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9534191 No.9534191 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people like this book. I found it really boring, just male centred nonsense.

>boys go horse riding
>boys go drinking
>boys fight each other
>boys walking
>boy abuse minorities

Is there anything to engage the interest of the general reader rather than someone interested in macho stuff?

>> No.9534196

the judge is pretty cool guy.

>> No.9534197

Yes it's a love story to the western canon. Try to read more American classics and then come back.

Particularly Melville

>> No.9534205

Well, you can see the hardships of Frontier Life, and how the Judge judges the Kid by raping and possibly killing him because, at his eyes, the kid was to mercifulin an unmerciful society

Also, what the hell is wrong with male centred nonsense?

>> No.9534206


>just male centred nonsense.

Be subtle when baiting; you'll catch more.

>> No.9534329

>Also, what the hell is wrong with male centred nonsense?
Because like 99% of novels deal with it. We get it, the subject has been covered. There's nothing more to say. Don't you get bored and want to hear other stories?

>> No.9534410


>> No.9535357

>muh fuggin wyte mans
summer so soon?

>> No.9535362

Pa. Why are eggs breakfast?


You can put bacon on lunch.


But if you put eggs on stuff it becomes breakfast?

The man spat and said the eggs are not for this world or from this world they come from the chicken but the chicken knows it not.

He wiped his chin and spat.

>> No.9535368

>There's nothing more to say.
As if people even read 100% of the stories that exist of a specific genre, your argument is retarded.

>> No.9535371

multiple participants in this thread got trolled hard

>> No.9535372


>> No.9535374

/r/ing the Joyce version

>> No.9535382

Is he human? Or is he dancer?

>> No.9535479
File: 109 KB, 500x667, f70d8f2d3e11aed5d614deea63a98deb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this book. You know, there's a lot of macho stuff, but pretty much all McCarthy's book has it. Except this new-not-yet-published-book The Passenger. He says that a woman will be the central character.

>> No.9535499

The kid rung his thumbs under the dirty waistband of his denim, and in a single shove bound them 'round his knees and dropped to a squat.

ye poopin, said the judge

ye, the kid shot back

ye having trouble

ye. wish it weren't this way, the kid says

The judge, at the tailend of his stogie, turns to the azure stretch of the evening sky and stares at the sun. He stares and it stares back.

ya know it makes no difference of what you think'a shittin


Just then the judge licks his thumb and blots out the sun from his view and it fell suddenly under the peak of the mountains. And it was dark.

i sez it aint make no difference what you think a'shittin.

shittin endures. you was always a'shittin. before man was, he was a'shittin. thats the way it was and will be and aint no some other way

The kid, clutching his knees, palmed some sand and with a last groaning, straining breath forced his eyes shut and ground his teeth to dust as to let out his shit. In his struggle, the Judge faced the horizon and put out his stogie on his cheek, and he laughed. Just then the kid, under the mercy of his defecation thought of his story as a noonday shitter, and how had he known of this life as his own, would he elect to live it. He was afraid he was going to die and then he was afraid he wasn't.

>> No.9535728

He gon die before it gets published desu.

>> No.9535742

>Download e-book
>Change all masculine word to proud black lesbian trans woman
>Dont worry about grammar to get the proper context

>> No.9535797

Do the crash pankakes.

>> No.9535905

What's the significance of the Judge having small hands and small feet? This dude has such small feet he's wearing kid's boots

>> No.9535925

Innocence in his power. Kinda like the calm before the storm. A mechanism whereby it lulls you into ease and comfort before it hits the hardest.

>> No.9536028


>> No.9536067

Cause Glantons a cool guy

>> No.9536179

A story Latinx pan sexual womyn? Or about black transxuals?

>> No.9536235

fucking kek

>> No.9536266

Just as the indians were being decapitated and castrated and set on fire and running around screaming like flaming comets Glanton randomly asked me Have ye ever gotten a blowjob.

Um thats out of the blue

The blue?

Like ye know out of the sky.

The sky?

Like the Leonids. God how they did fall. Like out of nowhere. I mean what made ye think of that.

Ive just never given one, he answered, his little voice dripping with seductiveness. It was so brazen I thought I would explode madly gibbering like a flaming indian. I never thought. I mean from Judge Holden hearing that stuff was one thing. But to hear his sweet little alabaman voice go so sexy all of a sudden...

No, I said, I never have.

Think it would be fun?

DO I!?!?!?!?!?!?! Um, ye. I mean, ye dont have to.

I think I want to, he said, and we kissed a little and then. And then with me sitting watching the babies hung up on trees with limbs chopped off and matrons screaming and bawling and holding onto them then getting decapitated and shot brutally watching Judge Holden up to his psychotic antics. Glanton unbuttoned my pants and pulled my boxers down a little and pulled out my penis.

Wow, he said.


He looked up at me but didn’t move his face nanometers away from my penis.

Its right weird I reckon

What do you mean weird.

Just big I reckon.
I reckon I could live with that kind of weird. And then he wrapped his hand around it and put it into his mouth.

And waited.

We were both very still. He did not move a muscle in his body and I did not move a muscle in mine. I knew that at this point something else was supposed to happen but I wasnt quite sure what.

He stayed still. I could feel his nervous breath.

For minutes for as long as it took the last gibbering mad indian to calm down and die to steal the key and unlock themselves from the jail of this life he lay there stockstill with my penis in his mouth and I sat there waiting and then he took it out of his mouth and looked up at me quizzically.

Should I do something?

Um I dont know, I said. Everything Id learned from having sex with the Judge suddenly exited my brain. I thought maybe he should move his head up and down but wouldnt that choke him?
So I just stayed quiet.

Do ye reckon I should bite?

Dont bite. I mean I dont think so. I think I mean that felt good. That was nice. I dont know if theres something else.

I mean, you didnt—

Um. Maybe we oughter ask Holden.

So we went to his tent and asked the Judge. He laughed and laughed. Sitting on his bed, he laughed. He is laughing, laughing. He says that he will never stop. He danced into the teepee. He returned with an indian phallus and showed us in detail. Never have I so wanted to be indian phallus.

>> No.9536277

numale confirmed

>> No.9536645

>the kid was too merciful to an unmerciful society

Hadn't even thought about that, thank you.

The Judge was based as fuck, favorite character.
I thought the dude had huge ass hands, he fucking broke some guy's skull towards the end didn't he?

>> No.9537360

Nah, he has really tiny hands and tiny feet. He does have superhuman strength though

>> No.9537739

I love McCarthy's original book covers. Even the 90s Vintage covers with that sloppy cursive were fucking awesome. Probably my favorite book covers ever. The new 25th anniversary editions look Oprah-tier.

>> No.9537814

>male centered nonsense
>macho stuff
Look, if that's all you got out of it, don't bother. It's perfectly acceptable to enjoy books by trans POC womyn and also enjoy books by white men. Virginia Woolf quotes Coleridge in her feminist essay A Room of One's Own saying that the best mind is an androgynous one. Get more in touch with your masculine side, fuccboi.

>> No.9537886

Can't get enough of these. They're my guilty /lit/ pleasure.

>> No.9538219

the fuck is this shit?

>> No.9538311

>someone used his time to type out this crap

>> No.9538543

Eh kills injuns and doesn't afraid of anything?

>> No.9538571

too long, the vocabulary is missing, and it reads like a fanfic

>> No.9538729

I remember this song too.

>> No.9538746

The word latinx makes me cringe so hard, why can't we just fucking say latino/latina?
>latino anon reporting

>> No.9539614

girls do all five of those things though. what the fuck is your point?

>> No.9539619
File: 29 KB, 496x379, 1424705727482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American classics

>> No.9539628

Newfag here. What is the joke. I'm retarded and trying to read in order to change that.

>> No.9539642

lol more like this

>> No.9541095

Why don't you lurk more then you fucking idiot.

>> No.9541111

since no one here is going to give a good answer, just watch the yale lecture on youtube

>> No.9541116


>> No.9541545

Read Paradise Lost, Moby Dick and The Man Who Was Thursday, then read it again.

>> No.9541659

>Because like 99% of novels deal with it
Because 99% of any relevant history or story is centered on a male.
Don't like it? Write your own book instead of bitching about preexisting ones and a lack of a genre you enjoy.

>> No.9542238


Kek love this

>> No.9542333

And dislike it even more, now that you're slightly better read.

>> No.9542336

>>boys go horse riding
>>boys go drinking
>>boys fight each other
>>boys walking
>>boy abuse minorities
sounds perfect

>> No.9542597 [DELETED] 

>Also, what the hell is wrong with male centred nonsense?
books that are truly from the female perspective are literally nonsense. a rambling mess of paranoia over whether or not she was slighted by her current love interest. if not that then the female character behaves basically like a guy.

what would you prefer to read anyways? Xir trying to gain acceptance in a world that doesnt allow guys in wigs into women's restrooms? or another tale of DeSquarious struggling in the ghetto?

>> No.9542635

>I found it really boring, just male centred nonsense.
this is your mind on feminism. the rest of us are able to read books with a female main character and not think twice about it.

really though most of your favorite books where the main character is a female she probably is more like a man. books that are truly from the female perspective are usually full of bitchy gossipy pop-culture musing nonsense.

>> No.9542676

bait or braindead femtard:

it's based on Gnostic mysticism.

macho stuff, how we laughed.

get the broom and sweep the fucking kitchen would ya?

>> No.9542859

I never knew I needed this mashup so badly.