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/lit/ - Literature

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9534678 No.9534678 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else genuinely wish they were dumber?

All my best moments in life have been when I didn't overthink, acted on impulse, didn't analyze and just went plain stupid

Intelligence brings so many bad things with it
The anxiety, the questioning of everything, the doubt

I wish I was a meathead jock sometimes

>> No.9534680

fine """""american""""" specimens in that picture

>> No.9534689

I agree that intelligent people tend to overthink things instead of acting

>> No.9534697

I think you're confusing intelligence with insecurity and narcissism.

>> No.9534698
File: 69 KB, 850x400, quote-i-could-not-become-anything-neither-good-nor-bad-neither-a-scoundrel-nor-an-honest-man-fyodor-dostoevsky-39-6-0603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9534706


There's literally nothing stopping you from acting out
Being intelligent or not doesn't mean shit

I know well-read, high-IQ guys who still go out and crush club pussy on the weekends

>> No.9534711

>The anxiety, the questioning of everything, the doubt
But this is what women do all the time if they have a bit of responsibility, it doesn't mean they are smart.

>> No.9534721

It's not intelligence it's your lack of attentiveness. Intelligent people can lose themselves in a similar fashion; it is merely your level of attentive association that dictates whether or not you're "happy".

>> No.9534726

you arent intelligent

>> No.9534735

Maybe you actually are dumb.

>> No.9534978

tfw to intelligent too be happy

>> No.9535883
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>> No.9535885

It is better to be the man, than the dog.

>> No.9535889


Being stupid only works if you are physically fit and attractive too.

>> No.9535927

Huff some paint thinner for a week and your little problem will be solved.

>> No.9535949

Ooo ... too shay.

>> No.9535961

I know it's a cliche but I genuinely think that the only reason I care about literature is because I'm ugly and mildly eccentric. If I were a 10/10 muscular dudebro who banged hot girls everyday I would probably be much less well-read. No regrets

>> No.9535980

I know what you mean, but I can't wallow in narcissistic self-pity and retain my intellectual integrity at the same time. I'll be honest instead.

Even though of above average intelligence, my problem is a crippling degree of self awareness and openness to being wrong. I either need to be:

1. Much smarter than I presently am so I can be more decisive - more analytical, I am above average in my analytical skills, but they don't match well with my above average self-awareness/insecurity
2. Much stupider- stupidity of the kind that also inhibits self-awareness as it intellectually blinds you to variables
3. Mature emotionally? Not sure if this is a thing, past my mid twenties and haven't had a particularly troublesome upbringing, in the sense that I have been adequately socialised, climbed the social ladder and formed various relationships - weary of psychiatric help, although it might be an option.

1 and 2 are pipe dreams. 3 is doable, but requires actual effort and discomfort on my part.

>> No.9535988
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>tfw too intelligent to not be depressed
>tfw not intelligent enough to fix it

>> No.9536294

Realistically speaking, there is only one logical answer, drop out of society and focus on reading. Learn as much as you can, and contribute as little as possible to the machine. And when you are finally ready, write a book.

>> No.9536300

You should start lifting and get a life or slit your wrists

>> No.9536321

What happens when you eventually have to work and become so butthurt and exhausted after each shift that you are rarely capable of reading and your mind falls into disrepair?

>> No.9536324
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>The anxiety
Intelligence its not a factor
>the questioning of everything
How is that a problem?
>the doubt
Thats the same of the second one.

Wish i was dummer to not realize that this is not literature.

>> No.9536332

/r/iamverysmart material right here. Really, this whole board is front page material

>> No.9536347
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>Anyone else genuinely wish they were dumber?

PROTIP: You aren't nearly as smart as you think you are. The ones that always talk this self-gratifying snark shit never are.

>> No.9536383

Idk, why don't you ask Diogenes?

>> No.9536392

Describe how you are intelligent. What have you produced?

You sound like another narcissistic moron to me.

>> No.9536406

You can be exceptionally smart and be conceited enough to be occupied by that observation. I've met plenty of people who are. Doesn't mean they're better off for it

>> No.9536420
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>> No.9536432
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Hi here guys i am considering myself as chad. The constant new friends and girl are nice. The crazy adventures and stupid things too, but the more i do it the more dumber people i meet and the dumber i become. Trust me you dont want to be me, i wish i was more well red, you dont know how scared are social ppl of you. You sound smart and use big words, that makes us fell stupid.

>> No.9536477

There really isn't any correlation between intelligence and industriousness

>> No.9536480

I was just like you, then I read Brave New World by Orwell, and boom! My life is completely been changed.

>> No.9536495

To good or bad?

>> No.9536513

I'm not sure. As I was staring at the words on the page, I sort of "zoned out" as they say. I couldn't really tell you how much time passed during the incident, but what is certain, is that when I came to, I had clearly finished the book. I had this strange thought, and a new sensation crept up my spine. I shivered in pure ecstasy. It was quite evident to me is that this is the master society we needed to emulate. As a result of this text, I'm now quite political.

>> No.9536548

You're conflating self-consciousness with intelligence. Chads are Chads because they have low inhibition

>> No.9536578


>> No.9536619

what did he mean by this?

>> No.9536622

Loo yeah when I'm at parties or school or even work I act dumb as fuck.

>> No.9536633

introversion does not equate intelligence

You're social skills aren't bad because you're smart; they're bad because your father didn't spend enough time with you, and so you never received adequate affection from a positive male figure.

>> No.9536685

No. As one gets older one learns to overcome the negative aspects of being intelligent, and then the positive aspects are enormously helpful in every way.

>> No.9536758

Your parents fucked up if they encouraged intellectual pursuits at the expense of sports and social activities. This is at fault with most people who fit the "nerd" stereotype.

As long as you're good looking - and plenty of nerds are good looking - you can be both a smart person and an athletic, popular type. Think of the Ivy League athlete that hits all 3 points: smart enough to get a 2400 on the SAT, high school sports captain and potentially Olympic level athlete in college (like the Winklevoss twins), and socially confident and experienced enough to be in an elite fraternity in college and date models. If you acknowledge that this stereotype exists (and it certainly does at Ivy League colleges), then you can't perpetuate this idea of the "too smart for X" person. You're just not good enough.