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/lit/ - Literature

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9531792 No.9531792[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I cannot help but laugh at the foolishness of non believers.

>> No.9532353


>> No.9532372

Why did Lamech tell his wives that he would be avenged seventy-sevenfold?

>> No.9532386

You're a fool if you read anything post the greek translation.

>> No.9532394

>cannot help but laugh at the foolishness of non believers
Tend to happen in cults

>> No.9532397

I think that's just a figure of speech for 'big time'. Does sound rather impressive, though.

>> No.9532413

Its like the fedora never came off

>> No.9532438

why is the KJV memed so much?
whats good about it?

>> No.9532515
File: 95 KB, 900x600, soren-kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, bro, I was just like you when I was younger. Eventually you'll accept Jesus.

>> No.9532518

It's nice to read

>> No.9532523

Non-believers aren't foolish you are, get your sense of moral supremacy out of here it has no place in our faith.

>> No.9532538

>Some would ask, how could a perfect God create a universe filled with so much that is evil. They have missed a greater conundrum: why would a perfect God create a universe at all?

>> No.9532541
File: 30 KB, 202x274, Kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We aren't moral supremacists, bro. We just strive to be complete human beings, like God intended us to be. Someday you'll strive too.

>> No.9532548


It's the most widely read English translation, or at least it was. I'm not sure how it's popularity has held up against all the millions of "Revised" or "Simplified" translations.

>> No.9532554

I'm at peace with God but we don't help others by sounding like dicks.

>> No.9532555

as someone who can read biblical hebrew fluently, the KJV is great by almost every metric we use to measure translation

It's faithful to the original text, it has a sense of stateliness, it shows the gracefulness of the sparse Hebrew voice, the suggestive tone... it's a literary masterpiece

The only trap is that our vocab is slightly different. For example, we often read that God is "jealous." The hebrew root really means something more like impulsive, or quick to act zealously. Jealous meant something more like impulsive in 1600, not envious

>> No.9532558
File: 406 KB, 610x305, -23498809234423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which means we live in the best of all possible worlds! Let's worship God and His creation together, anon.

>> No.9532561

What's this from?

>> No.9532571
File: 3 KB, 125x98, 1494684329445s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow Christian brothers of /lit/, is this really the best approach?

>> No.9532675

How to Alter and Lattimore measure up in terms of accuracy? What about the NASB?

>> No.9532993

diluting the gospel to curry favor does nobody any good

>> No.9532997

You do realize that arrogance and pride is a sin, right?

>> No.9533011

>It's faithful to the original text, it has a sense of stateliness, it shows the gracefulness of the sparse Hebrew voice, the suggestive tone... it's a literary masterpiece
If all it does it replicate the poetic tone of the original and not offer a work of poetry that can be said in English, then its not a good translation for modern readers.

>The only trap is that our vocab is slightly different. For example, we often read that God is "jealous." The hebrew root really means something more like impulsive, or quick to act zealously. Jealous meant something more like impulsive in 1600, not envious
If you are going to complertly misinterpret the nature or character of God, then its not a good translation for modern readers.

>> No.9533024

Read it. He didn't say that.

>> No.9533028

>god exists
>so this book written by semitic tribals is real
nice leap of faith you have there

>> No.9533030
File: 47 KB, 960x960, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>original text

>> No.9533047

>Atheists so foolish
>Posts pictures of Kierkegaard
Ah yes, how foolish atheists are for not abandoning rationality.

>> No.9533067

Look, you can actually say what you said in your OP, bravely, and unironically, when you actually come face to face with your own God and get to speak to them and see their design.

Let me tell you, when that moment comes, when you look God in the eye and are held in awe and rapture and this overwhelming feeling of "mindfuck" and you start to realize just what kind of being God is and just where you are at the table-- your perspective will change entirely.

You will go through your entire life and understand just how delicately, how violently tender, how lovingly incomplete all of your relationships and your very self are, and you will look back at them and look at yourself in them and you will see your God smile in her all-knowing, haughty manner, as she mocks you-- everything essential to your life and your identity are like some little secret you hid from her, that she knew the entire time and was only pretending to be oblivious to to let you hide it.

When your God laughs at you, when she teases you and points out that absolutely everything you love in the world is in it, absolutely everything you're afraid of is also there too, when she goes through every single sexual fetish you have and how it's been catered to or rationalized, and she lets you know just how meticulous her world-building was--

You will stand there agape in the awe that your God is so incredibly real and so exhaltingly beyond you it's absurd. They are overpowering.

>> No.9533096

Thinks God is a woman. The fucking lulz!

>> No.9533103

>when she teases you
Was a pretty good mental masturbation roleplay until then

>> No.9533122

>goes from a mental masturbation fantasy to a real masturbation fantasy
>this is somehow a bad thing

>> No.9533176
File: 118 KB, 413x310, hell_forever_and_ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Christian God will send you to a fiery hell to burn forever if you don't worship him. So you heathens better get to it.

>> No.9533398

Be carefull with that pride my friend...

>> No.9533419

good thread, phenomenal post OP

>> No.9533429

>denying the femininity of the godhead
This is your faith on icons, folks

>> No.9533446

>Book written by a bunch of mortals is evidence for the existence of God.

I'll consider religion when god stops being a lazy piece of shit and actually gives us a good indication of his existence,not a bundle of silly stories written by humans.

>> No.9533472

I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

>> No.9533519

God just screencapped this. You're screwed on judgment day, mate.

>> No.9533527

Hopefully this time it won't be something stupid like a crying statue, little deranged mexican kids or El Ron Hubbard

>> No.9533530

4 chan is unchristian