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9550388 No.9550388[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is the largest majority of intellectuals atheist?

>> No.9550389

[citation needed]

>> No.9550510

after the beginning of the 20th century, men have had to face two major things :
-progress of science
-world wars

There is no room for god in those things that definitely structured the 20th century.

>> No.9550515

the only real atheists are those who understand religion.

>> No.9550522

>the largest majority

>> No.9550533

You mean agnostic, and that's because of Thomas Henry Huxley.

>> No.9550536

well it has been proven that in the US at least, atheists know more about religion than religious people

>> No.9550557


>> No.9550560


5 seconds on google

>> No.9550571

Zeitgeist, Newton, Euler and Gauss were all christian as fuck.

>> No.9550578

pseud :^)

>> No.9550580

It is interesting that the first christian intellectuals that came to your mind were all mathematicians.

Interesting because mathematics are invented by man. It is "perfect" because it has been concieved to be perfect. So is God.

I believe mathematicians have a tendency to be more religious than other because they are facing the idea of perfection more than any other intellectual

>> No.9550593

The same reason the richest people are liberals, while the majority of the rich vote republican.

>> No.9550633

>Pure Mathematician
I'll add Heisenberg.
>People's thoughts aren't influenced by the age and place they're born in

>> No.9550635

atheism is the most advanced religion

>> No.9550655

and I would add Pascal and Leibniz both mathematicians and advocates of faith.

not a religion. Are you american by any chances ?

>> No.9550666

The idea of complete disapearence in nothingness seems much more soothing than some beautiful place where are all worthless beings forced to exist forever

>> No.9550677
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for the same reason intellectuals have no children, support open borders, are against guns, engage in cuckoldry, idolize minorities,...

>I call an animal, a species, an individual corrupt, when it loses its instincts, when it chooses, when it prefers, what is injurious to it. A history of the "higher feelings," the "ideals of humanity" — and it is possible that I'll have to write it — would almost explain why man is so degenerate. Life itself appears to me as an instinct for growth, for survival, for the accumulation of forces, for power: whenever the will to power fails there is disaster. My contention is that all the highest values of humanity have been emptied of this will — that the values of decadence, of nihilism, now prevail under the holiest names.

>> No.9550682

>here's a Neetshoe quote to support my poltardian presuppositions
like pottery

>> No.9550689

When you think about it, a lot of atheists look at religions as challenges to shoot down. When they shoot down one all they have to do is examine the stories, the lore, use their limited cultural and human understanding to find what they perceive as flaws, and convince themselves "this is wrong because of this, this, this, this... " but at the same time they have educated themselves on a concept foreign to their own. Meanwhile, people that are devoted buddhist, muslim, christian, catholic, hindu, odinist, shinto etc. etc. are too involved with their own religion to have any in-depth knowledge of neighbor religions, therefore, yes, atheists probably do "know more about religion" than religious people. They have a "jack-of-all-trades" knowledge.

>> No.9550697

This is like a FB post made by someone who has 20 friends.

>> No.9550712


Atheist in believing God sure, but they probably have religious beliefs of a different kind (egalitarianism)

>> No.9550719

>1. An acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof.
>‘his belief in extraterrestrial life’
>2. (belief in) Trust, faith, or confidence in (someone or something)
>‘a belief in democratic politics'
Stop playing retarded language game, faggot.

>> No.9550732

I think it is more that believers do believe, not study. Although some religious study is part of religions and they vary in how much they encourage the intellectual study but the essence of religion is not the analysis of texts but living its customs.

>> No.9550733

>'a belief in democratic politics'
>a belief in egalitarianism
Those are interchangeable. And if the first one works, so does the second one. You basically just proved that >>9550712 's statement is valid.

>> No.9550743

It also has nothing to do with religious belief as clearly indicated in two distinct meaning of the world belief above. Take your time to read and think instead of shitposting.

>> No.9550747

Believing compounds more to it, yes. Atheists don't know how to believe something if they don't take up faith, so they won't practice, they won't entrench themselves, they will not experience what the believer experiences.

>> No.9550757

It becomes religious when you start identifying yourself with it far more than anything else because majority of your awake time is spent meditating on it.

>> No.9550768

>It becomes religious when you start identifying yourself with it far more than anything else
Everyone identifies themselves through their outlook on life, doesn't mean there's blind fanatical faith behind it
>majority of your awake time is spent meditating on it
We're talking about sane people, not rabid college tier activists.

>> No.9550770
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It becomes religious if your believe in equality equates it to something supernatural, divine, something that transcends human norms.

I think you can both agree that there are atheists which replace religion with some other ideology but follow the same principles as a religious believer.

>> No.9550785

I'm not sure an atheist would like to follow the dogma of a religion when most of them will have a profund moral judgement concerning non believer

>> No.9550816

Doesn't even have to be "college tier activists". If you've lived in Boston area and you've known a certain tier of retards known as "red sox fans" you'd know how crazy atheists can get.

>> No.9550831

Well, there's also plenty of insane fundamentalist believers of all kinds, but extrapolating traits of a small subgroup to the whole is idiotic in any case.

>> No.9550862

Extrapolating traits of a small subgroup of a faith to the whole base of its followers is idiotic in any case, too.

>> No.9550897
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I assume this post is made for you guys judging by your own, please forgive me If I'm wrong!

Go to the Catholic church, my friends, and pray before a Eucharistic Adorition for a minute or two and ask Jesus for anything you desire, and then behold the miracle that the eleven apostles (excluding John, though he suffered too) died to believe without earthly reward in mind.

Apart from GOD himself speaking to you, there is no greater proof of God's existence than a prayer. Just ONE to Jesus, friends, that's all it takes. But hey, don't take my word for it, take Jesus'!

If you want to somewhat maximise the effect, attend the first friday devotions. Attend Mass for all the first fridays of each month, for nine consecutive months and you'll be in the clear with Jesus even in death.

All Hail the Risen Lord!!!

>> No.9551008

Possibility of existence some entity that makes your wishes come true if you lick it's shoes in your head makes me want to kill myself

>> No.9551032

You lost me there. Sorry.
Do you believe that Mary the virgin died a virgin? Do you worship her?
And do you believe that praying to dead apostles is part of relationship with God?

>> No.9551033

it's the ancient law of attraction.

>> No.9551085

Yes to all your questions friend!

I prayed to them all (Mary, Saints, Christ, and the Father) to make me a writer, and guess what? Three days later, my prayers were SPRECIFICALLY awnsered!

I got a call from a publisher - ones I submitted to a year prior; true I turned them down then - but, hey? They called!
They're scammers though, so I wasn't quite sure what the Lord was saying - but, hey! My prayers were awnsered!

Praise the Saints!
Praise Mary, the Mother of God!
And Praise the Risen Lord!

>> No.9551092

Whoops, I think I also prayed to the Arch Angels to intercede for me, so there's that too!

Pro Tip:
Francis de Sales, and John the Disciple are good writers to intercede to for Authors and Writers. Add Teresa of Avila there too if you're a Catholic born in Spain.

Praise the Angels!
Praise the Saints!
And Praise the Risen Lord!!!

>> No.9551103

So much talk - but no action, friend!

Juuuusssst ONE prayer, my friend! Jesus - and a life of the transcendance is waiting for you - but you need to knock the door first.
Knock and it shall be opened to you - but you have to knock. Ask and it shall be given - but you have to ask!

Just one prayer, friend.
Do it - you won't regret!

All hail the Risen Lord!!!
And peace to people of good will!!!

>> No.9551110

Then how did Jesus have a brother named James? Mary can't be a virgin, because she had other sons. I think there are things in your list that don't require doing. I think Mary, Paul, Peter, etc. are all dead and can't hear any prayers because they are not between living christians and God. But hey, who am I to say that God shouldn't answer your prayers in lieu of this.

>> No.9551117

Because academia is controlled by the demon empiricism

>> No.9551127

Why don't you pray about it dear brother?!
Pray! The Lord shall make my word known to you! Where are you? Pray to Jesus where you are now I ask, and Jesus shall lead you to the truth of the one, true, catholic faith!
Pray your questions now, and Jesus shall make known the truth I speak - but you have to ask. Also, pray for me, I shall do the same for you now. Pray, brother! Pray!

All hail the Risen Lord!
And peace to people of good will!!!

>> No.9551185

I already pray, though. Consider the fact that I haven't outright insulted and rebuked you with slurs as indication of a good deal of things. Peace be unto you.

>> No.9551192


he has a few brothers, and unnamed sisters.

it is never stated they are Mary's children, only Josephs. Patriachal society my dude, women didnt even get named.

>> No.9551230

The Lord will make himself known to you in good time. Perhaps not through my actions, or my interscessions, but if you keep seeking - you shall find him soon enough.
I guarantee it, :)

The fact you have not rebuked me, has shown me mercy in the Lord's eyes, so I must be doing SOMETHING right, then? Praise the Lord!!! And blessed are those who turn the sword for a frond! Blessed are you, dear anon!

Praise the Risen Lord
And peace to people of good will!!

Shalom/ Peace to you!

>> No.9551238

Exactly what I meant.

>> No.9551302
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>> No.9551383

Come on, brother! No need to mock the misguided! Forgive them, for they do not know any better; instead, opt to argue with them, give them a good reason to question their own beliefs - then WHAM! Offer them a prayer.
For me, personally, the argument IS the prayer, and then a prayer from my part for their soul, though your own evangellization is up to you.
Whatever leads to the one, true church, I suppose; like advertising a mass, or eucheristic adoration. God be with you!

God is most infallible with prayer. Preach it more often if you do not know what to say!
If Jesus cannot awnser your prayers - he is not God.
He awnsered mine, and I hope that he has already awnsered you, but do not worry, I shall pray for you nonetheless, :)

All hail the Risen Lord!!!
And Peace to people of *GOOD* will!!