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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 471 KB, 692x466, Everyone who has found true love may go home early today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9508183 No.9508183 [Reply] [Original]

>Want to be a writer
>Everything you write is shit

>> No.9508199

>don't want to be a writer
>everything you write is good

But it's like a community college "good", which translates into a real world bad.

>> No.9508208

>Want to be a writer
>Can't stop writing long enough to edit.

It's a special kind of Hell.

>> No.9508211
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>never wanted to be a writer
>everything you write is solid gold

>> No.9508222

>Actually not bad at writing, have had your work read or listened to literally more than half a million times but mostly through unpaid channels.
>This paralyses you from working on longer projects cause you're now more afraid of failure because it would mean you fucked up something you had the means to get right the first time.

12,000 words in.

>> No.9508224
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>Want to be a writer
>Everything you write is shit

>Decide to cover up your bad storytelling with pretty drawings
>Your drawings are shit

>> No.9508225



>> No.9508411

>Want to write
>Other obligations keep me from pursuing it as a hobby

>> No.9508476


You only need four hours of sleep for every 20 hours up.

>> No.9508645
File: 127 KB, 300x169, writing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to be a writer
>what you write is solid gold
>such a low work ethic that you may as well be gold panning

It sucks not being able to work hard.

>> No.9509470

read meditations

>> No.9509576

>want to be a writer
>not awful
>Have crippling anxiety
>want to write science fantasy
>Become embarrassed as fuck when I even try to tell randoms on the Internet my synopsis.

How do professional writers do it? I watched a BBC interview with a crime writer explain his story as "a former nfl quarterback gets concussion during a match, and wakes up with autism and picture perfect memory. So becomes an amazing detective." How can you not only be not embarrassed to say that, but actually proud and manage to sell the concept to readers?

>> No.9509601

That's tough because writing's the clay editing shapes. Breathe, senpai..

>> No.9509700

Keep on writing, then. Keep it up and see your works as the result of pure and good efforts

>> No.9509811

That sounds about like my life right now.

>> No.9509814

Ideas don't matter and are super cheap, that's how. That guy understands that it doesn't matter how retarded the initial idea is because he has the developed skill to flesh it out into an interesting novel.

>> No.9509819
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>Want to be a shit writer
>Everything you write is shit

>> No.9509833
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>don't want to be a writer
>want to write a short story
>don't feel like writing down notes outlining the story and the details

>> No.9510552

It takes time and hard work. No author breezes through it.
>Calling your own work solid gold.
Yes dear mommy is proof of you.
What kind of writing?
>Doesn't work hard but thinks he writes gold.
In what other profession is this possible.

>> No.9511189


Talent is a prerequisite for all Art, Mr. "MUH 10,000 HOURS"

>> No.9511375

>wants to own a pool
seems so far out of my reach

>> No.9511445
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>want to be a fantasy writer
>everything I write is better than most fantasy I've read

>> No.9511486
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i dont want to be a writer anymore, i want to play accordion or have a happy life

i never wanted this

>> No.9511871
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>tfw you will never wake up in your apartment on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh that's above a neighborhood coffee shop. Your window fan slowly spinning only managing to move the humid summer air around the room, never cooling it. The sweat of last nights sleep rolls from your brow down your cheek. Rising and lumbering to your antiquated typewriter that you bought to feel like 'one of the real old-school guys.' Then after leaving your hands resting over the keys for what feels like several minutes looking up and out of your desk window onto the streets below you, seeing the people move about, the ants, the cogs, each playing the role they were given in order to make this moment all the more blissful. Then, you begin.
Why live?

>> No.9512007
File: 44 KB, 540x300, I hope my eyes deceive me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You thought this was good enough to force other people to see?

Please think before posting next time.

>> No.9512522

>he takes greentexting seriously

>> No.9512566
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>in what profession is it possible to create gold without working hard

Anything where the work doesn't have to be completed to be consumed.
If you had a talent then you might understand.
Alas, I bet you were one of those kids who actually had to study to get good grades.

To be fair to the lad, greentext is meant to be shit.
He did fuck up by including punctuation though.

>> No.9512946

What self righteousness. Where's your mastetpeice then? Us plebs are waiting for you. Please show your talents to the world, please Mr solid gold, show me how much of a stupid pleb I am when you can so easily craft genius.

>> No.9512955

Nobody is born a good writer

You get better with time and effort, mainly through just reading a lot. Spend a lot of time reading a lot of quality works

If you're looking for books with practical advice, I suggest John Gardner's The Art of Fiction

>> No.9512964

Something helpful! Thanks anon. I legitimately appreciate this.

>> No.9512968
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>want to be a writer
>don't write
>everything you write is shit

wow it's almost like you have to practice or something

>> No.9512977

>want to be a writer
>if I could force myself to sit down and write, the words would flow and my book would be written easily
>instead of writing, I waste away watching junkfood media, masturbating to porn, doing other stupid shit on the internet
>barely even read books anymore

I'd be a famous writer, but I'm drowning in my addictions. Anyone else know this feel? Plus I work a full time job that drains a good amount of my energy already...

>> No.9512984

No you dont. This guy >>9512566
Has talent out the ass. He's gonna show us you just put whatever you want on the page unless you are a no talent pleb

>> No.9512990

All you need is a group of friends who also lack talent.

You and your friends can all agree to promote each other's work while writing about similar themes with similar style. Maybe some of you can write reviews in magazines, others can teach English classes where you introduce people to writers in your group. Boom, now you're talented.

>> No.9513000
File: 298 KB, 884x902, ...I'm not going to cry... Last time I cried, they all laughed at me....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, exactly...

I hate how I know what I'm doing to myself, but I refuse to change.

>> No.9513002

What are you, 18, 19.

You don't read, you don't practice, you aren't good. You don't start, you'll never be good. Great writers don't think they are great. Even the most narrcistic ones have a respect for the craft. Even they know that they can't understand all of it.

>> No.9513016

> Great writers don't think they are great.

Lots do. I don't just think I'm great----I come up with stuff in the plot of my book that blows myself away. I go "How the fuck did I come up with that? Holy shit that's cool" as if it was some other person who gave me the idea.

I'm not so conceited that I think everything I write is good, I know some my chapters are pretty weak, but others are very strong and phenomenal.

>> No.9513019
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>want to write
>do something actually useful instead

best decision ever tbqh
highly recommended

>> No.9513036

Name the worst writer you can think of. He does that. He think that his idea is so fucking grand and amazing that he's not sure how he got to it. Then he writes it and you call it shit. I do that. Everyone does that. Actually TRY, and you'll find out you have a lot of work to do. I don't think you suck though.

>> No.9513065

>shitposting here


>> No.9513117

>Name the worst writer you can think of. He does that. He think that his idea is so fucking grand and amazing that he's not sure how he got to it.

They get an idea----and think "My FANS will love this" or "This is a great idea that will SELL books!" etc.

What I said was, I surprised myself, myself only, without thinking in a framework of other readers, but it's also as if they idea did not come from myself (but something else). It was given to me, by another part of myself that is hidden within myself.

There's a difference between this feeling I am describing, and the feeling J.K. Rowling felt when she was in a coffee shop and thought "I've got this great idea that about a magical school that a lot of people are going to like!"

What I feel, is like me looking in the mirror, and the other self in the mirror leans forward to whisper a secret in my ear. Not some schlock that a committee for a ghost writer pass around and talk about the "selling points" and "how good this will be".

I may not be famous, but I will at least have a cult following. This is a fact.

>> No.9513182

You have Delusions of grandeur. Please allow me to see some of your masterwork.

It's very common for a writer to do this. It's even a television trope. Just because you think you are masterful doesn't mean that you are.

>> No.9513183

Keep at it. I'm always very critical of what I write as well, but I know it's light years better than what I wrote a few years ago. I think it's a lot more encouraging to see that there are problems even if your ability has yet to improve enough to resolve them. than to be whatever is the equivalent of tone-deaf or color-blind when it comes to writing. So keep at it, improve, find other problems, etc. There will always be things that you will find wrong or be critical of, but hopefully at some point it will be things that most people are simply unable to see.

>> No.9513206

What is that like? I can't even imagine not despising my own creations.

Like, you can look at something you did and think, 'yes, I am proud of this,' instead of cringing and wanting to destroy all evidence that you ever tried anything?

How do I stop hating myself?

>> No.9513212

Do you read and write often? Or do you spend more time online?

>> No.9513229

>If you had a talent then you might understand.
You're cute if you think finding writing easy means being a good writer.

>> No.9513243

I read often. I find writing more difficult. I'm able to limit my shitposting time to one or two hours a day.

But I don't just hate my garbage efforts at creative writing. I hate how shitty I am at everything I do.

>> No.9513250

Thats called low self esteem. Not being an asshole, have you left high school yet?

>> No.9513256

>Want to write my story
>Don't know how to write in third person limited

>> No.9513261

I'm 31 years old.

>> No.9513264
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>want to be a writer
>can't read

>> No.9513267

Why are you down on yourself then? What's your situation?

>> No.9513268

Good thing there's plenty of good fiction written in third person limited for you to learn from

>> No.9513276

>Have everything down for your story.
>Your prose is awful
fucking hell just kill me.

>> No.9513289

care to give a few

>> No.9513297

I devoted years of my life to a field of study, and have little to show for it beyond a piece of paper. Now I work a boring job I don't care about as I look for some other skill I can learn or way I can do something worthwhile with my skills and education. But I don't see anything. I'm unable to do anything of value.

>> No.9513302

Is your job in your field of study? Are you married? Is there any passion in your life?

>> No.9513304

No. Engaged. I don't know.

>> No.9513310

Portrait of the artist as a young man is a good one.

>> No.9513319

I'm trying to write a novel about uncertainty. I'll be entering college late sometime this year or next and it saves me, and that's what I want to write about.

The emotion can sometimes bring you along

>> No.9513329

I don't have any projects or goals to work toward. Partly because I don't believe I can be successful, and partly because I have no clue what I should even be doing with myself.

>> No.9513339

What does your fiance want?

>> No.9513345

>want to be a filmmaker
>dream of doing a revolution in the poor film aesthetics of my country
>need to have a good script in hand before getting to real work
>written scripts are either shit or too expensive to start working on
I just wish I was rich or had a genius storyteller working in a team with me as Buñuel did.

>> No.9513357

She has career goals she is working towards. We both want a comfy life together.

>> No.9513384

You should tell her about this problem.

Otherwise you should try something new.

>> No.9513389

She knows how I feel, and is supportive and encouraging.

I'm just useless.

>> No.9513400

I don't think I'm masterful. I think that things have been revealed to me. Everything in life that happens is a revelation.

>> No.9513405

Do not become a creative if your soul motivation comes from simply liking the idea of being one, bloody Wikipedia/celebrity generation.

>> No.9513423

Look you concitied fucker, if you were truly a writer or artistic individual at heart, then that need to express would be so necessary to your being, you couldn't help but not create; to not write would be out of the question, since it is essential, it would be greater then your life itself, and you wouldn't be sitting there jerking your precious time away.

>> No.9513439

Only if you stop trying

>> No.9513443
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>want to be a write a fantasy novel with Introspective thought, etc

>Read a lot of medieval literature. Also, read how life was for the peasant and nobles.

>Read on how the economies worked back then. ( How money moves, different nation's currency, where money is centered around, banks, institutions, and more.)

>Read up on different types of armor and weapons( and how much they cost.)

>read up on how actual guilds worked back then.

>Also magic.(Not really an important to the characters, but important to the story and lore.)

>Have everything outline for my first novel and what's going to be.

>I wrote my Prologue as a dream with the main character

>The First Chapter is just the Main character waking up, and starting the day, and doing what he/she is obliged to do much to his/her sad and or depression, and yearns to be something more than a filthy peasant.

>Realize this are a big no-no, so I had to restart anew.

>Months have passed since I had to start anew. No matter what I write it just comes out a gibberish when compared to the first.

Every time I reflect on this something dies inside. My heart just sinks, and I get really depressed. All I want is the feeling to end

>> No.9513454

Whenever I get stuck in a project I set it aside and start writing bat shit crazy stuff that I wouldn't show anyone. Just to get moving again.

I suggest starting your fantasy book off with the same medieval setting, but the prologue is a description of an ongoing ancient alien invasion that has lasted three generations. Chapter one, your hero's leaves his family and small plot if worthless earth to crusade against the demon horde.

It will still be shit but maybe going in a crazy direction will remind you of what you really want to write.

>> No.9513535

I say this neither out of Malice or sociopathic joy. But you should kill yourself. The feelings you are feeling will never stop. And surely deep know you know you will never write the novel the way you want to.

>> No.9513542

>want to write a story/book
>came up with great characters
>can't come up with a plot

>> No.9513545

Starting off with a dream may be an overused trope BUT if the dream is actually effectual within the story and does more than just trick the reader into a plot without consequences then it can be interesting. At least that is what I think.

>> No.9513570

Don't give him false hope anon. The publisher will ever accept a story with a cliche opening like that. They even have a rule for that

>> No.9513594

Why are you so negative on an anonymous board? Writing is hard and tiring enough even without the crabs in this bucket grabbing on to ones developing legs.

>> No.9513611

If you can't take stern criticism then perhaps you should discuss your piss-poor derivative tripe someplace else where the content is comparatively asinine.

>> No.9513617

You aren't going to make it anon.

>> No.9513626

Your "criticism" is asinine in and of itself. In fact your post that I responded to really can't be classified as criticism. You are obviously angry for some reason. Please try directing that anger at yourself rather than others that might still make something of themselves that goes beyond internet bullying.

>> No.9513628

Learn to read. I never spoke out against criticism. The post I responded to has no constructive content and is even factually wrong. It is negative for negativities sake.

>> No.9513632

stop being so sensitive.
and dont start stories with dreams.
this isn't 100 years ago.

>> No.9513643

How about you start being more sensitive? It might even help you write something of value.>>9513628

>> No.9513645
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>want to be a writer
>know I will probably never be successful
>still, I write the things I want to write and work toward the goal of finishing something and getting it self-published
>It probably won't make any money, but I'll be happy I did it at least

>> No.9513656

I was simply criticising your criticism of the critique of the poor criticism of a derivative opening. And am now criticising your criticism of said instance of criticising your criticism of the critique of the poor criticism of a derivative opening.

>> No.9513667

You haven't even read the opening. You just swallowed the preconceived idea that there are certain "no-goes" when writing that are not to be used under any circumstances. This is wrong and it is people like you that stifle the art-form.

>> No.9513669

Anon needs to come in terms of what is happening.
Readers don't give a shit about how the economy works, or a tax policy. They don't care if the value of coin dropped or raised. Neither will they care if its gold, silver, or bronze.

They don't care if a peasant is wearing wool tunics or if a noble has his family coat of arms. They don't care what weapons the character has nor will they care if they are wearing any armor at all.

Do you really think they will give a shit how guilds actually worked back in the day?

No what readers what is something like twilight or hunger games, Eragon, red rising and many more.

He's wasting his time. Introspective fantasy novel? Nobody going to read that.

>> No.9513672

>want to be a writer
>actually quite talented
>doesn't matter because nobody cares about books anymore

>> No.9513675

Hold christ underground, you people need to stop fantasising over the 'idea' of being a 'writer'. How about this - just write? I met so many hopeless and talentless hacks at art school who were only there because being like kandinsky or Bacon seemed like an attractive lifestyle to them. You either make art, or you don't - it's that simple.
Now, wether it's good art or wether someone will pay you for it is something else entierly...

>> No.9513678

>want to be a writer
>write hundreds of pages
>go back and read what I wrote to edit things a bit, fix errors, etc.
>its trash
>delete it all
I lost count of how many times I've done it so far.

>> No.9513681

I do write, you nerd. I'm working on the third revision of my first novel right now.

>> No.9513693
File: 37 KB, 340x274, 1486583767226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it even possible to enjoy your own writing? You will never see it as others will. You will never be able to bring your experience to it -- because that's all it is.

>> No.9513700

>ou either make art, or you don't
Or, you know, you could be both ways. Christ. I know this is an innocent enough post and there's some truth to it but /lit/ can be such a pain in the fucking ass with its arbitrary fucking ideologies.

>> No.9513711

Well I mean enjoying your own writing seems kind of masturbatory. I imagine musicians don't listen to their own music for enjoyment on their spare time.

>> No.9513719

I don't know about you but my writing is masturbation. I'm sure not writing for some grand message for the masses.

>> No.9513730

Yeah okay sure, fair enough. I suppose it's a bitterness I've developed over the years having been around many conceited and disingenuous artists. Still, I believe very strongly that true brilliance and genius only arises from complete emotional immersion and obsession.

>> No.9513762

To add, this whole 'i want to be a writer/artist' thing is totally absurd to me. It's the result of a generation of kids being told "you can be anything you want when you grow up". Now, there's nothing at all wrong with that in essence, but this attitude produces individuals who are more concerned with the concept and the personality of the 'be' rather than the straight up 'being'.

>> No.9513772

What is the "straight up being"? How, if I, for whatever reason, feel an immense desire to express myself and fail in doing so again and again, do I "straight up be" an artist?

>> No.9513811

In regards to the motivation for creating the art. I'm not claiming to be an authority on *who is or who isn't* an artist, that's just absurd as well, no one has such a claim.
There's just a staggering volume of students (and even many successful professionals) of the creative disciplines who have little to no passion or true sincerity, and ultimately produce work of low worth. The art market (for example) is saturated with garish derivative trash produced by glorified craftsmen who don't even know why they do what they do.
Art made in the absence of passion and that deep, existential yearning is cold and almost inhuman.

As for your example, if the desire to express is coming from a place of sincerity then you're good, just loose the idea of needing to 'be' anything and just be.

>> No.9513819

>writing scenes set in 1700
>know near fuck all about the time period beyond cliches.

>> No.9513823

Well I write stuff with the same themes that I'd like to read myself. But I wouldn't actually sit down and read my own work for any other purpose than looking it over and editing.

>> No.9513830



get out

>> No.9513959
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>wheres your masterpice
The same place as my work ethic.

I'm glad that somebody understands.

You're cute if you think talent just means "finding writing easy".

I feel like the word 'alas' has been unfairly panned just because JK Rowling used it.

>no great artist has ever struggled to make art at some point

Wew lad.

>> No.9513980

>don't want to be a writer
>don't write
>everything i don't write is shit

>> No.9514119
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I knew sometime once who felt the same way as you about anon. She killed herself due to the crippling depression. Sooner or later you to shall share that same fate. Knowing you are just lying to yourself about finishing that novel mostly so you have some sort of motivation to get out of bed. But as days turn to weeks and weeks to months and months turn to years. You will soon realize it was all for naught.

>> No.9514125
File: 51 KB, 657x527, 8nLFCVP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to be a writer
>all of your unique and notable life experiences involve immense suffering
>too painful to write about

>> No.9514129


Double-shot of Bell's, then start banging on a keyboard

Painful memories make the best writing material.

>> No.9514134

>>9508183 many are called, but only few are chosen

>> No.9514153

>You either make art, or you don't - it's that simple.

When van Gogh was having his attacks and stopped painting for long periods of time, did he stop being an artist?

Are you only an artist while engaged in the act? Do you stop being an artist when the work is complete and until you start another?

>> No.9514156


>tfw Stephenie Meyer was chosen, but not you

How sad, anon

>> No.9514253

Your handwriting?

>> No.9514291


>> No.9514350

>blows myself away. I go "How the fuck did I come up with that? Holy shit that's cool
Yeah, definitely a teenager.

>> No.9514355

Didn't she berate her own novel

>> No.9514369

Fuck off back to /r/writing. We're not here to hold you hand and tell you you can do anything and that everything you write is good.

>> No.9514374

>preconceived idea that there are certain "no-goes
There are.

>> No.9514380

Neither will 99% of readers

>> No.9514386


And all it takes is one bad review by someone in that one percent to push the others away from every touching your book.

Just one.

>> No.9514399

You're both missing my point, or I'm probably not communicating myself clearly enough. Refer to ~

>> No.9514413

That one guy will already expect it and sigh when his expectations turn out true.

>> No.9514415


There's nothing wrong with the desire to be something.

>> No.9514501
File: 17 KB, 274x276, nigeldone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made a point.
I disagreed.
That doesn't mean that i'm missing it.

>> No.9514550


>> No.9514555
File: 28 KB, 600x544, a-terrible-idea.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're procrastinating because you're afraid of failure. Stop aiming to create some magical success; instead aim to fail as much as possible, and then succeed by accident.

Write the same scene and make shitty writing 30 times, then cherry pick the best one. Adopt that mentality and you'll be able to start.

>> No.9514589

Not when it comes to art. You won't make anything of any worth of your only motivation to write comes from simply wanting to 'be a writer' as in the profession of a novelist, ect. Within the arts the desire to create should come first and foremost.
Are you Van or struggle? I'd like to explain my thinking here because both replaces have indicated to me a misunderstanding of my view here.

>> No.9514614
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I desire to create my writing career

>> No.9514640

Explain your view as succinctly as you can.

>> No.9514653

Made me chuckle, but in all seriousness we're a society obsessed with identity; who value the character of artists over the quality of their work, and it's causing contemporary western culture to crumble apart into some foul smelling dust.

>> No.9514678

The artist would say:
~ I have a burning desire to create, to communicate my ideas and to express the deepest notions of my soul through the medium of _____ ~

The conceited and pretentious charlatan would say:
~ I wanna be a writer; the idea of such a career is attractive to me ~

>> No.9514684


And you believe these two to be incompatible in the same person?

You believe true art is only possible in one or the other?

You think it impossible for someone who possesses one to lie and state they possess the other?

>> No.9514688

Right, so how is that disagreeing with the people you've been replying to?

>> No.9514689

I feel you anon.

But lets be honest, publishers and readers just don't give a shit anymore.
Take >>9513443 for example, you think the reader will care for what he writes? All they want a rehash of the same YA shit or other genre fic.

And the publisher? He or she is not going to accept his submissions simply because he started with a cliche. They would rather accept twilight-esque or hunger games-esque novels that has been done to death.

>> No.9514694

Basically it is not good enough to simply 'want to be a writer'.
The mechanisms involved in artistic creation come from a far deeper and meaningful place within one's soul, than the simplistic choice of a profession.

(obviously we're discussing under the pretence that when we say 'be a writer' we mean a creative novelist, poet ect. and not professional journalist, pulp writer ect.)

>> No.9514701

Of course the two are compatible, but the desire to create should be far far greater than the desire to 'be' something. I've met far too many people who fall only within the latter motivation.

>> No.9514705

You're making some unfair assumptions about the people in this thread.
Wanting to be a published author does not preclude you from being artistic.
Nobody has said that they desire the profession more than the act of creating the art, just that they'd like to be a writer.

>> No.9514735

It seems as though what most people are struggling with here is the pursuit of becoming this preconceived idea of the 'writer' rather than the struggle to express oneself.

If you need to really think about what to write in the first instance, and pluck some derivative plot out of nothing because you 'wanna write a book' then you probably don't have what it takes to create true art and should either give up or write YA or something.


>> No.9514745

True, but It's simply what I've gauged from some of the posts here and my experiences with fellow students at art school.

>> No.9514839

Has any legitimate master of their craft ever "wanted to be a writer"? I thought you wrote because you liked it or because you had something that had to be communicated, but all you people seem to want to do is achieve the status of writer.

>> No.9514847

>Has any legitimate master of their craft ever "wanted to be a writer"?

Probably all of them.

Has any writer ever said "I never cared if I was a writer or not"

>> No.9514868

>Has any writer ever said "I never cared if I was a writer or not"
Being a writer is part of writing something. If they stopped being a writer they would stop writing. If shakespeare stopped writing he couldn't make his plays, but I don't think he wanted to be a playwright because he had some romantic idea of "being a writer".

>> No.9514948 [DELETED] 

Why is ironing with a cliche is bad

>> No.9514958
File: 90 KB, 945x945, 1493423245051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is opening with a cliche bad?

>> No.9515153

>but I don't think he wanted to be a playwright because he had some romantic idea of "being a writer".

>I don't think

Key word

>> No.9515164


You can be a writer and want to be a writer at the same time, you fucking unimaginative cuck

Maybe you're just stuck on the writing part? Let's take painting instead, maybe you can understand that?

Watch10 seconds of this, specifically the part at 14:40


Because Bacon wanted to be an artist, that makes him less of an artist?

>> No.9515192
File: 17 KB, 746x600, 1494238764373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was wrong but I'm going to not reply so I won't have to face the humiliation

wait oops

>> No.9515277

That is valid criticism that might help the OP with his novel. What the other person was offering however was empty negativity. Some of you seem to have misunderstood my sentiment.

>> No.9515284

>Art made in the absence of passion and that deep, existential yearning is cold and almost inhuman.
why won't romanticism die already

>> No.9515393

>rarely write
>when i do people tell me my writing is amazing and that i should totally write a novel
>lack motivation and i don't believe them

>> No.9515430

fuck you it's the only thing that keeps art alive and vibrant and with a sense of humanity, you end up with deprived and soulless Jeff Koons without it.

>> No.9515447


Fuck you and the sugarplum fairy you fuck at night to make you think your delusions about art hold any truth to them.

>> No.9515479

>all art prior to romanticism was like Jeff Koons

>> No.9515716


basically, yeah

>> No.9515907

this but reverse the order
maybe art just isnt my thing

>> No.9515948

screw you theres nothing remotely sugarplum fairy about it, are you an artist bitch? it's not truth it's dogma, dogma that i stand by as an artist, i'm sick of conceited wanna be hacks who lack the slightest element emotional connection to their work. fuck postmodernism jesus shit

>> No.9515959

Readers are dumb. Most stories can be bullet pointed out onto half an A4. The rest of a book is kneading the grey matter to accept your story points and hammer into the skull some philosophical paradox's you may be tearing yourself apart in angst over.

It's why there is a special beauty to well written short stories. They hammer the story through the grey matter in less words. I think some of the true artists out there are better at using fewer words to convey some need a chapter to do.

>> No.9515961
File: 74 KB, 300x594, whoreass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo /lit/ is a classicist board

>> No.9515999

Publishers see certain things in books and go, "man, this is a retarded cliche," then reject you with a form letter.

>> No.9516006

Whoever made that image is a retard that has no idea what MBS are or what tranching them does for an economy.

>> No.9516025

i'll stick to my modernist manifestos, bloated god-fearing corpse

>> No.9516092

the only good modernist is a classicist modernist

>> No.9517127

Isn't that what he was implying though?

>> No.9517943

Why is stating with a cliche bad?

>> No.9517995

because it doesn't hook the reader in at all. if you do want to use a cliche, at least put some kind of twist on it so then the reader is like "oh it's this stupid cliche again," but then they're like "oh shit i'm a fucking idiot i didnt see that coming they really got me i wonder what else this wacky writer has in store for me"

>> No.9518451


It's called mansplaing

Just say what the person said, but longer and with a self righteous tone

>> No.9518480


Because it's so cliche

>> No.9518489

Introspective? What a fucking pretentious faggot you are.

Thinking people will read the conscious thoughts and feelings of a character. We want something like Eragon, twilight, hunger games, Red Rising, Red Queen, game of thrones, etc.

What's your novel going to be? About a character current predicament in his life and how they yearn to be something else? How he want to be something more but can't because he doubts himself? Your novel probably doesn't any action scenes. Does your novel even have a bad guy.
Just stop writing and kill yourself you massive faggot.

>> No.9518602

trying to become an author is probably a huge waste of your time

the propability of your shit being even remotely good is extremely slim and even if it was of any value there's no guarantee that it would succeed

>> No.9518625



That's the most important word in your entire shit stain of a post

>> No.9518648

to be a good writer you have to know what the people want to read

>> No.9518730

Why is everyone so mean to that other anon?

>> No.9518810

What do they want to read?

>> No.9518829

Nothing in life is possible when you approach it with this attitude anon.

>> No.9518837

>he propability of your shit being even remotely good is extremely slim
And get they are worst novel that got published.

>> No.9519100

But its a means to an end.

>> No.9519271


Sure, if that end is to push away any possible reader you might have had

>> No.9519365

What if they serve a purpose in the overall plot and character's story

>> No.9519372


Then you don't just have a cliche beginning, you have an entire plot that is cliche

How awful

>> No.9519411
File: 38 KB, 362x346, 1494973206561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cliche is only in the first two chapters which have their purpose.
>the rest of the novel is not cliche-ridden
>Story is somehow heavily clich.

>> No.9519416
File: 1.28 MB, 1278x1116, Should I make noodles or a sandwich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I only put shit in the first step of baking this cake, why does the whole cake taste like shit!?

>> No.9519443
File: 106 KB, 560x510, 1493999068362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No we are not going to accept your story because of its cliche beginnings

>Yes we are going to publish story about cliche dystopian future YA that is nothing more than rehashing others YA novels

>> No.9519449
File: 940 KB, 1368x773, Run.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When the fuck did I say that absolute shit doesn't get published?

You'll find people to eat your shit cake, doesn't mean it ain't shit, fucko.

>> No.9519455
File: 82 KB, 368x368, 1494949897442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been found out.
>Better backtrack and type swear words

>> No.9519462
File: 100 KB, 777x932, Bitch, you about to get JAKKA JAKKA in your JAN JAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I can't give a reply that continues my position
>better turn 13 and forget how to debate

The starting point was "Cliches make books shit" not "Cliche books won't get published", ding dong

>> No.9519510
File: 98 KB, 667x1200, 1494580118789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cliche makes books shit
>Lets forget some classical books started with what we now call cliche
>Lets forget that just like the book it ultimately decides in how the author intends to use it to convey the story
Alas I truly see.

>> No.9519525
File: 1.94 MB, 690x388, At least in the ak thread I could shitpost about how FAL-neesan is a terrible rifle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Cliche makes books shit
>>Lets forget some classical books started with what we now call cliche
Name some and their cliches, please, try
>>Lets forget that just like the book it ultimately decides in how the author intends to use it to convey the story
Not really

>> No.9519614

>Want to write a book
>But im autistic and have trouble getting invested

kill me desu

>> No.9519615

The Metamorphosis starts with the protagonist waking up.

>> No.9519766

It's a classic and gets a free pass.

>> No.9519770

>want to be a writer
>only ever feel like writing fanfiction
developed a small following though, feelsgud

>> No.9519771


The cliche isn't "Protagonist wakes up" it's "Protagonist wakes up and goes through the normal routine of his day"

"Waking up as an insect" is not a cliche

>> No.9519773

And Gravity's Rainbow starts with a dream sequence

>> No.9519779

Gravity's Rainbow is hardly a classic

>> No.9519782
File: 151 KB, 640x426, Moving the Goalpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moving the GoalPost

>> No.9519784


>Miss the shot completely


>> No.9519788


Being a writer is not about being a good writer. A writer writes. The action defines the person.

You can still be tremendously successful as a professional writer without being good, just by tapping into what people want to read. No one of merit is going to say that Stephanie Meyer is actually a good writer. She's tremendously successful because she is writing what people want to read in a way that is easy for them to read and relate to-- and that's fine.

Write shit that people want to read and you will still be a writer and successful. Maybe you will become good along the way, but it's by no means a requirement to be a writer.

>> No.9520929

>to get good grades.

winner winner you're a ______

>> No.9521636
File: 25 KB, 600x512, confusedblackie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9521653

>Being a writer is not about being a good writer

Then there's no fucking point

>> No.9521674

That's what we were talking about.

Wrong! The cliché is a book beginning with the protagonist waking up.

>> No.9521688

>The cliché is a book beginning with the protagonist waking up.

Not really, it's the whole "delaying action to describe a character's routine" that's cliche

You wouldn't say the Metamorphosis is cliche because it starts with the character waking up, would you? It get's right into the action, which means it doesn't check all the boxes for the cliche

>> No.9521691

You wouldn't say the [Instert Title name] is cliche because it starts with the character waking up, would you? It get's right into the action, which means it doesn't check all the boxes for the cliche

>> No.9521694

did you tihnk you would be born with infused talent? Everything good takes effort

>> No.9521695


I've never read [Instert Title name] so I couldn't tell you.

Does it delay the action in order to describe the character's morning as if it's a normal day?

Then its cliche

>> No.9521711
File: 2.44 MB, 300x201, darth cruise.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. guy with no talent

Hard works beats talent 6 times out of 10.
But hard work & talent is unbeatable.
The sooner you learn & accept that the better.

>> No.9521714

Using words is cliché

>> No.9521974

Complaining about clichés has become pretty cliché.

>> No.9522036

>The same place as my work ethic.
ew. are you one of those "smart but lazy" types?

>> No.9522065

Yeah we exist.
Only triggered sub 100 IQs think otherwise.

>> No.9522085
File: 24 KB, 480x360, forgivingallah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's baitposting or an idiot, my dude. I'm inclined to the former. I wouldn't worry too much about him.

>> No.9522103
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, 1343288352324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to be a writer
>Everything you write is great
>But you're too lazy to actually write

>> No.9522281

thats why you keep writing, dipshit.

you get better.

>> No.9522428

>Want to be a writer
>Everything you write includes shit

Gravity's Rainbow gave me hope that I too could someday be published.

>> No.9522459
File: 831 KB, 1688x2284, nWgnQ5j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Metamorphosis starts with the protagonist waking up.

>MFW Metamorphosis would never be published today simply because it starts with the protagonist waking up.

>MFW any classical Literature would never be published today due to Agents have the combined literary knowledge of a slightly above average high school student.

>These are the people who judge what is good and what is not.

>> No.9522471

It's 2017, why are you still a slave to a publisher?

>> No.9522488


It wouldn't be published today because the Metamorphosis already exists today.

Are you fucking retarded? What Agent would literally allow plagiarism?

>> No.9522499
File: 422 KB, 1299x903, football-players-moving the-goalpost-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9522522


>Mr. Agent, sir, what do you think of my new play, Romeo and Juliet!
>This is an exact copy of Shakespeare's play, we can't publish this

This is you right now

>> No.9522556

The adjectival form of cliché is clichéd.

>> No.9522561


How cliche

>> No.9523182

You're being deliberately obtuse. Here's your (you)

>> No.9523234
File: 3.38 MB, 4232x2560, siberian-cat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not the point he made

Say the Metamorphosis (assuming you agree that it's a great piece of literature) were totally obscure or at least unknown to a particular agent/publisher. If you went there now with the story or very similar one and tried to publish it, you would be rejected (this actually happened to Kafka too, he was asked to shorten it but refused)

>> No.9523822

It's a balancing act.
The ability to get over criticism is paramount. There are very few things everyone likes. The key is writing stuff you like and finding an audience for that voice.
The next step is learning that your work should stand on its own. If you feel the need to explain to someone you meant this or they misunderstood, you did something wrong. Dont spend your time defending yourselves, take the criticism and improve. Or ignore it.
Finally, two modes of writing to get over the anxiety.
Phase 1 - write. Dont even backspace if you can. Word vomit, let that story out.
Phase 2 - now go over it and edit like crazy.

>> No.9523926
File: 108 KB, 512x512, 1494626220196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Genuinely proud and love my work.
>Show it to someone.
>Eyes pass over it without reading it.
>0 reaction,

>> No.9524380

>only write low-effort fanfiction
>everything gets written all at once in one sitting
>never edit or revise, once something's been typed it's set in stone
>people eat it up
Feels pretty good

>> No.9524390


have you tried a metamorphosis where he is being defibrilated instead of being woken up

>> No.9525374
File: 29 KB, 156x194, 1493175498934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are you pretending to be retarded?

>> No.9525445

>Have tons of good ideas for stories
>Get stuck world building forever because I can never write a proper beginning to the story to lead into the meat and potatoes of the story

I have like an entire fantasy saga in my head but it will never see paper because I cannot get that fucking protagonist out of his village.

>> No.9525457
File: 21 KB, 448x442, 1463174873908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to be a reader
>Everything you read is shit

>> No.9525495
File: 74 KB, 300x169, writing3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the same problem of not being able to start my story.
The trick is to just forget about the beginning and write the rest.
Then you can go back and write the first few chapters with all the necessary foreshadowing and characterisation that you realised that you needed by writing the rest of the book.

>> No.9525519

You do need to give special attention to the beginning though, it's what grabs people. The fate of your work is usually sealed by the first page in the eyes of the editor so it needs to be as captivating as possible.
You not only need to set up bit also sell your story with your beginning.

>> No.9525527

Here to gloat because I've actually published something. I suck more than all of you but I don't hold myself back by letting lack of confidence be an excuse. Just write as if you will be shot in the back of the head if you dare say you're not good enough because you are and you will be and you will never be good if you give up.

>> No.9525529

>My novel is introspective
Teach me

>> No.9525532

I think cliches are okay. If you keep binding yourself with rules and avoiding things you'll never do anything. Plenty of good stuff I've read had cliches in them, but each writer treats them different and in the end it's amazing in combination.

>> No.9525534

I'm not disagreeing with you about the importance of a beginning.
I'm just saying that it's easier to do the beginning when you know for certain what's going to be coming.
There's a stark difference between knowing what you've written and just having an idea of what's coming in your head.

>> No.9525539

Because reading fiction is about escapism first and foremost. Reading a known cliche takes you out of the fictional world and brings you back to reality.

>> No.9525567

You can always have an eyecatcher as first line like"It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen." or "Call me Ishmael" or "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."
You can know what's coming in many ways though, like with notes, outlines etc. First drafts. the first thing written down isn't going to be the final version so don't bother to delve into writing already before having an overview, regardless of where you start.

>> No.9525568
File: 7 KB, 208x217, nervous-breakdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to be a writer
>realize it's not just putting pen to paper but lots of planning and learning a wide range of subjects to make it feel authentic
>you are literally playing God on a smaller scale
>have a nervous breakdown

>> No.9525577

Yeah I don't necessarily disagree.
The post I was replying to seemed to say that he was getting stuck writing the first chapter and not even trying to go beyond that.

>> No.9525584

Research is nice and adds a lot to a book, but it's not the most important thing.
I bet you could name any book and someone here could list major inaccuracies when it comes to science, history, geography etc.
Don't fret about it so much.

>> No.9525860
File: 13 KB, 200x200, 1491257063422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to write professionally since a teenager
>only finish stories if they're an assignment for creative writing
>graduate, stop writing all together
>start browsing /d/, /co/ and /aco/
>now only write Disney and vidya fapfic

>> No.9525867

Damn those are good opening lines. Even though I know nothing else now I am thinking about why the clock struck thirteen or what's up with the unhappy family?

Wish I could come up with a good one liner like that.

>> No.9525913

Yeah, I think the goal is to get your reader to pause for a second and get that sentence become their dominating thought replacing whatever else they were thinking about at the time.

>> No.9526012

>Want to be a writer.
>Rememeber I don't like people very much and don't seek their approval.
>Slip into inactivity
>Any attempts to motivate myself revert back to the second point

Don't become a jaded asshole

>> No.9526190

where can you go to post short stories and receive critiques of it?

>> No.9526224

I write for myself first, it's why my first novel is going to star my fursona. You need some ego friend.

>> No.9526351

i wish i could say something clever itt

>> No.9526357

fragments here >>9524293

>> No.9526457
File: 64 KB, 711x465, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_ss+(2017-03-12+at+11_45_56).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.9526614


>You need some ego friend.

Did too much acid for that

>> No.9526684
File: 68 KB, 700x700, 1473310827348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to write serious fiction
>can only write smut that caters specifically to my fetishes

>> No.9526778
File: 317 KB, 1271x697, 1432486707242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel, anon.
>sit down to write serious fiction
>maybe 200 or 300 words before I stall out
>get horny and write out sexual fantasies
>4000 words before I stop for a break
Why are my passions so worthless?

>> No.9527334


Follow up:
>Actually started writing again, partially thanks to this thread.
Everyone hating their first drafts was more of a motivation then I thought it would be. Thanks anons

>> No.9527346
File: 732 KB, 300x224, yang wenli.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you my friend.

>> No.9527347


Worthless? You're sitting on a gold mine, anon. Time to start cranking out those Harlequin novels!

Not even kidding. Those books sell well.

>> No.9527363

Witty fucker, I had a good chuckle

>> No.9527370

But Borges is GOAT although he was butthurt about muh nobel prize

>> No.9528072

No, I'm exactly like that guy. I only write super niche fetish fantasies that I could not post anywhere even if I wanted to because A) they wouldn't be allowed on 99% of erotica sites and B) I'd get flamed just for the content and I don't feel like dealing with that

>> No.9528187
File: 10 KB, 360x202, willy-wonka-gene-wilder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok lit/
Another stupid question in this thread.
To write enough to sell a book you have to write ten books and cut the dead wood from the dead corpses. It's like making a perfect table out of a bushel of thorn bushes.

So, what do you envision while you are carving that wood? What is the rode that gets you to that finish line?

Should you seek a river or a staircase? Do you flow from page to page steering or is it a climb to the top? And how long have you been stuck on that road?

> tfw two years

>> No.9528193

Replace the words with other words.
Half of tom Clancy's books are just gun replacements for orgy descriptions

>> No.9528228

This is a fair piece of advice. I'm going to rig up a shotgun to my desk.
I'ma put all the good advice posts in one spot.

And that's surprisingly little, Most of the thread is arguing about cliche's and people calling eachother fairy's.

Writers people. Sorry if i missed you.

>> No.9528358

This is me. Feelsaboveaverageman.

>> No.9528397

>I do write, you nerd. I'm working on the third revision of my first novel right now.

Fucking kek. Just everything about that makes me laugh.

>> No.9528809

Just keep going. Odds are you'll rewrite the opening when you have a clearer idea of the whole book. Sounds like standard Hero's Journey fare (dream trope, farm boy dreams of adventure away from Tattooine trope) but you can either embrace them, or for now just treat them like scaffolding so you can build the rest of your house.

>> No.9528815

Read more or stop reading shit. Do this and you will improve. You're not trying hard enough. Don't be a bitch and whine.

>> No.9528822

Huh. That's an interesting idea. I'm going to try that with one of my less disgusting pieces.

>> No.9528853

>don't know if want to be a writer or not
>don't know if writing is good or not
>sometimes am so proud of it
>sometimes think it's the insecure ramblings of a pseud
>sometimes people say it's good
>sometimes people say it's bad
>feels ambiguous, man

>> No.9528880


>> No.9528908

>want to be a writer
>have only ever lived in Brooklyn
>too afraid to describe places I haven't been to
>Brooklyn is boring

>> No.9529550

It would appear that you lack imagination.

>> No.9529726

What do you write about?

>> No.9529826

Sometimes the best you can do is simply starting another project anon. Good luck, don't listen to the edgy faggots in here.

>> No.9529840

The point of editing is making it not trash anymore, if you just delete it all you might as well not write at all.

>> No.9529935

Writing isn't about seeking approval?? People write because they want to tell an interesting story. They want to entertain people or perhaps teach some kind of lesson through a narrative.

I've never heard of anyone writing to get approval. That's so odd; you sound like you have some issues you need to deal with.

>> No.9529937

>writing a story about yourself

It will be obvious and everyone will hate it. Self inserts are trash.

>> No.9529942

If you're trying to write a story so it can get published, it never will. Just write a good story and publishers will want it. Not that hard.

>> No.9530125

>want to be a writer
>never can get myself to write and keep telling myself I'll do it tomorrow
Fucking kill me lads

>> No.9530181

Disable your Internet for a week.

>> No.9530351
File: 15 KB, 187x287, man or woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then how would I do my daily logins?

>> No.9530492

Then uhhhhh. You probably don't actually want to write. You just wanna be a writer.

>> No.9530545

That's a child's logic.

>> No.9530578

I'm just saying that if you have to force yourself to write, it's more than likely that – surprise – you don't like writing.

What else would be stopping you?

>> No.9530644

I have written before but after my burst of motivation I stop and enter what I call the composting mode where I'll do nothing but world build for months but never put pen to paper. I have 4 stories I want to write but always find an excuse to put it off and when I do try to write I get an urge to do literally anything else. It's really fucking bizarre.

>> No.9530645
File: 630 KB, 1244x1642, Ernst_Ludwig_Kirchner_-_Artistin_(Marzella).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but the Internet is addictive, and as much as I love writing, it can be difficult and frustrating. Browsing 4chan is easier, so you get lazy and then spend all that time browsing by hating yourself for not writing.

>> No.9530669

Disconnect yourself. Go stay at a cheap hotel for a couple days. Change your environment so old habits are easier to break.

Also, what's your goal? I find a lot of young writers struggle with writing their ideas down because they never seem as good on paper. They think they need to write something brilliant or life-changing, instead of realizing that it will take work before your story even begins to resemble something like that. The goal should be to practice your craft first. Or at least, I think it helps if you want to write because you actually enjoy "writing", and not necessarily being the next best seller. Or even publishing.

>> No.9530704
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Like I said, childish logic.
I like writing a lot, it's just that there are other things to do which I like just as much and which require less time investment.
Things like hanging out with my friends, consuming media, hiking, gaming, shitposting, watching news etc.
It's a struggle to find the time in the day to write when all of these things want daily attention.
Had I no other hobbies or friends, like many of the autists on this board, I might find more time to write.

>> No.9530706

>want to be a writer
>have shit vocabulary
>trouble learning
>trouble concentrating

>> No.9530720

I just want to finish my first novel and not be utterly disappointed at the end result. I struggle with how I should do things because I don't have a process on anything so I vomit everything out and try to streamline it all. I'm the type of guy who needs to plan everything ahead of time

>> No.9530732

"I really wanna be a buff-ass hunk, but I just can't bring myself to work out. Weird, right?"

>after my burst of motivation I stop
There's your problem. motivation is unreliable. Make it a habit, boi. You have to fucking do it. Statistically, you have to do it every day for 66 days. Thats for the average person. For the individual it takes anywhere between 18 days to about 8 months.

>> No.9530760

You're justifying this shit so fuckin hard.
>Want to be a writer
>Like hanging out with my friends, consuming media, hiking, gaming, shitposting, watching news etc. more than writing
>So I don't write
You're saying you want to be a writer, but you're putting writing in the same categories as trivial activities like playing video games and shitposting. But w/e. Have fun not writing, Mr. Writer.

>> No.9530802
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What exactly am I trying to justify?
When did I say that I want to be a writer?
I just said that I like writing but can't find the time.
>trivial activities
In your opinion.
I'm sorry that you can't experience the true depths of those hobbies. Tis quite sad.

>> No.9531373

>Want to write
>Terrible at describing scenes

>> No.9531880

Does anyone else feel that they need to cram as much information into a sentence as possible in order to not make obvious statements interpretable in retarded ways? I constantly find myself adding a bunch of information I feel should already be understood and thus elongating sentences beyond how long they really need to be

>> No.9531898


>> No.9532078

I don't think you understand a joke.

>> No.9532361
File: 51 KB, 474x359, Captain Pimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to be a writer
>My writing is superb
>Anything I write is gold
>Get passed over for plays written about Jewish mixed religion plays

>> No.9532399

Same man, are you in the shitty southern part of brooklyn filled with chinese, russians, and jews too?

>> No.9532404
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>it's still shit but I don't projectile vomit from looking at it anymore
Feels good

>> No.9532562

The only redeeming post in the thread

>> No.9532842

Set the tone to that of a conversation instead of a essay.

You wouldn't explain a walk in the park to another park goer the same as you would a cancer kid who can't walk would you?

>> No.9532850

Then don't. Describe color. Shades, the things you notice in the room. Perception instead of facts.

To learn more, read lemony snicket.

>> No.9533318
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>tfw bad at conversation but good at essay writing

>> No.9533784

>Want to become a writer
>Have a 80.000 Words draft
>Gave it to an Editor and got some constructive and positive Feedback.
>Whenever I start further editing I just want to delete and burn it all.
Help me.

>> No.9535075

>To learn more, read lemony snicket.

poetry is your friend for exercising your imagery muscles.

>> No.9535119

what neighborhood are you even talking about breh? most of nyc is filled with chinese, ruskis, and jews

>> No.9535191 [SPOILER] 
File: 327 KB, 1920x1080, 1495393879572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>standard Hero's Journey fare (dream trope, farm boy dreams of adventure away from Tattooine trope)

The entire few chapters is supposed to feel like Hero's journey fare but that's mostly because the Main Character is expecting her life will turn out like that

However the rest of the novel is the Main Character trying to come to terms with her situation (I.E her expectations (She finds out she's special, Leaves her pastoral village, join some heroic group, and overthrow someone evil, and be a hero) vs reality(She's a filthy peasant, is going to marry someone she doesn't like, and going to live her life in the village.)) and how it affects her

That's why I wanted to Prologue to be her dreams (What she wants to be) and the first chapter to be her waking up (What she really is). To compare and contrast the two

>> No.9535237


people like you watch too much movies and think life is some fairytale when you refuse to accept that most literature is pure trash and it's very, very unlikely that you will write something of value in your lifetime. You're up against the greatest minds of all time, why should anyone waste their time reading your shit?

>> No.9535543 [DELETED] 

Fucking Christ. Can't you read? Nobody wants to read your pretensions faggot writing

>> No.9535568

>want to be a writer
>have aphantasia

>> No.9535867

>Pound did it first

There goes my novel.

>> No.9537272 [DELETED] 


>> No.9537448

See how limony snicket does it.
Combines the essay with the perceived notes of it and keeps the narrator in the loop.

So long as the subject matter allows for for a few emotional stubbed toes you should be fine. Copy some of his conversational scenes between the count and the caregivers and you'll see where youand his trains get off.

>> No.9537490

The first few lines aint bad

>> No.9538405

>nobody is born a good writer
>t. talentless pleb

Don't measure the wheat of others by your own bushel.

>> No.9538475

i know that feel

>> No.9539497
File: 66 KB, 694x512, CwdUS3VUQAAwyAi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feel like my dialogue is so terrible that it's like it was written by someone who's never held a conversation with someone in his life
>Tfw finally write some dialogue that was semi-passible
Maybe one day I'll make it.

>> No.9539939


just go the godard way senpai

>> No.9540078
