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/lit/ - Literature

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9545944 No.9545944[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

With the release of that terrible top 100 chart by the fake Polling anon that is loaded with Japanese cuck lit, its time to get a new chart created for the 1st half of 2017. The voting form is below.

Like with any voting thread on here, troll responses, Reddit-tier votes and people artificially inflating votes for some books will be deleted.

If you have a favourite author its fine to vote them multiple times.

If there are any flaws with this voting system or you would like to see changes to it - e.g. an option for a negative vote or two, I can do that.



Responses chart:


>> No.9545961

>Like with any voting thread on here, troll responses, Reddit-tier votes and people artificially inflating votes for some books will be deleted.


>i don't like the chart so im gonna make up my own chart and arbitrarily exclude books

stupid redditor

>> No.9545969

You can see the results for yourself. If other voters complain or point out obvious trolls and vote inflators then they will be deleted.

I'm not going to delete responses randomly. I'll keep them there and highlight possible invalid ones and others can verify.

>> No.9545970

no one cares holy shit

you faggots need you spend less time making charts and more time reading

>> No.9545974

this is a shit idea
>muh transparency
go read instead

>> No.9545975
File: 492 KB, 1024x768, jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have been your favorite books of 2017 so far? Who are the best current authors?

>> No.9545977

no. we aren't making the 2017 top 100 yet.

>> No.9545980

No I think we're done with this for a while

>> No.9545982
File: 1.34 MB, 1500x3500, 2017top100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but we already did anon

>> No.9545985

I don't see a need

>> No.9545990
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>> No.9545992
File: 42 KB, 1412x259, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kill yourself op

>> No.9545996

>Zettel's Meme on this high
>Zettel's Meme on the chart at all

>> No.9545998

it was rank 30something in 2016, newfag

lurk moar faggot

>> No.9546001

Why are autistic teenagers this obsessed with charts an ""r8ing"" things?

>> No.9546002

it's easier than picking up a book and reading

>> No.9546006

Rank 30, as in people with an IQ of 30 have pretended to read it.

>> No.9546008


the inherent competitiveness bred by our individualist society manifests itself within all facets of human society, even liking things.

>> No.9546009

>last years chart was retarded too so it's fine
plebbitor pls go

>> No.9546011

i vote for ulysses, ij, and gr between 10 - 20 times every time i see a poll thread

i never read a single page of any of them

i think i tossed a couple of votes for zt last year

who gives a shit who reads what? it's 4chan retard, the board's for memes and shitposting.

>> No.9546012

It's fun.


I was hoping people vote for something different. It has only just started.

There are so many good French, Russian and German authors/philosophers that never make it and get outvoted by American pomo. Maybe some will this time.

>> No.9546013

>it's all just le funny meems anyways
>lmao who cares haha xDDD
Leave and kys yourself, underage redditard.

>> No.9546014

>pomo is bad
>wants shitty philosopher memes

you need to go back. you've already proven yourself to be a bigger cuck than polling anon ever was , and it only took you 3 posts. amazing faggotry.

>> No.9546041


we can make in november

>> No.9546061

Voting again just because I refuse to have a top 100 chart without portrait of the artist.

>> No.9546108

>all hesse

>> No.9546326


>> No.9546343

This is lame. Make a suffering chart instead.

>> No.9546457

>Le funny memes XD Arno Schmidt wrote that big funny book XD!

>> No.9546678
File: 10 KB, 294x178, advice13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't we start doing mini votes every month of what the best book you read that month was?
Then we can combine them at the end of the year for an actual representation of the highest voted books of that year.
I know someone here has the timtams to make that happen.

>> No.9546688
File: 226 KB, 900x900, s2zo07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously, it would work different, but I'm imagining something like the last.fm 3x3 but for a whole boards book taste rather than an individuals music

Everyone gets one vote for the best book they read that month, then they get combined for a /lit/ top (10 or something, whatever) of may 2017
Then in January after the votes for top books of December are counted, some nerd combines all votes and makes the top 100 of 2017

>> No.9546701

See >>9546697 for voting on non-fiction books

>> No.9546705
File: 32 KB, 650x488, 51007983a0f1c1cbfa908ac9cf35a536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saying that the 'top 100 of 2016...2017...2018' concept is not working as it's the same books as before just with fresh new memes added in.
People always want to vote for their favourites every year and thus vote the same way every time.
This way we would be able to see what people actually read and enjoyed in that year, at the moment its more a representation of what the people on /lit/ like in general, not what they actually liked in that year.

>> No.9546715

we have had three threads today about this chart, please fuck off already

>> No.9546724


>namefagging as clive palmer

lmao why

>> No.9546729
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>> No.9546779

What happens if people vote for very similar, but not quite identical books? Like "Selected Poems" vs. "Complete Poems"

>> No.9546790


greatest hits selections should not be counted. choose an actual book of poetry.

>> No.9546825

'Selected poems' and similar stuff is hard to tally. If its a collection that everyone knows of or is the standard from an author/philosopher, it can be used, but others e.g. selected stories by Chekhov, 'Story XYZ and other writings' wont be.

Someone already voted Complete Works by Shakespeare. Should I allow complete Shakespeare or only allow separate votes?

>> No.9546869

this. Rating art is neoliberal ideology in all its perversion.

>> No.9546890

>obscure japanese nip shit

>> No.9546997

>Obscure Japanese nip shit.

>> No.9547005

>Ryunosuke Akutagawa
>Not obscure

>> No.9547038

is this what it feels like to be a pleb.

>> No.9547060

Holy fuck are you seriously crossing out Master of Go and I Am A Cat because its "Obscure Jap Shit"?

Are you fucking retarded? No wonder these polls fail. This is going to be just as fucked as the last one

>> No.9547078

Man the annoying thing about having Shakespeare's Complete Works in the list is it always goes top five but we never get an indication of what people like. I think people should be forced to vote for one text (as with other authors).

>> No.9547082

>hesse crossed out for 5 of the same author, unrealistic

Glad to see my vote immediately nullified. OP must be the same guy who ran the last one.

>> No.9547096

reddit tier thinking

This. OP is just triggered his favorite memes didn't make it into the top 100 so now he's making some stupid competing list where he gets to arbitrarily pick things.

>randomly crossing out japanese books because he's a plebwho hasn't heard of them
>randomly crossing out ij
>randomly crossing out hesse


pretty stupid

>> No.9547191


Fine, I uncrossed the Japanese books and Hesse.

>> No.9547196

I didn't cross those out you idiot.

>> No.9547213

Why cross out Jitterbug Perfume?

>> No.9547220

is this OP retarded or just a complete pleb? He keeps crossing out real books.

>> No.9547221

cause op is a frogposting faggot

>> No.9547229


>> No.9547233
File: 75 KB, 762x885, 1495604560274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you discord people still post here?
Nobody is ever going to believe your pic was legit, not even in the future.

>> No.9547244

i dont know or care what a discord is and ive never been there

but if you don't understand why op arbitrarily crossing out votes is a Bad Thing you might just be retarded

>> No.9547251

my name is Odyssey is still crossed out

as is the golden fleece

as is infinite jest

OP you're obviously not well read you really should let someone else run this poll, or stop trying to play god

>> No.9547255

I'm not deleting anything.

You can still see what I have crossed out. I fixed the Japanese lit that was crossed out and the other book I missed when I crossed out an entire row and undid some.

>> No.9547268
File: 342 KB, 960x540, about to die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Vivec. For those who don't know, this salty ass hater got run out of the discord for his low posting quality and generally disquieting demeanor, and is trying to revenge himself by photoshopping logs and inventing fake conspiracies against him and his /lit/ that subsist only in his snowpea brain. The man needs a doctor, but is fain to glut his neurosis on petty trolling.

>> No.9547270

stop crossing things out period you stupid frogposting faggots

this poll is rigged as fuck we should just use the original 2017 chart

>> No.9547271

Look at the Infinite Jest row you moron.

I left one of the entries. I'm not going to fucking record five Infinite Jest entries for one person.
>My Name Is Odyssey.

I Googled it and checked Goodreads before crossing it and nothing came up.

>> No.9547272

The fake list you're pretending to advocate not only arbitrarily crossed out votes (if it took any into account at all) but didn't show any results. This one does, so as much as OP dropped the ball on opening with the shitter frog pic, they still have my vote over yours.

>> No.9547275

t. Discord faggot.

>> No.9547280

So is the /lit/ Discord cartel really a thing now?

>> No.9547282

idk what this fiscord shit is but maybe you should stop taking it out on us with a shitty poll

>> No.9547286

Yes, "discord" is codeword for Reddit.

>> No.9547289

The "original 2017 chart" doesn't exist. Vote results were never posted, and the threads were up for a spread total of 4 days or so, weeks ago. You immediately deleted your second (or third?) one as soon as your so-called discord troll dropped that log cap into it. There were so few voters that most #1 books would have made it onto the list, and most voters will notice that their top picks didn't make it onto the list. Not even lurkers are ever going to believe you. Give up.

>> No.9547293

Tiny brain: Not using discord in TYOOL2017

Medium brain: Being on /lit/ 2.0

Powerful brain: Being on the private Melynx /lit/ discorsd

>> No.9547294


Can someone tell me what happened to the other poll and why my votes are being crossed out on here?

>> No.9547297

ok i read this board like once a week so i missed this

that doesn't make this current poll any better

you seem to think I'm one of "them" (???)
try reading less Pynchon novels jesus

>> No.9547299

B-Brothers Karamazov Represent, hahaha!

>> No.9547302

To the one who crucified himself with Hermann Hesse responses, thank you

>> No.9547303
File: 48 KB, 167x133, dfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh discord shills

frogposting redditor wants to do le epin chart like the one he saw on r/4chan, gets mad when BTFO, has to invent boogeymen like all redditors who come here and get triggered by "problematic opinions"

you have to go back

>> No.9547304

No clue, I know one of the past in-progress "top 100 charts" was so heavily invaded by users with referral traffic from places other than /lit/ it was entirely scrapped.

>> No.9547307

The "Golden Fleece" votes are just the same discord trolls trying to drown out this thread with samefag comments. You should delete the entire rows.

>> No.9547315

I'm fucking tired of this Discord. At least the Melynx people have the decency to behave like a "secret society" and tap only the best anons to join their ranks; you guys though never pass up an opportunity to shit all over a thread with your injokes and sophomoric "raids". I speak for all of /lit/ when I say: fuck off!

>> No.9547321

t. melynx

>> No.9547322

I was until people started chimping out.

I'm only crossing that which is obvious samefagging, and stupid obscure books that one person wants to make on the chart.

Once voting is over we can vote on what should stay or go and suggest other adjustments.

>> No.9547324

Among them right now...
the narcissists in the discord are just a variety of bored and shitposting /mu/ kids. like any loser who wishes to loiter day away among links to videos no one's gonna watch, and memes that even they're not sure what was meant by sometimes, its an unremarkable place full of unremarkable internet kids. nothing special. not worth the attention

>> No.9547326

>autistic 13 year old style buzzword speech
>epic dfw memepic
get cancer soon

>> No.9547327

>1 person

just because you've never heard of akutagawa doesn't mean he's obscure you illiterate monkey

stfu about you gay discord shit holy shit

>> No.9547334

Suck my dick wanker. You're just jealous you're not in and have to post 'mong the proles.

>> No.9547339

>stupid obscure books that one person wants to make on the chart
Okay, you're better than the discord shits but not much. Fuck off and let someone do a real poll in a couple months.

>> No.9547351

Melynx boys run this board. Stories published in McSweeney's, Electric Literature, Brennon's. And /lit/ 2.0? Nothing but a pity party for those who couldn't make the cut.

>> No.9547356

I'm not crossing stuff out anymore. The idiot that keeps spamming Kawabata and Japanese stuff along with the same classics is going to get half of his votes disqualified though.

>> No.9547357


really? which authors are in the /lit/erati?

>> No.9547360

>I'm not gonna cross stuff out
>except when I am

are we sure this isn't just a stupid discord false flag operation ? there's no way OP is this retarded right?

>> No.9547369

>McSweeney's Publishing is an American non-profit publishing house founded by editor Dave Eggers in 1998
>Dave Eggers

you might want to brag about that on r/writing, not here

>> No.9547372


>being this much of an illiterate memester

>> No.9547373

>are we sure this isn't just a stupid discord false flag operation ?
considering how hard they've been trying to damage control even here, no, I'm sure it's not

>> No.9547374

>stupid obscure books that one person wants
>literally discards valid honest opinions from his survey of opinions
>uses his puny retarded frogfaggot literature baggage as a measure for obscurity
Yeah, you can fuck right off, shartsniffer. If you want to see same stuffy high-school world classics rearranged slightly differently I suggest you use last year's chart and MS Paint instead of shitting up the board with your oligophrenic mental diarrhea.

>> No.9547375

Look at the highlighted results. There's one fag that keeps posting Lolita and his favourite Japanese author.

>> No.9547381

polls are for dumbposters

>> No.9547383

>A Tale for the Time Being - Ruth Ozeki
All the others are obviously the same discord kids trying to discredit it but no, really, you're not qualified for this

>> No.9547384

you know jap lit gets posted here all the time right? you know kawabata won a Nobel prize and is super fucking popular among the posters of /lit/ right? you know there's a mishima thread at least once a week right?

I hope op and discord die in a fucking plane crash together

stop shitting up this board you guys are worse than /pol/

>> No.9547388

>92 posts
>33 posters

this is undoubtedly another discord poll

just fuck off you discord shills

>> No.9547392

The row with Miller and Ozeki is mine. It's the only time I have or will vote in this poll

>> No.9547393

my vote got dismissed as samefag. holy shit this poll is a disaster. kill yourself polling anon.

>> No.9547396

>if only you could post more than one reply in a thread

>> No.9547399

really starting to think op is from this discord shit

can't you faggots just stay in your little playground and leave this board alone

>> No.9547406
File: 26 KB, 315x640, 1494549987496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shills! shills!

this is you

>> No.9547426

Kekkity kek I'm a discord troll

I'm here to chew gum and rig the poll

So come and sing and dance along with me

As I explain what my ingenious artifice be:

I'll make the poll, on the surface, democratic

Seed the results with /lit/'s favorites, to be pragmatic

Select a few plausible votes, and then,

With the help of a handy Firefox extension

Spoof gmail accounts to rig the election!

>> No.9547432

awful meter

>> No.9547440
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>> No.9547447
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>> No.9547455


>> No.9547458

(not him) it's supposed to be a joking ballad, joking ballads typically don't have good meters

but yeah, bad meter

>> No.9547460

you hate japanese lit we get it

fuck off this is 4chan. it's literally an anime site

>> No.9547467

my vote still has + samefag on it. samefag of who you incompetent retard

>> No.9547469


>> No.9547472

No it doesn't moron. Refresh the document.

>> No.9547474

holy jesus, OP actually is retarded

i thought it was just a joke

>> No.9547478

>poll conducted by mentally handicapped underage memetard
fuck off and kill yourself, autismo

>> No.9547486
File: 30 KB, 1286x193, nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who you are, Mythology dude, but please kill yourself.

>> No.9547490

>mishima has his own almost generals
>murakami gets weekly threads
>ishiguro and other murakami in absolutely every top of everything ever
>dazai literally a better meme than DFW and Pinecone together
Even if you're a completely philistine retard literary, how the fuck do you miss all this if you ever visit the board?

>> No.9547495

Can we all please stop posting about Murakami and Dazai?
They suck and you know it.

>> No.9547501

Murakami sucks and you know it. I never deleted Mishima, it was the other Japanese authors. I uncrossed them so fuck off and stop chimping out.

>> No.9547507

Fucking suck my dick, cuntbitch.

>> No.9547519

Murakami is amazing for what it is. Come back when you have actually read something and aren't just being a contrarian retard with knee-jerks to anything remotely popular.

>> No.9547528

Dazai is GOAT, stop samefagging, OP. Nobody cares about your shitty opinions either conduct a poll as it should be or fuck off and die.

>> No.9547530

tfw STILL only 37 posters

this thread is CONFIRMED for discord shilling

report to mods and move on folks, just like the other poll thread.

>> No.9547532

>tfw noone has bitched about house of chains number one, I wasn't even trolling, guess the normies have finally seen the light.

>> No.9547542

Murakami is alright for what he is, but he definitely doesn't belong on a list of the best literature. I don't really blame OP for crossing out the votes of people that belong on reddit.

>> No.9547544

>being this triggered about books

stop samefagging OP

>> No.9547547

One honest opinion of a low-brow reader is more valuable than a hundred of pseuds memeing doorstoppers they have never actually read.

>> No.9547548

>Stop samefagging


>37 posters

Now 38.

>> No.9547549


>> No.9547551

Why the fuck do you wanna do a poll anyway? Fuck you and fuck everybody involved in this piece of shit operation. Go choke on a massive black dick you cuckold faggots.

>> No.9547555

Holy fuck you are triggered. Read some stoics or something. Calm down.

Lists are always interesting to create. Why are any of us posting on this fucking meme board? Its because we have nothing better to do.

>> No.9547563

This. We have a wiki. Top 100 is autism. Do a small specific topical chart if you want to contribute. Otherwise fuck off.

Also, OP should drink some bleach, these levels of stupidity are unprecedented and harmful to those around you.

>> No.9547565
File: 210 KB, 381x313, 1494776628907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Japanese. I live in Japan.
Do you like this writor?

>> No.9547570

>Lists are always interesting to create
They're not. Reading is interesting. Charting obsession is a hobby of underage cretins. Go away to /mu/, faggot. This board is 18+.

>> No.9547574

>we have nothing better to do
try reading bucko

>> No.9547577

...This is /lit/. We don't read here.

>> No.9547581

>OP sincerely thinks someone cares about him, Murakami, his chart or his babby tier samefagging
hory shit are you literally 14? this level of tism

>> No.9547582

>Reading is interesting.
>Crying at someone creating a list on a board while posting on the board.
>Telling me to go and read.

Fuck off.

>> No.9547585

You are of great "rustlement" of "jimmies".
No reason to madness.
Am proud Japan from 京都市.
Murakami of merit and honoring ancestors in 京都市.
Maybe you are Reddit scum as OP baka?
Eternal shame.

>> No.9547602

>not sure if ironical or legitimately braindead 15 yo

>> No.9547603


>> No.9547607


>> No.9547629

When I first got into reading, the charts introduced me to a few of my favorite authors. I branched out from there, and I'm happy with the novels I've read. They are a waste of time and ridiculous, sure, but I'll always participate regardless, as they helped me become less of a pleb

>> No.9547640


>not sure if


>> No.9547645


Are Top 10 lists still popular in the normiesphere? It was only a few years ago that they were everywhere.

>> No.9547651

we already have 3 years of charts a new 2017 one that's controversial but seems good

don't know why op needs to autism all over this thread

>> No.9547658

For sure. I just think there's some authors that get left out that I'd like to see on one of them because the people here won't acknowledge anything that's not on the top 100

>> No.9547663

does /lit/ read anything besides moldy oldies from the 1900s?

>> No.9547692

Most people's top 5 is picked from the 10 books they were forced to read in school, so no.

>> No.9547702

We have wiki linked in the sticky with nice charts for different genres/topics. General chart serves no purpose other than massaging some teenagers' e1337ness.

>> No.9547735

>a new 2017 one that's controversial
It's not controversial, it's fake

>> No.9547745

everyone says this but where is the proof?

>> No.9547788

How about this: Don't cross shit off you frogposting faggot

>> No.9547818

The only correct way was to collect and save all the data and then do a separate filtered list. Now we have virtually no idea what's what considering that OP is an absolute imbecile that freely edits the list based on his opinions on what is 'too obscure', 'le reddit' and what generally should or shouldn't be in it according to his immense literary knowledge on the level of a high-school sophomore.

>> No.9547819

Checked, and this

>> No.9547839

ignore the plebbitards. anyone who actually cares about some shitty top 100 list needs to push a bullet through their brain.

>> No.9547842

>No one voted for Gor yet
Come on guys

>> No.9547870

Fuck I knew I shouldn't have voted for stuff I read this year. Now my favorites will be lower in the rankings

>> No.9547925
File: 108 KB, 752x785, 01b042ead5560de08b03fd42bb41c6f3911681df626c8ede9231671fd3e69576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

booktuber poll when

>> No.9547929

>Only one vote for any Beckett so far
We're not gonna make it

>> No.9548039

We should just use >>9545982 lmao. At least it has Beckett.

>> No.9548190
File: 3.05 MB, 1820x4352, 1477356277444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you should just use the real poll which had Beckett in a higher position and actually wasn't made up

>> No.9548213

this list kinda sucks though

>> No.9548220

>IJ at 3
>Lolita at 5 above oddysey
>The stranger at all
>1984 at all
>catch 22
>the crying of lot 49 above paradise lost
>counte of monte reddit
>brave new world
>slaughterhouse 5

holy shit the new list is 10x better

>> No.9548230

Really? There are some works I'd like to see listed but compared to most, it's decent.

>> No.9548235

The only shitty thing on this list is IJ in top 10

>> No.9548243

There are screenshots of the discord chat talking about faking it. But really, you don't even need those to know it's fake. Books that a lot of us voted for are not even on the list, and instead there's a bunch of obscure stuff and weeb books that nobody ever talks about on this board.

>> No.9548255

There's no obscure stuff in the fake list besides the weeb

>> No.9548350

4chan is an ANIME website baka.

>> No.9548353

if you go on discord you should off urself

>> No.9549212


>> No.9549304

pls make it more aesthetically pleasing than this year's chart, OP. The 2016 and even 2015 chart are superior.

>> No.9549403

because lit doesnt read
people wouldnt be able to vote

>> No.9549487

there hasn't been one this year

>> No.9549496

>waah Jerusalem and the Jest were too hard for me

>> No.9549502


Does anyone actually like Jerusalem? Is it the best book of 2017?

>> No.9549518
File: 1.31 MB, 1500x3500, 2017 Top 100 List.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9549554

I didn't even notice the overabundance of Japanese lit when I saw this last night. That is kind of suspicious actually

>> No.9549813


>> No.9549831

that's not a list for this year, it's fake

>> No.9549865

you're fake

>> No.9549894

>The Complete Works of Shakespeare
Why are people voting for compilations? People should be voting for individual plays.

>> No.9549953

>Gene Wolfe number 27.

You can stop spamming this list.

>> No.9550072


/lit/ is a catholic board, redditor pls go

>> No.9550081

god this is so terrible

>> No.9550520


>> No.9550665

>le plebbit xDDD: the post

>> No.9551392


>> No.9551396

Stop bumping your own shitty poll, can't we just do one in 5 months like we were going to? Fuck off frogposter