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9519792 No.9519792[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does lit think of this Oxford educated writer's opinion?

>> No.9519802

She needs to return to whatever cracker jack box she found it in.

>> No.9519807

Men won't become obsolete because they will be the ones in charge of constructing and maintaing the robots.

Artifcial wombs will make women obsolete though.

>> No.9519812

robot fear is the fear of the other rather some a real fear

so the correct answer will be something like robots are the new patriarchy and so on

>> No.9519814

How do people live like that? I don't understand this stunted view of life

>> No.9519816

>feminists have the " robo-other-gender will finally save us" meme too

The AI Gods will all be trans actually

>> No.9519817

This, and it strikes me as quite odd that someone who treats feminism as such an entrenched part of her identity would not come to the same conclusion. Isn't her belief system predicated on the idea that men run the show and women are oppressed?

>> No.9519821


Ummmmm, sweetie? The bulk of the profits go to the capitalists and then government, who perpetuate the transfer of wealth from wage dependant men to women who will always vote for a bigger government... The capitalists who hugely benefit financially from new technology will always be a small elite. Does that make you feel bad, schnookum wookums :((((

>> No.9519826

thank god I joined the Marines instead of going to uni

now I get mad pussy from over-educated ignorant broads and spend my days reading Orwell and Thucydides

>> No.9519828

Is this supposed to be ironic? Because it's true.

>> No.9519830

>now I get mad pussy

Greentext us a story or two.

>> No.9519833

Most of the autistics here are pretty much robots anyway

>> No.9519834

You mean people who look through social media to find things to get triggered about and then post it on 4chan in order to get a circlejerk going where they are validated for their beliefs?

Beats me

OP please keep this shit-tier identity politics bait on /pol/, /r9k/, or wherever this shit usually gets 5000 replies

>> No.9519844

There will be lots and lots of male on female rape in the coming years. Mark my words.

>> No.9519848

>Be me, marine
>Go to book store to find American literature about American heroes
>Hot as fuck book bitch walks up to me already undressing me to get to my perfect physique
>She starts twiddling her hair around her finger and asks me "C-can I help you find something?"
>I grab her and whisper into her ear: What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.9519851

>Does that make you feel bad, schnookum wookums :((((
no, but can you please type some more like that? It's turning me on.

>> No.9519853

lol and yet I bet she's completely against sex bots.

>> No.9519864

i'm against sex bots too

>> No.9519866

>tweeting Laurie Penny about the redefinition of masculinity and humanity for men
>self-flagellating about how useless and pathetic men are
>keep assuming Penny is a busy person, and she'll stop replying after this next tweet
>on the contrary, she keeps replying
>if anything, her tweets are only getting more avid as she goes
>suddenly she stops replying publically, and PMs you
>asks if you want to take your feminist ally status to the next level
>"Of course I do... but what do you mean?"
>she starts sending you PM after PM about how men will soon be the new second class citizens, the depth-grovellers of the future, paying off their millennia of savagery by serving women in a glorious new golden age
>each message is more salacious and oddly specific than the last
>typos proliferate, and it quickly becomes clear that she is masturbating
>at long last, after all these years of whinging self-hatred and showing up to feminazi rallies, you have finally found a neo-matriarchy NWO ultimate hyperdomme who can scratch your itch to be brutally enslaved by the superior womyn race
>ask her if she is willing to give you personal instruction in being a bootlicking SJW nu-male
>she invites you to her london flat the next evening
>show up ten minutes early, with a lump in your throat
>mind racing with anticipation and imagery
>you've had a crush on laurie penny for years
>if anyone was going to be the one to dom you, you would have wanted it to be her, but you never dared to dream it might really happen
>think of her pixie cut and fiery red hair towering over you
>she answers the door
>realize she's just a thirtysomething over-the-hill fat chick who hasn't been relevant or plausibly attractive since 2010
>she's wearing a tie for some reason
>go home and play "Hexen: Beyond Heretic"

>> No.9519867

Don't talk to me.

>> No.9519869

That. And the Twitter post.

>> No.9519870

Traps are gay

>> No.9519871


>go visit my rich asian friend from high school who goes to Harvard
>his dad also teaches business at Harvard
>hanging around his house one day
>hot ass blonde who tutors my friend in math shows up
>she is some math genius but who cares numbers arent real lol
>friend has been trying to smash her for months
>she asks how long I've been going to MIT
>lol im in the muhreens and got a 2.1 GPA in High School
>mfw I visit her dorm at MIT the last day im there and get sucked off, knowing I will never experience the prestigious life and opportunities she has and how she will probably marry some rich ivy asshole but rn she is getting face fucked by a proletarian poor boy.
>get turned on by this
>cum in her mouth without warning
>friend still salty to this day

>> No.9519874

Masculinity and toxic masculinity is a subject worthy of discussion though. It's interesting.

>> No.9519882

The second sex bots happen all the hand-holdless make-believe-Christian/Pure-Aryan-warrior basement dwellers will get them and experience something like sex. I'm not sure if this is going to make them chill out and start acting like normal people, in which case I'm for it. But I can also see it just making them worse by giving them some measure of power over something.

>> No.9519886
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>proletarian poor boy

the working class is growing stronger

>> No.9519887
File: 402 KB, 689x913, feminism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly my first thought is of the thousands of articles like pic related

it's a hilarious hypocrisy

women love to explain how they don't need men but are horrified at the idea that men might not need them

one suggests the other isn't true

>> No.9519892
File: 65 KB, 318x467, castrato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one become as pathetic as dan snow?

>> No.9519895


>> No.9519897

This will enable genetic selection as its finest.

>> No.9519900

That's the most hilariously detailed "sweetie" post I've ever seen

>> No.9519902

>tfw saw the end coming back
>wonder if that means it's probably true

>> No.9519912

Not even sure if fictional or unironically real, so that's a 10/10 post for me.

>> No.9519914


sex bots, or just greater consumerist invasion into self-pleasure in general will be a dangerous line to cross

although the threshold is ambiguous it is the force of capitalism to make everything achievable yet nothing to delimit it
this process of elimination into the realm of totality forces the anchor of the real to un-plant itself

sex bots will not make them "chill-out"
regardless the danger is not mostly on them but on the institution of sex in general and the ambiguity becomes greater and the limits of permissible spaces become totalitarian to the point where the obscene is depicted as the mundane and so on

ie, the zizekian fantasy-real

>> No.9519917

>Implying the genetic selection isn't already happening and has been happening since the dawn of humanity
>Implying that 'muh genes' is anything more than a spook

>> No.9519920

Haha nice.
I work on oil rigs after dropping out of uni
>start using tinder after break up
>meet a red haired uni student
>tell her I work offshore and have my own company for tax reasons
>she calls me a tax dodging bastard and gets up to leave
>I get her another drink so she sits down
>30mins later she is at my flat
>Fuck her extremely hard and roughly
>spit in her face
>"your Nothing but 3 holes and a heartbeat"
>she loves it and tell me I have a great dick
I still jerk off to the mental image of her huge ass which I spanked till it was redder than her hair.
Damn it feels oddly good to tell that story.

>> No.9519923


>> No.9519924

>people on 4chan having sex
>people on 4chan pretending to have had sex
pick one

>> No.9519929

>Will robots make men obsolete?

No, but they will make women obsolete. Nice damage control, though.

It's hilarious how triggered roasties are because of those new realistic sexbots.

>> No.9519953

>The second sex bots happen all the hand-holdless make-believe-Christian/Pure-Aryan-warrior basement dwellers will get them and experience something like sex.

Not denying people like this exist, but are you really trying to pretend that Stirner quoting /leftypol/ commies are Chads? Far right and far left are both mostly autismos.

>> No.9519956

Sorry, what?

>> No.9519958

I'm Swedish. There's hope for me. Finland has already discussed implementing a universal basic income.

>> No.9519965

arousing if true

>> No.9519978

>>she loves it and tell me I have a great dick
>not replying with y-you too
you had one job

>> No.9519980


>> No.9519982

>post physical world
Do people actually believe that our current technological era will last forever? We'll run out of oil before the end of the century, and then it's back to farming.

>> No.9519989

>back to farming
it's always farming

and technology doesn't go backwards

>> No.9519990

>and technology doesn't go backwards
Have you ever heard of the Middle Ages?

>> No.9519994

it might shock you to find out that some of us actually do well socially

>> No.9519995

>Do people actually believe that our current technological era will last forever? We'll run out of oil before the end of the century, and then it's back to farming.
>being this fucking stupid
not everything you see on the Daily Show is gospel anon

if anything we need oil reserves to deplete in order to properly explore alternatives

you remind me of all the dumb cunts actually worried about global warming when we in fact have countless available contingency measures when/if the temp goes up beyond reasonable numbers

>> No.9520007

No alternative energy is currently feasible, and the lack of petroleum energy will greatly slow the development of it. Expect to see suburbia be quickly depopulated.

And yes, global warming has had, or will have, a point of no return.

>> No.9520009

Why didn't you fuck her?
More stories plz

>> No.9520018

i have heard of it
it is generally made to believe that there was darkness but it is not true
totalitarian maybe, but not when compared to the end-period of roman decline

>> No.9520031

This is some sad projecting, anon.

>> No.9520042

>And yes, global warming has had, or will have, a point of no return.

we could just paint all the roads and roofs white and the world temp would go down

there's plenty of very significant ways we can lower the planet's temperature, such as releasing appropriate chemicals in the stratosphere

global warming isn't scary at all

>> No.9520046
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>we could just paint all the roads and roofs white and the world temp would go down

>> No.9520058

Google it you stupid faggot, it's true.

This is why I hate non-stem majors.

>> No.9520076

>No alternative energy is currently feasible
Key word 'currently'. As soon as the price of oil starts going up, we will replace it with nuclear, hydroelectric, solar, wind, etc. We will never run out of energy, bar a totally unforeseen catastrophe

>> No.9520087

This is your brain on capitalism.

>> No.9520124

she was on her period, but I honestly just wanted a blowjob.

>> No.9520217

stop giving yourself a name on 4chan. You can get banned for trying to make a profile on an anonymous website.

>> No.9520225
File: 27 KB, 594x184, summer-2017-calendar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9520384


IT alone involves shitloads of physical labor. I could only imagine building and maintaining a giant automation plant.

What a clueless bitch.

>> No.9520489


Especially now that traps basically fill their role.

>> No.9520683

>We'll just have to find new ways for men to be human.
I like it. Witty.

>> No.9521035

>we could just paint all the roads and roofs white
Make the White House White Again!

>> No.9521079

But more men work and more men do more complicated, less replaceable (with automation) work too.

I don't get it, pure manual labour has been obsolete in large quantities for over a century. Short of the 1 defining feature of females, their womb, what can women do that men can't do, equally or better?

>> No.9521087


>I like it. Witty.

You are such a bootlicker.

>> No.9521109

>go home and play "Hexen: Beyond Heretic"

Thank you, anon.

>> No.9521128

No robot will be able to do mental gymnastics like you.

>> No.9521129

I don't value the thoughts of dykes or ugly chicks

>> No.9521142
File: 430 KB, 1440x2000, android waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually far more likely that women become obsolete once androids can be made that replicate the wife experience. No need to go through the hassle of getting a woman to fuck you if you can just make the perfect robot waifu.
Of course we're a long way off from that and it's not likely to happen even if robo-waifus are invented because we'll need to put a social stigma on them to survive.

>> No.9521146
File: 63 KB, 378x567, Laurie_036-378x567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.9521152
File: 131 KB, 1024x732, obama laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geezus Christ my sides

>> No.9521162

>now I get mad pussy from over-educated ignorant broads and spend my days reading Orwell and Thucydides
yes numale, spend your day trying to satisfy women and reading, be a good puppy.

>> No.9521165

eating pussy is always a pleasure, especially from smug women

>> No.9521167

>I'm Swedish. There's hope for me.
lol no there isn't.

>> No.9521168

An Oxford education is a noneducation. It's trash.

>> No.9521179

Technology didn't go backwards in the middle ages.
Only political and social systems became smaller and fragmented but the whole "dark age" thing is a wrong conclusion drawn by historians from the XVII and XVIII centuries

>> No.9521182

How is that witty

>> No.9521194

This one is amazing, she gets demolished by "the rudest man in Britain"

>> No.9521456


In a heartbeat honestly.

The only issue is that she's into polyamory, and that would make me uncomfortable.

>> No.9521486


I think its a poor attempt at witticism. This thread is shit.

>> No.9521490

Can you repeat that? This time in english please.

>> No.9521497

>autistic nerd virgin stimmed up white male anti-normies are the once creating AI
>AI will be on the side of roasties

don't think so

>> No.9521509

Except the biggest heat sink is the ocean which is expanding as we lose ice. And we can't paint the fucking ocean white.

This is why I hate first years in stem.

>> No.9521512

Sex bots make reality less real due to the perversion of technology and will disturb the society and relationships for everyone

It is better if sex bots are strictly regulated like prostitution

>> No.9521519

I suspect we'll crack sustainable clean energy in the next 50 years. Global Warming I'm not so certain about. Certainly if we crack the energy problem the warming problem won't matter quite as much.

If we huge amounts of long term sustainable energy there's really no problem we can't find a way to overcome environmentally speaking.

>> No.9521532

I was more interested in your limits of permissible spaces become totalitarian line

>> No.9521538

>and will disturb the society and relationships for everyone
Feminism has already done that. Sex bots will usher in the end of feminism.

>> No.9521546

It has to do with the idea of totalitarian consumerist freedom

>> No.9521553

how can consumerist freedom be totalitarian, i don't understand

>> No.9521559

No, only more ideological degeneration

>> No.9521564

It is an exercise in futility

>> No.9521573

I studied at Oxford, and I can tell you the standards have been lowered significantly - so much so that a degree from Oxford is nothing more than just an expensive piece of paper.

>> No.9521583

How easy is it to get a scholarship or equivalent?

>> No.9521590

As an able white heterosexual man? Good fucking luck. That essay better be fucking amazing, because otherwise you don't stand a chance.

>> No.9521602

Video of her getting absolutely BTFO by based Starkey


>> No.9521606
File: 247 KB, 1920x1080, 1494911445188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done, you earned this (You)

>> No.9521623

this does nothing to contradict the fact that men will be far less redundant in an advanced AI future than women because the ones maintaining and building and researching AIs will be computer scientists , sofware engineers , mathematicians, statisticians and simillar who are overwhelmingly men.

>> No.9521634


As someone starting a PhD there in the bioscences pretty soon, what you're talking about is just a general downward trend nearly all humanities departments worldwide are going through. Oxfords scientific departments are better than ever, especially in the biosciences and computer science fields.

The fall of humanities is frankly an economic consequence of the conversion of universities into degree mills rather than necessarily places of learning and such. This means a lessening of funding for all humanities departments, while an increase of funding and preference for the sciences. With this decrease in funding the publish or perish mentality has functionally caused everyone who ins't pushing an idealogy hard to eventually lose their job, making the departments more idealogical and more crap. This will continue until something is done about it.

On the bright side it's making post graduate research in STEM more productive year by year. Which is good for me I guess

>> No.9521644

Even though I studied history and international relations (part of the humanities department) I have to agree with this critique. I shit you not, every single woman in my class chose feminist research topics for their dissertations. Literally every fucking title was something like 'Subject X from a feminist / gendered perspective' or 'Women in X and how they experienced Y'

>> No.9521698
File: 796 KB, 1000x4624, 1470592364084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are fucking stupid.

>> No.9521755

How can reality become less real anon? How is technology "perverted"? This kind of rhetoric doesn't have any basis behind it.

The issue, which I think we both agree on, is that a robot providing sexual pleasure will potential destabilise traditional familial relationships/render them less common.

How is the stimulation of your penis by a robot less "real" than from a human? Seeing it as otherwise is pure ideology fetishising sexual relations/the family unit.

>> No.9521761 [DELETED] 

Men having certain jobs reflects career path options/flexibility rather than intelligence. Reading this as a basis for female intelligence shows your stupidity.

>> No.9521762
File: 28 KB, 480x480, 1494987696411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can choose to hide the thread
>gets triggered instead and chooses to click on it and reply
Really activated my almonds

>> No.9521769

Tripfags belong in concentration camps

>> No.9521778

The fact that you missed the point of the image shows your own stupidity.

>> No.9521821

>she calls me a tax dodging bastard and gets up to leave

Have you ever spoken to an actual human being before?

>> No.9521843

nice one laddy
posh chicks love abit of rough it's true

>> No.9521848

And without surprise, it's illogical and unreasonable. Machines still need to be maintained, they need to be built, they need resources. With artificial wombs, women will no longer be needed. This is a logical conclusion.

>> No.9521967

sorry was at work

1 not reality as is but reality as a person would perceive it, not the physical reality but the non-perceivable parts of the society in which he lives in
2 some technology in it's current form allows the user to close himself to the world, online media gives the semblance of the reals but it is not, there is a layer of "there and not there" on it

3 that issue is irrelevant because destabilization has already begun without sex robots, also robots are not made for sex

4 it is physical sure but it is just a masterbation tool, it cannot replace sweat, blood and warmth, and even if it can replicate it there is a barrier it can never pass

sexual relations is agreement of individuals to enter a covenant with each other.

a robot is forced into it by programming, one does not have "sexual relations" with a dildo etc

>> No.9521983


Jesus you are stupid. No global warming doesnt have a point of no return its a scam to make money. If you want to stop it complain to india and china, if you actually believe it.

Yes, alternative energy is fully feasible. You can create generators from one barrel of nuclear waste that can power a small village for 50 years. You dumbshit.

>> No.9522007


Also not to mention nuclear fusion is all but a reality. The reason they dont push the pedal to the floor on the research is because it will btfo the energy market.

Too bad lockheed martin is making portable reactors to do everything from power their future mech drones to powering your house.

>> No.9522014

Underrated post. If you're fucking women with vaginas in 2017, fucking off yourself

>> No.9522023


Not to mention house battery technology and the fact nanotechnology developments directly correlate to better solar panels.