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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 377 KB, 787x1024, 2965665103_1b67bd027e_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9525740 No.9525740 [Reply] [Original]

I REALLY hope you don't steal books (aka piracy, downloading them off off the internet without paying anything) and are for IP, /lit/.

>> No.9525747

Knowledge should be free.

>> No.9525748

I really hope you don't burden yourself down with material possessions for some nebulous idea of consumerist virtue.

>> No.9525757

guilty hehe

>> No.9525759

I buy all my books cheap amd used for $5-10. I'm not a fan of ebooks.

>> No.9525766

I prefer to "pirate" from my library, where I also pay no fees. If I cant get it on the library I buy it for pennies on the dollar used, which also ignores the author. I will pirate when I am hyped, but that doesnt happen as much.

>> No.9525775
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Of course, master!

>> No.9525781
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Acceptable-tier, you aren't stealing.

What did he mean by this?


Try writing a book first, freetard. Knowledge doesn't grow on trees.

>> No.9525792

I get all my books from bookz

>> No.9525821
File: 103 KB, 900x483, 1491665995602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What did he mean by this?

Fuck intellectual property and any other property for that matter.

>> No.9525830

IP is cuckoldry.

>> No.9525841
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fucking thieves, you need to an hero or I hope you die soon.

>> No.9525851

>not stealing physical books from people who don't love them enough
what are you doing anon?

>> No.9525857
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because the greeks, dosto, nietzsche, james joyce, faulkner, miguel de cervantes, DFW, john milton and dante alighieri are going to miss my dollas

>> No.9525879

I buy any books by authors who are still alive, especially if it's first edition.

But there's absolutely no way I'm paying for something written hundreds of years ago, 100% of which will go directly to Dr. Shekelstein

>> No.9525888

>muh greeks and other writers who wrote shit huuundreds of years ago perfectly preserved copies of their work, yes! those guys did NOTHING!!!

>> No.9525896

excuse me sir, but i am not a stupid bourgeois who thinks piracy harms anyone.
your moral judgements about /lit/eracy are not something i care about.

>> No.9525916

they left great legacies and valuable information for the common man, that's why they're in the public domain. I buy a new book if I want to feel a new book in my hands.

>> No.9525979
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I'm not talking about books in the Public Domain.

>A literal fucking marxist

>> No.9525985

I use the library like a good socialist.

>> No.9525992

>I'm not talking about books in the Public Domain.
most of the greeks that don't have public domain translations or original copy are on vases and tablets in private collection. someone manages to pirate their way to them past a museum or into a private collection really is a talented individual

>> No.9526037

>borrow book from public library
>write it down entirely by hand, like a medieval monk
>give back the book

Does this count as "stealing"?

>> No.9526043
File: 184 KB, 697x1024, spoicmawine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only pirate Warhammer books because they're ridiculously priced at like £50 each.
Got a mega with them all in.

>> No.9526046
File: 7 KB, 240x232, 1472899672440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's stil theft, that guy paid something for it.


>muh socialism

>> No.9526052


Monks really were the original shitposters.
>steal everything
>embellish your writing with funny memes
>bantz with the lads in the margins

>> No.9526056

What if I learn the book entirely by heart? Still stealing? So it's morally bankrupt when I'm borrowing a textbook and learning it by heart to succeed in an exam?

>> No.9526062

>not doing the same with pirated .epub files and releasing them in the wild

>> No.9526068


I wonder how it would look if there were an online ebook group reader where we wrote stupid comments and drew pictures in the "margins" for each other.

>> No.9526070

Must. Not. Fap.

>> No.9526072




>> No.9526076

Not only do I steal books, but I also kill as I'm doing so.

>> No.9526105
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>> No.9526157

>Try writing a book first, freetard. Knowledge doesn't grow on trees.

Not him, but It depends on what your definition of "knowledge" is. I believe that books from death authors should be free, that's for sure.

>> No.9526187

sure, but if you find them, you own them. And if you sell them to someone else, then it's his, not yours.

>> No.9527413

Maybe if you'd spend this time reading instead of shitposting you'd be less stupid. Now fuck off.