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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 526x473, rodent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
952726 No.952726 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me one piece of OC writing or poetry that you remember from /lit/

Hard mode: none of your own stuff

>> No.952729

the penis was


>> No.952735


>> No.952744
File: 69 KB, 465x600, Earl of Rochester attrib. Jacob Huysmans 1665-70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let /b/tards come here, I will say to their face:
I will bugger you all, disregarding your race.
I'll pull out my cock and I'll blast you with piss,
And dare any /b/tard write better than this.
I'll make /b/tard bawww, prove his girlfriend's a trap,
Courage Wolf is a pussy, and their racism's crap.
I"ll make /b/tards my Goatses, each one be my taker,
And teach them I am the true C-Combo Breaker,
With my classic allusions and heroic themes,
I'll skullfuck each /b/tard and shit on their memes,
With my cock as a weapon, I'll prove to all /b/
'twas I fucked their sisters, and who was phone? ME.
And I fucked them as children and called it "CP".
The /b/tards I'll torture, I'll divide them by zero,
Make them suck my cock until they all an hero
When they see I'm the poet who's fucking their mom,
And I also took Bawksy to her junior prom,
I fucked her in each hole, I though it was cute,
But my best little girl is the one they call "moot".
You hear me, /b/! Flyting! Your memes are sad shit.
All intelligent life is now posting on /lit/.

>> No.952752
File: 43 KB, 526x473, rodent1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do I still browse this site

>> No.952756


>> No.952775

The supreme court was flooded with paparazzi that day, all trying to snap the perfect picture of the man in the black suit, absolutely surrounded by lawyers and bodyguards, it was dark that night, but the flashing of the cameras made an ominous glow of the street, all that could be heard was the callings “WHY DID YOU DO IT?!” “DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SA-“ “MR. MEMRO?! HOW DO YOU FEEL-“ the man in the black suit, did not answer any of the questions, he kept his glasses firmly on his face and absolutely ignored all of the people, while slowly progressing to his Black Lexus sedan, a new car, funny, a man who is currently unemployed is able to afford a Lexus and a $600 Armani suit, not to mention a triple story mansion with its own golf course, everyone knew how he got that money, but the taxation officers had nothing to audit, it helped that they were all in his back pocket.

I saved it cos it was so shit.

>> No.952779
File: 20 KB, 288x312, litpoemanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.952780

That one about Caligula's horse.

>> No.952783

Holy fuck that was awesome.

>> No.952784

I remember the one about question mark

so fucking cash, have it saved somewhere

>> No.952785

hello my name is incitatus
and i
am a senator horse
the things i love
milling in the grass crossing great
lengths at great
speeds and politics the
things i love are
milling in the grass.
hello my name is incitatus
and i
am privy to a great empire
i aid in lead
her to greater reaches her to
grander days.
i am a fucking horse.
things i love are

>> No.952792

hello my name is incitatus
and i
am chief amongst the people and
senate of
the things i love are powers grant
ed by man.
things i love are milling
in the grass and
the name my master gave
me is incitatus it means that i am
speedy, fast
the wealth my master gave me
is grandeur, grander than that
of millions.

>> No.952796

Woke up, went on /lit/
went downstairs, had a pee.
Had a wank,
had a jism,
whats this on the screen?
fuck ryhming,
it's meaningless.

>> No.953305
