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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 111 KB, 998x712, jordanpeterson-998x712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9525342 No.9525342 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone tell me why this guy is talked about every single day when all he did was make a big stink about not calling trans people by their preferred genders? I've seen some of his other videos too, and his debate with Sam Harris. Sam Harris pretty much broke down the debate and showed how he's ideologically driven and his arguments make no sense. I literally saw him use an article that was written about conservatives (the one that says they have higher levels of fear and disgust) and went on a talk show and said that study was about liberals. His videos generally tend to be patronizing and melodramatic, plus his constant ranting about postmodernism and liberals is embarrassing and generalizing and vague. Not to mention his fucking new years video he made, where he starts fucking crying because people don't accept jesus christ into their hearts, which he still has as his intro video to his youtube channel.

It's hilarious to me how people think he's this brilliant thinker, I should say sad actually.

>> No.9525347

hes a meme you dip

>> No.9525376

Its very sad that we have reach a point where Sam Harris seems like a respectable intellectual

>> No.9525465

It's also hilarious to me how 4chan contrarians never seem to have anything good to say about life, and yet refuse to commit suicide and keep whining on a Mongolian tapestry-making forum.

>> No.9525475

>contrarians never seem to have anything good to say
I disagree, they sometimes do.

>> No.9525480

Well, not on 4chan they don't.

99% of the criticism of Peterson i've seen is like OP's, whining about his character, or the fact that he is getting paid a lot of money on Patreon, which somehow proves he's a charlatan, because god forbid people make money.

It's also absolutely hilarious to say that Peterson is ideological whereas Harris isn't. Harris is the definition of a bourgeois liberal who thinks his own values are "scientific".

>> No.9525498

What else is good about life?

>> No.9525504

cuck desu

>> No.9525521

Peterson is largely a meme but if you unironically think Ben Stiller is some sort of intellectual powerhouse you're even more of one than him.

>> No.9525544

All I said was he broke down the argument and showed how it was nonsense. Although, I do think that Sam Harris is often very well spoken, and appeals to logic in his arguments in a way that I respect. He is a very level headed, maybe even to a flaw. One thing I miss about Christopher Hitchens was his attitude, he had a lot of it and was extremely entertaining with his gorgeous accent, and his ability to totally shut down people in an argument and put forward his opinion so completely and concisely. I bring up Hitchens because they're comparable and were good friends.

>> No.9525981

I hear this quite a bit, but i've never been given an example of another contemporary 'brilliant figure', if you have one, it would be much better to compare peterson to him as to make your argument more persuasive because as it stands right now it has no real weight

tldr cry some more

>> No.9526002
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You all need to clean your rooms and
>sort yourselves out

>> No.9526006

One is a psychiatrist (aka a worthless person) and another one is a pop-"""neuroscientist""" who did some meme research on religions. If you have any respect for either, you are a confirmed plebian.

>> No.9526008
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You're never going to make it to the top of the dominance hierarchy if you don't

>> No.9526011

It's not so much they refuse to do it, they are
just too scared.

>> No.9526017

>a literal who eceleb

Sure is some great literature in here

>> No.9526018

Im sure the best way to combat this was to create yet another thread about him

>> No.9526024

they're both idiots, especially peterson, but also sam harris too
you're an idiot as well

>> No.9526028

shut the fuck up you gaywad

>> No.9526033

fuck him. he's a cryptomaterialist who doesn't even believe in god.

he says he acts as if god exists, that's all. it's just a really good story for him. if you asked him if he accepts something like the nicene creed you'd probably get a 10 hour speech where he just avoids saying no.

plus he's a zionist.

>> No.9526059
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I've truly come to the conclusion that Sam Harris is a joke. Not only that, but he's completely driven by petty concerns.

I've listened to every episode of Waking Up, and there are times where he sounds downright condescending to his audience, and, then, when he's begging for money we're suddenly "the only reason this is possible, and I thank you all."

Fucking phony.

That, and he won't invite certain people because he's afraid of what it will do to his "image." Like he's some goddamn Hollywood star that won't get roles. At least they can use him for Zoolander 3.

I also liked that one time where he didn't release that long podcast with the crazy SJW Muslim because it "wasn't worth people's time" only to dramatize the whole thing for weeks. And then it turns out that he was pretty much a dick to that guy and even swore at him.

I'm fairly certain that deep down, Sam Harris is a complete piece of shit. Maybe not a bad person, per se, but a total piece of shit. He's nice, he's nice, he's nice... and then he slips and comes across as a completely different person.

As for Peterson, he's alright. I dislike the raving about Christianity. Both as an atheist, and as a person that believes that religion deserves more respect than simply being an utilitarian tool. But I do like that he insists people take responsibility for their actions.

I don't know, on Waking Up Peterson managed to sound completely insane. But if you actually watch his lectures he's a lot more reasonable. I don't know why but he becomes autistic as fuck when he's invited somewhere and always repeats the same shit.

>> No.9526079


Man, that new year's podcast and his whiny crybaby wailing was probably the most pathetic thing I've ever listened to.
How conceited and self-absorbed do you have to be to start crying while talking about your own mediocre meme philosophy and Solzhenytsin and how SJWs are mean to you? And then post it online and make yourself seem like some sort of brilliant genius intellectual martyr who is being oppressed by people with gender studies degrees?

Honestly I've never felt so embarrased while listening to something. I can't believe I study at the same institution this man teaches at.
If I ever see him walking around St. George or Syd Smith I'll whip out my Kermit the Frog plushy doll and follow him around while mock-crying about the death of the individual and Tiamat and frog cults and how my wittle feewings have been hurt by mean Nazi SJWs until he punches me in the face, which he won't do cuz he's a pussy.

Jesus, man.

>> No.9526084

His interviews and podcasts are not that great.

He has hundreds of hours of lectures as well that I'd recommend. I was a student of his last years and his talks and research on personality are brilliant.

>> No.9526088

Slavoj Zizek
Giorgio Agamben
Peter Sloterdjik
Bruno Latour
Eduardo Viveiros de Castro
Georges Didi-Hubermann

there, have a few of them

What you people don't realize is that Peterson generates non-discourse , semi-intellectual jungian pap wich serves nothing but to generate MORE neoliberalism, something not even /pol/lacks want, as far as I see you people drooling on /lit/. Nothing he says is new and anything is barely useful (from a academic standpoint). Were he not propped into fame by arguing with a bunch of SJWs, no one would even bat an eye, or even worse (or better): he'd be recognized as a canuck version of Alain de Fucking Botton. The way he tries to drag Nietzsche into his jungian bullshit is disgusting, and I haven't seen his videos with any care or real attention, but it often looks like he's about to go into evolutionary psychology territory, which should be the official mark of a hack: using your fanfiction about pre-history to naturalize post-enlightenment western behaviour is worse than, I don't know, social darwinism or medieval theology from a epistemological rigour standpoint.

>> No.9526099

forced meme

>> No.9526127

>All these marxists and faggots who can't stop dick riding Foucault and Derrida for one minute

Got any intellectuals who aren't this way, anon? Don't get me wrong, Petersen is a faggot too.

>> No.9526139

I actually do know a bunch of more traditionalist guys, I just won't recommend you any of them because you're even a bigger faggot than Peterson.
Grow some balls to read people who might disagree with you and come back to me.

>> No.9526166

Right, so people who don't like Peterson take issue with his Christian apologetics where he seems to deem cultural Christian as an acceptable theist category, his dismissal of postmodernism as a monolith (most likely caused by equating it with post-structuralism), his liberal use of Jungian archetypes and narratives as the only tools for ''''darwinian truth'''... Am I missing something? I doubt people here hate him because he thinks it's ridiculous for the government to mandate the use of gender neutral pronouns.

People who dislike Harris do so because of his apologetics for interventionism, his positivist/naturalist attitude and I'm assuming ancaps dislike him because he wants to raise taxes for the rich. Is that it?

I really don't see how any of these views can generate so much visceral hate. I'm not a fan of either of these guys, but they seem to be reasonable individuals and certainly far from cult leaders or ideologues of the sorts we see in other meme philosophers or meme youtube contributors. A chunk of their audience does seem to behave as if they are part of a cult, but I think this is an unintended byproduct of their output.

>> No.9526170

>Assuming I haven't read Slavoj or Sloterdijk
Stop projecting and share your incredible knowledge with me, eternal anon. I am desperate.

>> No.9526172

what I forgot to add was my conclusion that actually hating either of these guys makes you more of an ideologue than any of their fans in my eyes.

>> No.9526177

You've read Sloterdjik and think he's a marxist?

>> No.9526194

The big thing you're missing here anon is that both of these guys are "Reddit." So far as I understand, being "Reddit" in this context just means you serve as a catch-all stopping point for anyone who is pursuing critical theory only insofar as it will inflate their own vanity. For the vast majority of idiots, you can stop at a simplistic figure like Harris or Petersen, because you actually have to be somewhat well-read to begin picking their arguments to shreds. So guys like this--sophists who create rhetorical knots that all seem to end with "my patreon is in the description" catch normies who only "read" to prop up the vicarious image of themselves of being smart that they desperately tend. Also keep in mind reading for these people stops at viewing YouTube videos, which is why these neo-sophists can even market their shitty brands in the first place.

I think that's a big part of why /lit/ hates them.

>> No.9526201

Is this even /lit/? Are we still allowed to make good posts? Keep the fight my dude

>> No.9526205

>Can someone tell me why this guy is talked about every single day when all he did was make a big stink about not calling trans people by their preferred genders?
Maybe because there's something underneath the surface of the topic that's being discussed.
That's exactly why this has blown up over his youtube videos. There is an underlying issue, because of the ideological war on campuses.

>> No.9526207

Sloterdijk's stance on a lot of shit is based on mid century post-structuralism. It has become a meme in recent months to equate any and all progeny of Marxism with Marxism itself--thus the post-structuralists and the postmodernists--so yeah, in the spirit of the meme, anyone who takes Foucault seriously in current year can be flippantly discarded as not having even set one foot into the dissident kitchen yet.

>> No.9526226

I see. So it's more about how the monolith of '''''''''''''''''/lit/'''''''''''''' perceives their audience, plus the means by which they sustain themselves financially (being largely dependant on donations).

Seems a bit like petifaggotry to me. I have a nasty feeling that the hate comes from /lit/ identity politics, or a large part of /lit/ being Marxist/ancap ideologues and/or young and immature.

>> No.9526234

First of all, I don't get why people conflate post-structuralism with marxism, since a lot of writers (the big memes at least, Foucault D&G and Derrida) are actually ACTIVELY trying to DISTANCE themselves from marxism theory.
I don't give a fuck that it's become a meme, this actually makes you look even worse, you're letting ideas which have nothing to do with those thinkers influence the way you perceive them, and this is exactly the sort of situation post-structuralists as a whole were arguing for, and maybe if you actually tried to read and understand them, you wouldn't come off as such a dolt.

>> No.9526268

I quite like his lectures and his talks about the mythological origins for human behavior and archetypes. I'm sure he has biases, but then he does specifically state that he doesn't count on anyone just believing everything he says, on the contrary.

I don't know, I've listened to about 15 hours worth of lectures during work and I quite like him.

>> No.9526275

He's very articulate and fun to listen, even if 90% of what he says is nonsensical garbage that falls apart under the most basic scrutiny

>> No.9526285
File: 127 KB, 354x351, 1492006576413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only six or seven blacks in the top image
>none in the bottom image

>> No.9526292

It's just a game, anon, why you have to be mad,

Also the notion that these ideas have nothing to do with our list of thinkers is pretty optimistic; I don't think you actually think that. Also why do you think the post-structuralists were eager for this sort of a landscape where associations and marketing are god? Also you're still insinuating I haven't read the material. I think you're doing that because it's the easiest way out of this odd argument you have available to you, which leaves your personal image untouched.

"Well anon didn't even READ it so who cares, back to me"

Stop that. Also why are you assuming the meme can't be employed as a self aware tool? I am well aware of the way I am loading Marxism in order to drive my point. Instead of sperging out and claiming I haven't read your meme philosophers, maybe make a case?

>> No.9526304

His rise signifies a transition in reactionaries from the use of supposedly rational paradigms (Sam Harris, Charles Murray, Ayn Rand) to one that is indifferent to it. It's kind of scary to see these people so concerned with protecting the status quo that they no longer care to to use reason to defend it.

>> No.9526317

What the fuck are you even talking about. Which ideas? Do you mean marxism? Because yeah, as I've said, they were trying to DISTANCE themselves from it, which assumes a initial closeness. Your point is that these writers which clearly wanted to get away from marxist theory are marxists, my point is that they weren't and that this wole "HURRRRRRRR LE POSTSTRUCTURALISTS WNT TO DESTROY THE WORLD" is making /lit/ worst by the day. You might seem to think you're a fresh and original thinker but the truth is that day in, day out and it gets pretty dull after a while, specially when you're talking about "these ideas" which you don't even seem to get a grasp on. You knowing you're being memed doesn't change the fact you're being memed.

>> No.9526324
File: 91 KB, 589x514, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ring wing is so devoid of intellectuals that they will jerk off to a random self help youtube guy without blinking an eye just because he agrees with them on some issues.

But ben stiller is also a tard.

>> No.9526328

Stop wasting your time and listen to lectures of any random professor who doesn't spew this much bullshit.

>> No.9526652

>who doesn't spew this much bullshit.
good goy, dont listen to people you disagree with.

>> No.9526688
File: 21 KB, 427x409, IMG_3447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, anon. You are the worst sort of person.

>> No.9526738

How is sam harris a reactionary? He's pretty left wing.

>> No.9526746


>> No.9526834

>hurr if you dont agree its just cause you haven't read Kant

Harris has a degree from Stanford in philosophy. I'm pretty sure he knows the western canon better than all you brainlets on /lit/ and twitter

>> No.9526840

>good goy
It's time to get back to the containment board.

>> No.9526851

As left wing as an imperialist can be I guess.

>> No.9526860

Yeah, bending over to the authoritarian, imperialist government is left wing as hell.

>> No.9526871

>authoritarian, imperialist
Any more buzzwords you're willing to throw around?

>> No.9526875

I don't think you understand what a buzzword is kiddo.

>> No.9526883

You accuse him of generalizing and being vague and then post shit like
>he starts fucking crying because people don't accept jesus christ into their hearts

I wanted to give you a serious reply but you don't deserve it.
Make a new thread and approach it with some intellectual honesty and maybe I'll give it a try.

But we all know you're just a drama queen faggot shitposter, don't we?

>> No.9526885

weak bait

>> No.9526889


How uneducated do you have to be to consider 'authoritarian' and 'imperialist' to be buzzwords?

>> No.9526917 [DELETED] 

That's what he literally did https://youtu.be/XbOeO_frzvg

>> No.9526936

I'm sure there's also a great deal of left wingers that praise Charles Murray too.

>> No.9526947

I've made it six seconds in before starting to laugh, is he for real?

>> No.9526951

>the last 5 minutes are about his online self-help program


>> No.9526953

Shit, I'm sorry, that was the wrong video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnEFt20qe0o

>> No.9526959

Three seconds into this one.

>> No.9526969

>I literally saw him use an article that was written about conservatives (the one that says they have higher levels of fear and disgust) and went on a talk show and said that study was about liberals.
To be fair, it's only natural to have high levels of fear and disgust if the entire establishment is against you.

>> No.9526975

No one gives a shit about this guy, and people who do are e-celeb fadsters. He is not a producer of great literature and has nothing to say about great literature. I guarantee if you pulled the IPs of posters who bump this thread it will just be a few samefags.


>> No.9526978

This guy is an idiot.
Peterson has loads of shit he's written about the big five and how that ties into conservatism and liberalism.
Im 99% sure he wasn't using that fucking article, but his own academic research.

>> No.9526983

>Nothing to say about great literature
What are you smoking dude?
He says a lot of stuff about literature, one of them being the BIBLE.
I don't know about you, but I consider that great literature.

>> No.9526993

The vast majority of people shilling him here are from /pol/ and don't actually read (anything, philosophy especially), only watch his youtube videos. It's pretty obvious from the low iq posts and constant spam of cuck/reddit/goy/whatever is the new buzzword of the day on that board, in the threads about him.

>> No.9527008
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/lit/ bluepill me on metanarratives, I want to believe.

>> No.9527038

Just read Maps of Meaning and watch his lectures. His lectures don't really stand on their own.

>> No.9527391
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, infinte jist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll have the combo meal with the extra large straw man, please.

>> No.9527405

You sound like a butthurt tranny.

>> No.9527410

You sound like someone who should get back to his containment board.

>> No.9527414


>> No.9527428

All old fucks must die

>> No.9527445

>Lit is completely homogenous.

>> No.9527459


>> No.9527461

People have long since complained about the ideological invasion into the humanities in universities. But nobody in the relevant positions was willing to make a stand about it. You can find tons of youtubers talking about these issues and threads on forums and image boards, like this one, since at least 3 years about these topics regularly. Peterson is popular because he is an established professor with an actual good track record of successes in his field, acting as a mouth piece for these ideas that were (so far) ignored by the public and academia.

>> No.9527678

>Slavoj Zizek

My problem with Zizek is how trite and superficial some of his projects are.

His shit on Buddhism was mind-bogglingly weak and made me think that at best he skimmed some wikipedia articles.

Dude was getting basics wrong and couldn't recall the distinction between theravada and mahayana, but thinks he is leveling a serious criticism? What?!

>> No.9527687

>Peter Sloterdjik

HAHAHAHAHA, Peter "unironically a student of OSHO" Sloterdjik.

>> No.9527698

Harris is a scientism-materialist dogmatist.

>> No.9527843

I don't think that being transgender is an ideological thing at all. What people seem to want to do is deny that trans people exist, you have it backwards.

>> No.9527866

Transgenderism is a fetish mostly.

>> No.9527867

>Dismissing people on these grounds
Absolute pleb. What job does someone need to have for you to respect their educated opinions? What do YOU do, for that matter?

>> No.9527886

>being memed
What the FUCK is the alternative, anon? Ignore the most widely influential thinkers? Fucking hell, I'm not that anon who you're arguing with but you trigg'd me majorly with your exclusive-club-of-one fart-sniffing arrogance. You are a childish piece of shit who uses philosophy for virtue signalling even on an anonymous Spanish cactus-carving forum. Kys you deadshit cuntflap.

>> No.9527887

That's utter bullshit. There's people who would literally kill themselves than live as the gender they don't feel they are.

>> No.9527902

That gender is purely socially constructed and mental illness is an oppressive concept is ideological.

>> No.9527920


I agree with you. "He is a neuroscientist", "he is a psychologist", "they are REDDIT", arent arguments.

I have never heard of these guys (I am not American), but the debate about transexuals and pronouns reached my country and it bothers me, because being angry with how your language evolved through the centuries seems ridiculous to me. In fact it is worse in my country because my language has grammatic gender, so the reform would be more drastic than in English.
It is almost like enforcing some light sjw inspired language reform.

There are genderless languages btw, and these people unintentionally imply those languages are better/more progressive.

I also dont understand why feels matter so much. How you feel isnt valuable information, what matters is whether you are a male or a female. One is subjective, the other isnt. And only one is valuable information in the army, a hospital, a sports competition or the courtroom.

>> No.9527956

He is an intelligent, well-read man, who has figured out where he stands in his values and politics and does not have a problem speaking his ideas or where they came from.

For all these reasons, even if you disagree with him, he generously provides a huge amount of content of food for thought.

>> No.9527960

>his ability to totally shut down people in an argument
cringe. this is the kind of things philistines draw pleasure from. you only enjoy intellectual pursuits insofar as they operate like a sports game

>> No.9527993

It's not so much they're views as their limited intellectual acumen. I don't dislike Sam Harris because of what he believes in, even though I disagree, because some of that can be thought-provoking. I'm more annoyed by his trite attempts to criticise (and capitalise on his criticism of) things like religion. No problem with that, but he is not providing anything substantial. It is basically a vanity project.

>> No.9528219

why isn't he?
because he's famous?

>> No.9528237

Sam Harris is ideologically driven. Arguments are ideologically driven. Fuck off b8
>logic is good
>level-headedness is good

>> No.9528245

>why would a Christian be enraged by people who reduce Christianity to brainwashing, or worse, a Pascalian distraction

>> No.9528254

Ideological fetishes do that. Stop whining.

>> No.9528265
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OP is clearly a faggot, but you are too. JP is a hack, just like Zizek, yet both a praised because this place has become reddit. You're all faggots.

>> No.9528269

Had the same realization. Sam Harris is a complete idiot, is insanely obsessed with his status/image, and is one of the most notable pseudointellectuals that I've ever come across.

if anyone doubts this, actually read one of his books. He's a complete fraud that's perpetuated the idea that he's a "calm, intelligent, rationalist".

>> No.9528343
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What the fuck. I'm speechless.

>> No.9528361

I feel like this bait was crafted specifically for me.

>> No.9528366

Please tell me no-one seriously thinks Sloterdijk is a Marxist.

>> No.9528379

If you're over 18/19 and you care about these Z-list youtube intellectuals you need an internet detox.

Thats a bit too strong - the thing is we love to hear people who agree with us; if youre an atheist, you'll give Harris a pass, if you get worked up about PC stuff same for Peterson.

btw I went through an atheist phase about 8 years ago and I liked Hitchens - but even then Harris embarrassed me - I think its because he's really obviously vain - it makes me uncomfortable to see an adult male frowning and pouting all over the place

>> No.9528406
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>btw I went through an atheist phase about 8 years ago and I liked Hitchens - but even then Harris embarrassed me - I think its because he's really obviously vain - it makes me uncomfortable to see an adult male frowning and pouting all over the place

I never had an atheist "phase" because I've always been an atheist, but that doesn't mean I agree with any of them (although I've always hated Hitchens because he's an alcoholic warmonger). I don't think atheism is a rational conclusion or the anything to proselytize about. It's simply how I feel.

You're also being uncharitable to Harris if you think he's only a "Z-list youtube intellectual." Whether you like him or not, he's pretty well-known. It's one thing to say you don't like him, it's another to be disingenuous and imply he's TheAmazingAtheist or something. Or even Peterson.

>> No.9528422

Fuck you slut, you're the same from the classical thread, I ALREADY TOLD IM SUPERIOR TO YOU STOP POSTING NOW

>> No.9528448
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>> No.9528462

Not one person in this thread has offered a criticism of Harris' ideas.

>> No.9528482
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That's because he has none?

Not saying he's wrong, just that he has no ideas of his own. He's just an amalgam of rational materialism. He even says that himself. That he sees no need to do the research and come up with original ideas himself, and that he sees job as bringing that information to the masses.

In other words, he's barely sentient. What the fuck is there to talk about? You might say he holds "views"; but he has no "ideas."

>> No.9528483

TLDR on Peterson?

I only found out about him recently and was surprised to see that he has a big following?

What's going on? Why do people like him? What does he do and say that make him such a meme?

>> No.9528486

Night in the Museum 2 was a downgrade from the first one

>> No.9528497


He's actually stated that it's not accurate to describe him as a materialist. I also don't think it makes much sense to say that someone with no original ideas (if that is true of Harris) is "barely sentient".

>> No.9528504

People seem to hate him just because he has no interest in being an academic and because he's well known.

>> No.9528536


He's a psychologist that's really into evolutionary biology and psychoanalysis.

And he's a meme because he repeats the same things over and over when he's on shows/podcasts

>clean your room
>jungian archetypes
>hero figure
>dominance hierarchies

The list goes on... Plus, he's famous with /pol/ because he fights SJWs and because there have been a few incidents of him being connected to frogs. And since then he's made a video on memetics.


Just start with this. He's almost a completely different person when he teaches actual classes.

>> No.9528560


I'm clearly being hyperbolic and obnoxious. Also, the fact that he doesn't want to be described as a materialist doesn't strike me as compelling when you go by his dogmatic adherence to scientific enterprises.

>> No.9528574


He was recently asked by Josh Zepps if he thought consciousness ended with death and his response was something like "I have a space there where an opinion should be." How many materialists would respond like that? I think he values science to the degree it should be valued, but my impression is that he has a good understanding of its limitations.

>> No.9528601


>I have a space there where an opinion should be.

Can you seriously not tell he's catering to normies with responses like these? I can think of plenty of materialists that respond like that, because people take it as them being humble, while they themselves think it's an ironic answer to an unintelligible question. At the end of the day, he's dodging the answer, and that's it. He's literally saying nothing substantive.

>> No.9528602

>t. someone with a messy room

>> No.9528617
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>> No.9528670

You have to be joking

>> No.9528735

because he writes several books in defense of ethical consequentialism / utilitarianism and then reverts to ethical deontology as soon as the united states does something with bad consequences abroad (like killing tens of thousand innocents in iraq etc)

>> No.9528747
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the biggest critics of postmodernism are Marxists as well, like Fredric Jameson's "Postmodernism: the cultural logic of late capitalism" etc. Structuralist Marxists are also very angery at pomo / identity politic / poststructuralism / postcolonialism etc.

>> No.9528751
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>> No.9528756

basically peterson is a cuck

basically peterson is a cuck

>> No.9528788

But he is not wrong. The intentions matter.

If the United States goal were to rid a state of a dictator and the results were unintended deaths through a civil war that is one thing.

If their goal was to go out and conquest whatever state they were in and the casualties didn't matter that is another thing.

If they were just out seeking to kill as many people as they could and they just happened to start with Iraq then that is an entirely new thing.

>> No.9528802

Recently, I've noticed a startling correlation between dislike of Jordan Peterson and men with gynecomastia, early onset balding, and dopamine driven lives.

This is all getting pretty meta: pseudointellectual contrarians to the troll contrarian fans of an ideological driven contrarian who opposes authoritarian marxist contrarians trying to label the accepted social norms and foundations of society as contrarian.

>> No.9528808

>you actually have to be somewhat well-read to begin picking their arguments to shreds
why doesn't anyone go ahead and do that then? i find some of harris and jp's videos very entertaining but what i would really enjoy is an actual debate with somebody that can refute their arguments, but there is none. jp has said more than once that he would gladly debate any "postmodernist" that opose him but nobody wants to do it.

if they are charlatans, why does nobody discredit them?

>> No.9528820
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This guy is working to save Western society and he's doing a damn good job of it

>> No.9528833

I'm not quite sure if OP and posts like >>9526088
are trolling or not.
Either way, it's low quality and I'm not bored enough to engage with it.

>> No.9528835

The legislation really isn't that important.

>> No.9528848


It's about more than the legislation. That's surface level.

>> No.9528859

It's only the surface level to Peterson and his followers. Canadas not going to become stalinist Russia because of trannies having slightly more leverage and visibility. As some of the speakers said during petersons testimony Canada already has laws similar to this regarding things like inciting and genocide.
There might be more "transtrenders" as lgbt says but who cares?
I think Peterson is just doing all this for publicity.

>> No.9528875

real /pol/ here

he's a reddit hero, don't pay him any attention

>> No.9528879

you sound as though you didn't watch peterson and the lawyer's rebuttal to all those claims in the same video you talk about

>> No.9528885

>It's only the surface level to Peterson and his followers.
He actually spends way more time with his psychology lectures and stuff and many people watch that.
The SJW shit is just a sidekick. He might come of as an attention whore with it, but that's because pretty much no other academic dares to speak about this nonsense (and there are barely any conservative academics).

>> No.9528892

I did, I just think he overestimates people demanding to be called "xer" and stuff like that. He didn't even have he supposed list of crazy pronouns that he's so scared about. It will be forgotten in a month.

>> No.9528895

Yeah he's an interesting guy and I had a ton watching his lectures about mythology but this pronoun crap is a joke.

>> No.9528898

>He didn't even have he supposed list of crazy pronouns that he's so scared about
one of the points he made was that people, like himself, don't even know the pronouns you will be forced to use

>> No.9528899

Isn't the real problem setting the legal precedent of compelling speech? No matter the content, the form is quite an incredible new regulation of language in Western democracy.

>> No.9528902

Then he is a complete moron who didn't even research the law he was trying to criticize, what a surprise.

>> No.9528905

not knowing all the pronouns by heart doesn't equal not knowing the bill.

>> No.9528910

It's a non issue because nothin will play out in reality because of the bill. Someone might get misgendered in conversation and corrected, that's it. How is it a slippery slope in to communism?

>> No.9528913

The bill doesn't say anything about pronouns you tard, hahah. How does it feel to be such a brainwashed idiot that you are so well-versed in his position on the issue and not the issue itself?

>> No.9528915

Um, ok. I'm gay anon but I still think even a few people losing their livelihoods over not baking cakes for gay weddings is too far. If the bill won't come to much in reality, why so much stock in letting it get passed? And again, I mentioned nothing about a slippery slope to Communism, and nothing about transgender, but about the legal precedent of compelling speech. I'm not big on Peterson but I think that's a legitimate concern, regardless of its source.

>> No.9528916


>I did, I just think he overestimates people demanding to be called "xer" and stuff like that. He didn't even have he supposed list of crazy pronouns that he's so scared about. It will be forgotten in a month.

You clearly don't know what you're talking about, so let me clue you in.

He's not overestimating the number of people that want to be called by a random pronoun at all. In fact, if you would've paid attention to what Jordan has to say, one of his principle arguments is the very arbitrary nature of these pronouns and the incredibly tiny number of special snowflakes that want to use them. Time and time again, he mentions that the vast majority of trans people (who are already a small group) find this whole thing distasteful because they consider themselves born "men" or "women" at birth, and that this is appropriation used in their name by a bunch of lunatics. Which, quite frankly, is exactly what it is. Trans men and women have biological evidence supporting their choice in gender. These people have nothing. Absolutely nothing. They're ideologues without any substance, that are a 1% of an already peripheral group.

And if you would've watched an earlier video, you would've also discovered that Jordan has no problem with adding pronouns, or having a neutral pronoun added to the English language in general. He just thinks it should be a natural process that develops as people socialize, and not one imposed by the authorities.

As it stands, there is no set number of pronouns. There isn't anything. You could basically tell a person that you want them to refer to you as "bobobo" and they're obligated to do so, or it's an offense. That's fucking retarded.

>> No.9528917


>> No.9528920


>> No.9528923

I'm not sure why you're responding to me with that or what you said above. I said that not knowing the pronoun list doesn't mean he doesn't know the bill. Yet you're going on about something entirely different.

However, since you changed the subject on me and brought up this separate thing I might as well respond. He mentioned in the senate vid that he would agree with the interpretation in your link if it wasn't for something they posted on their website and then took down about how the bill was supposed to be interpreted in a certain way. The people in favor of the bill seem to ignore that and just go with what the bill says and not the higher context they put it in.

>> No.9528926

See here's the reason why I can't take Jordan Peterson seriously. No one aside from teenagers on the internet give a flying fuck about social justice warriors. Even among teenagers on the internet it's becoming a tired subject that's been pointlessly run to the ground. We have the Republicans controlling Congress and literally passing legislation to allow your ISPs to sell your information to private interests, yet for some reason all of the keyboard warriors online are still complaining about muh SJWs. In the grand scheme of things who gives a fuck about what some nobody on a college campus says? They don't pass any laws or legislation, they don't run the country, so why care? The only reason why is because complaining about SJWs is an easy trend to hop on to get attention, because the children online need to feel upset about something, but don't have any actual life experience to know what to be upset about and SJWs is the easiest low hanging fruit to grasp on.

>> No.9528934

the pronoun crap is just the symptom of the underlying issue, which is why something so stupid caused the storm it caused when he posted a stupid youtube video and it hasn't gone away after 9 months. and its not even their central problem in the bill, seriously did you even listen to his arguments

>> No.9528935

Yeah I don't know why I'm clarifying the fact that the bill won't be forcing anyone to use pronouns that they don't know even exist. But of course it will, because of my personal interpretation that allows me to justify my edgy transphobic views.

>> No.9528938

that was very childish of you

>> No.9528939

How would that ACTUALLY play out though? "Call me bonobo it's a pronoun I just made up" "no" *gets arrested* I don't think would possibly play out.

>> No.9528940

It went away after a week, but not in the minds of irrelevant /pol/babies who continue to shill him because at last they have someone sharing their idiotic views.

>> No.9528945

dumb bills being proposed to congress is not a new or recent phenomenon

>> No.9528955

>400+ articles in newspapers and blogs
>letters from the university to jp telling him to stfu
>lectures cancelled for the safety of the speakers or because of loud protesters, one of them not even a month ago i think

>> No.9528961

The poster you're replying to never mentioned SJWs and Peterson's main thing isn't SJWs.

>> No.9528963

He doesn't even go on about Pinocchio that much unless you watch the videos specifically relating to it. If anything his big phrases are clean your room and BLOODY POSTMODERNIST.

You're using /pol/ as a shit buzzword. You could argue that Peterson is anti-/pol/ because he doesn't support the anti-Jew comments /pol/ leaves on his videos.

>> No.9528966

The articles about the issue died out after a week after people actually looked into the issue. The rest is all about his new reputation which he acquired after becoming a lapdog for the internet racists and bigots that usually get protested at college campuses.

>> No.9528969

Sure thing.

>> No.9528976

>after becoming a lapdog for the internet racists and bigots
give me a single source where he displays a racist, bigoted or transphobic view, or incites violence in any way or whatever

>> No.9528977


How it works out is that they will tell you how they want to be called, and they'll get offended if you don't do it. Evidently, you're not going to be arrested because you called someone the wrong pronoun when you haven't even met.

But if you refuse to use them on principle, they consider that assault.

>> No.9528979

It's about the fact that if you chose NOT to say it, repeatedly, a social justice tribunal (yes it exists and it's really called that) would have the authority to give you a hefty fine. Precedents set it into the tens of thousands. Refusing to pay the fine would then be a much more serious offence. Not only that but companies are responsible for the compelled speech of their staff. So companies are either going to be LESS motivated to hire special snowflakes because of the potential lawsuits (counter to the intentions of the advocates "for" this group), or they would just fire the person who thinks bobobo is silly. This has ramifications, you wanting to just sweep it under the rug is basically just an excuse to stay safely apathetic about these social issues.

>> No.9528982

You can't just fucking throw something out there and then pick and choose how to interpret it. And it ain't like /pol/ actually fucking influenced any of his thought, or that the SJW meme shit that got /pol/'s attention in the first place has anything to do with his real lectures.

>> No.9528983

Your reading comprehension isn't very good.

>> No.9528984

Yeah, exactly, you can't. That's why the whole controversy stirred up by his pants on head retarded interpretation died after a week.

>> No.9528987

>died after a week
You are literally delusional. It's really strange, anon.

>> No.9528990



>> No.9528993

Sam Harris' entire objective morality argument just begs the question. He's just arguing that something is objectively bad because we say it's objectively bad.

>> No.9528994


Apparently mostly gay freaks.

>> No.9528999

>I don't think that being transgender is an ideological thing at all. What people seem to want to do is deny that trans people exist, you have it backwards.
Did you even listen to anything the guy says? Or do you get your opinion pre-chewed from tumblr/reddit?

Trans people are being taken for a ride, they are being used to further an ideological agenda. Never once has he claimed trans people don't exist. Never once has he said being trans is ideological. Actually he said the opposite. The people he is up against on the other hand believe gender/sexual identity/sex are personal choices and not informed by a biological reality. Social constructivists of intersectional gender feminism who try to force their ideology into the school system and law.

>> No.9529007

>Can someone tell me why this guy is talked about every single day when all he did was make a big stink about not calling trans people by their preferred genders?

Because people who actually have a problem with transpeople now have a more tenable narrative to push. They'll outwardly say that they don't hate transepople, they hate the marxists who use them as a political meatshield. It's the same thing people who hate fags do when they support Milo.

>> No.9529011

Or maybe they actually mean what they say and aren't hiding some sinister evil. Ever heard of charitable interpretations?


You on the other hand always assume the worst possible interpretation so you can demonize your opponent.

>> No.9529013

I understand it might be quite a shock that people don't care about the random garbage that gets reposted daily on /pol/.

>> No.9529015

I don't think a crazy person that wants to be called bobobo could hold a job in the first place so this will only be an issue for people that are legitimately transphobic who refuse to properly gender someone in a formal setting like a workplace. you still have freedom of association meaning the crazy bonobos and xers will be naturally weeded out. even though I wouldn't have a problem calling someone a crazy name if that's what they prefer, it seems kind of fun desu.

>> No.9529019

I would have agreed with you a year ago, but there is far more people who would take that position thank you think. The recent US election was like a coming out party.

>> No.9529023

>they are being used
lmao consider getting yourself checked, you might have a learning disability of some kind if that's what you consider giving the rights to minority groups have been fighting for them for ages

>> No.9529025

what is "Social constructivists of intersectional gender feminism"

>> No.9529027

>this is what /pol/ actually believes
kek and you are surprised why nobody takes you seriously

>> No.9529028

what the fuck, are you saying people who voted trump had sinister intent? and are you saying that because some people are assholes, others who hold views i disagree with are also assholes in disguise?

>> No.9529029

>this level of discourse
you're way worse than the /pol/tards desu

>> No.9529031

>taking bobobo literally and not as an example of the xer xie vie etc.
The fact that they can't hold a job because of their weirdness is exactly the tact peterson takes sometimes. That he will not play into their childish solution because it disempowers them rather than their claim that it would empower them.

He says while engaging in a discussion about said non-existent issue.

>> No.9529034

>a social justice tribunal (yes it exists and it's really called that)
who cares? am I supposed to think it's run by screeming green haired banshees because of the /pol/ internet sjw memes? are social and justice ruined words now?

>> No.9529038

The issue very much exists and it's all the shilling going on here. It's time to stop.

>> No.9529042

The right to force people to use whatever pronoun they identify with that day? The legislation Peterson is fighting against is poorly written and vague.

Also please tell how punishing people who use the "wrong" pronouns is going to help the trans community. I would argue it has the opposite effect, people don't like to be bullied into doing things and people who dislike trans folk will only dislike them even more.

You are doing it again. Do you seriously think all people who voted for Trump did so because they hate gays and trans people? Do you really think half of the population of america are bigots?


>> No.9529043

>linking a bunch of posts and greentexting is good discourse

>> No.9529045

yeah anyone that wants to be called xer or bobobo would be extremely childish, that's why they don't really exist and that's not what the bills about.

>> No.9529047

When they want to financially ruin and publicly defemate people with the label "hate crime" because they choose to acknowledge the biological truth of gender, for example, yes.

Fucking hell, so it's not important enough because everyone's forgotten after a week, then it's important enough to pay people to publicly encourage constant discussion of it? People are just interested in shit they are drawn to. Take off the tinfoil. If you want this discussion out of your life you can make that happen instantly by just quietly fucking off.

>> No.9529048

Have you watched the videos? They do exist. They are there in front of your eyes and ears. I have some at my uni. They caused a similar public outcry against a teacher for teaching evolutionary principles about gender. It exists. What more do you want?

>> No.9529049

That's not what the legislation pertains to, it isn't poorly written or vague, if you think it is, it only means that you are mentally deficient. Which is a surprising correlation with the fact that people who made it into collage actually seem not to share your views on the matter.

>> No.9529051

>When they want to financially ruin and publicly defemate people with the label "hate crime" because they choose to acknowledge the biological truth of gender, for example, yes.
like I said this bill only effects people that are transphobic.

>> No.9529052

The saddest part is that people like you actually do think it's important, and what's more, do it for free. Sorry if being called out triggers you, this isn't /pol/ echo chamber where everyone will agree with you as long as your opinion is sufficiently edgy. I know, new concept.

>> No.9529053

yeah a few crazy people that want to be called xer exist so what.

>> No.9529055

Gender isn't biological moron. It's nice to have a confirmation that people who eat this shit up are simply uneducated and stupid.

>> No.9529056


Stop belittling mental illness. Millions of people struggle with real phobias every day, and here you are devaluing the term for your cheap political points. Disgusting. Are you even an ally to oppressed intersectional groups? I doubt it.

>> No.9529057

>acknowledging biology is transphobic

>not being apathetic is sad
>throws around the /pol buzzword completely irrelevantly
Grow up.

>> No.9529058

Nice ad hominem. I am in university and gender activists don't represent the majority of anything, neither people who work for and attend universities nor minorities.

>That's not what the legislation pertains to, it isn't poorly written or vague
Are you unable to make a coherent argument? This is the equivalent of "No u!".

>> No.9529061

sorry you can't be transphobic in canada publicly any more. luckily there's hundreds of other countries for you.

>> No.9529062

It most certainly is. Sex is COMPLETELY biological. Gender is a socially constructed quality that has emerged mostly out of biology. It is not separate or distinct unless you are a fucking idiot.

>> No.9529066

Of course you are in university, just like all the other right wingers on the internet, shame that when the push comes to shove there aren't that many of you out there. But I guess that it's just another conspiracy.

There is already a link posted by someone that explains what this legislation is about.

>> No.9529070

JIDF is a big part of what makes /pol/ /pol/.

>> No.9529071

1. I am not a right winger
2. I am not canadian
3. Pointing to some link as an excuse for not being able to put it in your own words is a sign of a poor understanding and an appeal to authority.

>> No.9529072

>why doesn't anyone go ahead and do that then?
Because honestly no one outside their fanbase take them seriously (or even realize that they even exist, for that matter). Honestly just look at Harris's embarrassing fan emails to Chomsky and you'll see that Harris is a clueless nobody to anyone who is even slightly relevant.

>> No.9529073

I think you should read your post a few times over and maybe then you will figure out why what you've just written is hilariously stupid.

>> No.9529076

Oh, I don't think I will bother replying to an internet warrior who doesn't even have the slightest idea what he's talking about. Can you put on a trip for this thread, would be appreciated.

>> No.9529077

>doesn't even know what an appeal to authority is
Yeah, looks like I was right about you being both stupid and uneducated.

>> No.9529079

>buying the gender is a social construct meme
You have been mindfucked by the postmodernists.

>> No.9529081

this has to be b8

stop replying to this shitty reddit-tier "discussion"

>> No.9529082

I think it's time to go back.

>> No.9529083
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>> No.9529085
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Enjoy your memes, kid.

>> No.9529087


There it is. There you go again committing ableism! It looks like we'll be trading one form of oppression for another thanks to twats like you.

>> No.9529089
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Would people even be transphobic if transgender people looked good enough? I mostly see this as a technological issue.

Like, most of the time, you can't tell that a successful trans person is trans. You just assume they're whatever they've changed to, be it male or female.

But the idea that a guy that looks like Nurgle or an Astartes can put on a wig and dress, without doing anything else, and can now be considered a "she" is distasteful and stupid.

The idea that there's no reciprocity involved in any of this is insane. It's pretty much like saying you're good at writing when nobody thinks so. Simple delusion.

I don't care how much a guy wants to be a woman if he can't pull it off.

Thankfully, as technology advances, most of these issues will be solved.

>> No.9529090

Are you going to address anything else from that post?

>> No.9529091

Abandon thread, its beyond saving

>> No.9529092

This post has got to be bait, right?

>> No.9529095

>one side just throws around insults
>other side tries to argue with insult throwers

It's pointless you know. They are just going to call you names and assume you are a bigot so they can dismiss you.

>> No.9529096

I don't care if you are canadian or think you are right wing or not.

>> No.9529099

Hail Peterson, hail Trump! MAGA

>> No.9529100


That is what reasonable people would do, there is nothing phobic about it, its like seeing a person walking with his prolapse exposed and expect to be treated normally, you wouldn't call it assphobic.

>> No.9529101

But that's what bill C-16 is all about. It's a tiny minority having massive, consequences on society. It's what peterson talks all about

>> No.9529102


Why would it be? I would love to hear your side of it, if you think I'm so wrong.

>> No.9529104

I think I'd rather just assume it was bait.

>> No.9529105

Hellloooooo postmodernism

>> No.9529106

Why bring it up then? You seemed to care two posts ago.

>> No.9529110
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>> No.9529111

'But I'm right, it's me thats right not anyone else' wah wah wah

>> No.9529112
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>> No.9529114

That's not what that post said and you are building a strawman again, proving the point. One side in this thread is unable to hold a form of discourse that is not based on attacking the character of the other side.

>> No.9529118

I don't think I did, sorry if you don't have the mental capacity to tell posters apart.

>> No.9529119

I know that's not what you said, it was my fault I worded it the way I did. I said what I did as in impression of the people you were talking about. Sorry pal.

>> No.9529123

>uneducated person holds an edgy opinion that goes against that of the experts on the subject and gets butthurt when people call them an idiot for it
So sad.

>> No.9529128

>>9529123 I didnt even mean to call
>>9529095 out for it, I just meant to highlight what's happening.

>> No.9529135
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>i'm going to cite the opinion of "experts" without even explaining what they say and why i believe it

It's amazing how you can be so arrogant when you can't even formulate a post of your own stance. Instead, you imply the others won't read it, and take the most uncharitable stance there is. As if they're any more biased than you are, or any other person is.

>> No.9529148

Post more anime reaction pictures. But if you are unfamiliar with the consensus on the issues you're posting about that's even more depressing.

>> No.9529150

He's like an adult Kermit the frog

>> No.9529156

Top fucking kek my dude

>> No.9529159

See, you are in fact an idiot!

>> No.9529166
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No he's not. It's a fucking controversial issue and there is no concensus. What are you even trying to do?

>> No.9529167

Just because there is a consensus doesn't make it right.
The nazis had a consensus you blithering fool.

>> No.9529173


Uh, no

>> No.9529177

What's the deal with transgender people anyway?
I mean, come on. They're not transgender and they're not people.

>> No.9529178

See, he is an idiot after all! And I'm very impressed that after spending all this time in the /pol/ echo chamber you've successfully deluded yourself into thinking that.

>> No.9529182

yeah yeah boo hoo /pol/ the world is hell for cis white men we get it

>> No.9529184

The only thing you have is ad hominem.
Oh no the /pol/ boogeyman is here!
Grow up.
Try making a coherent argument next time you post.

>> No.9529186

Sorry if being called out on your bullshit triggers you so much.

>> No.9529188

ITT: oblivious sincerity vs obsfucating irony

>> No.9529191

Fuck you are so boring. How many YouTube comment threads are you trolling right now?

>> No.9529192

Are you saying the nazis didn't have a consensus?
The group is often wrong.
Don't adhere to a consensus merely because it's a consensus.
What bullshit? I said nazis had a consensus, and you didn't even have an argument you just said you're all idiots pretty much. Not an argument, not calling anything out, you're just projecting your own inadequacies, lighting /pol/ boogeymen on fire.

>> No.9529193
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I'm new to /lit/. Are threads like this very typical?

Because this is exactly like /v/.

>> No.9529196

You are incredibly entertaining on the other hand. The idea of a /pol/baby accusing someone of trolling youtube comments is certainly very amusing.

>> No.9529199

just over peterson, sam harris, anything that has topics that could be a /pol/ magnet like feminism and jews

>> No.9529201
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>pol pol pol pol pol pol pol pol pol pol pol
What next level laziness is this?

>> No.9529202

It's the consensus of the experts on their respective subjects, it's incredible how people like you have the temerity to get upset when they are called morons.

>> No.9529203


Tell me you're a /pol/tard trying to shit on the other side by trolling.

Did you learn chess with Trump?

>> No.9529204

This one's a real shitshow, but usually they aren't as bad. The threads about Peterson usually are though.

>> No.9529205

Pretty much, most other threads aren't very accessible for crossposters from there.

>> No.9529207
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It wasn't always like this, I swear

I bet it's the damn phoneposters

>> No.9529208

>I also liked that one time where he didn't release that long podcast with the crazy SJW Muslim because it "wasn't worth people's time" only to dramatize the whole thing for weeks. And then it turns out that he was pretty much a dick to that guy and even swore at him.

That crazy SJW muslim moron was a belligerent turbotard who refused to acknowledge the basic, simple points Sam was trying to make. Sam had every reason to get frustrated with that total fucking idiot. Listen to the episode again if you think otherwise.

>> No.9529209

Most people itt are trolling

>> No.9529212

>I am le triggered
Should have stayed in your containment board hugbox kiddo.

>> No.9529217
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Worst. Faggot. Ever.

>> No.9529235

He himself is a liberal you dope.

>> No.9529286



>> No.9529289


>That crazy SJW muslim moron was a belligerent turbotard who refused to acknowledge the basic, simple points Sam was trying to make. Sam had every reason to get frustrated with that total fucking idiot. Listen to the episode again if you think otherwise.

I'm not saying otherwise. The guy was a retard. But do you seriously think Sam wasn't releasing it because for our sake? Please. I don't believe that for a second. He knew that those corrupt left-leaning tabloids would rip him apart for being mean to the young Muslim man :((.

And that's why I don't respect him. Fucking commit, or don't. But don't play this game where you're trying to fight the good fight without stepping on anybody's toes.

It's fucking incredible that I should even be saying this. The man supports interventionism, but he's afraid he might lose listeners if he invites people that say unpopular truths. Like wtf.

>> No.9529293
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Can you ideologues ever hold a single discussion without returning to the same lines? You never make any arguments. It's ALWAYS an unending sequence of ad hominems or appeals to authority.

Are you even fucking human? Do you have any beliefs of your own?

>> No.9529294

>this reddit post formatting
hi /r/benstiller

>> No.9529299

You are the one who haven't made any arguments that disprove what is agreed upon by the academic circles. This isn't a matter of belief, learn that or accept being called the dumbass that you are.

>> No.9529312


>what is agreed upon by the academic circles

Which is, what? State it, you fucking mong. If you are so confident in what your "academic circles" (>implying) have a consensus on, it shouldn't be so hard for you to bring all the arguments together and present them in an unassailable fashion.

Except, oh, there is no consensus, and you're citing phantoms because you have no real arguments and can only lower yourself to insulting others to feel confident in your distorted worldview.

You're a mechanical rat that has no opinions of his own or the know-how to present them.

Go back to your fucking safe space if the concept of a discussion eludes you.

>> No.9529320

>Which is, what?
Read the thread. Looks like you are fine with 'muh ad hominems' after all :^)

>> No.9529332


>read the thread
>doesn't point to the thing he means so the other party can waste time and then he can say 'that's not what i meant'

Again, how surprising that you won't be genuine in any fashion whatever.

>> No.9529341

Yeah, I simply can't believe that people won't spoon feed you the information that's already within your reach.

>> No.9529346

The thread is full of opinions, which one are you claiming is widely supported by academics?

>> No.9529358

Are you still trying to avoid actually reading the thread?

>> No.9529369
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Jesus christ...

>> No.9529373

Yeah, I can't believe that people could be this lazy either.

>> No.9529379
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>> No.9529384


Don't bother, he is using every low-down tactic to can find to avoid being confronted and put down.

This is their strategy, to accuse you of not knowing things they won't even point to directly, which is somehow proof of you being below them and unworthy of discussion.

>> No.9529411

>This is their strategy

>> No.9529413
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>> No.9529425


It's not a conspiracy; sophistry has been a common thing for millennia, after all.

>> No.9529426

A conspiracy of the sophists indeed!

>> No.9529747

i dont disagree with this ona factual level but i dont like the tone - yeh i care abbout sjw's and gender pronoun madness, thats a big thing in my world now. it might not be for older people but so what?

>> No.9529804

'defemate' lol, this should be a word. defame + defecate

>> No.9529813

Some advice for /pol/ - stop saying you're 'at an elite university' - its very obvious you aren't; its just an instant giveaway that youre a crazy person

>> No.9530651


Mental illnesses don't even exist. Read thomas sasz

>> No.9530698

they need to be removed from society, or stripped of the platform to speak openly about their insanity.

>> No.9530721


>> No.9530965

I'll allow the public execution of furries and otherkins when we remove the sale and advertising of cigarettes, alcohol, blocking off streets for stupid things like parades, horse mounties, segway tour guides, baby yoga, and all kinds of other allowed societal illnesses.

>> No.9530974

>Another perterson thread with almost 300 replies

>> No.9531014

>It's hilarious to me how people think he's this brilliant thinker, I should say sad actually.
yeah, it really makes ya think huh..

>> No.9531015

he's the new richard dawkins

>> No.9531022

Except he's probably an order of magnitude smarter than Dawkins.

I mean, Dawkins is a science educator with the morals of a 16 year old Labour Party member.

>> No.9531039
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There's nothing wrong with him making a lot of money by itself, I think he should make as much as he possibly as long as his subscribers are happy. However there is a conflict of interest with his position as a professor and at a university, and him running a patreon which is successful because of political/ideological reasons, this dis-incentives him from changing his opinions and views if they conflict with the content that generates income for him.

My other criticism of Peterson is that he just talks about the same books/authors (Pinocchio, Dostoevsky, Gulag Archipelago, Nietzsche, etc.) over and over and over again and never seems to have read anything else.

>> No.9531101

Is the 16 year old a closet Fabian?

>> No.9531119


>> No.9531524

>My other criticism of Peterson is that he just talks about the same books/authors (Pinocchio, Dostoevsky, Gulag Archipelago, Nietzsche, etc.) over and over and over again and never seems to have read anything else.
I believe he's very well-read, but probably only mentions stuff he finds worthwhile to the subject matter.

>> No.9531547

He doesn't have ideas. There's nothing to pull apart. It's semi-Jungian, semi-Nietzschean (but more sentimental and Christian than Nietzsche) self-help.

>> No.9531701

>big stink about being legally obligated to placate the mentally ill

>> No.9531715

youre excluding that part were the United sates perpetuates a lie to the entire world about its goals and then changes them later

>> No.9531764


I'm transgender, but the people who invented new pronouns aren't experts, they're essayists. Nobody should be fined or arrested for saying anything anyone other than a legitimate threat. Can you not see that a man telling you to call them her, Xe, Xer, Non-conforming, whatever, is a case of the emperor having no clothes and nothing more than an ego-trip? I would prefer if people called me her or she, I'm not going to have them fined for it if they don't.

>> No.9532119

>he proselytizes whatever someone who calls themslef an "expert" says

>> No.9532218

You can't be a scientific expert on gender theory so much as that you have objective opinions on things. It's like moral philosphy. You might be an expert on what all the thinkers believe and have inside out knowledge of their ideology, but you can't truly prove that their particularl moral system is the one we ought to follow. This is parallel to gender theory imo

>> No.9532273

>Eduardo Viveiros de Castro
If you wanna meme a brazilian into your list, there are better choices than this guy

>> No.9532303

but muh indians!

>> No.9532365
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Like who?

>> No.9532454


I get it anon

>> No.9532456

Isn't it largely becoming hell for 'cis white men' (god forbid if they're straight too) because of SJWs and feminists? Like, when was the term 'cis white man' even used before the year 2000? People fall victim to witch hunts for having the 'wrong' opinion. The topics of transgender people and those within the LGBTQ+WTFBBQSAUCE etc. communities largely are turning into minefields for the uninitiated.

>> No.9532480


which episode has a crazy muzzy? I want to listen

>> No.9532505

>As an atheist.


>> No.9532531
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damn look at this brazilian monkey with all his hot opinions about psychology theology and shit lol

>> No.9533815

>don't respext anyone or your a faggot nyeh

>> No.9534185

well you wouldn't really know if they had committed suicide, now would you?

>> No.9534212


>a joke. Not only that, but he's completely driven by petty concerns.

>an atheist

o i am laffin

>> No.9534223

To show that this guy doesn't represent him, just like when on /sci/ you see 'as a christian I hate these creationist idiots'

>> No.9534235

lel peterson is not a psychiatrist but a coach/psychologist

>> No.9534260

Whoops I thought he said it in regards to Harris, well to say they are reaching across the aisle, virtue signalling, showing they're not biased to like him etc.

>> No.9534543

Petersons new lecture on the bible.
2~ hours long
Beginning is interesting, he talks about when he gives lectures he's not saying what he knows per se, it's a learning process.

>> No.9534709

first hour is pretty heavy on myth, dreams and jung

>> No.9535107

he's said "well, it depends on what you mean by "x"" about a dozen times.