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/lit/ - Literature

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9526383 No.9526383 [Reply] [Original]

other one dropped off. post/rate

>> No.9526387

quit being a poser

>> No.9526393

>Alan Moore Jerusalem

Good lord what a shitty book. Did you manage to finish this manchild opus?

>> No.9526441
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>> No.9526459
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>> No.9526469
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>> No.9526475
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>> No.9526482
File: 2.31 MB, 3120x4160, first 3 books i ever bought.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9526485
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>> No.9526526
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Yes I am a fanboy.

>> No.9526528

Dude why do you own so many copies of the same book. Last time it was like 10 copies of catcher in the rye. I recognize your fucking shelf you meme lord.

>> No.9526574

You want to start out with Ulysses you crazy fuck? Keep that book on the shelf and read some more first. What the fuck.

>> No.9526597

how is La-Bas?

>> No.9526606

Why it is a bad thing?
It's better to read something you'll enjoy than something you'll hate.
The catcher in the rye is an overrated piece of shit tho.

>> No.9526607

why am i a poser

yeah. it was okay

>> No.9526627

Dude why do you get rid of the dust cover?

>> No.9526630

most are just bought at used books stores without them

>> No.9526631


Better than A'rebours, and really shows the uniqueness of Huysmans. If you want to learn about why church bells are a lost art, what a 19th century satanist gathering was like, and why anyone would believe in magic, it's a great read.

>> No.9526636


>being intimidated by the heavyweights of the canon

go back to your genre fiction

>> No.9526671
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>> No.9526813
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rate me 1/3

>> No.9526823
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rate me 2/3

>> No.9526829
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rate me 3/3

>> No.9526841


>rate me

how? nobody can read any titles

>> No.9526863

I will assume this is a satire of these types of threads.

>Poor zooming
>Kid's books
>Picture of the bookshelf from far away when the goal is to showcase the content of it

>> No.9526902
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4/10. Some redemption for Adams, Orwell and Gaiman
2/10 a couple points for Borges
5/10 for Ulysses and no Steven King
6/10 not enough classics
Learn how to camera first

Pic related my bookshelf, also see next post

>> No.9526916
File: 1.75 MB, 3984x2241, 20170519_140506-3984x2241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have boxes of books but I don't want to crowd the bookshelf

>> No.9526925

Btw this is my first time on /lit/. Will I be among friemds here?

>> No.9526930

>the autism book

>> No.9526935


>not enough classics

Why would I waste my money? That's what a library/kindle is for.

>> No.9526944


>billy joel
>winnie the pooh

/lit/ as fuck my man

>> No.9526960

Hey those are my favorite books. I play piano, always been a fan of Billy's piano style.

>> No.9526961

Its dumbfounding, really. The whole irony of the situation, that is. I mean, these people are here devoting time to this endeavor of taking pictures of their bookshelves with carefully assorted books; who knows, maybe they want you to know who the author they like best is, or maybe they have OCD, or whatever, but they arrange the books so neatly. Then they take a picture and upload it, but they do ABSOLUTELY no discussion of literature. Its like these people are pretending to care about books to show off their bookshelves while their taste is saying "I don't really read books". So why do they take pictures of the shit? Its irony at its hyperbole.

>> No.9526967


Because most of these are trash that isnt worth discussing, but they at least reveal what is true /lit/core
>celine for some reason

>> No.9526968


>> No.9526971


>why dont people discuss books more??
he says making an off topic meta post that doesnt discuss books

be the change you want to see in the world, faggot

>> No.9527004


>> No.9527015


Stop stealing books from your parents


Try reading something contemporary/light hearted. You're fetishising 'the classics' a bit much.


Just started reading books, or is this stuff you pulled off your parents shelf?


Better taste in videogames than books.


This isn't you but holy shit what a lot of money to spend on the most mediocre comic book collection. This is what a midlife crisis looks like.

>> No.9527022

The thread is "rate eachothers bookcases" you twat.
Then we say "oh this anon has good taste" or "this anon doesn't".
So, let's see yours.

>> No.9527027

op here. only 2-3 of these are my parents, i just have a real old used bookstore near me and use abe

>> No.9527033

Because this is what /lit/ is about:
Addressing adolescent insecurity by pretending to be intellectually superior to the people who bullied us in elementary school.

>> No.9527082

How's that edition of the Hermetica? Been thinking of picking up Scott's one. Is that just volume 1?

>> No.9527199


It's worth the high entrance fee, Shambhala are a fantastic publisher who put a lot of work into their books. I would suggest just getting Vol. 1 as Books 2 through 4 are pure academia, so unless you're taking comparative religion or something I wouldn't bother, you'd be spending upwards of $150 for what is essentially citations and translators notes.

>> No.9528056

>Addressing adolescent insecurity by pretending to be intellectually superior to the people who bullied us in elementary school.
more like insecure adolescent anonymously vetting titles and authors so they don't look uncool in meatspace

>> No.9528061

>I'm above it all and too cool for shelf threads look at how much better I am than you.


>> No.9528500
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>> No.9528503
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>> No.9528508
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>> No.9528511
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>that copy of Alice in Wonderland

>> No.9528516
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>> No.9528523


one day you're going to wake up with the biggest meme hangover

>> No.9528532
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Pls no bully

>> No.9528543
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Graphic novels and anthologies 1

>> No.9528553


i can believe you've read most of these, unlike many of the other posters in this thread

>> No.9528556
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Anthologies 2 and novels

>> No.9528564
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>> No.9528571
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>> No.9528577
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>> No.9528579
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>> No.9528588
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>> No.9528596
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>> No.9528603
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>> No.9528604
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>> No.9528606
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>> No.9528612
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>> No.9528621
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>> No.9528625
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>> No.9528630
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>> No.9528636
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Media, memoirs, cookbooks, misc

>> No.9528639
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History and politics

>> No.9528782

where is based rapture to BTFO this thread with his library

>> No.9528957

>FOUR Orson Welles books
>Wolfe shelf

>> No.9529828
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>> No.9529839
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2/7 music shelf

>> No.9529842
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3/7 Miscellaneous and school shelf

>> No.9529845
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4/7 Mediocre philosophy

>> No.9529849
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5/7 real philosophy

>> No.9529853
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6/7 religion and politics, kinda random

>> No.9529856
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7/7 fiction shelf. I have poe but lent to a friend and I have the first Dune but am currently reading it so it wasn't on shelf

>> No.9530053

>V mask
>Dune sequels
>Bill O'Reilly
>The Art of War
>Ayn Rand

Alec Scroggins you really are a disappointment

>> No.9530065

>high school year books for 2014-2017

So you're... 16? 17? 18?

>> No.9530094

>real philosophy
>only buys philosophy books from the local B&N


>> No.9530104

I found your facebook, you look like a twink and your pictures are even worse
>hurr durr call me racist only cause you're losing the debate stupid monkey
>oh and here's some pictures and lyrics from tool, whining liberal metal

>> No.9530373

or has kids

>> No.9530439
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>even if the post is bait this shelf and this personal is real

>> No.9530683

Shakespeare wants to kill himself for being relegated to that shelf

>> No.9530793

Only place nearby
Lol stalker, aithiest, and I'm a conservative, don't care about getting political with musicians
>>9530683 Shakespeare was a gay theatre goer, he would've been a faggot today like Neil Patrick Harris

>> No.9530850

>Butler's translation of Homer
Is it any good? Should I read Fagles first or should I read Butler first? Which one is the most poetic and which one is the best and clearest introduction into the Greek mythology and Homer's work.

I plan on reading both but with which one should I start? I have only read Hamilton's Mythology of the ''Starting with the Greeks'' meme.

>> No.9530874 [DELETED] 
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I just started getting into reading last year. This is the collection I've built, I haven't read most of these, but I have finished and attempted quite a few. I figured this would be a good time to post it considering I put a cap on getting more books a couple months ago (besides the easton press copies which I pick up whenever I find a good deal on them, because I adore easton press.


>> No.9530881 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9530882 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9530886 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9530891 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9530895 [DELETED] 
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My poetry collection, minus my little everymans library percy shelly pocket poets book, and my stephen wallace poetry collection which is next to my bed right now.

>> No.9530900 [DELETED] 
File: 252 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_oq9mqtpfKo1uh3hwjo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading

>> No.9530905

i CAN'T be fucked to go photograph two stories of fucking books fuck you

>> No.9530935

Reuploading, because tumblr fucked up the picture quality and compressed all the pictures.

>> No.9530952
File: 3.82 MB, 5312x2988, 3IL5svD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started getting into reading last year. This is the collection I've built, I haven't read most of these, but I have finished and attempted quite a few. I figured this would be a good time to post it considering I put a cap on getting more books a couple months ago (besides the easton press copies which I pick up whenever I find a good deal on them, because I adore easton press.


>> No.9530957
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>> No.9530960
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>> No.9530964
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>> No.9530966
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>> No.9530971
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My poetry collection, minus my little everymans library percy shelly pocket poets book, and my stephen wallace poetry collection which is next to my bed right now.

>> No.9530975
File: 3.68 MB, 5312x2988, FtOxgQM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading.

>> No.9531032
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this is it

>> No.9531052

You should write "wide load" on your copy of the divine comedy.

>> No.9531055

How are you liking Lolita so far? Laso, how the fuck have you been able to read so much in a single year. I read the half of what you have and I have been reading for three years. I wouldn't even have money to buy all that.

>> No.9531058
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*tips goblet*

>> No.9531074

If I crack the spine on the Comedia will it die?

>> No.9531079

it's actually a box set, it's that big because it's bilingual (spa-ita)

>> No.9531156

I read 11 books last year and I got a ways through many more. I said in the first part of my post that I haven't read most of what I own. To be honest, I don't usually find books I read that difficult, but occasionally I find a book which just has a prose style that is difficult for my mind to digest. For some reason, I have a very hard time digesting nabokov's prose style. So I am about 40 pages into the thing, but it has taken me many days of just picking it up and reading a few pages at a time. It's strange, because the last book I read, woman in the dunes, I finished 60 pages in a day when I finished reading it.

On how I like lolita, I think it's excellent. I can see how imaginative nabokov is in constructing his sentences. I can definitely see him as the sort of professor who would be really critical to his students, because it's hard to imagine how even I could match his prose style. It's amazing how witty he is, he even comes off as very witty in the interviews that exist of him. He's truly a fascinating man, and his book really bends your moral compass. That's not to say I really have anything against pedophiles. I'm no law breaker myself, but I don't really care what other people do on their own volition.

>> No.9532180

>Lol stalker, aithiest, and I'm a conservative, don't care about getting political with musicians
Are you having a stroke? Half of this makes no sense
>Shakespeare was gay
He had a wife and 3 kids

>> No.9532220

>I haven't read most of these
So you have that Japanese condition where people buy books they don't read

>> No.9532221

Nice editions. How do you like the deluxe Gombrich? Would you recommend that book for someone with no background in art history?

>> No.9532348

Except I am reading them.

>> No.9532354
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He's right Scroggins. How about engaging a serious religion?Read some Aquinas (or Fesser), or a copy of the Catechism.

>> No.9532360
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I'd start with Butler, then move to Fitzgerald or Fagles. Butler is easier to read, but Fitz and Fagles are more poetic. Fitzgerald is my favorite of the three.
pic is Butler's Iliad

>> No.9532366
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same passage from Fitzgerald

>> No.9532707

>The anger.

How can you fuck it up not even one sentence into the book?

>> No.9532714
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Fagles is so much better than these two shitty translations.

Its not even close.

>> No.9532738

We used Fagles in my classical studies class

>> No.9532998

>Leonard Gardner

My Nigger

>> No.9533023

> A big binder with my real name written on it
>Take a picture of it and put it on the internet

This is what happens when you surf the web without parental guidance Alec

>> No.9533059

Why don't you fucking organize that shit?

>> No.9533060

>Babby still in school.
>Presumably learns about cyberbullying and not revealing your real name and info in the internet, especially on obscure Chinese forums.
>Does the opposite.

>> No.9533069
File: 263 KB, 764x551, 85e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a picture of you, anon.

>> No.9533462

Thank you so much! I will do that then I guess. Start out with Butler and then I'll continue with Fitzgerald to get the rhyme and prose of Homer.

>> No.9533469

because i know where everything is, and ive just put it in place as ive read stuff. does it bother you?

>> No.9533480
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Any recommendations? Fairly new to the canon.

>> No.9533528
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The calendar was a gift from my girlfriend

>> No.9533568

>The calendar was a gift
Good on you

>> No.9533647

amsterdam stories
pedro paramo
max stirner

>> No.9533683

>World War Z
>All those Murakami books
Why even post this?

>> No.9533696

Do you place them that way on purpose?

>> No.9533726

I'd play this game but I don't think there is any way to do it right.

If you don't have enough books, you're a pleb. If you have too many books, you're a try-hard pseud.

If you have the right books, you're a /lit/-core lemming. If you have the wrong books, you're an idiot with bad taste.

If you have hardcovers, you're a show-off. If you have paperbacks, you wasted your money.

>> No.9533776

Why do you have Kant's CoPR but no other philosophy books except for memes like Camus and Nietzsche?

>> No.9533786
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Because I read this

>> No.9533791

World War Z was my brother's book that I read like 7 years ago. When I moved out I brought all books that were in my room with me
I like Murakami

>> No.9533801
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hi friends :-)

>> No.9533947
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>> No.9533956


>> No.9533994

3/10 bait

>> No.9534023
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extremely underrated post

>> No.9534072

Scroggins on panic mode.. Poor dope.

But then moments like these are sad reminders of who I'm usually talking to about literature on this board.

>> No.9534986

I gotta admit, it is kinda aesthetic.

>> No.9535035
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>> No.9535039
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>> No.9535077
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>> No.9535101

It's a great book.

>> No.9535170
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