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/lit/ - Literature

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9555849 No.9555849 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't YOU have an aversion to failure, /lit/?

>"As an undergraduate at Trinity College Dublin, she became Europe’s No 1 student debater. Now she has written her debut novel – Conversations With Friends"

>"Rooney is 26 and her youth, and the youth of her sharp-eyed, sharp-tongued narrator, have led her editor at Faber to describe her as “Salinger for the Snapchat generation"

>"The book sold in a seven-way auction last year and Rooney, perhaps with the same energy she has in conversation, worked with “huge speed”, writing 100,000 words of Conversations With Friends in three months“ [...] I wanted to get the novel as perfect as I could. I think it’s an aversion to failure.”


>> No.9557151

Quality bait.

I hope Rooney becomes the next writer for /lit/ to hate

>> No.9557162

>"Salinger for the Snapchat generation"

Good, I havent read Catcher in the Rye yet so I'll probably never read her book. Also 3 months writing? kek

>> No.9557165

>you will never come from a prestigious background where your connections alone get you published

>> No.9557190

You mean Wayne Rooney, the football player?

>> No.9557259

>My favourite writer is JD Salinger. I love his writing style and I love that he was reclusive and never did interviews talking about himself

>i love failure, me. In fact ive got a life coaching self actualisation vblog on youtube called how to fuck up at every opportunity, lose friends and make a total balls of your life.
>today im focusing on how to make a tit of deep frying tictacks and shovel the resultant sticky hot mess into your weeping fat spotty face for all the world to see your abject shitty half-existance of crap

>>“Dialogue is the most fun to write,” Rooney says. “It’s kind of like a tennis match. Do the first one,” and then ping, ping, “it has to go back and forth.”
>Before reading this article, I had no idea that that's what dialogue does! Thank you, Graun! Have £5 a month.

>And an aversion to standing side on to a camera with that bonce I see.

wtf I love Guardian readers now

>> No.9557274

>She has been called the ‘Salinger for the Snapchat generation’.
by whom?
>her editor at Faber to describe her as “Salinger for the Snapchat generation”

imagine being so desperate for positive book quotes you quote your own editor

>> No.9558111

>and I love that he was reclusive and never did interviews talking about himself

I'm honestly disgusted.

>> No.9558123

is writing 100k words in 3 months supposed to be impressive or something? That's only like 1000 words a day. What is this junior high school?

>> No.9558136

Nigga it's a roast

>> No.9558146

sounds like the most annoying person I can think of

>> No.9558190

Anti-intellectuals are worse than pseuds

>> No.9558640

>iow: you will never suck the dick of some rich fags and their friends to get published instead of legitimately building the skills required to publish and market well
I'd rather not suck old man dick for money, and the skills last a bit longer than the flavour of cum, I'd imagine.

>> No.9558652

>Why don't YOU have an aversion to failure, /lit/?

People here have too much respect for the craft.

>> No.9558658

>People here have too much respect for the craft
It's really just this, for some of us. I care so deeply about literature that I would be unable to forgive myself if I didn't do our predecessors justice. I feel like I'll be tormented for the rest of my days by the ghosts of Joyce and other writers I deeply admire if I write garbage for money, especially.

>> No.9558667
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>I wanted to get the novel as perfect as I could. I think it’s an aversion to failure.

Has she not read her own prose?? This woman could barely write a grocery list.

>> No.9558672
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>One of the students – Frances, the narrator – specialises in barbed retorts and has an affair with the husband. “You’re really handsome, you know,” she tells him. “Is that all I get?” he says. “I thought you liked my personality.” “Do you have one?” she asks.


>> No.9558685

>implying prose matters to modern readers
>implying anything matters
Modern readers are like fucking lemmings. Not that people have changed btw it's that the hobby is open to more people than before so it naturally becomes more shitty

>> No.9558699
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>> No.9558702
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>Salinger for the Snapchat generation
>its another 'brand this person as le voice of the millennials in an obvious and transparent marketing gimmick' episode

really tunes my trombone
this shit really

>> No.9558732

This. 1000 words a week is not even particularly impressive. Your average highschool writes several-thousand word papers the night before an assignment's due without trouble.

>> No.9558740

>tunes my trombone
stealing this

>> No.9558744

I already hold a lot of resentment against her and that book for the Salinger part. I don't even particularly like Salinger, but that was just annoying and cringe.

>> No.9558758

This is funny because he has no idea how things work for women. That is a male oriented way of thinking. The truth is women do not have any morality and no sense of shame, success or failure. The OP chick is just larping as an author and that is enough for her

>> No.9558784
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is she dead for us now?

>> No.9558800


>it is extremely bad

What a way with words she has. It's inspiring.

>> No.9558828
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>> No.9558842

what you mean you don't want to punch a Natsee???

*insert richard spencer gif*

>> No.9558844
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>Salinger for the Snapchat generation
someone thought this up and wrote it down

>> No.9558845


this is so perfect it isn't even funny.
it's just depressing.

>> No.9558849
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>> No.9558940

Women can't write for shit or pursue genuine intellectual fields and that this is permitted is an excellent example of why we should revert to pre-agricultural savagery

>> No.9558971

>Trinity College Dublin
Speaking of, any lads from Ireland here that can give me their opinion on the current state of that university? I'm from the states but of Irish descent and my mom studied there. Looking to transfer and go abroad sometime within a year and I'm looking at going there.

>> No.9558981

Literally just a publicist driven fluff piece for someone the industry has 'chosen'.
But will the readers play along?

>> No.9558991

She's not wrong. I'd much rather spend time with her than your average /pol/ user.

>> No.9558995

Come on, you know that they will. I don't think it'll be a huge success, but it'll definitely have some following that thinks it's good. She's the Salinger of our generation, after all.

>> No.9558996

you're very bad and we should leave you to the lit undergrads with rich daddies

>> No.9559003

I know I can writer better than she. I'm not a great writer but I have experience with it and I'm educated and intelligent. This is an extreme example but look at Rupi Naur. Her book is shilled everywhere. I live in Switzerland and that shit is even here in the "top 10" section of the major bookstore.

I paged through it to see if /lit/ was correct. It is pure shit. I know I could write more incitement, thoughtful and better written "poetry" than that but I would be ashamed to have my name on a book like that.

I'm assuming this latest millennial bitch is in the same area as Naur.

>> No.9559008

What makes you think she isn't educated or intelligent?

What is your education?

Also, I'm not defending her or accusing you of anything, just inquiring.

>> No.9559015
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>the nose knows

>> No.9559016


>> No.9559024


>> No.9559030

I don't think a great education level is needed to be a good writer (beyond needing to know the rules of grammar, spelling, etc). It's more about being intelligent and sensitive enough to detect things that affect the human condition greatly, timeless themes, or eloquently putting into print the feeling of a time.

My education is this: I went to an English grammar school in South Africa. Then I attended Stellenbosch University, graduating with a BA. Then I went to the University of Zurich for a MA in political science but I dropped out to do other things.

It might be better than average, or worse, but again I don't think you need extensive education to be a good writer and being well educated doesn't guarantee good writing.

>> No.9559032

Nice catch. I didn't even notice that one. It all makes sense now.

>> No.9559040


t. white knight omega

>> No.9559042

sounds comfy as fuck
what's ur employment prospects though?

>> No.9559046


>replying to his bait

Everyone knows that going to """study""" literature makes you a rot-brained academic unable to write. Nearly all the great authors in the Western canon started in salt-of-the-earth professions.

>> No.9559063

>DFW was 24 when Broom of the System was published
>Zadie Smith was 25 when White Teeth was published
>Marek Hlasko was 23 when Eighth Day of the Week was published
>F.S. Fitzgerald was 23 when This Side of Paradise was published
>Carson McCullers was 23 when The Heart is a Lonely Hunter was published
>Tao Lin was 24 when EEEEE EEE EEEE & Bed were published
>Italo Calvino was 23 when The Path to the Nest of the Spiders was published
>Kerouac was 20 when The Sea is My Brother was published
>Goethe was 25 when The Sorrows of Young Werther was published
>Musil was 25 when The Confusions of Young Torless was published
>Hemingway was 25 when In Our Time was published
>Tatsuhiko Takimoto was 24 when Welcome to the NHK was published
>Ryu Murakami was 24 when Almost Transparent Blue was published
>Garcia Marquez was 20 when Eyes of a Blue Dog was published
>Nietzsche was 18 when "Napoleon III as a President" was published
>Nietzsche was 18 when "Fate and History" was published
>Nietzsche was 18 when Free Will and Fate was published
>Nietzsche was 19 when "Can the Envious Ever Truly Be Happy?" was published
>Nietzsche was 20 when "On Tendencies" was published
>Nietzsche was 20 when "My Life" was published
>Saramago was 25 years old when Land of Sun was published
>Dickens was 24 when Sketches by Boz was published
>Dickens was 25 when The Pickwick Papers was published
>Huxley was 25 when Limbo was published
>James Joyce was 25 when Chamber Music was published
>Proust was 25 when Pleasures and Days was published
>Mishima was 23 when Confessions of a Mask was published
>Bret Easton Ellis was 21 when Less Than Zero was published
>Bret Easton Ellis was 23 when Rules of Attraction was published
>Kenzaburō Ōe was 23 when Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids was published
>Emile Zola was 24 when Contes à Ninon was published
>Balzac was 20 when Cromwell was published
>Baudelaire was 24 when Salon of 1845 was published
>Hitomi Kanehara was 20 when Snakes and Earrings was published
>Stig Dagerman was 23 when Ormen was published
>Strindberg was 22 when The Outlaw was published
>Ibsen was 22 when Catiline was published
>Milan Kundera was 24 when Man: A Wide Garden was published
>Adam Thirwell was 24 when Politics was published
>Ned Beaumann was 25 when Boxer, Beetle was published
>Norman Mailer was 25 when The Naked and the Dead was published
>Eleanor Catton was 22 when The Rehearsal was published
>Robert Walser was 23 when Schneewittchen was published
>Noah Cicero was 23 when The Human War was published
>Jorge Luis Borges was 24 when Fervor de Buenos Aires was published
>Tolstoy was 24 when Childhood was published
>Johan Harstad was 23 when Amublance was published
>Mira Gonzalez was 21 when i will never be beautiful enough for us to be beautiful together was published
>Mira Gonzalez was 23 when Collected Tweets was published
>Kim Insuk was 20 when Bloodline was published
>Evelyn Waugh was 25 when Decline and Fall was published
>Ben Brooks was 18 when Grow Up was published

>> No.9559064

>stealing from anon

Have you no shame?

>> No.9559066

>what's ur employment prospects though?
Right now, shit. I'm working full time but it's soul-crushing mundane shit.

I want to learn a trade, something I can do anywhere in the world so I can leave this country. Switzerland has many options for education luckily.

>> No.9559068

Yes, and they must have congratulated themselves for the strained alliteration.

>> No.9559071
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>canadian memes are being sold in switzerland

>> No.9559072

why the fuck would you ever want to leave switzerland, you have it made

>> No.9559101

>human condition
Fuck off ideologue

>> No.9559105

Everyone says that to me. Swiss friends and foreign friends.

Quality of life is high as fuck here (literally in the top 10 ratings) but there is a burning discontent and dissatisfaction with this place.
Nobody comes to Switzerland except for making money but a fat bank account is not ever going to make me happy.

Trade you my passport for yours?

>> No.9559118

I suppose wanderlust would make anyone discontent
I would trade in a heartbeat, hope you like cars and canned beer because there is literally nothing to do here but hoon and drink

>> No.9559139

Sorry, dealbreaker haha. I don't think down under is the place for me.

>> No.9559164


>> No.9559258

what do you think pseudonyms are for?

>> No.9559268
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pic related

>> No.9559291

Why are white males from this website so threatened by successful women like this one or Rupi Kaur?

>> No.9559297

are you a girl, are you under 70kg and will you be my girlfriend and love me unconditionally?

>> No.9559303

No, I'm a guy, 88 kg.

>> No.9559310


>> No.9559311


>> No.9559330
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delet this

>> No.9559339


I read the blurb and the book is honestly about nothing. NOTHING. Read it for yourself:

>"Frances is a cool-headed and darkly observant young woman, vaguely pursuing a career in writing while studying in Dublin. Her best friend and comrade-in-arms is the beautiful and endlessly self-possessed Bobbi. At a local poetry performance one night, Frances and Bobbi catch the eye of Melissa, a well-known photographer, and as the girls are then gradually drawn into Melissa’s world, Frances is reluctantly impressed by the older woman’s sophisticated home and tall, handsome husband, Nick. However amusing and ironic Frances and Nick’s flirtation seems at first, it gives way to a strange intimacy, and Frances’s friendship with Bobbi begins to fracture. As Frances tries to keep her life in check, her relationships increasingly resist her control: with Nick, with her difficult and unhappy father, and finally, terribly, with Bobbi. "

>> No.9559359

>cool headed and darkly observant young woman
Does the author intend to project her own narcissistic fantasies so clearly? Fucking disgusting. This is the result of watching television your whole life

>> No.9559390


>Does the author intend to project her own narcissistic fantasies so clearly?

Yes, and I find that I'm drawn to it.

>> No.9559530

two friends with similar interests get involved with an older woman who happens to be married, and then when they do, it all falls apart because they're shits.

>> No.9559531

Is this the Dangerous Liaisons for the autist-Twitter generation then?

>> No.9559539

If we're talking about really good writting I consider it impressive.

>> No.9559555

Dangerous Liasions with the dog filter

>> No.9559623
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>I know I can writer better than she.

I sincerely hope you're not gonna realize your writing ambitions in English. Well, that is not accurate. I hope you're not gonna write in any language since your notions of writing are so sophomoric it makes me want to bash your face in.

>> No.9559646

I almost spit my coffee out. That was just dreadful. The prose is so clunky and uninspired. Unecessary commas attacking me at every turn. Literally no discernable talent. Why would anyone want to read a shitty story about a roastie and her friends to begin with?

>> No.9559692
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I can't even articulate how fucking disgusted I am garbage like this is going to be published. All I want to do is screech.

>woman writes book
>it's about her self insert lusting after older man


>> No.9559713

I am, but Im in the shy area of narcissism rather than "the world should smell the excellence of my passed gas", of which sally is the primary case

>> No.9559783


I'm not. I'd actually like read the book because it sounds pretty crap but I'd like to know just how crap it is before I make a real comment about it.

At this stage, I'm mostly left wondering if it'll be the insightful kind of crap that pokes fun at our generation's inability to communicate properly, or the narcissist kind of crap that offers little else other than a personal revelation that, yeah, our generation can't communicate for toffee.

>> No.9559786

>She has been called the ‘Salinger for the Snapchat generation’.
Stopped reading there.

>> No.9559797

I'd rather you did too.

>> No.9559808


I wasn't paying enough attention to the sheer irony of that quote the first time around. Then again:

Salinger. The notorious recluse. The worthless hack. An arsenal of indiscernible talent personified in a man who couldn't hold a public interview if his life depended on it. If this hopeless harlot offers even one iota of the ability that eluded that man then we may well have the next Nobel Prize Winner on our hands. All hail Sally Rooney. [Our] queen.

>> No.9559822

is it even possible to get published if you're not rich, no connections, didn't go to a prestigious school? like even if you legitimately wrote a great novel, would there even be any way to get it in front of someone who would consider publishing it?

>> No.9559828

It seems like a whore being a typical backstabbing whore and stealing her friend's man. the lefties will eat this up

>> No.9559841


Yes, write airport fiction equivalent stuff and develop a reputation. Then start writing 'proper' books.

>> No.9559854

Your publisher will look at it, look at you, and then ask why there it isn't a classic three-stage arc with a handsome fella to appeal to the ladies. Then they'll add those things in editing.

>online rep
>small press
>sell ~10k copies
>publishing houses will buy your next novel as their prestige 'see guys we're still /lit/' piece. It probably won't make money.

AKA the 'Ben Lerner' method.

>> No.9559873


That's when you tell him who you are and convince him that it'll sell through reputation. I'm making this up as I go along but a similar thing happens in the movie-making business. Or did. You think Kurosawa started by making Shakespeare adaptations? He started with run-of-the-mill gangster flicks.

>> No.9559880

Reading that is like listening to a conversation between two women. Mind numbing.

>> No.9559888

Women want to read that kind of trash. Women are also the gatekeepers that get to decide what is published and what isn't.

>> No.9559900

The epitome of privileged liberal education and the last remaining bastion of unionist sentiment in Dublin

>> No.9559907


>> No.9559936

She said herself she doesn't even read Irish lit, almost entirely American. Imagine being this so far removed from your own rich culture your fantasy is based on sincerely emulating the global hegemon

>> No.9559939

yeah and kurosawa never moved on from gangster flicks
kobayashi > kurosawa

>> No.9559988

...and with a wicked sense of humor

>> No.9560015
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This is 100% Wattpad

>> No.9560055

That's a real shame. Ireland has such a rich history and culture. I bet she hasn't even read Joyce. She probably made it 3 pages into Ulysses or Portrait and closed it in pseud-fueled disgust.

>> No.9560059

It must be difficult to get anything published if you aren't a female or minority that writes culturally-enriched fiction.

>> No.9560090

I don´t want to be part of a generation identified with a fucking app.
I´d rather live in 16th century Europe and be part of the "Syphilis Generation"