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File: 44 KB, 600x600, racism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9558261 No.9558261 [Reply] [Original]


What comes to mind is everyone on this site that casually uses the word nigger.

>> No.9558267

racists are definitely crazy virtually every white american in the 18th century was for sure clinically insane

>> No.9558269

we're not racists, we're progressive humorists

>> No.9558271

>casually using a word makes you racist regardless of context or intent
Back to /leftypol/

>> No.9558273

"progressive humorists" you have a good sense of humor

>> No.9558285

Without trying to make this political.

Are you implying that most people on this site that use nigger have an intent that isn't malicious. Because I think the opposite is true, and when can you justify casually using derogatory terms? Obviously, casually is arbitrary but regardless.

Could you elaborate on what you meant?

>> No.9558293

>a monkey climbed down from a tree
>that monkey is insane all the other monkeys said

>> No.9558301

/leftypol/ personalities casually use the word nigga

>> No.9558302

>when can you justify casually using derogatory terms
Why should it need justifying?
>have an intent that isn't malicious
Can you prove they do have malicious intent? And why should their intent matter? What transgression is taking place?
Nigger nigger nigger

>> No.9558307

so contrarian opinions of race are seen as evolutionary? wouldnt that then imply that departures from status quo racism is the analogous position youre positing?

>> No.9558313


If you knew anything about the site, you'd know people say just about anything to get under other's skin, it is kind of a troll site first and foremost. it goes without saying nigger is going to be thrown around, I notice you don't have a problem with any of the thousands of others of derogatory terms that get shot around.

>> No.9558321

I don't browse that much because it's a waste of time. I used to go on /b/ for memes but that's about it. The only reason I used nigger is because it's probably the one most frequently used.

>> No.9558326

Although you're right that any attempt to rationally discuss something is pretty much useless.

>> No.9558330

>The only reason I used nigger is because it's the only one that fits my victim narrative
Nobody, ever, got political favoritism because someone called them a weaboo

>> No.9558332

lol alright

>> No.9558334

why even bother posting then?

We obviously suck and you don't care about our explanations. Ok cool nigger, later.

>> No.9558338

So you cede the point?

>> No.9558349

Are you trying to play devils advocate?

It might be better to answer these questions for yourself.

>> No.9558358

First response probably sums up what I thought anyways

>> No.9558361

So you don't have answers for those questions. You can't produce any argument about why I shouldn't say nigger.

>> No.9558364

Is it racist to use nigger in a positive context? For example, what if a professor said "boy, that's one smart nigger. He's my star pupil!"

>> No.9558368

I think cuck wins hands down for most frequent

>> No.9558377

Would you call someone that word if you weren't on an anonymous board?

>> No.9558379

The casual use of the word nigger predates /pol/ and even /b/ culture. It's the simple result of gangster rap being exported to white suburban kids. It's like blaming 4chan for the use of "yo."

anyway, sage

>> No.9558386

Shit I forgot about cuck lmao

>> No.9558388

guaranteed replies

>> No.9558407
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>What comes to mind is everyone on this site that casually uses the word nigger.

What comes to my mind is 13 year olds on xbox yelling nigger into their headsets all night long. It's not racism, and they're not crazy. It's just a word.

Your premise sucks because it assumes tribalism is a useless trait. It's actually very useful and the left's infatuation with kumbaya my lord multiculturalism and criminality will be discarded in my lifetime.

>> No.9558408

I think it's perfectly fine. Uplifting dialogue is always welcomed in my world.

>> No.9558415

I tried to make a twitter account that was called


and any time a black person was in trouble i'd post stuff like, "this nigger deserves justice!"

Sons of bitches banned me like immediately.

>> No.9558416

>It's actually very useful and the left's infatuation with kumbaya my lord multiculturalism and criminality will be discarded in my lifetime.
>he thinks anyone but the Useful Idiots actually buy the kumbaya muh lord bullshit
>he thinks the leaders of the Left aren't viciously tribal narrative spinners and idea manipulators
Hope you're right about that ideology dying this generation though

>> No.9558422

I call people niggers all the time irl
>b-but are they black!?
Shifty goalposts

>> No.9558445
File: 571 KB, 1280x1772, emp lib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

racism comes from humans' tribalistic instincts. It's literally nature. It's proven that homogeneous societies are inherently more peaceful. Furthermore, calling humans crazy for following their instincts is quite a good way to out yourself as a hack.

>> No.9558448
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Countries that discriminate Jews are poorer. Fight me.

>> No.9558454

>pic related
I don't even know what most of the terms these people use mean anymore. What the hell is the IA at the end of LGBT? I'm assuming that the A is asexual

>> No.9558463
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>> No.9558473

Tribal instincts are only one factor; scientific evidence, historical experience, ideology and educational biases on top of a hundred other things play into it.
The more you clear away the factors that DON'T have logical backing, the lower the number of people an individual will display racial prejudice against becomes - while the level of prejudice in the remaining cases rises.

In other words, once it boils down to facts, an honest individual will consider fewer people to be "niggers" but will hate niggers more

>> No.9558485

>I say we go lynch some n-words

Not racism detected.

>> No.9558501

Ow, a word hurt me
Better ban it

>> No.9558511
File: 42 KB, 329x440, Yeniceri_aga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I hate to bump this thread, I know it will get a hundred+ replies anyways so I may as well post my piece.

All races are absolutely retarded and full to the brim with the dredges of society. White, black, Jew, gentile, they're all shitty people who band together arbitrarily because they lack the personality to be fully an individual. And I don't mean in the witiotic "I'm not racist I hate everybody equally a-hah" way either. Every single race has its positive traits, but that is weighed down by the many many faults that each of them uniquely possess. Be it the sexual laxity of the Spanish, the miserable boorishness of the English, the arrogant nepotism of the Jews, or the bitter and degenerate mentality of the Black, it's all a thousand shades of shit with few diamonds spread far between.

Which isn't to say those nativists who hate immigrants are necessary right in their pessimistic assessment, far more often it's simply a base dislike of anything different or unknown mixed with the (subconsciously) honest observation that most immigrants vastly outperform them. It's no coincidence that all great men of history, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, and so on, were all foreigners in the lands they ruled, their very rootlessness allowed them to reach to the heavens.

I've often felt colonialism gets a bad rap for it's impact in the world. With it, it brought industry, writing, emancipation from slavery, countless revolutions, and the entire interconnected and globalized world. And in exchange for all this, all it asked in return is that races and families be destroyed, languages forgotten, the whole past that weight down on the peoples of the world burned to ash, the old Gods driven from their temples, and the monstrous works of art that had collected like moth balls through the centuries smelted down.

Indeed, the sole problem of colonialism is that it didn't go far enough. After decimating all the old cultures of the new world, the tragedy is that it didn't then turn back to Europe and wipe that away too. Imagine, every generation on earth being forged not by the thousand petty squabbles of the past, but by the bureaucratic machinery of the previous generation. This is especially true of the Chinese and Japanese, who's vain pride in adopting, refining, and perfecting the arts of other civilizations has allowed them to leap from obscurity to the spotlight of the world stage in less than a century

As time seems to speed up to keep pace with technology, the only peoples that make any sense were the Janissaries. That multicultural elite, holding no racial or familial bindings, bound together not by birthplace but by their own competence, skill, and common goals in the service of a vast Empire. This must be the future. The real minority of men, the intelligent, the cunning, and the competent, rising out of history and above the slavish mass of people around them to be achieve of something greater.

>> No.9558518


It's the other way around. People with no racial bias at all are mentally ill.

>> No.9558520

I recognize this as pasta.

>> No.9558536
File: 150 KB, 992x1175, df30e09adb98698c71f215dbc2ccc252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But do you recognize that pasta is an archaic institution that must be abolished to make way for a new, better, race of man?

>> No.9558538

This. Also, it's funny to nigger to watch liberal heads explode because, you know they take superficial qualities like race, gender, and sexuality way too seriously.

>> No.9558547

>*I am a mega-cuck

>> No.9558551

fuck outta here, spooklord

>> No.9558557

monkeys can't talk

>> No.9558567


Intersex? Just a guess. I wish we could all just use queer as a blanket term.

>> No.9558568

No but chimps can

>> No.9558574

>Be it the sexual laxity of the Spanish, the miserable boorishness of the English, the arrogant nepotism of the Jews, or the bitter and degenerate mentality of the Black, it's all a thousand shades of shit with few diamonds spread far between

Wait do you believe that these supposed racial traits are biologically determined? You write about this in the style and diction of a phrenologist.

>> No.9558585

Psychiatry is a political tool to silent dissent.

>> No.9558591
File: 156 KB, 1080x1080, 16788835_1274545649302038_7109968108239978496_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe they're culturally and socially determined.

Every culture, language, religion, and so on is it's own internally contained logic for understanding the world, and it's all pitiful.

Sure maybe an American Jew and and American latinos will both have the same dreadfully American Capitalist-Protestant view of things, and from that might even assume that their cultural prejudices are therefor universal, and maybe even that they have somehow grasped at some hidden truth in reality, but in fact it's nothing but assumptions and arrogance layered over each other.

>supposed racial traits
I base my assertions from years of experience.

>> No.9558594


I'm glad we're finally tackling this racism issue head on. Racism is a crime and crime is for niggers.

>> No.9558599

Racism is idiocy. Judge, but judge by meritocracy. Stereotypes exist for a reason but to lump an ethnic group in to your shit list just because they are a different skin color is retarded.

>> No.9558606

Yeah but then you have to answer the question of "what meritorious things have XYZ people done?" which is only going to lead to cognitive dissonance and WE WUZ KANGS
Racism is a natural tendency. Trying to vilify it is just going to reinforce the prejudice

>> No.9558612

I highly dislikes ALL somalis.

>> No.9558613


Theodore Dalrymple says that political correctness is literally driving people insane because it forces them to say things they don't believe.

>> No.9558617
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>> No.9558645

An interesting treatment of the issue, but it sounds pretty surface-level and reductionist

>> No.9558655

No one likes somalis. Specially other somalis.

>> No.9558686
File: 57 KB, 750x929, 1482857538714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a racist.

So what?

>> No.9558749

>the vast majority of humanity ever was insane, including most of the greatest minds to have ever lived

Seems wrong.

>> No.9558816


I'm talking in terms of merit of an individual. Its okay to hate someone because they're a shitty person. If its coincidental that they belong to a certain ethnic group, then that's that. I know plenty of white people that I think are complete scum. Actually, while these ethnic minority individuals are committing heinous street crimes that so many people will criticize an entire group for, white people do the same fucking thing at the stratified "top" (wall street, bankers, real estate, government). Its just white collar crime at that point.

>> No.9558820

>casually uses the word nigger

Oh no! Who's out to get me?


>> No.9558967

>>casually using a word makes you racist regardless of context or intent
No such word exists, to suggest otherwise, now THAT is insanity.

>> No.9559089

>asking for my thoughts on a sarcastic book written by hacks that I never read

>> No.9559114

Hitler wasn't a fucking foreigner in Germany.anymore than someone from eastern Prussia. Austria isn't Australia. If you knew anything about German history you'd see how laughable a statement that is.

Also not all immigrants outperform natives. Some from cultures that support education in their children too, namely Asians. Arabs and Africans not so much.

>> No.9559121
File: 46 KB, 600x600, 1491125761189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is morally unacceptable thing sign of pathology?
t. every society ever
FUCK OFFF!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.9559122
File: 57 KB, 400x616, 1454194783942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he thinks anyone but the Useful Idiots actually buy the kumbaya muh lord bullshit

What is Britain?
What is Sweden?
What is France?
What is Germany?

>> No.9559147

I hate niggers

>> No.9559154

>when can you justify casually using derogatory terms
Free country, fuck you.

>> No.9559155

Each of those are collections of huge numbers of useful idiots with small numbers of cynical profiteering elitists at the top

>> No.9559156

>thinking representative govt actually represents anyone who isnt buying the whore's attention

>> No.9559169

>Baizuos literally think 95%+ of people in the world are crazy and they are the only ones enlightened enough to see the truth.

>> No.9559172

desu senpai I wish 95% of humanity would off itself
I just have bothered trying to rationalizing it

>> No.9559260

If racism means discrimination based on race then all normal people are racists (and also sexists, ageists, ableists...).

The more interesting question for me is when and how the term 'racist' became a slur/insult.
I'm pretty sure 100 years ago calling someone a racist wasn't offensive.