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/lit/ - Literature

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9524397 No.9524397 [Reply] [Original]

Joyce seemed like he was a walking encyclopaedia of literature

How the FUCK could one man have read so much and retained so much?

>> No.9524412

he started with the cliques

>> No.9524422

He actually read books instead of shitposting about them on the Internet.

>> No.9524423

There wasnt internet (Porn) / WhatsApp are her time.

>> No.9524430

>Joyce wouldn't have become one of the greatest writers if he had access to brazilian fart porn

>> No.9524431
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>have strict parents
>learn self-discipline early on

That's it, it's not a matter of intelligence, rather it is a matter of being able to say "I'll do this thing for 10 hours" and actually do it.
The first times you will often get distracted, but as long as you'll immediatly redirect your attention on the task at hand you'll make progress, building this way tolerance.

>b-b-but how to do it
Just do it you pussy. Sit down now, start thinking about why you should be productive, write about it, synthetize your arguments, write them on post-its and plaster them EVERYWHERE. If you're giving up on what you think you should do, chances are that you've just est arguments you formulated earlier on. Also by having reminders everywhere, you will diminish the chances of just forgetting what you were supposed to do, due to distraction.

t. anon who is slowly learning discipline: now I can easily work deliberately 8 hours everyday om what I need to do (studying piano and composition), 2 years ago I was BARELY able to tolerate 2 hours of exercise. This discipline can be applied to everything: it's not about knowing how to study piano, rather it is about knowing how to just do something for x hours.
If you need specific tips just ask.

>> No.9524433

4chan didn't exist back then

>> No.9524434

by inhaling farts

>> No.9524435

You are giving me hope, anon. Thank you.

>> No.9524617

You are right about self-discipline and the power of persistence and steady work, but littering one's house with post its sounds like an absolutely retarded idea.

>> No.9524638

Jimmy had Nora sent him her shit ziplocked in the mail which he would use to produce jenkum. The abuse of which resulted in Finnegan's wake

>> No.9524652

Wait until you hear Borges talk about literature.

>> No.9524659
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I am you but weaker. How do I stop wondering? I can't focus for several minutes without losing sight of what I am reading and start thinking of random shit. I am not talking about using my imagination and wonder based on what I read, I'm talking about thinking about my groceries or a friends/relative problem more often than I want to.
Right now as soon as I realize I did this I go back to the text, any other tips?

Sorry not my native Language.

>> No.9524677


>> No.9524697

The only thing about this that ISN'T believable is that Ziploc technology wasn't invented until 1968.

>> No.9524709

>tfw he would've'st'ed been even better

>> No.9525232
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Not that anon but meditation and yoga is not just a meme and does help focus the mind.

Really all exercise will help with concentration but yoga is legitimately focused on the mind as well so it's a bit more effective.

>> No.9525417

He didn't debilitate himself by smoking pot.

>> No.9525439

He had Funes el memorioso tier memory

>> No.9525698

He had a superior education.

>> No.9526032

The gases that constitute farts make your memory's power go beyond normal human limits, they make your entire brain become more elastic and flexible, that's how he became a master of forms
Start smelling farts

>> No.9526453

You are giving me hope, anon. Thank you.

>> No.9527359
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>are her time

>> No.9527707

thank you fellow anon, will give it a try. Any books on meditation?
I'm scared to be trapped on a Facebook girl routine.

>> No.9528463


>> No.9528943

Culdasa's "The Mind Illuminated"

>> No.9528952

>retained so much
this is really what gets me. it's not like i don't process what i read, but i'm only human. short of taking notes (which maybe i should do) i have no idea how he can recall so much knowledge, presumably years after having read a thing.