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/lit/ - Literature

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9562201 No.9562201 [Reply] [Original]

How do you begin reading books instead of keeping them on the shelf? I recently bought a few more and have them delivered soon, but I don't actually read anymore...

>> No.9562224

Pick one up and read it, it's that simple, that or don't buy books if you are not planning on reading.

>> No.9562273


>> No.9562288

I mean, you could just set a goal and force yourself to it every day. Something tiny even. You'll probably read more than you anticipated if you just start.

>> No.9562320

I really want to read these books though, I've bought a lot of them and want to read but never pull the trigger on opening them up and reading it...

>> No.9562331


youre a weak willed self indulgent faggot, thats why

>> No.9562339

just keep buying, one day you might read one, probably

>> No.9562349

i mostly read digital versions so i can also look at criticism of them and also read historical information about them and also shitpost on /lit/

>> No.9562423

>weak willed

I've read books for a long time, I started with count of monte cristo when I was young in high school and I;ve tried to get back into reading but I'm weak these days

>> No.9562435

I'm monitoring this thread desu. Same situation here senpai.

>> No.9562450

Yea man

I just bought a couple new books which should be delivered tomorrow

The thought came to me though, why buy all this shit when I don't even get to read them anymore...

>> No.9562465

>Step One: Close your browser
>Step Two: Turn off your computer. If you are not on a computer then, set your phone to vibrate
>Step Three: Go to your bookshelf, and grab a book. Any book will do.
>Step Four: Find a comfortable place where you can sit or lay down for a long period of time.
>Step Five: Open your book, and read.

>> No.9562471

>buy book
>buy audiobook and have a comfy narrator read the story for you

>> No.9562486

But I have too many books, what to choose?

>Did I mention I also have over 500 ebooks from my kindle, amazon and just saved on my computer

>I used to read a lot

>> No.9562494

I receive books everyday, and just yesterday I bought four more. Pretty much same situation. One thing that I did notice was that I have books of all different interests, which is NOT a good thing. Most of those subjects I'm not even engaged anymore.

>> No.9562529

holy shit dude, you're making an excuse for everyone's suggestions.

maybe your problem shouldn''t be reading a book but seeing a psychologist first.

>> No.9562531

Just bought another one, I'll give a try to read this next week

I recently heard of great gatsby and I've never read it

>> No.9562554

Try opening them. If only to see if there is money inside. One time I found a hundred dollars someone used as a bookmark. I love the library.

>> No.9562808

What's with all the city folk on /lit/?

>> No.9562814

Here's what I do.

I try to read 10 pages a day of every book I'm reading. (I usually don't exceed 2 books.) I go to my college's library or I go to the living room in my house, and I read. Sometimes I put my phone on Do Not Disturb because it's distracting sometimes.

10 pages doesn't seem like that much. But if it's a 300 page book, you'll have it done by the end of the month.

>> No.9562821

>I recently heard of great gatsby and I've never read it
Are you a high school dropout?

>> No.9562828

No, I'm actually successful in my field

>> No.9564346

You don't want to read you just want to be the type of person who reads. If you wanted it then you wouldn't find it hard to do. I want to sit in my room all day masturbating and eating chocolate and that's exactly what I do.

>> No.9564352

Stand up, take a book, start reading it while standing, walk with the book in your hand, when you get tired of standing around reading, flop on a sofa or bed and continue reading until you pass out. Repeat.

>> No.9564360

I thought this thread was closed actually

Began reading a book this morning...

I'll be alright, just time to shift my focus onto reading more and getting shit done

100pages a day isn't that bad and most books can be read in 3-5 days easily

I am starting to remember what it was like to read books daily

>> No.9564363

Why do you want to read?

Are you sure you don't just prefer the idea of being a reader to reading itself?

>> No.9564369

I used to read/analyze books

Passed all my lit, philosophy, college writing classes with A's etc..

Prof always said the way I analyzed the reading material during/after reading was incrtedible

I wrote some interesting papers a few years ago, but after school was over I deleted most of my work, till this day I've tried getting it back through software recovery tools with no luck

Also shredded the hard copies, these days you try to turn the clock by doing what you did in your 20s

>reading books and talking about about what you took away from the material..

>> No.9566097

So I did start reading again and it is pretty interesting but I have one issue

How do you guys stop the mind travel while reading? You are reading and every once in a while your thoughts go somewhere else?

>> No.9566232

50 mg of adderall

>> No.9566297
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this has helped me a lot when coming back to reading after a hiatus

>first and probably most important step
find a book that you want to read, that you find interesting, regardless of memes and other people's opinions, this board's included

>second step
although not necessarily, it helps to set a specific time and place to do your readings

>third step
turn pc and cellphone off and start reading

>fourth step
understand that reading is a "skill" like running. you can't start running 2 hours straight in your first day, so start slow, and progress continuously

>fifth step
this is very important also, doesn't matter if you are going to start with 2 pages a day (even if you have to force yourself to read. going somewhere outside to read can help too), its fine, but read your goal every single day. if you followed the first step and are reading a book that interest you, you will automatically start reading more and more pages, in no time you will be able to read 1~2 hours straight (20~50 pages).

there was a time I could read 20 pages maximum, then I would literally rather look at the wall than keep reading, because I would get tired and sleepy from reading. then I kept doing this "plan" everyday, in around a month or a bit more, I was reading 100 pages straight.

good luck anons

>> No.9566386

>I'm over a hundred pages today
>Might finish this books sometime tomorrow
>I think I'm back to living healthy lifestyle
>I played video games for like 6+ hours a day and recently stopped playing games
>Began reading again last night

>> No.9566581

>decide to read
>totally stoked my dudes
>open book
>suddenly feel super tired and sleepy out of nowhere

This happens to me way too much and it really gets in the way of my productivity. Anyone else know that feel?

>> No.9566592

>tfw also buying more books than I'm reading because of recommendations on /lit/

>> No.9566604

Just blaze through it until you're no longer tired. Or read a book you actually enjoy.

>> No.9566674

You aren't OP at all my friend.

>> No.9566720

Yea it is I

I've suffered with depression for some time now and decided to stop making excuses, seriously just finished reading 15 minutes ago and trying to re-evaluate my life through reading more often and getting back to who I used to be

As far as the philosophy stuff, I talked about some stuff in class roughly 5 years ago that Jordan Peterson might have mentioned recently and it was interesting to hear someone else say what you wrote a few years back of your own interpretation of something you read, I was under the impression only I saw things the way they were but many people read the same books and can come with a similar interpretation of it or completely different

And yes, I am OP

I would also like to ask why you think that post isn't me but I don't really care desu, you don't actually know me at all or what I have been through, but I won't let my previous faults or troubles stop me from living ever again

>> No.9566725

>I deleted most of my work
Damn. this one still bothers me today, sucks I never thought 5 years later I would be interested in reading through some of my papers again..

>> No.9566747

>I was reading 100 pages straight.

In how much time?

>> No.9566766

Just reading is quite easy senpai. It's a physical labor, you just have to adapt your body to it. The question is what to do with your reading, and that's where most people find themselves in darkness.

>> No.9566810

about 3~4 hours, depending on the book. for few months last year I had most of the afternoon free, but was never home, so there was nothing to do but read or lurk 4chan on my phone. I mostly read and lurked a little to "rest" a bit in between 40~50 pages

>> No.9567160

I usually drink a Mountain Dew when I start reading for the day.

>> No.9567247

university my man
also most public sector and cultural jobs are in cities

>tfw not a trust fund baby who can live in the wilderness and read books and get a manual labor job "for the aesthetic"

>> No.9567250

if you dont do this you will eventually find yourself in a bind where you have a desire to read but no books.

>> No.9567268

Around a year. I usually have in mind what I want to read for a given year so anything I buy gets pushed to after I've finished what I planned on. I'm always reading though.

>> No.9567279

it's the opposite my man

>> No.9567285

What? Can you explain better?

>> No.9567346

You just fucking pick them up and read them. Why do people with no desire to read buy books in the first place? Honestly.

>> No.9567393

They lost the desire desu

>> No.9567563

damn, this thread is boring; puts me right to sleep

Don't you feel the same way? I need a nice nap, good night

>> No.9567603
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Why are you on /lit/ if you don't read.
Do any of you read?

>> No.9567617

if you dont buy more books than you read (lifetime) you have set an upper bound on the number of books you can possibly read (ignoring pirating, libraries, etc.)

I'm not saying that having 50 unread books on your shelf increases productivity--i agree that it typically doesnt.

>> No.9567883

Then cut out the other bullshit you are doing. Stay off lit until you read a book, turn off the television, take the fucking batteries out of your phone.

In short, get fucking bored until you decide to just read.

Fucking kids these days..

>> No.9567885

Step 1. Get help for your borderline personality disorder.

>> No.9567886

Stop buying books until you've read the ones you already have you impulsive moron.

P.S. Never install steam

>> No.9567987

But that way he will lose some good oppotunities desu

>> No.9568044

What do you mean by this?

>> No.9568194

He's right actually, I do have some issues I don't let it get me down..

Also it's 6am. I woke up and continuing to read today. 50 pages in the morning 50 pages in the evening. It isn't that hard at all I had to get my head out of my ass.

Also why is this thread still open, I would prefer this would be closed by now

>> No.9568204

Tell me about your issues, anon

>> No.9568404

I've had depression for a long time, but something is different now

I'm still reading in the morning since its a holiday and I don't have to go into the office,e I have to say reading a paperback book is so much better than an ebook

>> No.9568409

You need to stop using the internet. I'm serious. The internet annihilates your attention span completely.

>> No.9568413

I'm an engineer, I need to use the internet to do my job since I design wide scaled corporate networks which have to be secure and compliant to a standard

>I'm going back to reading though, this is an interesting experience and one I have missed for a long time, this is like mediation isn't it

>> No.9568425

>I need to use the internet to do my job

Doesn't mean you have to use it outside of your job. Priorities my young padawan.

>> No.9568493

I misread it as something like "how long does it take for you to read a book after you bought it?"
There was alcohol involved. To answer the actual question, nigga just sit down and do it. Say "this is what I'm doing now" and plop your butt down and read.

>> No.9568530

And look where you're saying this....... ON THE INTERNET!

>> No.9568539

Anyway I find it charming that you always read your books with 1 year of delay. Just asked to confirm if this autistic (but kinda cool) habit was really true.

>> No.9568551

It's not on purpose, it's just that the proportion of books I read and books I buy always ends up this this as a result. It's not an unequivocal rule, some slip through the cracks and some I read sooner.

>> No.9568560

How much do you buy per month?

>> No.9568605

I don't count them, but when I get them is fairly evenly spaced because my birthday and Christmas are on opposite sides on the calendar, and then in spring and fall I go to the library sales in all the nearby towns, so I come up with a decent stack in each season. I'd probably read 80 of my own each year, plus however many library books I borrow.