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9545300 No.9545300 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good /lit/ tattoos?

>> No.9545323

On your chest

>> No.9545325

Tattoo your ass with cyanide

>> No.9545466

'my diary desu'

>> No.9545911
File: 87 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None, because the Bible bans them and besides they're a stale, stale meme these days

>> No.9545913


no tattoos

>> No.9545916

The entirety of Infinite Jest

>> No.9545922
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>> No.9545942
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>> No.9545955


Doesn't the bible also ban clothing made out of more than one type of fabric?

>> No.9546007

I have a word on my arm but I'm not going to tell you it.

>> No.9546085

Am I missing the joke here? That sounds like a dumb tattoo idea

>> No.9546089

Is it "arm"?

>> No.9546112

>haha stumped you stupid fundie!
fedora tier

>> No.9546128

>point out obvious hypocrisy
>le raydit lamo kek xD *tips*
Why is this place full of 13 year olds nowadays?

>> No.9546200
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Well, how do you explain what he brought up?
Saying fedora doesn't change the facts.
Why is something the Bible forbids okay to be generally socially acceptable, while another isn't?

>> No.9546245

Anon may not wear clothing made out of more than one type of fabric.

>> No.9546266

Bet you memorized that line from the west wing, faggot.

gr8 show tho

>> No.9546324

There is a difference between laws of the land described in the bible, laws that should be followed, that were made for the original chosen people (until they corrupted the faith) and outright commandments. Jesus completed the laws and furthered them - he was the sacrifice to end all sacrifices. He came to fulfill the law and he did.

>> No.9546334

>clothing made out of more than one type of fabri
Both the tattoo and the mixed material ban are part of Mosaic law - you either argue for both of them or for neither. Now fuck off and kys yourself, contrarian retard.

>> No.9546337
File: 56 KB, 730x516, So-it-goes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9546339

There's nothing more retarded than tattooing a quote on yourself. If you're going to fuck up your body at least find a good artist to paint something beautiful, not just fucking plaintext copypasta.

>> No.9546350
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Wrath is a sin.

>> No.9546441

I didn't say they were. I was describing how some laws aren't commandments, especially when you see them in the light of the NT.

I am against tattoos and I don't wear wool and linen clothing (it's easy to do)

>> No.9546451

Is it? 7 deadly sins in current from are not mentioned in the bible, there are only allusions to them. There are several lists of sins, only one includes wrath. Also wrath isn't an angry post on an imageboard.

>> No.9546498
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Brautigan was my 'awakening' into literature and I know his work back to front, would this be an acceptable tattoo?

>> No.9546614

I guess if you want to forever be known as a montage

>> No.9546839

kk, going to get an illustration from a book i enjoy...

should I get the page number [47] also tattooed below it as it appears in the book.

anon faggots will decide my fate if i get enough (yous)

>> No.9546947

>"Frog and Toad knuckle tattoo"
>0 results
You people are the blandest pack of faggots since the Greeks.

>> No.9546992
File: 5 KB, 150x186, 150px-Aleph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought of tattoing a Aleph because i´m a Borges fag and El Aleph is my favorite shor story of all time, but i don´t like tattoos at all. Anyways, if i ever change my mind, that´d be the tattoo i want.
What do you think?

>> No.9547001

What would that accomplish?

>> No.9547016

tattoos that reflect pop cultural things you like are pretty stupid
"look heres thing i like, permanently branded to my flesh."
if you must get a tattoo have it reflect you and your life/ideals

>> No.9547020


it would let him cosplay a jew

>> No.9547041

I got a master and Margarita tat a while back.

Getting it removed because tattoos are retarded.

>> No.9547110

What would a tattoo acomplish? It´s just something i like.
It could be a good conversation starter, too

>> No.9547136


>> No.9547144

I wish every plebeian would get this tattoo.

>not wearing the most /lit/ fabric: linen
Also, you're missing the point entirely and it's funny.

>> No.9547153

No, that's retarded.

>> No.9547156

just get the [47]

>> No.9547158

>tfw your life ideals change the more you learn about the world so you're constantly evolving as a person
This is why I don't have tattoos...

>> No.9547171

I want to get
>What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose -Ecclesiastes
because Sun Also Rises is my favorite book

>> No.9547590

Whole body covered in devanagari characters

>> No.9548062

that naruto shit right on your forehead

>> No.9548070

unironically getting this tattooed on my dong, thx anonpai.

>> No.9548074

honestly wearing synthetic fabrics or mixed fabrics is super pleb

>> No.9548081

plebs tattooing themselves with "so it goes" are like jews tattooing yellow juden stars on themselves

>> No.9548083

Post PROOFS after.

>> No.9548086

>tfw you tryna live the literary lifestyle but people always be thinking you're larping as Hitman

>> No.9548169

V-2 rocket on my penis

>> No.9548174

Penis on my V-2 rocket.

>> No.9548176

1984 if you woke

>> No.9548228

Not everyone here follows your cuck religion

>> No.9548267

Mommy died today. Or maybe yesterday; I can't be sure.

>> No.9548412
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It's unavoidable though. Even if you buy a pair of nice wool pants the thread holding it together probably won't be made of wool, and the pockets will be made of a different fabric. A good suit jacket usually has a lining made out of a different type of fabric than the outside. Honestly show me a jacket or pair of pants made out of 100% wool. . .protip: you can't. Lots of cotton shirts are made out of a blend of different types of cotton as well. And how would you buy undies? Every pair of undies I've ever owned has had some elastic in the waistband.

>> No.9549026

i have a brand from a secret fraternity in high school. really really cool

>> No.9549635


>> No.9549929

>not making your own clothes

>> No.9550750

wtf why

>> No.9550992

Considering "so it goes, and there's something terribly sad and banal about that" on my lower back, just to pay my respects to the 2 guiding lights of this last half century. Thoughts?

>> No.9551053

I believe that is lumped in with eating pork and circumcision, in the unmentioned list of things that believers in the new testament would declare as "not something that takes me to hell".

>> No.9551334

See above: It's good because it permanently marks you as a pleb to be avoided.

>> No.9551881
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sorry, laughing too hard to maintain my erection.

>> No.9551921

>implying he/you weren't being wrathful

>> No.9551927


>> No.9551931


>> No.9552325

"Messy, isn't it?"

>> No.9552424

The human embryo goes through all the phases of animal life while still inside the womb. When man is born, his instincts are those of a newborn dog. His childhood runs through all the changes corresponding to the history of mankind. At the age of two he looks like a Papuan, at four like one of an ancient Germanic tribe, at six like Socrates, at eight like Voltaire. When he is eight years old, he becomes conscious of violet, the colour discovered by the eighteenth century, for until then violets were blue and purple-fish were red. The physicist today points out colours in the spectrum of the sun that have already been named, but whose comprehension has been reserved for future generations.

The child is amoral. So is the Papuan, to us. The Papuan kills his enemies and eats them. He is no criminal but if a modern man kills someone and eats him, he is a criminal or a degenerate.

The Papuan tattoos his skin, his boat, his rudder, his oars; in short, everything he can get his hands on. He is no criminal. The modern man who tattoos himself is a criminal or a degenerate. There are prisons in which eighty per cent of the prisoners are tattooed. Tattooed men who are not behind bars are either latent criminals or degenerate aristocrats. If someone who is tattooed dies in freedom, then he does so a few years before he would have committed murder.

>> No.9553493

You won't see it til your dick is already in his ass, dummy. You'll just have to enjoy the buttsecs and be a snob about something else.

>> No.9553505

Or not something that applies to Christians in general

>> No.9553534
File: 31 KB, 600x450, fantaty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this one the other day. Cool to me, since I'm a fantasy nerd, though I doubt I'd want it in that location.

>> No.9553537


>as a nihilist heavily touched by the absurdism and cosmic horror within lovecraft's work


>> No.9553684

That is retarded. The tree of gondor could be an artsy tattoo if it wasn't extremely cliche

Worst of all is the deathly hollows symbol. Jesus is that gross

>> No.9553732

The Council of Jerusalem decided that Christians were not obligated to keep all of the laws of Moses. That marked the clear difference between Christianity and Judaism.

>> No.9553744
File: 288 KB, 500x414, 1480467155151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there absurdism in Lovecraft's works? I've never read them.

>> No.9553747

I think they're rather well done, the Hallows symbol is just pretty simplistic. Maybe he could have come up with something better for that series. The ASOIAF, Narnia, and Kingkiller ones are pretty neat, though.

>> No.9553758

no this is wrong. Early Christians were still Jews and followed Jewish customs. It was only until Paul whitewashes Christianity to make it appealing to non Jews did the big split happen.

>> No.9554388

No, it was Peter who allowed Gentiles to join the church without keeping Jewish law.

>> No.9554783


>Now everyone will know which media franchises I consume!

>> No.9555018

the bible actually doesn't outlaw tattoos. Learn to theology.

>> No.9555055

>Is there absurd ism in Lovecraft's works?
Not really. Lovecraft is too busy describing things that he previously said were indescribable to touch on the human condition.

>> No.9555064

Are there any point to tattoos beyond "look at me I'm unique!"?

>> No.9555147


>> No.9555165
File: 281 KB, 458x695, moby-dick or the whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really like this moby dick picture, mite b cool

>> No.9555174

There's no such thing as a good tattoo.

>> No.9555191


Even that is questionable as something like 1/5th of young people are tattooed. It's just not cool or edgy anymore when middle class college girls have them.

considering getting mine removed desu

>> No.9555281

It would end up looking like a dick

>> No.9555300

I'd get a moby on my dick

>> No.9555564

Is there any point to wearing anything but cargo shorts and walmart t-shirts beyond "look at me I'm unique!"?

>> No.9555609

Yea, to cover your body and have lots of pockets for convenience. At low prices every day.
Whereas a tattoo in western culture is expensive, impractical, and begging for attention.

>> No.9556124

itd be better if you just got like a tattoo of the sun rising desu