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File: 65 KB, 480x640, so_it_goes_by_stars_and_sons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
955313 No.955313 [Reply] [Original]

I am getting this, more or less, done tomorrow. Lower on the wrist, but basically the same. It's from Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughter-House Five.


>> No.955318


>> No.955319

i fucking hate people that get words for tats. PERIOD!

>> No.955322



>> No.955327

i wonder how many people have gotten vonnegut-quote-tattoos over the years

>> No.955329

You better be killing yourself beforehand.

>> No.955330


a lot.

>> No.955334

you should get some sweet flames tattooed on your arms

then when you go to a bar and some guy goes "Sweet flames, bro!"

you can go: "they're the flames from Slaughter House 5! I'm book smart!"

>> No.955335


>> No.955343
File: 122 KB, 800x800, Ouroborus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get this across my back. It's the best rendition of an ouroborus I've seen done in a while.

>> No.955349

it looks needlessly contrived for an uroborus

I don't remember snakes having spikes and webs and tribal designs on it

>> No.955350

looks like any old tramp stamp to me.

>> No.955354

>tramp stamp

ass antlers

>> No.955360
File: 125 KB, 603x599, 603px-Serpiente_alquimica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.955362

yeah much better actually.

>> No.955380

Tattoos are gaudy.

>> No.955385

Hail nothing full of nothing, nothing is with thee

>> No.955388

Tattoos: for people who really love labels

>> No.955415

WTF, that just screams pretentious, any faggot who tats a Vonnegut quote is a wannabe hipster. Why not just get no tats? The idea of tats being rebellious and "individual" is just pure bullshit.

>> No.955418

If you were a hardcore Vonnegut fan, you'd get:

"Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling donut? Why don't you take a flying fuck at the moon?"

from Slapstick.

>> No.955422

Why do people think that hipsters read things like vonnegut and nietzsche or any example of classic literature? They pay no attention to these things, hipsters care about obscure music, and whatever book is currently popular. Right now probably Cormac McCarthy, Dave Eggars, Sedaris etc. Also, they read a lot of non-fiction like Vice..anyway, hipster really needs to stop being misused all over /lit/ ...

>> No.955433


>> No.955435

hipsters are the new hippies

>> No.955439
File: 9 KB, 719x577, The_Temptation_of_Saint_Anthony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.955444

consider getting a tattoo in a place that won't make you unable to get any job which pays more than 50k/year.

if you're getting it on your wrist you may as well put it on your neck.

>> No.955459

It's a troll word. It has no meaning except to people who are bothered by it.
It has absolutely no relevance, ever. At best it's an ambiguous descriptive label of a certain sense of fashion/style. At worst it's a half-assed attempt at pigeonholing by personality, the weak cry of a bewildered bully, which the grown world acknowledges as frightened and needing the crutch of such insults. In between it's what I said above, a catch-phrase, a banality disguised as a criticism of banality, irrelevant before, after, and during its use.

>> No.955468


hip response.

>> No.955485


That's honestly the most retarded thing ever said. It's called a long-sleeve shirt. Also, not sure if you know this, but you can make over 50k at a job that doesn't require you to look and act like a business man.

>> No.955497


Right-o. Enjoy wearing long sleeved dress shirts from 9-5 every weekday and at business functions for the rest of your life.

and yes there are other professions you can earn more money at that would allow this. but these tend to be positions of distinction, reserved for people with unique and well honed abilities.

and this is 4chan. there are non of those people here.

so yes, putting a tattoo at the very base of your wrist is fucking retarded. it could say 'I Wub Kittenz' and it would still fuck you over for the rest of your life.

But tat away. Enjoy!

who knows, maybe im wrong. and youre in the clear.

or maybe im right. and youre fucked for life.

seems like a risky bet, dont it?

>> No.955501

please move back to Utah and perform a mass-cult-suicide with the rest of the Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses

>> No.955505


the boss wants to see you in his office. he heard about your pretentious, faggoty wrist tattoo.

his daughter has the same one.

>> No.955513


Do you think I'm the OP, dumbass? I don't have any tats nor do I plan on getting any, I was just calling out how fucking retarded your statement was. Somehow you managed to stop yourself with this one. Just because someone posts on a message board doesn't mean they aren't talented or skilled. Stop projecting your fucking pathetic life onto us. Honestly, don't even bother posting on this board anymore. We don't need someone as stupid as you.

>> No.955517


la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la.


>> No.955524


I didn't know 12 year olds were allowed on this board.

>> No.955537

Huh? Vonnegut is the prototypical hipster author, every hipster quotes, loves, adores him. "Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt" being the most offended quote of his, adopted by them.

Do you not know hipsters? Vonnegut can be written by middle schoolers, of course they'll love him.

>> No.955540

cliche, almost expected

>> No.955559

As pretentious as that tattoo is, I can do you one better. I've got a portrait of Dostoyevsky, taken from a collection of shorts stories of his, on my wrist.

I win. Someone hand me my Hiptellectual crown so I can reject it in favor of a tilted, worn-out straw hat.

I'm serious about the tattoo btw.

>> No.955561

Post pics.

>> No.955563

I also have a portrait of Franz Reichelt smiling, about to jump from the Eiffel Tower on my forearm, underlined by his last words "à bientôt".

>> No.955565



>> No.955566

Most importantly: WHAT FONT?!

>> No.955568

Helvetica bro

>> No.955569

Lies, it's Comic Sans isn't it.

>> No.955570

So. fucking. hipster.

Get something classier and less know, like Bookman Old Style.

Or, for maximum irony, Comic Sans MS.

>> No.955572



>> No.955574

>It's from Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughter-House Five.

No shit.