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/lit/ - Literature

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9530213 No.9530213 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here teach high school English in the United States? What's it like? I'm considering a career switch to be a teacher.

Background: I'm a computer scientist who has been working in the software industry for a few years. I'd like to get out of my cubicle and interact with people and discuss literature for the rest of my life instead of just programming widgets to make people money. I understand that it won't be as rosy as I'm imagining and the kids might be little shits.

I assume I'll need to get more education? I have a MS in Computer Science. It probably varies by state, but I believe you need a BA in English at least to teach at the high school level. There are online courses I could take, but I'm not sure if they are respectable enough to help me find a job.

For practical experience (and to see if I like teaching) I was thinking about volunteering to help with literacy at the local library. My only other teaching experience is from being a TA back in college.

Any thoughts? I could have posted this on /adv/ I suppose but I figure /lit/ might have better domain specific knowledge.

>> No.9530263

Im an English major on track to get my teaching licence.
Have you ever worked in a school before op? Ever been around kids when you're acting in a teaching role?

>> No.9530280

My school district just layed me off in Mass. We had a multimillion dollar shortfall. On the plus side, I make unemployment and might get rehired in the fall. But I have no seniority so maybe not.

>> No.9530515
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I taught college students how to program and I've done some volunteer teaching through church. Never done any formal English teaching.

What do teachers do if they don't get rehired the next year after a layoff? Is this sort of thing common?