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File: 46 KB, 567x567, the-holy-bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9561779 No.9561779 [Reply] [Original]

>book about countless billions being sent to a place of eternal torment, most of which never had any opportunity to be redeemed in the first place.

You'd have to by an unempathetic solipsistic douchebag to find this anything but the most depressing story imaginable. Even I Have No Mouth was more happy than this because by the end of that book only one person is tormented for eternity by a sadistic overlord.

>> No.9561851

Nobody is being sent to hell against their will. Hell is merely a term to describe the complete total absence of God, and because God is goodness itself it would be torturous to be completely separated from him. This is why depictions of involve lots of fire, because it would be painful. Anyways it is entirely your choice to be separated from God. God loves you so much that he won't force you to spend eternity with him if you don't want to. You can either be with God or not.

>> No.9561970

You don't think I've heard this apologetic before? Tell me what makes you so special? You think you're saved because you read a book. Yet you have more luxuries than the rich man in Luke. Have you forsaken everything, even your own kind in the pursuit of a devout life? Have you expunged all manner of sin? I'd be getting pretty worried about my salvation if I were you. On the say of Judgement you might just get a good 'ol "depart from me". All these Christians are self righteous that they are assured of their salvation but it would seem with all the conflicting doctrines somebody would have to be wrong. So why not you?

>> No.9561977
File: 53 KB, 600x600, long john strut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its another "i havent read the bible, but heres why its wrong" episode

>> No.9561994

I've read the whole thing. What an idiot. Ironically by virtue of this, I've probably read more of it than you have.

>> No.9562001


That wasn't an apologetic as I wasn't defending anything. I was merely explaining what hell is and the choice that God gives us. I don't know where you're getting all this stuff about me thinking I'm special or holy or without sin, it seems like you just want somebody to yell at.

>> No.9562003

There's a reason it's structured and translated the way it is. The OT's purpose is to essentially lay the groundwork of Christian philosophy and then set the stage for Jesus Christ's emergence. Just look at Job, God fucks him into pieces in every way imaginable, including killing his innocent children, by handing the reigns to Satan and telling him to go nuts, for no reason other than "I wonder if he'll still like me." Job and God eventually talk and God completely talks over him without answering a single one of Job's questions.

The point is that God could do this because man had fallen from God's grace. Christ is "the Redeemer," and as you may know the Bible says he died for the sins of humanity, primarily Adam and Eve's, to give the good a path to Heaven. That's the point of the entire thing

>> No.9562005


>lying on an anonymous image board

>> No.9562074

I just want to make you feel insecure about your salvation and sweat over the prospect of hellfire for awhile. You should already feel that way because of the multitude of people all over the world who cannot access the specific revelation of your belief system to be saved in the first place. Its like I said, you're a solipsistic douchebag with no empathy. Just own up to it.

>> No.9562096

Okay you got me, I skipped over Kings 2 and got halfway through Proverbs.

>> No.9562101


You're just going through a phase.

>> No.9562105


do you even know what solipsism means?

>> No.9562121 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 421x404, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a "we pretend to be religious ironically" thread

>> No.9562142

There are other usages beyond the philosophical position that one can only be certain of their own existence. It also involves narcissistic worldviews such as "well as long as I've got my personal salvation to (literal) hell with everybody else". What a total bunch of assholes.

>> No.9562143

I'm not religious, I just wanted to explain the underlying connection between the OT and NT

>> No.9562148


>nope but heres some shit i made up

>> No.9562156 [DELETED] 

dumb phoneposter

>> No.9562161

>be born in some mudhole in Africa
>never even hear of Jesus Christ or meet anyone else who has
>end up going to hell despite living a moral life in your small village
it seems pretty reasonable to me

>> No.9562172
File: 150 KB, 1600x1066, 2012 William Lane Craig at Watermark Apologetics Conference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2.extreme preoccupation with and indulgence of one's feelings, desires, etc.; egoistic self-absorption.

Its not often we have a knock-down argument such as this one ladies and gentlemen

>> No.9562192


It doesn't work like that though. A person must be informed in order to be culpable so it's perfectly reasonable to think that a virtuous but uninformed atheist or pagan can get to heaven. Search "fate of the unlearned"

>> No.9562232

"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?"

Romans 10:14

>> No.9562244


What are you quoting this to me for?

>> No.9562261

Universalism is not biblical

>> No.9562286


So what if it is or isn't? Not every Christian doctrine is biblical. If your standard is that it has to be in the Bible then you couldn't say that polygamy is wrong, because it's not explicitly condemned. I would still like to know why your quoting Romans to me.

>> No.9562292

So you're telling me a Jew or Muslim who never had someone approach him about Christianity isn't going to hell?

>> No.9562296

So why bother informing anyone? Wouldn't it be so much simpler to tell as few people about the gospel as possible, that way all virtuous people would ascend to heaven?

>> No.9562322


It's possible if they're actually virtuous.


It's hard to live a virtuous life if somebody is not taught how to be virtuous. A sinful person cannot enter heaven and at death there is a reckoning, we enter purgatory to cleanse our souls in preparation to enter heaven. It's worth spreading the word of Jesus so people can learn to act right and spend less time cleansing their souls.

>> No.9562328


compassion towards fellow man is crucial to being a sincere christian

>> No.9562341

A jew? No. A muslim? Yes.

>> No.9562350
File: 125 KB, 750x1000, raf,750x1000,075,t,fafafa ca443f4786.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the one defending it though. As far as I can tell it has all the trappings of being written by bronze age cretins who over time become more humane (though not that much), introspective, philosophical and mystic in their relation with the concept of deity, as we would expect from a historical record of religious understanding. I don't find it to be the inerrant word of God. I don't even find it to have very good morality. In one verse alone with have a racially exclusive "divine" approbation of infanticide, slavery, molestation , and even pedophilia (Numbers 31:17-18). Clearly if we find such ideas as owning people, and forcible sex with children to be immoral then we obviously didn't get these ideas from (((Yahweh))). I don't really care how many absurdities are in the book because its not the central text of my entire belief system.

>> No.9562354


Despite what many Protestants like to think, Christianity is not a religion "of the book." Jesus Christ did not come to Earth to write a book, he came founded a church with the spiritual authority to define dogma. "Whatever bind on Earth is bound in heaven whatever you loose on Earth is loosed in heaven." The church is protected from error because God is truth. Heaven cannot be binded to error.

>> No.9562357

you missed the best parts, nigga.
That's why u aint thinking straight.
praise Jesus

>> No.9562364
File: 16 KB, 208x236, 1494657416526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesus Christ did not come to Earth to write a book, he came [to] founded [sic] a church with the spiritual authority to define dogma

>> No.9562365


I'm feel like I've seen this exact same rant in YouTube comment sections at least a dozen times. It's boring.

>> No.9562372


He came and founded a church. I'm on a phone, don't be one of those people.

>> No.9562373

I suppose a boring book can only give way to boring discussions of its content.

>> No.9562454

>You should already feel that way because of the multitude of people all over the world who cannot access the specific revelation of your belief system to be saved in the first place.
1 John 4:
>7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
>8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

>16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.

>> No.9562501

>the bible has a monopoly on virtue
top kek

Jesus considered himself a Jew. Ethics exist outside of religion.

>> No.9562514

>the bible has a monopoly on virtue

Who said that?

>> No.9562526

Christians for one

>> No.9562528

All the people in this thread suggesting it'd be some kind of freak coincidence, an act of universal randomness, where a pagan is "actually virtuous" and that they need to be taught the Bible in order to better their ability to be virtuous and be granted entry to heaven.

>> No.9562569

>implying God didn't send prophets unto all nations

>> No.9563524

>culture has never heard of jesus or god
>believe that killing is fine, and morally good
>wholly believe that they are good people and have know way of knowing otherwise

what happens to them?