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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 6 KB, 250x166, disdain for plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9557584 No.9557584 [Reply] [Original]

>Non sa leggere in italiano

>> No.9557601

I know, we're all missing out on Dante and, uh, Eco, the list goes on.

>> No.9557608

If you like poetry...


And of course, as you said, the list goes on.

>> No.9557635

>Conosce soltanto due autori che scrissero in italiano

Più che in tante altre lingue, sembra che ci sia un po' di crisi in Italia per quanto riguarda la letteratura moderna. Tranne Ferrante, non conosco nessuno scrittore/nessuna scrittrice contemporaneo/a da leggere. Con contemporaneo intendo quelli che hanno pubblicato un libro negli ultimi ~10 anni.
Ne avete da consigliare?

>> No.9557659

Allora raccomandarmi qualche poesia italiana, anon

>> No.9557683

sei sieco? >>9557608

>> No.9557685

è così in tutti i paesi. La letteratura contemporanea è morta. La massificazione dell'arte ha distrutto tutte le arti più pensanti.

>> No.9557690

>he literally has to mention 3rd rate regional meme tier plebs like Rebora and Sbarbaro to make the bastardized latin look less pathetic

>> No.9557692

I don't know Italian, but I still got that. Thanks 2 years of latin.

>> No.9557694

Ma quanti italiani ci sono qui? Ditemi gli ultimi tre post che avete scritto (al di fuori di questo thread)

>> No.9557698


Vai a dormire che a sedici anni il lobo frontale del cervello si sta ancora sviluppando e gli serve sonno.

>> No.9557703
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io sono brasiliano :)

>> No.9557704

>La letteratura contemporanea è morta. La massificazione dell'arte ha distrutto tutte le arti più pensanti.
t. teenager that doesn't actually read any contemporary literature
Well at least you can be a retarded in many languages.

>> No.9557707

mais je suis capable

>> No.9557710

Questi sono poeti, non poesie

>> No.9557712

nos pues chido compa

>> No.9557716

This is only from half a century pal. There's way more goat poets if you wide the period extension.

>> No.9557718

How comes that you speak (good) italian? Moved to Brasil? Or are you a third generation?

>> No.9557722

So your pleb tier opinion matches your 3rd world country.

>> No.9557734

>Je suis content de ne pas parler ce dégoûtant langage desu

>> No.9557737
File: 62 KB, 373x380, 1475180144928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My greatgreatgrandparent was born in Carpi,MO in 1862, he moved to Brazil in 1893 already married, and his son here in Brazil had 9 children with another italian descendent including my grandpa, and now here I am :D I got italian citizenship too :)
>implicando che non vorrei solo baitare e ricevere (You)s

>> No.9557740

Do you like sopa de macaco? É UMA DELÍCIA. :D

>> No.9557745
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si, è davvero delizioso :DDD

>> No.9557746

Lmao ma vaffanculo, mademoiselle

>> No.9557749
File: 81 KB, 468x600, disdain for plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>er spricht kein Deutsch
Step it up, pasta niggers.

>> No.9557753

Kek where do you live in this shithole of country? San Paolo? Brazil has always the best memes desu.


>> No.9557757

Speak white.

>> No.9557759

I like your memes lel

>> No.9557760
File: 44 KB, 854x480, 1490755662440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, São Paulo. Also remember that the sixth title is coming in 2018, and we will meme 7-1=6 until you guys die

>> No.9557762

>solo baitare e ricevere (You)s
You may find /mu/, /pol/ and other boards for mentally deficient teenagers more suitable for someone like yourself.

>> No.9557764

Gonna tackle Dante soon in bilingual French - Italian edition.

But I only have the Inferno. Should I break the bank and buy Purgatory and Paradise (same edition) and marathon the whole thing?

>> No.9557766

Your team sure sounds good right now but don't those chinese players kek.

>> No.9557767

Well, implying that your that franch anon from before, you wouldn't understand

>> No.9557768

> he speaks no German

how did I do? I'm human (med) btw

>> No.9557771

>I'm human btw
Nice try, captcha bot.

>> No.9557772
File: 53 KB, 305x286, 1490674502354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You may find /mu/, /pol/ and other boards for mentally deficient teenagers more suitable for someone like yourself.
I know I already successfully bait in those boards, specially /int/ and /pol/. /lit/ is the next board to succumb to my memes

>> No.9557773
File: 79 KB, 874x684, 564545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too difficult for a brainlet like me. Sorry, senpai.

>> No.9557777

obviously just read inferno first

dai, rispondimi

>> No.9557779

What kind of bait threads did you made?

>> No.9557783

Buy some anthology pal. There's one awesome from the last century: Poeti Italiani del Novecento. Look it up.

>> No.9557784

Uma delicia!

>> No.9557789

He's problably op so you can count with this one.

>> No.9557791


grande trips!

>> No.9557800
File: 31 KB, 316x420, 1492696461236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paulinho and Renato Augusto are doing fine. Paulinho made 3 goals against Uruguay lol. I am waiting for Gabriel Jesus to play again with the NT

>> No.9557802
File: 113 KB, 1145x460, 1170x460-toheight-90-header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh anon, Carpi è bellissima *.*

>> No.9557803



>> No.9557807

quanto siete frocetti

>> No.9557809
File: 38 KB, 800x600, 800px-Burrata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Si, se un giorno andrò in italia, voglio visitare anche Carpi :)

>> No.9557812

Shut your mouth moron, Rebora is very good

>> No.9557815
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>> No.9557822

Vieni a trovarmi, abito vicino!

>> No.9557824

Rape videos aren't allowed, you sick fuck

>> No.9557825
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Yes exactly, the 7-1 gave us the needed strength to win the 6th title, just like in the 1950s. We are now unstoppable

>> No.9557832
File: 93 KB, 949x715, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>italian language/literature thread
>people post shit about football

>> No.9557834

What's the future tense of WE WUZ?

>> No.9557835

You should support the Italian team

>> No.9557842

pretty funny webm but let's cut the bullshit: soccer/football is a shit ass sport that trains absolutely nothing valuable at all (no grip strength/hand coordination - which is correlated with intelligence and no vertical jump).

you literally run around chasing a ball like an animal

why is this so hard for people to accept?

>> No.9557847
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Well I supported in 2006

>> No.9557850

Isn't this true for all sports?

>> No.9557853

>no Leopardi
fuck off

>> No.9557854

>intelligence in sport
How did you escape from the special ed class?

>> No.9557855

absolutely fucking not


>> No.9557856

Ti piace vincere facile

Hai cominciato a tifare per l'italia dalle semifinali (quando il Brasile è stato eliminato) o dall'inizio?

>> No.9557861

What the fuck? That's not a sport, that's weight-lifting

>> No.9557862

basically you can only really develop those traits while young

if dont have strong hands as a kid, you'll have limited your intelligence as an adult. i don't expect a ball-chase fanboy to understand this

captcha: ipanema street sign

>> No.9557867

weightlifting is the ur-sport

>> No.9557870

The Uranus national game

>> No.9557875
File: 31 KB, 526x300, 1491662785146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When baiting you should at least try to appear to be making sense.

>> No.9557881


>> No.9557889

poi il mondiale nel 2002 (avevo 8 anni), ho sempre tifato per Brasile. Nel 2006 ho appena cominciato a tifare per Italia dopo la sconfitta di Brasile :) Ma l'italia sarà sempre la mia seconda squadra di calcio

>> No.9557896

I was 8 in 2006

>> No.9557899

its proven by science

grip strength is correlated with intelligence, can't control your hands = you're a dumb shit

getting your kid to play soccer/football instead of a better physical activity is like feeding him formula instead of breast milk

>> No.9557912

t. ameritard

>> No.9557913

>20th century

You should end your existence right now.

>> No.9557918

Brazil always dump some relegated to Italy. Right now they have Eder, Thiago Motta and are about to call Emerson something.

>> No.9557921


>> No.9557931
File: 819 KB, 1416x5295, Italian philosophers of the 20th century.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9557933

literally dont care about the best down syndrome kids chasing a ball around while crying every 20 seconds and doing hamstring stretches in front of the ref and then all the dumb audience members act like it isn't 100% controlled by the mafia

its an ugly sport for brutish swine, worst aspect of european culture, by far

>> No.9557942

>mfw fox and the grapes the post

>> No.9557963


>> No.9557971

>ele não sabe do conto da raposa e as uvas

>> No.9557997

i understand portuguese but not fox and grapes

>> No.9557999

t. maricona

>> No.9558012

Running generates new neuronal pathways. Grip has no correlation with intelligence, how did you even come to believe this 1870s meme?

>> No.9558020

That's because your grip is not strong enough.

>> No.9558690



>> No.9558722

aquí reportándose el superior castellano/español, homúnculos

>> No.9558752

toca de aca gallego boludo y la desempleada concha de tu madre

>> No.9558771

Soy mexicano, y me la sudas pinche argentino pendejo, vete a tu rancho

>> No.9558794

>el mexicANO

>> No.9558830

se ti piace i gialli, io ti consiglio a leggere gianrico carofiglio e massimo carlotto

>> No.9559366
File: 145 KB, 640x898, 1495618829908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uma delicia you say?

>> No.9559374
File: 37 KB, 1271x260, here-you-go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come vi sembra per una che sta imparando da poco?

>> No.9559376
File: 77 KB, 650x495, 116623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seine Miehmsprache schillen
Halt die Fresse, Itaker.

>> No.9559651

Mmh. What kind of men do you like?

>> No.9560595

Non sa leggere l'italiano.

You read A language, you write IN a language

>> No.9560601

They are gonna think you are a prostitute from Eastern Europe

>> No.9560611

>asq tu não sabes falar italiano mas ainda percebes estes posts todos devido a raizes em latin

Porque é que eu havia de aprender italiano para alem de Dante?

>> No.9560699


>> No.9560704 [DELETED] 

You read a book wrote IN a language, dumbass.

>> No.9560715

You read a book written IN a language dumbass.

>> No.9560717
File: 74 KB, 981x755, 1493578946955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9561073

Ritardati non sono quella che ha postato l'annuncio. Anzi, sono un maschio proprio.
