the same

>> No.9564631

Peter Pan

It's about a little boy who never grew up

>> No.9564641

>Sure is reddit in here

Oh, I agree with you completely

>> No.9564644

>not taking the mushroom of the woods
>taking an evil lab synth

prepare to be chased out by gaia

>> No.9564653

Not OP but mushies always make me end up feeling depressed when I do them.

Acid never does that to me.
The worst that ever happens is I have a blank mind and I won't react to things for several seconds.

>> No.9565284


>> No.9565565

Maybe you have good reasons to be depressed.

>> No.9565581

Anyone have any experience in tripping while on anti-depressants? Bupropion to be exact

>> No.9565589

Last time I took mushrooms I was really fucking depressed. I had recently read some neuroscience article on how pscilocybin can improve depression. I took some about 1/8 then about another 1/8. I really was thinking of killing myself. If you are in bad place mentally dont trip.

>> No.9565591


I dunno who Tom is, but this is just some shit I've thought about while tripping


Well I'm not pitching a theory per se here, I'm just saying think about it on LSD and see what your own conclusions are. But yes, its been shown throughout history that artists that get too comfortable with psychedelics do not age well, or do not produce their best work in their later years.

>> No.9565638

He's insisting you're Thomas Pynchon

We like to say that Tom shitposts around here.

But we all know that Tom would never come here.

But anon sez he does.

>> No.9565657


I feel like people only meme Thomas Pynchon because of The Memeing of Lot 49.

>> No.9565764


/thread. Fucking degenerates

>> No.9565766

Ketamine seems really promising for depression desu

>> No.9567225

OP here. I had a nice trip, thanks for your suggestions

>> No.9567258

>What ideas/concepts should I contemplate

Already doing it wrong. LSD helps us just has tainted our perceptions are of concepts and ideas, and if lucky allows us to encounter perceptions less tainted with them, providing us with an intuition of what a totally nonconceptual direct perception may be like.

In other words, it should be more about observing and approaching the limitations of thought, not trying to indulge in a mass of concepts. You already do that every day of your life.

>> No.9567271

>If you get to the point of ego death
>muh ego death meme

Yeah no, becoming absorbed into subtle concepts, having the ego change, or having the ego appear to go out of sight for a few hours isn't ego death.

Leary was wrong, yet 99% of the time LSD heads talk about an """""ego-death""""" that doesn't even approach what he was even talking about.

>> No.9567275

fucking tablet

*helps us understand just how tainted...

>> No.9567277

Whose house is that in OP's pic?

>> No.9567313

The best time I had tripping was with a large group of people on mushrooms.

We had this kid in a wheelchair with us and we carried him through the woods when his tire broke off.

>> No.9567319
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Have you ever gotten drunk?

>> No.9567450

I've stayed at that house with a younger relative of his, but out of common decency I won't say anything else about it. I highly doubt they would be able to muster the same courtesy.

>> No.9567499
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cringed hard

>> No.9567512

Drinking is for people who cannot contain the indulgent part of their souls. Have you even read Plato?

>> No.9567516


That was my first post about LSD, and I was not quoting Sartre.
I guess it's a common experience: at some point while tripping you see a chair, you call it a chair and then you see how this makes sense only from your point of view.
The chair in itself becomes almost scary: you start imagining seeing it as a cat o a mice, turning this normal object into an immense structure in time and space, which is, for the first time in your experience, essentially meaningless.

It's less about LSD and more about derealization.

>> No.9567525


At least there isn't this weird fetishism around alcohol, with people claiming it gives you actual profound insights.

>> No.9567541

this is fucking stupid
all drug niggers should take intravenous heroin and then tell us what a mind expanding experience it is

>> No.9567546

You're probably too stupid to get it.

>> No.9567547

the magic of the numbers 9 11

>> No.9567570

nah bro I guess I'm not enlightened and spiritually awakened enough to appreciate the intellectual stimulus of psychoactives

>> No.9567584


underrated post

>> No.9567676

if you don't have shit already in mind on what you need to be thinking about or questions you want answers for don't do lsd idiot

>> No.9567696

Dont do it

From a quick google it's not an ssri (which could kill you) but it's still not worth the risk imo.

>> No.9567704

This has to be a record: "longest time passed before someone shits on drugs in a post about drugs".

People enjoy them, let them continue.

>> No.9567723
File: 102 KB, 1024x683, Jordan-Peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea of keeping your living space pristine and hygienic

>> No.9567807

Or advice.

>> No.9567814
File: 94 KB, 700x525, 1473490642965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babies gonna babe. It's hard to believe that there are grown people so sensitive to even the mention of drugs.

>> No.9567829

So insecure too, notice how they always tend to think that mentioning drugs equals bragging, which makes me think they're not all that grown up and probably in a school environment.

>> No.9567835


contemplate deez nuts

>> No.9568467

Are you the same guy that told me not to take LSD and read? That's still not how you spell "druggie."

>> No.9568474


Good to know my anonymously sent data gave you a negative reaction that affected you physically. Must be hard having a weak mental constitution.

>> No.9568476

so, did you die?

>> No.9568596