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9538948 No.9538948 [Reply] [Original]

How is the fighting agaisnt crippling nihilism going, /lit/?

>> No.9538953

I've never suffered from it.

>> No.9538959

I'm reading Heidegger so it's going good.

>> No.9538974

How boring.
Me too, I'm still not over the introduction, evey page is so dense.

>> No.9540555


Its not nihilism if its serving a purpose. Judging by reactions I'm saying my particular brand is going quite well, I'm crippling everything in my path here.

>> No.9540567

are you saying reading Heidegger is meant to fight nihilism?

>> No.9540570

nigga read the introduction last

>> No.9540577

I don't understand this image. Is "women respect me" supposed to be read as one sentence, with the implication that this makes him suicidal for some reason? Or is the "me" supposed to be a separate entity, which holds "respect" for the "women" (like the labels on a bad political cartoon)? In which case, why did he label himself with "women"? Maybe it's ironic, saying that women DON'T respect him or vice versa?

>> No.9540579
File: 55 KB, 543x803, brain book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to intelligent to even be bothered by nihilism

>> No.9540602

>Or is the "me" supposed to be a separate entity, which holds "respect" for the "women" (like the labels on a bad political cartoon)?
This one. As wholesome memes go, I'd say it's one of the less successful.

>> No.9540624


Not good mate, I think I'm about ready to kill myself

>> No.9540625

It's about the author respecting women you dip. Like when you crack open a cold one after a long day of respect ING women

>> No.9540662

i'm at the scat scene in my book

>> No.9540676

I lost that fight some time ago.

>> No.9540684

I have embraced it, so it's just going.

>> No.9540808

Is he killing himself out of respect for women? Or are women using him to kill themselves for respect? Or is he killing women with respect? Or does he mean women would rather kill themselves than be respected by him? Or...?

>> No.9541040



>> No.9541097

To tell the truth, I really I barely even understand what people mean by nihilism. Lack of a sense of meaning? I've always felt that there is a lot of meaning in trying to help kind people against the depredations of mean people. But maybe I misunderstand nihilism. People sure talk a lot about it here. But what do they mean by it?

>> No.9541120

The belief that nothing has intrinsic value. You can like and favour things, but that doesn't mean they matter in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.9541139

Ah, that explains why I don't suffer from nihilism. Although I'm an atheist, I feel that being a good, kind person has intrinsic value. Sure, we all die... billions of years from now the sun will burn out... etc. But that's the material aspect of existence. Consciousness has a certain meaningful eternity to it in that in a certain aspect, it stands outside of time. To all human-like consciousness, it is "now". To the Roman soldier in 100 BC, it is "now". To me writing this it is "now". To a person 500 years in the future, it is "now". No matter what happens in the future, it does not undo the reality of what consciousness "is" at all the different points it has existed at. The billions of years of the future don't undo the good deed done now.

>> No.9541148

Am i supposed to fight it?
I've been living a lie, then.
Although i've shifted more towards pessimism, to be honest with you, my brother.

>> No.9541177

The answer'll depend on whether or not we're talking about being a nihilist proper or following one of the philosophies that attempt to "answer" it like absurdism I guess

>> No.9541218
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Got me on the ropes desu.

>> No.9541231

I don't fully get what you mean about consciousness standing out from time because it can experience it. By saying consciousness is eternal are you hinting at the common way people experience life as taking importance away from the individual? I'm pretty tired so I'm not sure if I'm completely missing your point

>> No.9541238

Ironic depression is cancer

>> No.9541250


There's that fucking word again. Ironically liking this, ironically liking that, being ironically depressed, what the fuck does it mean? How can someone be ironically depressed? How is it ironic?


>> No.9541284

I think they mean affected "depression" as opposed to actually being mentally ill

>> No.9541306
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>> No.9541333

Tolstoy helps.

>> No.9541339

DFW made it to the third last tier. Sad.

>> No.9542492

You've converted to Christianity then?

>> No.9542525
File: 31 KB, 300x291, 1491668642597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mean people
Are you a 5 year or old or a sodomitical dandy?


>> No.9542531
File: 159 KB, 996x936, futurism_aeropittura_crali_before_the_parachute_opens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breddy gud. Tolstoy and CS Lewis, my man.

>> No.9542551


>> No.9542587


I regularly read Chesterton so I'm doing fine. How are you doing bud?

>> No.9542603

I'm going to buy a mountain bike. Why battle crippling nihilism when one can have a mountain bike.

>> No.9542617
File: 59 KB, 747x306, ugk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great. It's no longer crippling when you don't fight it.

Once you get over your 'weehhh life is supposed to have meaning this is unfair!' stage it is actually quite liberating.

>> No.9542625

Serious response:

Smoke methanphetamine (don't stop here) and do an all nighter hearing the lectures of Jordan B Peterson (don't stop here either). Instead of antidepressants, you have this option of reaction (the purpose is not escaping here, but confronting), and with the auxiliary of the drug you will have the focus, energy and an amplified interest on the central matter of every little example he gives on what it means being sorted and how to get there.
To give you a heads-up:
There is no such thing as a "meaningless" life, like you're just walking around "not feeling it" about existence, what your condition screams is "I'm in constant pain and feeling anxious all the time", this is a meaning on it's own. While there is no intrinsical purpose on life that will lead to a desired outcome on something that is 'not life' or 'not existence' as you understand it to be (or at least we can't know that), when you're leading a great life, you WILL feel like it doesn't need one at all, because part of feeling pationnate, peaceful and resoluted is that exact thing.
There is also a question that will always follow and press onto nihilism, which will never be answered: Although most mundane things can be justified and have a purpose (inside a frame of values you adopted), why do you think life itself should have one? Can't the justification be simply "there is life because it is possible"? Yes, there is something instead of nothing, but you're assuming this should be justified although nothing shows it should.
There you have this experience, meaningless or not, and it results in no change of what it could be (meaningless or not meaningless, by what we can safely say, and should probably be "liven" likewise in both situations).
You're still left with room to have your personal meanings.
Try it.
Instead of taking your antidepressants which are doing you much worse (numbing the pain) this drug will help you with the stamina on a meditation night that will take you to a path of difference.

Did you indulge in too much intelectual work and forgot to feel like a man?

>> No.9542657

By the way, I just did exactly that (first time), but I wasn't depressed to begin with (one whole year I bid farewell to depression), and the effects are still kicking right now, so don't mind the grammatical mistakes and the prolix text, english is not my native language either.

I say this worked like how I wanted it to. Methanphetamine can be, and has been, used for these inhuman peaks of mental and physical activity by artists, scientists and all sorts of inovators to get the edge in competition. The bs "biohacking" you've been hearing about doesn't stand a chance against this. Use it carefully, OF COURSE, and with a real purpose.

>> No.9542675

jordan himself is on ssris though

thoroughly unsorted, probably has a dirty room