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9553621 No.9553621 [Reply] [Original]

What book should I read if I want to understand the women's mind?

>> No.9553630

Finnegan's wake

>> No.9553652


read your stock portfolio out loud to them

>> No.9553686

S.C.U.M. Manifesto. Seriously.

>> No.9553689
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Kekked then realised this is genuinely the right answer

>> No.9553695

Doesn't even remotely represent 99.9% of women, stop being an idiot

>> No.9553714


>> No.9553719

My Twisted World.

>> No.9553852

To the Lighthouse and Mrs. Dalloway, but you should read those anyway

>> No.9553875

Ulysses, any of Woolf's stuff, Jane Austen, Sylvia Plath, Madame Bovary

Or, if you want to understand modern women, Mira Gonzalez

>> No.9553909

Just watch Disney movies

>> No.9553926

This. They live in a delusional fantasy world because of their pampered, easy lives.
The cries of victim blaming when women are told that they are responsible for their own safety really opened my eyes here. They actually claim that it is a right that they aren't attacked, as if this somehow magically protects them.

>> No.9553937
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>> No.9553941

How is it delusional? We believe in TRUE, everlasting love.

>> No.9553955
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>> No.9553956


>> No.9553957

>oh wait you're serious let me laugh harder

>> No.9553959


>larping as a stronk to ragebait other guys


>> No.9553970
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>nobody has mentioned the GOAT

>> No.9553971


>and man to man

It's amazing that western women will announce this like it's nothing. Like you should even be feeling sympathy for them.

>> No.9553973

Otto Weininger's "Sex and Character". Specifically the bit on henids.

>> No.9553976


and eschew it in all of it's forms when offered, knowing yourself incapable of said truth.

get fucked.

>> No.9553984

speak engrish you illiterate cockadoodle

enjoy your miserable life!

>> No.9553995

You can't read though

>> No.9553999

She got so used to always having a backup and never having to be single for more than days at a time. Didn't realize that would end.

>> No.9554000

[shitposting loudly]

>> No.9554003
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butthurt conservative Muslim detected

>> No.9554052

>t. cuck

>> No.9554090

"Women" by Bukowski. nothing better than shit rings and purple old man cock

>> No.9554110

This is a stupid question.

>> No.9554115

What is wrong or offensive about this? Do you not date around as well?

>> No.9554117
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>> No.9554123

He who is unjust, let him be unjust still


Wew laddies

>> No.9554128

The Second Sex

>> No.9554133
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>The same rules apply for women and men
Found the leftypolack.
triggered liberal pussy detected.

>> No.9554136

Not gonna lie, that's a pretty badass quote.

>> No.9554150

Inexperienced women are not fun to date/hook up with. I also hold others to the same standards as I hold myself, it's not much to do with gender rules desu

>> No.9554401

>traveled around riding dozens if not 100+ cocks
>tries to indulge in degeneracy forever instead of making something of her life and securing a partner
>stops being young and attractive
>upset that she doesn't attract as many men as she did when she was 20 and not 100 dicks in

>> No.9554402
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>> No.9554408

>Because whores can suck dick better (from experience with other men) you'd rather have one of them than a virtuous woman you can actually form a stable emotional bond with.
Why are whites such hedonistic animals?

>> No.9554414
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it is what the (((media))) promotes

>> No.9554496

The main issue is the confused, entitled mindset. Imagine a guy commenting how he spent his 20s traveling around and banging whores and not building a career, and now he's getting older and put on weight and he can't find a nice girl to marry.

>> No.9554503


>> No.9554517

To me it reads like someone who's just blowing off steam because dating is a nightmare. I see more entitled posts here every day desu. Many posts itt respond to a "straw woman" who doesn't exist.

>> No.9554570

Leave this place before you become one of us.

>> No.9554589


>> No.9555259

>Inexperienced women are not fun to date/hook up with.
I fucking hate you. Kill yourself.

>> No.9555266

>"straw woman" who doesn't exist.
Read the picture. She is saying what the other anon said.
>To me it reads like someone who's just blowing off steam because dating is a nightmare.
It is if you date dozens of men instead of actually finding one who you love. It's called whoring around, not dating.

>> No.9555573

Virginia Woolf, Sigrid Undset

>> No.9555603
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>Inexperienced women are not fun to date/hook up with.

Yep, if a girl I like turns out to be a virgin I wait until she gets fucked by various guys until I ask her out.

man leftists are fucking crazy.

>> No.9555616

Just treat them like people desu.

>> No.9555639

Mädchen Amick

>> No.9555641


he says "desu" which is shorthand for "i am still in high school"

>> No.9555643


>a girl i like

proof frog cucks cannot think life in anything but a high schooler's terms

>> No.9555649

> Women are such mysterious creatures
Just leave this place, that's all it takes

>> No.9555695

Google something like "boyfriend wants me to X" to see hoe girls communicate online and use that to get inside their heads.

Serious answer: Schopenhauer's On Women

>> No.9555727

Wow... xDdDDDddd

>> No.9556123

50 shades of grey
No shit

>> No.9556234
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Experience leads to people better understanding their needs and greater self awareness. It's nice to be in a relationship with someone who knows what they need and how to communicate that effectively. I don't see that as "edgy" or "muh leftist politics."

>> No.9556336

>Experience leads to people better understanding their needs
enjoy your gf understanding her needs to cuck you lol

>> No.9556390

Unironically this.

>> No.9556432
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The Bell Jar is the correct answer

>> No.9556447

You sound inexperienced.

>> No.9556455
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>to understand women you just need to read women

>> No.9556468

t. obvious cuck

>> No.9556480

Have you experienced an inverse relationship between your capacity to remain faithful in a relationship and the number of people you hook up with when single? Most people I know, including myself, have not. I'm not shaming you it just seems like you're projecting.

>> No.9556487

The red pill.

>> No.9556492

So I should literally be discriminated against?

>> No.9556503
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The best way to understand women is to read women. The key is not to just read contemporary women's fiction, but to read them historically. Right now women are extremely frank about the kind of gross operation of their body, but the rest of their work is mostly deeply self absorbed. Before, women wrote honest novels of phenomenology and also about their social systems in order to break into the literary culture. You had to write quality.

>The Group by Mary McCarthy

How women regard and treat each other, particularly 'cultured' and upperclass women. How women use prevalent philosophies.

>The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

Women's experience of themselves.

>what purpose did i serve in your life by Marie Calloway

Not as good as any of this other stuff, but is at least an honest update of the female experience in the contemporary world.

>The Age of Innocence, The House of Mirth, The Custom of the Country by Edith Wharton

Any of the three. Understand what's really happening in courtship.

>The Second Sex Simone de Beauvoir

To understand the existential appeal of being a woman, to understand how it is constructed. Particularly important are the sections on the kinds of bad faith unique to women.

>The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan

To both understand the source of many of the myths modern feminism cherishes, but also to understand its roots. Read skeptically and historically.

>> No.9556508

>The best way to understand women is to read women.
stopped reading there

>> No.9556694

Is not it, in 50 shades you learn what every women wants

>> No.9556754

you dont learn physics by looking at nature photos.
even when it seems explicit, female writing is still at least twice removed from female truth, and only with the help of people like weininger can we get closer to the truth.

>> No.9556870

Pretty much. Haven't you heard the way women talk about young/inexperienced men? They call them children for any reason they possibly can.

>> No.9556871

I have experienced that women in general have no "capacity to remain faithful in a relationship" whatsoever.

t. has cucked married men before

>reading women to understand women

Good meme, but no. You must not read books written by dogs to understand dogs.

>> No.9556874

> posting pics of coalburners
yeah nah

>> No.9556918

for sure my man, women also hate men with big dicks because they don't how to use them as well as men with microdicks

>> No.9556924

The average woman is actually friendly and good.

>> No.9556945

nah dude, you gotta neg them just right or they'll get the library security to kick your ass

>> No.9556946

They will backstab and backtalk they boyfriend and girlfriends the second they aren't around. They don't know loyalty.

>> No.9557025

Lacan - Seminar XX

>> No.9557049

Sexual Personae

you should also understand your own mind and how it relates to women because for a successful attack on the "woman problem" you need to sort out in detail the psychic shit you project onto women. this is probably more important than understanding women themselves. this is a problem common to introverts (we get trapped in our own heads, our mental projections interfere with our experience of reality) and probably the bigger stumbling block. getting laid and having better relationships with women (my assumption of your motivation since this is fucking 4chan) only somewhat overlaps with "understanding" them

the Divine Comedy, the Sorrows of Young Werther and Jung's work on the anima/animus are good starts for this

>> No.9557052

what are you talking about, I just want to blast my cum on their face.

>> No.9557099

it provides my with unlimited good feels to know that all these sluts who thought they were hot shit become outdated by the time they hit 35 and can get traded at anytime for a younger model. but us men get more attractive as we age. a fine 19 year old will have no problem fucking me well into my 70s if I got a nice house, but these blown out whores get no love after 40. sweet revenge.

>> No.9557113
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The only good post itt. Most are spewing Le Redpill memes.

>> No.9557122


I wrote that post and I just finished The Possibility of an Island 2 hours ago

>> No.9557130

The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.9557269

my conception of women has been defined primarily by reading 19th century russian literature
how will I react if I ever choose to speak to one of them?

>> No.9557431

>fucking me well into my 70

Your problem will be getting your cock hard tbqh

>> No.9557484

>give me a cheat sheet to half of humanity because I don't understand nuance or empathy

>> No.9557499


>> No.9558822

This desu senpai

>> No.9559125

Chinweizu's anatomy of female power

Madame Bovary

>> No.9559252


found the virgin.

Hooking up with a virgin is gross, if it's a dealbreaker for you then you're either a virgin too or probably into pedo shit.

>> No.9559300

What are you even trying to say

>> No.9559338

His opinion is based solely on his feelings and has no basis in the real world. Most women tend to be better at cooperation, social cues, and emotional intelligence than most men. That's a scientifically viable fact.

>> No.9559354

Very accurate desu. He had a bad mommy which informed his opinion on women. He was too lost in his feelings to be taken seriously on the matter.

>> No.9559367

I hate to break it too you but people of both sexes start to look bad as they age if they don't take care of themselves. There are plenty of attractive older women just as there are plenty unattractive older men who are balding, fat, etc. and vise versa. If you are attracted to qualities that are not physical such as personality, intelligence, or kindness then age, physical appearance, or gender are inconsequential.

>> No.9559368
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pic related

>> No.9559372

women aint shit but hos and tricks
now wheres my pulitzer?

...its the same image

>> No.9559375


>> No.9559407

>gender are inconsequential.
Had me until here desu. Gender is consequential.

>> No.9559444

>Most women tend to be better at cooperation, social cues, and emotional intelligence

Aka being backhanded. They'll do anything to seem super good friends while secretly hating eachothers guts.

It's same as American "politeness" which is really just insincerity.

>> No.9559453

>Social skills = deception.
Try again desu.

>> No.9559472

>Social skills = deception.

That is completely true though.

>> No.9559480

Nothing. And you shouldn't want to understand them.

Protip: Women don't actually like men who "understand them". They like men who are men, who respect themselves and thus are respected by others, who respect their women despite not understanding them.

You won't find that in books. You have to live life. And the whole "but how do I FIND women?" thing is also a joke. Again, you have to live life. Women are everywhere. If you actually do things with yourself that require leaving your house, you will find women, because they will find you.

>> No.9559481

>just be urself
>just live life dude

>> No.9559491

I never said it would be easy or even simple.

>> No.9559497
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>> No.9559550

Hahaha great answer

>> No.9559558

to the extent that everybody has differing needs and wants but yet tend generally to cooperate with others, as though operating according to some kind of "social contract". without polite deception, little white lies and impishness society is simple not feasible. don't be so uptight.

>> No.9559565

The way of the superior man by david deida

>> No.9559573


>> No.9559594

Watch Sex And The city, study snapchat filters and read some leftist parties' programs

>> No.9559604
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Oh man look at all these mature and adult leftists. These grown, sensible men know that the past is the past and that a womans partner count doesn't matter, and that sex is just innocent fun. Besides virgins are no fun anyway.

>> No.9559671

Read Gender Trouble, but after ten pages, browse Buzzfeed for five minutes. Repeat this process for two hours and you''ll have roughly figured out how a 20something liberal arts female thinks. Don't listen to the /pol/acks, most of these women are capable of intelligent, thoughtful discussion, even if they do trend leftward. The catch is that they have less of a fear of sounding vapid about pop culture. I briefly dated a girl at school who could talk at length about the intricacies of CSA government and legislation just cause she was working on a thesis on the Civil War and she got caught up reading about Jefferson Davis. But, in the same conversation she would often get off-topic and want to discuss astrology or the Bachelor. In my experience, Women just care less about sounding superficial about their interests and will talk about them with anyone who will listen.

I once got laid after I talked about social demographic changes in South Chicago following the 70's recession with a qt soc major who was from Hyde Park. If you can stomach the zealous liberalism of a liberal arts college, you'll find most of the women there fairly smart and attractive. I never understood why /lit/ gets so down on women in some threads (see above), must just be an influx of NEETs and /pol/acks.

>> No.9559690

Madame Bovary.

>> No.9559698

i always get the feeling guys who worry about "partner count" or whatever just have small dicks and are worried everyone else was bigger so they hope to find a virgin who doesn't know they're shit is tiny, sorry, even the most "christian" virgin girl has seen the giant dicks on pornhub, just kill yourself dicklet

>> No.9559735


>even the most "christian" virgin girl has seen the giant dicks on pornhub

How is that the same as a woman having sex with a bunch of men in her past? Your angry cuck logic makes no sense.

>> No.9559737

i'm just saying, you can marry a virgin but she's still going to know you have a tiny dick, have a nice day posting frogs, nerd

>> No.9559752


i don't post frogs you panicked projector.

if you want to be a beta provider for a woman who has had her fun riding the cock carousel when the going was good and then decided to settle for you after to provide for her then you go ahead but don't rage at men who have no interest in doing that.

>> No.9559788

none. you pick a woman, get to know her, and eventually you get some insight into her mind.

>> No.9559805

>Do you not date around as well?

>> No.9559839


>> No.9559844

you're not going to sit there and tell me that women age well no matter what they do. no bitch over 45 is attractive, but plenty of men get more handsome as they age. that fact you think gender does not matter tells me all I need to know about how disgusting and clueless you are.

>> No.9559853


I personally know that I'm not "small" at all, so I guess that crashes your theory there cuck boy. It isn't just about superficial issues for some people you nihilist dropkick.

>> No.9559871

pics or gtfo

>> No.9559887

We need another >dick size >favorite book thread, that cleared a lot of confusion

>> No.9559912

Guess that's why sexual liberation has been a universally accepted pillar of all societies up until modern right-wing internet culture.
Or maybe all those guys for all those millennia in all those cultures and races, just had small dicks.

>> No.9559927
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>This guy married the biggest slut in town, tens if not hundreds of men have been with her. He must have a huge dick. What a total alpha.

>> No.9559963

wtf I hate women now

>> No.9559969

I don't see the issue. If you don't date various types, you won't have the experience to know who you're really compatible with.

>> No.9559989

don't they already have pills for this? and by the time I hit 70s I'm betting there will be some chemical, medical, or technological solution to keep old men keep fucking

>> No.9560036
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>I once got laid after
Shut the fuck up you stupid, STUPID cuck. I've gotten laid after talking about anti-natalism and another time after sperging out about cultural catastrophism. Why? Because the girls don't give a shit what we say. They're attracted to us. They're entirely disengaged with the non-physical, sexually speaking. We could talk about killing their families, and if they thought we were cute enough they'd giggle and suck our dicks. All you need to know about women you learn from dating and fucking them. Women are the logical conclusion of human being QUA ANIMAL and it's revolting.

>> No.9560291

wtf I hate women now

>> No.9560416

They want a monster. Ideally a controlled monster, but nevertheless a monster. Read Literotica online to see how humiliating and ridiculous their deep fantasies are. Wonder why that book about the woman getting fucked by a bear was awarded Canada's highest honor? Because it was right, absurdly right.

>> No.9560673

It doesn't matter.

By default a virgin woman has more value than a slut.

>> No.9560896

If you want to babysit, be my guest.

>> No.9560919

"The Principals that Govern Social Interaction" by ManHoodAcdademy. It used be floating around with the filename p101.pdf but its too large to post to the board. Textbook on women and how men should deal with them. Red Pilled.

>> No.9560953

just skimming this but it's not as retarded as it sounds, the "order vs. disorder" part is stimulating

>> No.9560956

You either have to be Charles Manson (charm manipulator), Trump (success!), Brad Pitt (10 out 10 aesthetics) or emasculated/castrated/homosexual to really ever gain their loyalty. Otherwise they're stubborn, willful bitches. That nice cute girl you like will go off and fuck the next Chad on the street way before you.

Sad world but they make it so. True love only happens maybe two or three times a century. So evil how everyone talks about it all the time. Accept the odds and become a debauched freak, or at least play the game as cynically and realistically as possible.

>> No.9560964

>they're stubborn, willful bitches
woah you mean women are people with their own will? holy shit mind blown!

>> No.9560985


willful in the ignoble sense

descriptively speaking all people are "willful" egotists obviously.

If you're female, okay I can understand your indignation. If you're a reddit tier white knight, stay self-deceived you pussy.

>> No.9560988

>t. woman

>> No.9560998


I was surprised that it was actually pretty good considering its a red pill/mgtow type guide. It like a fucking textbook. Somebody put a fair amount of work into it

>> No.9561092

>having sex before marriage

>> No.9561137

well, how about this

the human being's ability to experience pleasure and form strong attachments in all areas of life is subject to the law of diminishing returns. this process begins from a very young age (for example, a 3 year old will happily watch the same favorite film every day for 3 months, and enjoy it every time)

the more you do the same thing, the less intensely it will affect you. there is an initial freshness to your reception of different types of sensations and experiences, that is quickly and irrevocably lost. if you think about experiences you had that really impressed themselves on you, really shook up your inner being and changed the trajectory of who you are and what you're about (it could be books you read, drug experiences, sexual experiences, parties you went to, whatever), chances are that a disproportionate number of the *most* significant experiences in a given experiential category, came EARLY in the process - they happened when you were young. hence the term "formative experiences." the earliest experiences might not have even been the best of their kind, but they were the most meaningful and influential. this might be hard to see if you're only 19 or 21 because you're almost certainly right in the middle of that part of your life, but it will become clearer as you age. the more you taste of the worlds fruits the more they turn to ashes in your mouth

so, theres some leeway and exceptions to this tendency but generally speaking the first genuine romantic attachment is the strongest. you can only really fall in love in the full sense of it once, maybe twice. after that it becomes, like every other pleasure, increasingly mercenary and hopeless

>> No.9561158

nah man there's a big difference between really loving somebody and those high school romance loves, marry some high school sweetheart is a terrible fucking idea if you want to have a loving marriage

>> No.9561197

"is a terrible fucking idea" don't be so sure about that, the statistical data would contradict you. who is to say that a high school romance cannot blossom into "really loving somebody," if it wasn't that in the first place?

i'll give another example of what i'm talking about, in a different area

i can listen to a new band or a new piece of music, enjoy it, appreciate it, but I know for a fact that I will *never* bond with any piece of music now the way that I did with the music i listened to when I was 18. i can go to a concert or recital and enjoy it, but I will *never* be as strongly affected as I was by formative shows I went to in my teens and early 20's. it just simply isn't possible, and i can see that clearly, directly, in the quality of my current experiences with music - i have no doubt its something about the structure of the brain that makes it so.

that doesn't mean that the music i'm listening to now isn't *better* than the music i liked when i was 18 (I rather think that it is), but it makes no difference! that isn't the point!

and this law holds true in everything.

>> No.9561205

there's also a lot of music you liked as a teen that would make you cringe now, assuming you grew as a person at all, now imagine being married with kids to a cringe

>> No.9561239

>le women are so hard to understand and so superior to men meemee

>> No.9561267

>women in general have no "capacity to remain faithful in a relationship" whatsoever.
I think this says more about you than about women, sadly enough. What is it about you that makes you so inadequate?

>> No.9561270

>assuming you grew as a person at all,

yes, I grew, but I also *diminished*, because my capacity to bond with music is lower, much lower than it was years ago. why do you think so many people's favourite music is the stuff they liked when they were 20? why are people often closest with friends they knew from an early age?

more often than not, its the same in love. Ex's and relationship "stuff" from the past haunts the present.

joyce has a good story about this in the Dubliners. the main character is married, but he comes to realize that his wife never really belonged to him - she still grieves and longs for her dead teenage boyfriend, and he knows that she will never love him like with that intensity. this is exactly the sort of thing that i'm talking about. if a love is real it is a very hard wound to sew up, if ruptured - often it never does. i dont know about you but a part of me still hurts from my first relationship gone bad, and i spent a long time looking for that girl in other people

>> No.9561300

>why do you think so many people's favourite music is the stuff they liked when they were 20?

because those are losers whose lives peaked in high school, lol, keep reliving your glory days as high school football hero, biff

>> No.9561336

The guy you're replying to is being obtuse. You're 100% right.

>> No.9561337
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>highschool age
Is this you?

>> No.9561372

Guys in most of those pre-modern societies also believed things like that a Jewish carpenter rose from the dead after three days, or that earthquakes were caused by angry gods, or diseases by ill humors. Their thoughts about women are not much more likely to be accurate.

>> No.9561385

It amuses me to see all the woman-hating whiners in this thread who obviously are just salty cause they can't get laid. Pro-tip: go actually interact with women. Get laid a bunch, or at least enough times that you stop being obsessed with sex. Only then will your opinions about women have any degree of objectivity.

>> No.9561413

>le neurotic mess modern man is superior meme

>> No.9561421

Stop watching porn and you'll stop getting that "feeling" you're describing you utter pleb.

>> No.9561428

Modern man IS superior. Modern man is both smarter and kinder on average. Most modern humans are not neurotic. As for the ones who are, so what? Better be neurotic than be a hopeless peasant whose learning is filtered almost entirely through church brainwashing in a small European town somewhere.

>> No.9561498


And what, Mr. Lothario, Mr. Don Juan, gives you the right to be "objective"? All you've done is avoid intellectual discussion and, quite like a woman really, just made a vague emasculating generalization.

My father himself, a man who has been married three times and had sex with plenty of women from many different countries (my father is Chad incarnate), calls his ex-wives whores and gold diggers and liars and whatnot relentlessly. He's more chauvinist than I shall ever be! Also still sexually active and not with unattractive women, I must add.

There may very well be (and probably is) some fundemental experience that you are deficient of that has so far not made you a "woman hater". Maybe things are terrific and you chanced upon a miracle woman who makes you happy? Maybe nature gifted you with some elusive temperament that has made romantic endeavours smooth sailing?

"Woman hater" is itself sort of a misnomer. It's more like "woman realist". You tell people these things, not to completely trust women, not to ingratiate yourself so eagerly, etc. as a precaution. The overwhelming urge in their tangible, physical presence (assuming they are attractive) is to do the opposite.

There is also the fact that media/artistic representations of women tend to portray them as noble or overwhelmingly simple. Again, it's only precautionary to say "you will encounter bitchiness", and yes bitches exist.

I don't hate women but I'm not übermensch/ladykiller enough to say I don't encounter frustration with them. In this current artistic/pop culture climate, I don't think they'd care to hear me be poetic or beautiful about them. Thing is, women already justify themselves constantly and I don't really care about doing it on an anonymous image board or in private.

>> No.9561524


Superior according to what measure exactly? Intellectually? Just because some people (a definite minority, one I even include myself in though not as militantly as you) are atheists? Because he has "rights" and, according to you, the social order he has created is preferable?

Also, statistics on pharmeceutical prescriptions for depression and anxiety would also seem to contradict your assessment of the population being less neurotic.

You are blind.

>> No.9561527


>muh noble peasant

this is your brain on victorian lit

>> No.9561543

Many of the criticisms that guys in this thread have leveled against women in the average are accurate - however, the whining and hateful tone in which the criticisms are couched reveals the pathetic nature of the critics. Your father might have a low opinion of women, but he probably doesn't hate them. Basically, I'm just saying that unless you have the balls to go get laid (whether you want to get laid or want to be celibate is not the point, the point is whether you have the balls that would let you get laid if you wanted to), you are a coward and your opinions of women are almost certainly just projections of your cowardice. Many guys in this thread should be working on becoming real men rather than whining about women, even if some of their whining hits on things that are true.
>the social order he has created is preferable?
Hmm... sounds like two very good things to me.
>your assessment of the population being less neurotic.
I never made such an assessment. Re-read.

>> No.9561551


Who is the Victorian exactly? You're the one optimistic about history. That's a very 19th century thing.

>muh progress
>human beings are getting better and better every day! :^)

It's like you skipped the part last century where the Russian military lost track of about 200 suitcase sized nukes any one of which could kill 200,000 people if detonated, a woman in a New York was murdered in a crowded apartment building despite many of her neighbors hearing her cry "help!", and, even now, there's actually a study about the number crack babies being on the rise in my local paper.

woohoo modern man!

>> No.9561567

a room with a view, virginia woolf

>> No.9561572


you sure showed that strawman

>> No.9561596

>"most modern humans are not neurotic"

oh whoops I guess you put a somewhat finer point on it. Way to completely sidestep the epidemic of mental health problems in developed countries! Who cares if there are more and more people who are going fucking crazy and miserable every day?

and it's terrific you think that modern man is so great but you have yet to properly justify any of your value judgments or offer any slight clue as to what exactly your yardstick is when measuring human progress.

>> No.9561612


Yea, sure, that may be the case, but it isn't always, and there are legitimate concerns/complaints against feminism that you can't simply chalk up to 'man up, loser', 'grow some balls'. That's unbelievably petty, and you're a shitty human if that's your ultimate calling card.

>> No.9561613


pre modern man was primarily subsistence farmers wuth high mortality rates. seen a homeless person? smelt a homeless person? thats the closest we have to the legitimately intellectually and nutritionally deprived pre modern average man

>> No.9561720

And yet you have people like Robin Williams killing themselves. Nothing to do with material poverty. Nothing to do with poor hygiene. Don't consider me naive but I would think the subsistence farmers that were dying died fighting to survive and not from being unhappy, therefore their lives were atleast more worthwhile.

>> No.9561728


Very true, no one would like to live in poverty but here's something interesting about homelessness - it's a mostly first world phenomenon!

How is it that in a world constantly progressing in a brighter and more beautiful direction that the homeless population in ultra-modern metropoles like New York City and Tokyo continues to increase? In developing countries there is poverty, rampant poverty granted, but there is nothing quite like the homeless you will find in the New York or Tokyo subways - a mass of people who have simply given up and now stoop to beggary. Why? How could living a country like Burkina Faso or Cambodia, where one must often quite literally scrape for enough food to eat everyday and this just to survive, somehow be less demoralizing than living in a city where everyone has a chance and the trash cans are full of half-eaten hot dogs and sushi rolls?

As for the people who had to tolerate the particular odors of their era - well, I suppose they would have and must have gotten used to it. Maybe, if progress is as certain as you believe it is and we reach this point, future generations will scoff at the barbarism of breathing in gasoline fumes on the road or gape in horror at the thought of a public urinal - who knows? That's assuming we don't need to go outside wearing gas masks because of a toxic ozone layer.

>> No.9561737


I'll make a concession on the point that, although he has yet to attain immortality, indeed modern man has a smaller percentage of physical ailments to worry about.

>> No.9561740

>he has yet to attain immortality
"I'll take "what is literature?" for 500, Alex."

>> No.9561772


What good is it if everything I ever wrote is trapped on some hard drive in the Antarctic? What happens after my death is a matter of profound indifference - because I will be dead.

Stored information may very well achieve critical mass and who knows maybe even Shakespeare's Folios will be an obscurity?

This romantic notion of eternity and through something as trite a human endeavour as "literature" is vain and absurd. Given the sheer number of existential obstactles that humanity faces in the coming centuries, it's possible that literature won't make it to the year 3000

>> No.9561782

>This romantic notion of eternity and through something as trite a human endeavour as "literature" is vain and absurd. Given the sheer number of existential obstactles that humanity faces in the coming centuries, it's possible that literature won't make it to the year 3000

That may well be the case, but I can read 10,000 year old folk tales, view 5,000 year old structures, listen to 1,000 year old music, and enjoy 500 year old paintings. Screw your cynicism. So long as humans exist, there will be some form of art.

>> No.9561825


Feel free to enjoy pretty things and "screw [my] cynicism", but there are zero indicators that any of these things are 'eternal'.

The Earth has existed for about 1.5 billion years, the first bipedal man appeared in Lake Turkana about 1.5 million years ago before that million year eras of dinosaurs and massive aquatic mammals came and went. The first bonfire was about 200,000 years ago, the first "civilization" you could say if you were generous. Recorded history spans about a forty century period. What makes you think human beings, let alone literature, are so entitled to an 'eternity' when the infinite, cold, godless universe has been so profoundly indifferent to everything else?

>> No.9561837

>the infinite, cold, godless universe has been so profoundly indifferent to everything else
anon, do you need a hug?

>> No.9562027
File: 33 KB, 315x499, Weininger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to post this.

>> No.9562377

I'm sorry if I wasn't clear... but what I meant was that physical appearance, age, and gender are inconsequential to possessing non physical qualities such as intelligence, kindness etc. That it depends on the individual.

>> No.9562389

It's amazing how many "nice guys" there are in this thread. What's ironic is that most of you pride your selves on your intelligence and self awareness. SAD!

>> No.9562582

To these I'd add Lorrie Moore and Mary Gaitskill for a more contemporary viewpoint.

We're only really talking about white women though. frustratingly, that's all I can name atm.

There's a pretty good downer novel about female friendships called Paulina & Fran by Rachel Glaser, at least I liked it.

>> No.9562596

also ironic that you pride yourself on your wit and append that meme to every post you make

>> No.9562771

I never claimed to pride myself on my wit, I am just making an observation. And what's wrong with emulating the greatest president the United States has ever seen?

>> No.9562803

stop trying to figure out others and work on figuring out yourself

>> No.9562804

Women fuck and date failures all the time. I'm charmless, balding, and underemployed and do fine. Log off and quit being so morose.

>> No.9563161


>> No.9563165

>n developing countries there is poverty, rampant poverty granted, but there is nothing quite like the homeless you will find in the New York or Tokyo subways - a mass of people who have simply given up and now stoop to beggary.

it's called freedom, faggot

>> No.9563178

He's right. When a man is firmly handling them, women are very obedient and organized. You juts have to talk to them like you love them.

>> No.9563200


It looks like neither of you are interested in having an intelligent conversation about this topic.

Something hurts your fee-fees, you reject it.

>> No.9563320

Can confirm, saw a charmless, balding, fat woman going out with a charmless, balding, underemployed man yesterday.

>> No.9563343

I live in India, the fact that you think begging is a first world phenomena is hilarious to me.

>> No.9563354

Good insight. Never thought about it that way.

>> No.9563370
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but then not everybody is as hedonistic as you, and even less as women.

>> No.9563375

To be clear, it is very difficult for a woman to create characteristics on a man wrt a promise of good sex.
The size of the cock matters to women through
-the small size, which clearly no woman loves
-the thick cock, which women loves
A woman also knows that men loving to perform, men love be complimented on their performances as well as to hear that they have bigger cocks than her previous lovers
-the long cocks, which women loves to think that they could handle and seems exotic, but are good for oral and anal

The clues coming with a man about financial wealth and tastes are more deterministic about the quality and quantity of entertainment and pleasures not directly related to sex, than the size of the cock, because the size is clearly and advantage, but there is no evidence, through the size, about the ability of the man to make the woman cum without effort.

So yeah. women have easier access to sex, but most men are not much endowed and even the few who have thick cocks do not perform well, in short or mid term, because they think a fat cock is enough. Thank god for women
-that most women get orgasms from their clitoris
-that most men, irrespective of their physique or social background, love to eat pussy [but men are so stupid that they being by eating pussy, instead of finishing by it]

so what do women rely on to be as sure as possible that the beta will make them cum? they rely on
-what the man brags about [but men easily distort the truth on their abilities to please women, in bed or not]
-what other women fucked by the guy say about the guy. this is why women talk about sex between them. they want to know if the provider that they have is indeed acceptable.

>> No.9563433

>Modern man is both smarter and kinder on average
>and kinder on average
>and kinder
nice way to spell "effeminate", anon
I bet you're really kind too

>> No.9563461

>le using conservative as a buzzword
Kys faggot

>> No.9563849

I dunno what to tell you. Dating isn't as logical or straightforward as you seem to think. Your self despair unjustified.

>> No.9563859

reminder to report and ignore shitposting
where the fuck are the mods?

>> No.9563881

The point is true in committed relationships as well. Inexperienced people tend to not know how to voice their needs and usually they don't even understand what they want, which is understandable. It's not all about muh dick desu.

>> No.9564186


>averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values.

How is that a buzzword?

>> No.9564197
File: 595 KB, 1098x1200, Clive-Tim-Tam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I know ladies (and trust me i know ladies) theres nothin they love more than a timtam

rich, chocolaty goodness.

god i wish i was eating one RIGHT NOW
mmm mmm MMMM

anyone here ever bite both ends of a tim tam off and drink cold milk through?


i would use warm milk (i love warm milk) but the chocolate melts and i get it all over my fingers

ever tried some of the more obscure timtam flavours?

i had one once that was pina colada flavour

it wasnt as good as original

my favourites are dark chocolate or double dip chocolate ones


>> No.9564633

Ok, can you type that again in English?

>> No.9564643

Sensible guy here

>> No.9564861
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>> No.9564905

>claims to be attractive to the opposite sex
>is a neurotic mess who throws tantrums on the Internet
what did it mean by this?

>> No.9565186

The Quran

>> No.9565191

You should go back

>> No.9566557

This book is unironically laughable due to how inaccurate it is.

>> No.9566811

which story from Dubliners is that?

>> No.9566927
File: 330 KB, 1216x1538, 1469751714213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Manipulated Man.

>> No.9566958

The dead. Nice metaphor and symbolism about irish nationalism as well, good story. But read Dubliners as a whole, it isnt a collection of short stories, it's a whole book, as some people will lead you to believe

>> No.9567069


sounds like the dead

>> No.9568003

i like the way you conviently ignored the second part of his post so you could make a snarky comment on an anonymous internet forum

>> No.9568024 [SPOILER] 
File: 68 KB, 558x344, 1496057266591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you elaborate why the book is "laughably inaccurate"? Oh, right, i know! You can't, and you won't.Bitch.

>> No.9568072
File: 85 KB, 900x508, 1393736615883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>should be working on becoming real men

You should be working on tying a noose around your neck.

>> No.9568073

>you're a pedo if you don't want the girl you see yourself marry and love have had at least a gallon of cum across her face from various men

>> No.9568097

>Most women tend to be better at cooperation, social cues, and emotional intelligence than most men.

Well these things aren't virtues, which any man who has personal experience working in a company with majority women knows.

>> No.9568102

>Most women tend to be better at cooperation, social cues, and emotional intelligence than most men. That's a scientifically viable fact.
Then why do single mother homes produce the most criminals?

>> No.9568134
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>Many guys in this thread should be working on becoming real men

He says as he continues to post on 4chan.

Fuckin wake up to yourself.

>> No.9568143
File: 36 KB, 472x354, weininger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

otto weininger

>> No.9568184

*tips fedora

>> No.9568203

u mad, roastie?

>> No.9568234

Surrender, fellow. We have no hope. /lit/ has been taken by /pol/tards since they acknowledged this board existence.
Realise how many they are, and how few are we. Look at the board, look at the frogposts, the "how 2 read fatser?? cant concentrate wen i read!!!" threads and how the redpills are overwhelming our peaceful community.
We cannot win this, we will be autosaged into oblivion.

>> No.9568246
File: 65 KB, 195x200, 1495184459774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>people being redpilled and tired of these male feminist snakes constantly playing yes-men is a bad thing

I welcome Gen Z. I hope these young kids get rid of this faggotry for good.

>> No.9568255
File: 2.93 MB, 222x400, 1495785101440.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic XD

I dislike my favourite board being filled with autistic angsty teenager shite instead of literature discussion, yes

Hitting very close to home, fellow literature enthusiast. Feels bad.

>>>Youtube comment sections

>> No.9568273

>Anons aren't overly enthusiastic about women banging entire towns of men, in designated shitposting thread
Jesus, are leftypolacks the most ridiculous people in existence...

>> No.9568282
File: 34 KB, 352x387, 1495180123390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>if I have an issue with your queefed out identity politics idiocy I'm from /b/ now

I'm an oldfag. Good chance I've been here considerably longer than you have too.

May Gen Z crush you. May your soft skulls line their thrones.

>> No.9568296

It's probably for the better, bud.

>> No.9568302

You fags are just butthurt about not everyone being into strong, experienced women as much as yourselves.
This entire thread is shitposting, much of it from leftypolacks and redditors.
Why are you not reacting against that? Why are you not reacting when underage redditors barge into a thread and start talking about communism with no reference or evidence of understanding any actual socialist literature. Where are you when redditors and /b/-tards post about dick size? Where are you when r/atheism fedoras barge in and start throwing around "jewish carpenter" or "religion of peace xD" memes?

>> No.9568390
File: 125 KB, 737x967, MV5BNTRkNWY0NjgtMTM5MS00NmNhLThkNWQtOTcxY2QxYmFlMmExXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjQzMDYxMTA@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend all day whining about women
>you finding this annoying means that you're the one obsessed with identity politics, not me!!!

This aside, which board are you actually from? Your post syntax is not that of a /lit/ browser, or somebody who reads books. Not much of /lit/ is still autistic enough to say things like ""Im redpilled"" and ""Im an oldfag"" in the year of twenty seventeen. Your posts feel like they came from a Youtube comment generator.

>You fags are just butthurt about not everyone being into strong, experienced women as much as yourselves.
Not the case at all. I dont give a shit. It just ruins the quality of discourse when /pol/ stinks up every thread with "redpilled alpha here, if you read a book written by a women youre a libtard feminazi cuck, praise kek".

Just read the responses to the actual useful book recommendations ITT, for example. I realise that this was pretty much destined to be a shitposting thread, but it is a board-wide problem. I recall a Flannery O'Connor thread a week or so ago which basically ended up looking like this thread. It's so so dull.

>Why are you not reacting when underage redditors barge into a thread and start talking about communism with no reference or evidence of understanding any actual socialist literature
Annoying, but the internet tends to be more right than left, so it's usually more avoidable imo. Regardless, threads about political theory on whatever side are better and more on topic than "why are women so dumb kek" based threads.

>Where are you when r/atheism fedoras barge in and start throwing around "jewish carpenter" or "religion of peace xD" memes?
I dislike that just as much

>> No.9568407

No, it's not a first world phenomenon. I live in a thir world shithole and we have plenty of homeless speople here.

>> No.9568416


>>spend all day whining about women
>all day


>Your post syntax is not that of a /lit/ browser

LMAO holy fuck the amount of bitched out passive aggression in this one. I am so glad this next generation of guys coming up fuckin loathes you little passive aggressive faggots. You think I need to put on airs and make pithy snipes about "syntax" to prove that I'm a "reader"? Without that overly performative limp-wristed tripe all the books that I've read magically stop counting now?

Not only are you a passive aggressive faggot but you're a pseud too. Fuck off, queef. Get rekt.

>> No.9568419

what was the last book you read, anon?

>> No.9568443

Don't fuel him

>> No.9568446


>implying I only read one book at a time

And before you think I'm a sexist I have better taste in female writers than most feminists sans some bitches doing a really specific PhD or something.

>> No.9568453


>d-don't fuel him

Fuck off already you passive aggressive bitch.

Enough of you.

>> No.9568487

>I know you are but what am I

>LMAO holy fuck the amount of bitched out passive aggression in this one I am so glad this next generation of guys coming up fuckin loathes you little passive aggressive faggots. You think I need to put on airs and make pithy snipes about "syntax" to prove that I'm a "reader"? Without that overly performative limp-wristed tripe all the books that I've read magically stop counting now?
it was tongue in cheek, my friend :)

>I have better taste in female writers than most feminists
I'm not surprised, most feminists have awful taste in women's writers (god damn I hate the awakening so much). Who do you like though?

>> No.9568496

This is anecdotal. Studies show less potential to pair bond with the more sexual partners you have. Why is it so hard to accept that too much of anything can have negative consequences? Sex isn't some super special outlier.

>> No.9568501

>You fags are just butthurt about not everyone being into strong, experienced women as much as yourselves.
There's little correlation between a "strong" personality type and sexual experience, from what I've seen. Most desirable, feminine women are attractive to a ton of people. When people find you attractive you end up having sex. Are you American? You seem scared of sex and the USA historically has an odd relationship with human sexuality.

>> No.9568517
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>it was tongue in cheek, my friend :)

Holy damage control. Yeah okay you were only faking that passive aggression the whole time. But let's just forget that now it's whatever I don't want a whole exchange over that shit.

>Who do you like though?

A lot. Just because you value female art and thought doesn't mean that you need to become a passive aggressive male feminist who feels the need to battle against le insensitive /pol/ posters now. You have been meme'd on by identity politics far too much. Just read female authors and stop giving a fuck about women and their stupid bullshit irl. Stop playing a role. You'll be happier for it.

>> No.9568542
File: 196 KB, 382x346, costanza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying those two things contradict each other at all

>> No.9568553
File: 497 KB, 2048x846, american_culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When people find you attractive you end up having sex
Choices matter. A woman becomes less attractive to men for serious relationships the more partners she's had.
>Are you American?
America is a tumor on the world. They're the ones spreading the sickness everywhere. Through pornography, gay and feminist advocacy, hip hop music, hollywood films etc.

This reddit concept that americans are "unatural" prudes and that people other places have a more "natural" (meaning shallow and hedonistic) relation to sex is completely false.

>> No.9568607

>>and man to man
This is the part that gives away that it's bait. This is also the big reason why this picture is reposted so often. >>9553689 is not much different, it's like somebody making about a joke about a strong dark-haired leader figure with a strange beard and someone else thinks he's smart when thinking of Hitler.

It's interesting to women because it focuses on their primal fear of missing out on reproduction.
It's interesting to men because it makes them feel less powerless in the sexual marketplace.

>> No.9568678

feminism is not at fault. It is part of a global development that would have happened one way or another.

Besides, men allowed feminism, they take blame too

>> No.9568684

I'd say women are vastly more skilled in procuring social resources. This is very useful but need not be a good thing.

>> No.9568691
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>> No.9568704
File: 134 KB, 1000x998, 1472814541085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really just can't see the appeal of getting with someone that has had sex with many people. Would you kiss someone that just stuck other's toothbrushes in their mouth?

>feminism is not at fault.
It's one of the many reasons.

>Besides, men allowed feminism, they take blame too
You can't say no to government. I mean, you can, but the government pushing the narrative will outlast the people saying no to it. Just like homosexuality. First, it was genetic. Now it's a choice and a lifestyle.

>> No.9568710

Casual sex between consenting adults is different than strapping a dildo to yourself and singing in front of a crowd. I think the ills you brought up are attributable to the cold creep of capital than human sexuality.

>> No.9568730
File: 37 KB, 500x432, 1490239364549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels great to be a feminist, desu.

>> No.9568737

said no honest man ever

>> No.9568858
File: 176 KB, 717x678, 1494979772894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a feminist man, anon-kun!

>> No.9570083

>And yet you have people like Robin Williams killing themselves. Nothing to do with material poverty. Nothing to do with poor hygiene.
And everything to do with his illness, you chose a very poor example there.
If suicide is more prevalent in these modern times compared to, say, pre-enlightenment then I chalk that down to the material wealth which allows us to actually live life and not just struggle to gain sustenance and security. It turns out life is pretty hard in itself, and there's not alot of meaning there. One could also argue that we're more disconnected from eachother, but I don't really buy into that.