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/lit/ - Literature

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9557331 No.9557331 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the ultimate meme trilogy?

>> No.9557343

I thought the meme trilogy were Sophocles's plays.

>> No.9557344
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If you go outside literature, there are bigger memes of trilogies

>> No.9557355

>using privatised train ticket as a bookmark in Marx


>> No.9557372


socrates plato aristotle

>> No.9557391

>Reading all three volumes
>Even finishing the first
How much of glutton for punishment are you?

>> No.9558385

So who here has read this?

>> No.9558391

not a real trilogy

>> No.9558409

if you can make it through that whole thing, and understand it, it will definitely get you laid, which is more than can be said for most books. reading marx is like playing guitar in a band.

>> No.9558442


this is very true. i basically lead a marxist cult at my uni, filled with pale chicks who where tights with runs in them and combat boots who are dying for the cock. but they cant grasp that that very desire conditioned by the need, in capitalist economy, for patriarchal circuits of desire and a class of unpaid workers who appropriate the value of wage labor to reproduce it for the following day's hardships, so i mostly blow them off. besides, im gay.

>> No.9558470


I have this on my shelf, unread. I did complete a historical reader with the manifesto and other writings though, so at least I am basically conversant in Marx on the really simple stuff.

Other unread meme trilogies:

Principia Mathematica (yes, the complete work. I even supplemented my cheap first edition with complete scannings of the missing material from the second edition. I must read Russell's IMP first before attempting it, sometime.)

I've had a Proust set in three volumes for about fifteen years that I've never breached beyond the overture of Swann's Way.

Happily, I did complete Lord of the Rings as a kid of about ten, though maybe about a third of the language was over my head.

>> No.9558700

Seriously, even Marx never finished volumes two and three in his lifetime. They had to be completed by Engels.
I've read most of volume one. Marx makes some compelling critiques of the capitalist mode of production. It's actually not too difficult a read, and Marx's polemical tone helps to keep things interesting.

>> No.9558710

>Spines for volumes 2 and 3 unbroken

>> No.9558741

Hegel's encyclopedia is.

>> No.9558751



>> No.9558779
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>> No.9558788

idk bruh.... #3 looks pretty bent to me

>> No.9558876

I'm really looking forward to killing as many of you as I can.

>> No.9558904
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*Blocks your path*

>> No.9559298
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Looks like my copies, although I don't rape the spine like that
>Read through vol1
>Start vol2 but move on to something more fruitful
>untouched vol3

>I've read most of volume one. Marx makes some compelling critiques of the capitalist mode of production. It's actually not too difficult a read, and Marx's polemical tone helps to keep things interesting.
Someone who actually read vol1 here. No he doesn't, he makes some observations about 19th century economics and basic ways of looking at value, labour, and time. In no way is it a critique of "capitalism", sorry kiddo.

>> No.9560086

This is the true meme trilogy

>> No.9560122

>a meme

nice try buddy

>> No.9560231

Dubliners, Portrait, Ulysses

>> No.9560243

But how can the memeiest book ever written not even be part of Joyce's meme trilogy?

>> No.9560266



"But, in general, the protective system of our day is conservative, while the free trade system is destructive. It breaks up old nationalities and pushes the antagonism of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie to the extreme point. In a word, the free trade system hastens the social revolution. It is in this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, that I vote in favor of free trade."

Karl Marx, "On the Question of Free Trade"

>> No.9562352

Why would we read Communist garbage? Read non-degenerate Christian literature. Find the /pol/ reading guide and read something from there.

>> No.9562775

Maybe you'll learn something if you don't decide to live in an echo chamber

>> No.9562784

it's definitely a meme

>> No.9562792

no you won't. excessive exposure to lies is destructive to the soul

>> No.9562800

Which is why you should read books from many perspectives. Because you might be reading lies if you only read books from certain viewpoints. You should read many different books so you can find the truth among all the lies.

>> No.9562807

what the fuck? /pol/ is literally the opposite of an echo chamber. You can say whatever you want there, projecting Communist redditor.

>> No.9562823

/pol/ may not be an echo chamber. It slightly is though. It's nearly all right-wing, but there's also some variations of right-wing philosophies. However, just reading Christian and /pol/ stuff is going to be one sided. It's all going to be in defense of religion and in defense of right-wing politics.