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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2 KB, 310x163, manifesto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9565275 No.9565275[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

guys im freaking out my parents found my 400 page long manifesto about achieving a perfect white ethnostate i can hear them talking about me in the other room theyre going to send me to a psych ward???? im freaking out

>> No.9565295

please someone tell me what to do.... should i delete the save file for the manifesto!???

>> No.9565304

>b-b-but m-mom i was just being ironic

>> No.9565314

Go to the psych ward. You obviously need help.

>> No.9565326

Tell them it's a satirical piece imitating the typical blame assigning thought processes of insecure reclusive youth with autistic tendencies exacerbated by prolonged exposure to certain internet sites.

>> No.9565331


quickly, post it here so that your work will not all have been for nothing

the fire rises brother. i too am morbidly obese and addicted to anime furry porn. i will notify the others

>> No.9565345
File: 17 KB, 600x211, manifesto2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its pretty poorly worded because its only my first draft but heres a small excerpt

>> No.9565358

I'm impressed someone put this much effort in a shitpost. 7/10 for perfectly imitating the style of mentally handicapped 15 year old virgin.

>> No.9565361
File: 18 KB, 611x217, manifesto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thajks. heres another piece.

>> No.9565365

excellent work brother. post the remainder if and when you can, and soon. though our IQs may be very low our cause is a noble one. we must not lose heart

>> No.9565405
File: 86 KB, 337x441, IMG_2073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the shitpost meme satire is right
So this is the power of pol

>> No.9565416


>> No.9565421
File: 28 KB, 442x341, you little shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, we don't want screenshots but a link to your 400 pages of degeneracy. Or else this is nothing but a shitty bait.

Fucking saged.

>> No.9565431

Post it

>> No.9565432

>400 page long
Jesus Christ learn to cut down your writing. My ethnostate manifesto is less than 20 pages and gets the point across.

>> No.9565484

nigga pastebin that shit

>> No.9565491



>> No.9565850

>not included a justinian code of laws for your ethnostate
kys faggot

>> No.9565895

You really should go to the psych ward. You have a serious mental illness.

>> No.9565912

my nigga

>> No.9566132

Great bait i love you OP

>> No.9566203

Cringeworthy neo-pol trash

>> No.9566568

your writing is terrible

it lacks logical consistency

it lacks sourcing

you will need 15 redrafts

in the process you will discover, hopefully, that your malformed impressions of a failed ideology are flawed and require extensive revision

you hopefully will educate or revise yourself out of this messy form of thinking

>> No.9566586

>why are you taking a writing project seriously? >are you trying to discourage me?

>> No.9566602

Bump for awareness.
Kill all niggers

>> No.9566636

>white nationalist manifesto
>"the main ideology that is our enemy is islam"
>nothing about jews
Fake & gay

>> No.9566647

>being antisemetic
not cool dude hitler killed over 7 millions jews in the holocaust using brutal labor starvation and torture. He even used them as human lab experiments. All you little kids invading 4chan think its funny to joke about it but its not funny. The jews have suffered so much at the hands of people like you. Get out of here muhammed.

>> No.9566650

larp thread and /lit/ is retarded enough to respond

>> No.9566671

We are just having fun with the roleplaying.

>> No.9566685

>7 million jews murdered
What's wrong with you? Everyone knows it was 8 million. The 9 million jews who were turned into lampshades was the greatest tragedy of all time. I mean, who in their right mind can make jokes about the 10 million soap bars made out of people. Never allow anyone to downplay the 11 million. Jews would never lie about the 12 million poor souls in order to guilt white people into allowing unlimited immigration into their countries. But if they start getting uppity, always remind them of 13 million.

>> No.9566686
File: 53 KB, 600x600, foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is real. Your stay in the psych ward will teach you to respect Foucault.

Attached is a photograph of Foucault saying "Miss me yet?"

>> No.9566707

>appeal to nature