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9511986 No.9511986 [Reply] [Original]

Is My Twisted World the most comedic book of all time? This shit is funnier than Hitchhiker's guide and Catch-22

>> No.9512005

Nobody captures tfw no gf quite like Elliot Rodgers. He was taken from us too soon.

RIP in piece Supreme Gentleman

>> No.9512013

Can you guys post some funny parts? Has anyone printed it yet? I would buy a copy for the LULZ

>> No.9512145


This is my favorite quote:
"My mother one day told me that I should become a writer, because I had some talent in writing. That was strange to hear. For my whole life I was never talented at anything I tried. I was too physically weak to play sports with other boys when I was little; I never became professional at skateboarding no matter how much I practiced; and I was never that skilled at any video games I played… even World of Warcraft."

>> No.9512151

"... and in the end, it truly was My Twisted World."

The end.

>> No.9512161

That's not funny, that's some extremely relatable shit. He truly was a Real Human Being.

Or is it your favorite because it's one of the least outrageous, most lucid passages.

>> No.9512163
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He was too pure for this promiscuous and degenerate world.

>> No.9512173

>On one of the days in July, when I was roaming around Girsh Park, a group of popular college kids arrived to play kickball in the fields. They all looked like typical fraternity jocks, tall and muscular. The kind of guys I’ve hated and envied all my life. With them came a flock of beautiful blonde girls, and they looked like they were having so much fun playing together. One of the girls did a handstand in the grass, and her sexy bare stomach showed as her shirt hung down. All of the girls were scantily clad. Rage boiled inside me as I watched those people who thought they were better than me enjoying their pleasurable little lives together. The rage was so intense that I couldn’t take it. I was insulted too much. I couldn’t leave them without getting some form of revenge, so I drove to the nearby K-mart, bought a super-soaker, filled it up with orange juice that I bought at the same store, and drove back to the park. They were still there, having the time of their lives, and I wanted to ruin it for them. I wanted to ruin their fun just like they ruined mine, as they would never accept me among them. I screamed at them. with rage as I sprayed them with my super soaker. When the boys started to yell and chase after me, I quickly got into my car and drove away. I was giddy with ecstatic, hate-fueled excitement. I wished I could spray boiling oil at the foul beasts. They deserved to die horrible, painful deaths just for the crime of enjoying a better life than me.

No one who isn't a raving delusional lunatic could write something this funny.
His murdering a bunch of people puts a bit of retroactive a damper on the comedic aspect, though.

>> No.9512180

I'm playing the devils advocate here [sic], but the 2 memorable times when Elliot name-dropped the whole "Twisted World" thing were quite fitting. The first was when in a rage he went down to the shooting range and practiced with some targets and realized the absurdity of the situation, how his life and come to such a desperate a point where he was literally practicing with guns for a mass shooting. The 2nd was when he considered killing his kid brother for being more popular than him and his stepmom during his retribution and even his dad when again he realized how pathetic and "twisted" his world had become to even consider such a thing.

>> No.9512266

it's true that was funny as fuck, at the beginning i was like oh no emo alert, but by the end i had a huge smile...it's like some shit dostoyevsky would right, but this shit is real life not fantasy, my twisted world is a fucking classic

>> No.9512274

It's almost like American Psycho in some parts.

>> No.9512293
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I'm curious about what happened to James Ellis, he was my favourite character in MTW, he was kind of like Elliot, a loser and a virgin, but he wasn't affected by it as much, he took a transcendental approach.

I wonder if he ever found a gf.

>> No.9512297
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Also, if you read closely, you can actually pinpoint the exact moment Elliot went crazy and became supreme.

>> No.9512299

Elliot must have at least been bisexual, if not full-on gay.

>> No.9512300

He's have made a cute girl, such a pity he didn't go trans. He'd probably have gotten more pussy

>> No.9512310

he just had a classical attitude toward male companionship

>> No.9512314

No its funny because he thinks he's a good writer when the entire book is shit

>> No.9512320

I always love how honest Elliot is. I'm not sure whether it comes from exceptionally low or high self-awareness.
Statements like this:
>They deserved to die horrible, painful deaths just for the crime of enjoying a better life than me.
It's like Elliot is fully aware of the neurotic, insecure undergirdings of everything he does but simply doesn't care - like he recognises there is no real standard for his behaviour outside of what he imposes on himself. A true individual.

>> No.9512326

>tfw I kind of mirror some of this
How do I fix myself

>> No.9512337

He admits to having a jealous personality, and actively lets it control him. One thing that I think he never realized was that the thing truly ugly about him was his personality and lack of empathy; the book has the narrative of a calculating psychopath with the capacity of a toddler.

>> No.9512345

Hit the gym >>/fit/

Expand your mind >>/sci/ and where you are currently

Develop a personality - 4chan can't help you with this one but literature can - I suggest you try to emulate the desirable traits of characters in fiction and even non-fiction.

>> No.9512359

>If I can't have it, no one can
Seems to be a fairly common sentiment, yet I've never been able to understand it.
Even if I have experienced serious deprivation in one form or other for most of my life.

>> No.9512367

with his crazy anti-sex beta shit he could have joined isis, it's good that he didn't, if this was an isis branded shooting it would be more forgettable and generic, one off psychos are way more memorable than terror franchisees

>> No.9512388

I wonder what the genesis of that sentiment is in the human psyche, and for what reason it came about

>> No.9512416

Stop competition in the gene pool maybe. Lions kill the young ones of previous males when they aquire a new harem. Probably something similar.

>> No.9512434

seems like it's only whites and east asians who do that, and since those groups have the largest amount of neanderthal dna, maybe it's linked to that

>> No.9512443
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>tfw you can 100% relate to a psychopathic mass-murderer

>> No.9512448

i think it's because they feel they should be the alpha, so these manifestations are like the result of some instinct towards a take-over attempt, like roger clearly believe he should be the alpha, a lot of nerds who don't go on shooting sprees are just natural betas who realize they don't deserve pussy due to their shitty looks and poor intelligence, but rodger looked good, and was reasonably intelligent, and came from a wealthy background, so he had as much claim to alpha status as anyone

>> No.9512485


Completely wrong. It was because he lacked the capacity to empathize with other humans. He lacked any notion of humility or empathy - if you couple that with a desire for power over others and an inability to ever see that desire realized you have a ticking time bomb. His lack of ability to empathize was the key here. It had nothing to do with any alpha/beta dichotomy really. All you broscience types get so distracted by that shit.

>> No.9512486
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>you're fucking god awful at everything... this makes you fit to be a writer


>> No.9512489

Except that blacks and especially brown muslims are the most likely to kill their women if they should try to leave them. But that's pretty obvious to anyone, so I guess you're just raceb8ing. Maybe evol-psych triggers you in general.
>are just natural betas who realize they don't deserve pussy due to their shitty looks and poor intelligence
>but rodger looked good, and was reasonably intelligent, and came from a wealthy background
You should leave the house more often. This is not how the real world works at all. Also intelligent people are more likely to be sexually inexperienced, wealth definitively doesn't matter for shit when it comes to sex. It's well-known that the working classes are far more sexually promiscuous.
You're taxonomy of men into alphas who deserve pussy and betas who don't doesn't make any sense either from an evol perspective.

>> No.9512492

I think Elliot's desire to be alpha and clearly having all the factors to be alpha were what caused his descent into madness. What he didn't realize is that his personality was always broken due to his bad upbringing from having a white dad and asian mom

>> No.9512493

that's what i'm saying, he had an alpha mindset but didn't have the emotional intelligence to get sluts to suck him off, you think alpha dudes fuck tons of chicks because they are so good at "empathizing"? they're self-center and see everyone else as being there to serve them, just like rodgers, only problem is rodgers had shitty social skills

are you a chick? it only seems like a women could thing chad's get laid because they "empathize" so well, no dude believes that, although numales might go along with it as a white knight

>> No.9512494
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Read the book, anon. I feel like my life is around 90% the same as Eliot Rodgers' (I even listened to my brother fucking his gf and her fapping to her moaning, just like Eliot did with his sister), except that I grew up dirt poor.

I don't think I'll turn into an hero though.

>> No.9512498


To me it seems like a high self awareness without an awareness of the absurdity the self is capable of generating. I'm sitting here in my underwear on my couch and see a couple walking outside and that impulsive voice tells me I should go put on a lucha libre mask and suplex that guy onto the pavement and then stick it in his girl and get a few pumps in while he's down and then take off streaking downtown and clothesline everything I see while screaming in incoherent Spanish and the whole time I'm just sitting here smiling like an idiot at the imagery my mind has managed to conjure up from such a benign stimulus and then I'm hungry so I go make some tacos and wonder if my choice of dinner was influenced by that delusion I just had.

>> No.9512504

>Except that blacks and especially brown muslims are the most likely to kill their women if they should try to leave them.
>their women

they already have women, when was the last time a black guy thought to himself "gosh i'm a fucking loser, maybe i should just end myself" of course not, they have such low self-awareness they could be a high school drop out unemployed felon and they'll still think they're the shit, which is why their culture fails, when you think you're the shit despite being an impoverished scrub, there's no drive to create anything of value

>> No.9512508

>Read the book, anon. I feel like my life is around 90% the same as Eliot Rodgers

Time to kill yourself, you waste of space

>> No.9512512

I guess I'll take shitheads like you with me, just like Rodgers did.

>> No.9512515


>are you a chick? it only seems like a women could thing chad's get laid because they "empathize" so well, no dude believes that, although numales might go along with it as a white knight

We're not only talking about his ability to get laid. Everything isn't reduced to that one issue. You don't go stabbing up the joint because you couldn't get some pussy. There were clearly other mental factors at play. Stop trying to reduce everything down to this one thing, you broscience idiot.

And what is ironic here is that your passive aggression reached truly feminine levels as you were saying that greentext.

>> No.9512521

have you learned nothing

>> No.9512525

How would empathizing help you out if life actively blocks you from achieving the only thing you want

>> No.9512527

>white knight

please stop

>> No.9512535

Sure, true for arabs in europe too. But that's unrelated though to the statement that only whites and asians destroy to keep others from having something.
Muslims are well known for killing their women their women when they try to leave (or the classic acid-attack).
The fact that this is most often related to things they had before, (their women) versus people like elliott who did not have it, doesn't seem all that important.
Also, blacks of course loot and destroy cars and shops in america at a monthly(?) basis, and much of this is probably because they want air jordans, but some has to be because they want to destroy something they do not have, and want to stop others from having too, look at car-burnings (also common among muslims in europe).
That only whites and asians destroy to keep others from having something is a ridiculous idea.

>> No.9512536

>tfw no Elliot Rodger gf

>> No.9512539

dude, rodgers clearly shot up the place because he couldn't get laid, it's completely obvious since he clearly states it in detail in his 100+ page manifesto, did cho did vtech because he couldn't get laid? probably not, i'm not saying that explains every shooting, it explains this specific one since the shooter clearly states that is precisely why he is doing it, i bet you're one of those chicks who likes to womensplain rape to men about how it's about "power" not sex, lol

>> No.9512540


Well it might not help you out in life all that much, but it would certainly help you avoid killing other people because your life isn't working out how you'd hoped.

Which would certainly be seen as a plus for those other people.

>> No.9512542

>it's the eternally butthurt redditor who is triggered by /pol/ and /r9k/ but convinces himself he's tough by extremist white knighting

>> No.9512551

the difference is whites and asians destroy in a suicide mission, when muslims kill their wife it's never a murder-suicide, the guy bashes the chicks head and his family cheers and tells him he's honorable, it's not he same at all, no one was going to give rodgers an award for shooting up a sorority house

>> No.9512558

there you go again, thinking alphas care about other people more than themselves, now do u see why his "alphaness" lead to the shooting? his beta warcraft buddy probably empathized with all the chads getting laid every night, but rodgers was no numale, he wasn't going for that

>> No.9512560


>dude, rodgers clearly shot up the place because he couldn't get laid

There are a sea of guys like him on this one board alone and they aren't going on murder sprees. Why are they not going on murder sprees but he did? This very obviously isn't the sole deciding factor then, right?

Come on, lad. Think this through a bit more.

>> No.9512563

well a lot of them are beta numales who believe feminists are right and that only the top 20% of males deserve to get laid, or they hold out some secret hope that if they lift enough weights they will develop social skills a long with their muscles, rodgers had no hope but refused to submit to numaleness

>> No.9512564


This has to be subtle baiting.

There is no way you're this fucking stupid.

>> No.9512568


You do more empty soapboxing than critical thought. All your posts read like something straight from The_Donald. They are so fucking banal and off-point. You're only young too, aren't you?

>> No.9512570

>tfw can't relate because you always parse orange

>> No.9512572

fuck off normie, you clearly don't get it

>> No.9512580

why do reddit plebs bother posting in MTW threads with their generic mainstream opinions you could hear on any tv station, could you be more lame

>> No.9512581




No you're just too young to talk to. Watching your mind try to reason things out in real time is annoying at best.

>> No.9512585

i'm probably older than you, i know you think you're wise because you finished your bachelors and moved in with your 5/10 gf, no ones cares, you can't think and you have no discernible insights, kys

>> No.9512590

You've moving the goalpost though. Now I'm no longer certain what you're claiming. That "only whites and asians destroy something to prevent others from having it while also killing themselves, whereas when blacks or muslims do this, they don't kill themselves"?

Look at the guy who shot up the gay club in florida. He was thought to be in the closet, and he died in the shot-out with the police. Most likely he didn't plan to survive.
There's probably something similar with many other islamic suicidal terror attacks.
For blacks look at the guy who just livestreamed gunning down that old man in america because his wife left him or something. He was black.
There are also tons of results for black-murder suicides, so it appears you're completely wrong.

>> No.9512595

we're talking about people who can't get a laid, a murder-suicide with your gf shows you can get laid, duh, and the guy who shot up the club had a wife and kid, it's not the same phenomenon how fucking stupid can you be

>> No.9512598


t. brainlet roody poo

If you are as old as you claim then it's unfortunate to see you post like such a teen. Your quality of thought truly does have something oddly regressive and palpably teenage about it. Honestly you don't seem that bright.

>> No.9512601
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>i'm probably older than you
>doesn't post age
>uses the grammar of a teenager

>> No.9512602

if you're so mature shouldn't you have moved beyond bashing autistic kids? fuck off, if i wanted to hear your bland normie opinions i'd watch a tv

>> No.9512608

go back to lereddit you fucking dweeb no one cares about nationalist grammar norms

>> No.9512631

So again, you're moving the goalpost?
"Only whites and asians kill themselves and also others for not being able to get laid, whereas if others cannot get laid, they at most only kill women/others"?
Wrong too. In general there are not too many examples of this behaviour, elliott rodgers is the only high-profile such incident I can think off of the top of my head, but I do remember a case a few years ago about some black artist in new york attacking asian qts because he couldn't get any asian women. Here you go

Inconveniently for you, he also killed himself, so it seems you could not be more wrong.

>> No.9512649

yes i remember that fucking black weeb, of course there are exception you fucking idiot, man, it's weird that you are so obsessed with arguing this, maybe you should take time to consider why you got so triggered by this idea

>> No.9512657

This is your brain on virginity

>> No.9512659

Ah, but your claim was "Only whites and asians". This conclusively disproves your statement. Now if you're arguing about frequencies, you're going to have to provide statistics.

>maybe you should take time to consider why you got so triggered by this idea
>get's BTFO
>w-why are you so obsessed dude lmao

>> No.9512662

haha what a stupid virgin, that guy was such a loser, haha, he had a major persecution complex where he thought everyone was laughing at him for being a virgin, ahah, what a stupid virgin! lolllolololl brofist virgin bashing bro bud! he shud have been more emphathic! pass the natty ice broseph brolord!

>> No.9512668

well you if you want talk about "whites and asians" technically arabs and south asian muslims are considered white, so you'll have to refactor your argument, you found one black guy who attacked a few asians because he couldn't get laid, also we don't know how black he actually was, perhaps he was 3/4 white, if you're going to be so uptight about arguing this crap, then please present his parents racial background

>> No.9512669

those people were just analyzing MTW, the real virgins are the ones currently fighting over their /pol/ terms and perverted identity politics

>> No.9512674

well i didn't know some dweeb from redit was going to get so fucking triggered over an offhand comment, i mean get a load of this dude, he is deeply threatened, it's like dude i didn't know a throw away one liner was going to trigger you so hard, or i would have written something more precise, jesus what a wanker

>> No.9512686

yes but your dumbass comment made no fucking sense relative to the people you quoted. I would type more but you'll instantly scream "reddit" and "triggered" like the retard you are without adding anything. You are no better than the virgins with rage on this thread.

>> No.9512693

it was the neanderthal dna part wasn't it? there were tons of "edgy" "redpill" opinions in this thread, but that one made you chimp out and go berserk

>> No.9512698

How many white and asian examples have you found?
Elliot rodgers, that's one. The Black Weeb, that's one. No reason so far to believe this behavior is more common among asians or whites than blacks. In fact, it's likely the opposite, because we know killing, low impulse control and lower iq's are more common for blacks.
>also we don't know how black he actually was, perhaps he was 3/4 white,
There's a picture in the article. There's no reason to believe he's more white, or asian than he is black, in fact there's every reason to believe the opposite so you have to provide explicit proof that he is in fact more white or asian than he is black.

>uptight about arguing this crap
Well I guess truth, reason or evidence doesn't matter when you're just a ball of emotions and insecurities and have a sub 90 iq as you seem to have.

>> No.9512713

Nigga he's clearly talking about the quotes from Elliot himself.

It was such a surreal experience reading this book. I'm a 21 year old kissless virgin and I've never really felt bad about it, but to Elliot that was the only thing in the world that mattered and determined his worth as a human being. Makes you realize what a difference your mindset makes. Although if I was as desperate to get laid as he was, I would probably go out of my way to meet women, something he never did.

>> No.9512719

the mindset makes all the difference: rodger was an alpha who knew he deserve tons of pussy, you are a beta who knows he has no right to vag and accept it

>> No.9512725


He sounds a lot like some online friend I have. Seriously, it's eerie.

>> No.9512727

>rodger was an alpha
lolno. Being narcissistic does not automatically make you an "alpha."

>> No.9512728
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This guy is baiting up a storm.

>> No.9512732

>Being narcissistic does not automatically make you an "alpha."

maybe not, but being narcissistic is the first step

>> No.9512737

How do you define alpha?

>> No.9512738

the same way anthropologists do, how else?

>> No.9512739
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Honestly, I'm fairly well convinced that all people vapid enough to subscribe to the capitalist notion of "alphaness" are so superficial that they can't tell the difference between narcissism and self confidence.

>> No.9512742

No, you don't. In that case, Elliot was DEFINITELY not an alpha.

>> No.9512746

Even if Alphaness was an actual thing being narcissistic wouldn't be the first step. Then every single millennial would be alpha dipshit.

>> No.9512750

damn chimpanzees all buying into capitalism with their alpha dominated social hierarchies and shit!

>> No.9512754


This guy is either an 8/10 cheeky boy or he doesn't understand how to read into human relations on the most basic of levels.

Who even cares anymore?

>> No.9512759

>I'm not narcissistic i'm just self-confident bb ooohh yeah check out these delts ohh aahhh

yeah ok buddy lol

>> No.9512773

he WAS an alpha, he tried to fight for alpha status and died rather than live as a beta

>> No.9512789

It really triggered you too, faggot. Sound the alarm someone criticized my fucking race!

>> No.9512792

>he WAS an alpha, he tried to fight for alpha status and died rather than live as a beta
>fight for alpha status
that's literally not alpha

>> No.9512798


>> No.9512799

are you saying hector was beta? kys foolio

>> No.9512802

Can someome who is more familiar with Elliot explain why he didn't rape someone on the day of reckoning

>> No.9512819

He was primarily interested in sex for status and self-affirmation, not the physical experience.

>> No.9512826

isn't everyone though? who gives a fuck about pussy

>> No.9512835

That wouldn't be very gentlemanly, would it?

>> No.9512846
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Reminder that Elliot was a dicklet.

>> No.9512856

Not sure if the same retard I was arguing with earlier or lefty/pol/ ones.
>refuting a claim
>being triggered
Are you leftypol fags so self-hating that you'd accept any statement, however wildly incorrect and unlikely it is as long as it goes against whites and asians, and in favor of blacks?

>> No.9512873

lol that is hilarious, damn, can you imagine if elliot had lived long enough to see blacked? i don't think that site started until after

>> No.9512881

dude calm down the statement is in support of the nobility of the whites, they would rather die than live beta

>> No.9512885

I'm white. Married to asian. We think this minority prioritizing is racist as fuck.

You are just a faggot. Reminder that you made it your buisness to get mad about the claim, because no matter what he said about white people you would be there to protect your precious widle wace on the internet.

He's of course wrong, all human beings do all sorts of atrocities. But the fact that you only responded because get attack your glorious white race is funny. So I mocked you. Crybaby cunt. Go shoot up the school yeah?

>> No.9512912

Wew. triggered much. What makes you think I'm white and not asian btw?
In any case, human biological (or cultural) differences are interesting.
One should be able to discuss them, but statements that are incorrect should be refuted no?
>minority prioritizing
What does this even mean?
>Reminder that you made it your buisness to get mad about the claim,
How did I get mad? I simply responded to the claim.
>But the fact that you only responded because get attack your glorious white race is funny. So I mocked you. Crybaby cunt.

>Unironic internet tough guy
>discussing things means getting mad
Seems like reddit or /b/ would be more your fit. There you can find epic maymays without any discussion.
You seem to be the triggered one here.

You seem like the retard from earlier.

>> No.9512933

The guy said something stupid, you attacked it. He said something else, you tried to force him back onto the point because you were that mad he insulted your white idols.

Now it's reddit time and b time, how cute.

Why do poltards have Their heads this far up their asses

>> No.9512948

>The /pol/ boogerman

I mean I'm here so you're sort of right, but it doesn't mean you aren't a goof

>> No.9512962

>you tried to force him back onto the point because you were that mad he insulted your white idols.
I did not, nor did I took it as an insult.
One obviously does not take an insult seriously only to refute it. That's not how insults work.
I did however remark that he moved the goalpost, but even then I refuted both his new and old claim. Does pointing out someone moving the goalpost in a discussion trigger you somehow?

>because you were that mad he insulted your white idols.

Lot's of psychoanalyzing going on here. Also, again with the whites. Notice that I was refuting a statement about differences between asians AND whites on the one side, and others. Aren't you the racist now, for claiming that I'm white?
How is my race important anyway?
Is it all memes and irony to you, so that whenever anyone takes something seriously, it's "getting mad"?
I'm honestly not mad, the statement was interesting, but clearly wrong as I proved.

I really don't see why you're getting so mad. Are you that self-hating?

>> No.9513005

>convinces himself he's tough by extremist white knighting

We don't have this sentiment for the sake of protecting anyone. I for one just think letting obnoxious ressentiment rule your life is disgusting.

>> No.9513014

Agreed. But how does >>9512494 (I'm not him btw)
imply that obnoxious ressentiment rules his life?
Personally it seems to me like you, here
With the
>Time to kill yourself, you waste of space
Immediatlye following a rather ""innocent"" comment is the one who's displaying ressentiment.

>> No.9513029

I'm not mad. Just seemed like you were pouncing over the fact that white people were criticized one time and I wanted to give you shit for it.

>> No.9513043

haha yeah muslims never go on suicide missions

>> No.9513046

>Look at the guy who shot up the gay club in florida. He was thought to be in the closet
Don't fall for the mainstream media narrative, this was a baseless rumor. No idea why gays insist on subsuming their attackers ('homophobe = closet case' idea).

>> No.9513052

na i want the mainfesto of that skeptic feminist guy who killed his gf recently

>> No.9513057

>The truth value or even reasonableness of a statement is irrelevant whenever that statement "criticizes" white people
>and any evalutation of that statement is a result of someone (who's white) "getting mad"

The original statement
>seems like it's only whites and east asians who do that, and since those groups have the largest amount of neanderthal dna, maybe it's linked to that

Is not a "criticism". It's an observation., even if the motivation of the poster was to attack whites and asians (why do you forget these, even when your wife is asian? Curious), however that's irrelevant.
The statement stands on it's own.
The statement could have been true, but it's clearly not. Due to the reasons I have given above.

You seem very immature to be honest, why can you not separate your emotions from facts?

>> No.9513077

>claiming that someone was triggered before you even made an argument.
>Abundance of Insults that you just can't seem to go without adding to your posts.

Yeah, immature. Sounds like I'm not alone.

>> No.9513124

>>claiming that someone was triggered before you even made an argument.
Where did I do that?
With you? Well of course you seem triggered when you just throw insults around with no logic behind at a post which isn't itself insulting.
>>Abundance of Insults that you just can't seem to go without adding to your posts.
You're in no position for criticizing someone for insults. Also making insults in a posts != ad hominem.
Oh, wait maybe you're referring to:
>Maybe evol-psych triggers you in general.
If so then
>1.) This sentence is not really an insult more a speculation about the motivations for coming with an unreasonable statement, this speculation is reasonable because very many leftists who reject all biological aspects of humanity come to /lit/. These people are clearly very much opposed to any kind of evol-psych/gene based inferences about human behaviour.
>2.) The order in which potential insults and arguments follow in a 4chan post is irrelevant
>3.) insults in a 4chan posts != the poster is triggered
In case you just came here yesterday (which it kind of seems like) insults are thrown around rather generously.
Again, I'm not the triggered one, here. That's clearly you.
But seriously, how can you be so immature and irrational? Are you actually a man?

>> No.9513135

Oh, and in fact I did make an argument, by pointing out how non-asian/whites perform the actions that he was claiming only whites/asians tend to do at a higher scale than whites/asians.

>> No.9513141

My Twisted World is Notes from Underground but a bunch of people die at the end.

>> No.9513144
File: 240 KB, 416x287, can't dodge the rodge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even at that age he looks like a psychopath

>> No.9513147

>You're taxonomy of men into alphas who deserve pussy and betas who don't doesn't make any sense either from an evol perspective.

tell it to the primates we evolved from bro

>> No.9513149

and its a true story

>> No.9513157

>It's well-known that the working classes are far more sexually promiscuous.

not true, the working class are just less likely to use contraception or get an abortion, let's be real, if rich women didn't need abortions, abortion would still be illegal

>> No.9513160

The disappointing thing is that you don't get to read the end of the story form Elliot's perspective.

>> No.9513162 [DELETED] 

Eh, it's not that "bad". It's certainly not professional, but it seems like average writing for a mid high school student.

>> No.9513164

>Say you aren't mad, call people immature.

>insult all the way through your explanation that you aren't immature.

>Suddenly defend insulting

>Write like it's debate class beca use its that serious to you

>> No.9513168

Nope. Even Marx admitted it back in the day. Anyway, I'm not pulling this out of my ass, I've read actual experts and statistics say this. At least these were true for my european country.
>if rich women didn't need abortions, abortion would still be illegal
Not at all true, but whatever.

>> No.9513172

The part where the guy steals the necklace his grandma gave him was genuinely saddening.

>> No.9513186

>Even Marx admitted it back in the day.
Oh, then it must be true.

>> No.9513192

Work on your reading comprehension and maturity.
>>Write like it's debate class beca use its that serious to you
Yes, because 4chan is just for memes right?
See your post here >>9512885
Who's taking it seriously?

>implying I objected to your insults and not you getting triggered purely because you detected someone defending whites/asians, with no good reason for being triggered.

>implying calling you immature is an insult
Maybe, but it's also an absolute fact based on your reactions ITT.

>implying you have a good reason for sperging out ITT and it's not just your pathetic white guilt acting out because you detected someone disagreeing with a statement negative towards whites and your emotions responds negatively to that.

>implying you're not just a laughable ball of feelz with no solid reason or logic for becoming hysterical.

>> No.9513193

>Not at all true, but whatever.
yes yes i know planned parenthood was started by a racist white lady who wanted blacks to abort themselves, but let's be real the majority of people fighting for abortion preservation in the usa today are bourgeois white women who are worried a pregnancy could affect their education or career and so need to be able to legal slaughter the fetus without consequences

lol at marxs uninformed opinions about the working class, yeah, i guess he thought they were so promiscuous because he was always fucking his maid, lmao gtfo of here with marx know anything about proletarian culture

>> No.9513196

cool blog bro, where can i unsub

>> No.9513202

More insults. Start arguing any time.

>> No.9513217

People are told from a young age that everyone is on equal footing and if you actually try you are assured to succeed. Elliot wanted none of that.

>> No.9513222

Where did you argue?
What is your argument?
>1.) Insulted me
Not a problem, I don't care about that, however you had no good reason too and you were clearly responding like a hysterical women
>2.) Psychoanalyze me, claim that the reasons for me refuting a statement above is due to me wanting defend my widle wace (these were your literal words) and that you objected to my comment based on my motivation for making it, not the content of the comment
>3.) Present your personal history and what you and your asian wife think is racist or not

You're a ball of hysterical emotions.

>> No.9513226

>(I even listened to my brother fucking his gf and her fapping to her moaning, just like Eliot did with his sister)

Sort yourself out.

>> No.9513228


Tic tok tic tok tic

>> No.9513232

>I was pretending to be retarded the whole time

>> No.9513239

It was about Rodger not truly having any platonic love given to him from literally anybody. it manifested in his mentioning that he couldn't get laid because that was the most obvious to him at the time.

>> No.9513242

I guess you can't form an argument. Too bad. You can still argue any time.

>> No.9513249

This makes no sense at all, sorry

>> No.9513253

His victims deserved what they got

>> No.9513255

You're dumb as shit

>> No.9513283

>still subscribing to the beta/alpha dichotomy
literally just go outside
I see introvert numales with girlfriends all the time
Most women fear being single like hell, therefore they're FORCED to settle down. There's only so many Chads in the sexual market at any time

>> No.9513284

Holy shit. You're a virgin faggot.

>> No.9513288

still not an argument
Elliot probably was mentally ill, but his motivation was crystal clear: he couldn't get laid and therefore resented women for that. That's why he chose the target he chose

>> No.9513341

>That's why he chose the target he chose

despite feminist activists trying to capitalize on the tragedy, don't forget he killed more men than women

>> No.9513346

Yes, because he wasn't allowed inside the sorority. His plan was to kill fraternity bimbos

>> No.9513349

He didn't initially choose men though. He wanted to kill women but they locked the door and he couldn't get in.

>> No.9513364

dude, he killed all his roommates before he did anything else, if you're going to try to womansplain rodger too us, at least get a clue about the facts

>> No.9513370

I fucking lold

>> No.9513416

as far as I remember the facts, he hated them as well
that doesn't change the fact that he planned to shoot up the sorority: "On the day of retribution, I am going to enter the hottest sorority house at UCSB and I will slaughter every single spoiled, stuck-up, blond slut I see inside there. All those girls I've desired so much. They have all rejected me and looked down on me as an inferior man if I ever made a sexual advance toward them, while they throw themselves at these obnoxious brutes"

>> No.9513461
File: 13 KB, 258x289, elliot-rodger[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just how fucking dysfunctional was he in order to stay a virgin?

>> No.9513475

don't forget his dad worked on the hunger games movies he should have been drowning in pussy

>> No.9513489

was probably like 5'6

>> No.9513503

Stop talking about race you fucking faggots

>> No.9513754

I read it when it came out so I forgot, but did he even try to talk to girls ?

His parents didn't give him a lot of money, his mom was poor and relied on her husbands and he spent all he had in scratch tickets, that was the real hilarious part for me.

>> No.9513767

He must have been a staggering asshole with no connection to reality. I am substantially uglier than him and do fine. He had nice cheekbones desu.

>> No.9513794

White women were the bigger victim here rather the Asian poc he actually killed

>> No.9513962


I have never read this and I never will.


God damn that is fucking funny.


Put this in perspective: what if he had some sort of other way of resisting? As in, what if he decided that he didn't want to kill a bunch of people, because that's fucking retarded, so he took a much more subtle approach to addressing the problem? What if, God forbid, he found some way to fix his home life? Like make life a living hell for his sister and mother? Sure, it wouldn't really fix his problem, but at least they'd be right there with him. He could have found a way to make their lives worse, putting them in a position where no one is really able to relax.

Why didn't he do this? Because he lacked any sort of intelligent thought, maybe. But we as humans have to adapt as a race, we are no longer a tribe. You cannot simply lash out with violence. You must take a much more metered and subtle approach in modern society, or you only screw yourself over. I'd argue that if he endeavored to share some of his burdened mind with his tormentors by making their lives much more difficult he could have found great satisfaction in his life and what he did, even if he did not achieve his immediate desire for sex, which you can pretty much have at any fucking point in your life.

He lost the battle and the war.

>> No.9514049

you shouldn't post such stupid things if you haven't read it desu famalam

>> No.9514060


Even if I've never read it, I still don't think what I wrote was stupid desu famalam.

>> No.9514063

I think if you read it you'll find he's quite upfront with all his reasoning

>> No.9514067


As terrible a lifestyle it is, I feel like reading some seduction techniques on the internet and going out to clubs trying to pick up random girls would have been the best cure for Elliot.

He seemed to expect a girl to randomly walk into his life and have sex with him. There are plenty of girls who would have gone home with him if he went out to clubs and started becoming more confident.

>> No.9514075

Ehhh... Not really. He was rich atleast. He also didn't want to date any girl who wasn't a 10/10.

>> No.9514320

>didn't want to date any girl who wasn't a 10/10.
The twisted logic of a virgin scared of embarrassing himself with a woman.

>> No.9514466

"Already a world traveler, I went on a trip to Spain with my parents and my parent’s friends Patrick
and Lupe. It was the fourth country I’ve been to at such a young age. We stayed in an exquisite castlelike house that I believe was owned by a friend of ours. The house had a tower that I was extremely
curious about. At one point, my parents and their friends ventured up to the top of it, but they made me
stay below because I was too young. I was sorely disappointed. As they were climbing the tower I went
outside to look at the cacti surrounding the house. These cacti also sparked my curiosity, and I foolishly
decided to touch a cactus. I ended up getting cactus needles all over my hand, and it took a long time for
my mother to remove them."

he struck the cactus and i think he didnt want to admit it

>> No.9514468

>Even if I've never read it, I still don't think what I wrote was stupid desu famalam.
/lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.9514912

WTF, I love spree killers now

>> No.9514964

This thread is the best

>> No.9514986

It's exactly like the part in Notes From The Underground where the narrator goes to dinner with 3 of his peers, gets angry and screams at them, paces from wall to wall for 3 hours while they sit there, and then decides he's going to chase them down and slap their faces if they don't apologize to him.

>> No.9515010
File: 45 KB, 680x440, IMG_1938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit the gym
Expand your mind

>> No.9515011

>A true individual.
An individual without context can only be an offender or a resentful, arrogant outsider. Individuality has to fit into a bigger picture or it's just self-centered ego, a self-image that has to deny being to others in order to exist, since any happiness experienced by others is an outrage to it.

>> No.9515018

Fucking hell, dude, you just unironically used alpha/beta to describe human social dynamics.
It's at times like this you might want to shoot yourself.

>> No.9515029

Rodger was gay, would not understand that. The bit where he hears his sister getting fucked has it's focus on her boyfriend's penis, his grandiose plans for women to be restricted to breeding farms naturally removes women from the world and therefore makes his world a better place.
He blames women for not liking him when it's the fact that he doesn't want them that creeps them out. He goes on and on about how having sex would solve everything, then slips in a few sentences to how they must all be removed for being so terrible and false.

>> No.9515034

This is a bit of a stretch.

>> No.9515036

>at the beginning i was like oh no emo alert, but by the end i had a huge smile
Great stuff

>> No.9515041


Yeah Rogers was an idiot, more at 9.

>> No.9515055

Our poor boy was a victim of this industrialized hell hole. Even if I'm not much like Elliot Rodger myself, I can't bare to see him mocked by the armchair psychologists of 4chan.

Especially how he is made as the anti-Christ, as if his outcome was of his own will.

>> No.9515060

>reads Freud wiki once

>> No.9515076

>In third grade, Pokemon was considered “cool” and everyone was playing it. Towards the end of fourth grade, I found out that everyone was growing out of Pokemon, and the only ones who played it were the geeky kids. I heard some kids joking about how lame Pokemon players were, and I decided it was time to quit.
>I then started to notice that all of the cool kids were interested in skateboarding. I had never even ridden on a skateboard before, but if I wanted to be cool, I had to become a skateboarder ... And that was that, I was now a skateboarder, though not yet good enough to reveal myself as one to the kids at school. This was the start of an obsession to copy everything the supposed “cool kids” were doing.

I think he just forgot to develop into a real person, instead of just superficially imitating what he thinks worthwhile people do. I realise kids copy the cool kids all the time, but they don't couch it like that. It's
>Wow, skateboarding looks cool!
and not
>Those kids are cool. They're skateboarding. If I skateboard, I will be cool.

>> No.9515078

>Forbidden by my mother to experience the fascinating tower, poking exquisitely into the foreign skies that somehow made me sophisticated, the moment arrived to grasp firmly the throbbing promise of the thicj cactus..."
Oh my, the evidence is really stacking up.

>> No.9515083

>dismisses facts not agreed with

>> No.9515099

You've spotted something there. A social animal will see others having fun and want to either have that fun too or join in.
A fucked up zombie will see how normal people act and know that's how he should behave to be normal.
The first is spontaneous and extends out from the self, the second is morbid and feeds into the self.

>> No.9515148

>Never insult the style of Elliot Rodger. I’m the most stylish person in the world. Just look at my profile pic. That’s just one of my fabulous outfits. The sweater I’m wearing in the picture is $500 from Neiman Marcus.
He was a reddit user,

>> No.9515416

Get help

>> No.9516008

>not being /fitlit/

>> No.9516248


>be me,20 year old virgin, drunk at a party
>girl comes on to me, not bad 6.5/10
>she starts making out with me, Me doing my best to follow along
>we end up back at my house, she's on top of me, in her panties, still making out.
>I don't feel her up, even as she's rubbing her crotch on mine
>don't even get hard
>we go to bed, she leaves the next day.

A-am I just autistic guys? I'm pretty sure I'm not gay.

>> No.9516250

hello anti-reddit
how you doin?

>> No.9516287

Watching porn with 8/10 girls all day everyday tends to do that.

>> No.9516311

Where do you live out of curiousity? I assume since Rogers lived in a really promiscuous place like California, that sex is much more heavily glamorized than it is elsewhere.

>> No.9516321

I don't watch porn.
I only jerk off about once a week to keep from getting boners at unfortunate times.

>> No.9516455


Gay or on SSRIs

>> No.9516554

Not on any antidepressants(although I should be on something, during my last "episode" I ripped a toenail off with my teeth) and I'd believe autism over gay.

although, the next day she commented on my books, saying she had more. After looking at them, seeing literature like the Bible, Faulkner, and a couple Gaddis books I found for cheap that I haven't read yet she said I have too many "adult books." I was genuinely glad I ddin't sleep with her then.

>> No.9516663

We need more elliot rodgers to shoot up normies.

>> No.9516782

He's self-centered, not necessarily self-aware; secured at the center of a narrative of victimization, of unjust deprivation. He believed he deserved, by right of his existence, a unique happiness he perceived others to have - and himself robbed of. See >>9512297:
>I wanted to take their sex away from them, just like they took it away from me.
Even with his WoW friends, he felt excluded; he felt that their friendship was yet another manifestation of this unique, unobtainable happiness.

Self-awareness would allow him to see that it was his immense wealth of insecurities, running ramping on an already repugnant personality, that ultimately impoverished him. Self-centered reflection can create the illusion of real self-reflection, but it isn't self-awareness. It's entitlement.

Either way, there's a serious Dostoevsky vibe from some of these passages. Very bizarre.

>> No.9516810

Hey buddy. Just wanted to take some time out of my day to let you know I enjoyed your post.

>> No.9516894

The book is amazing; think of what critics would say if an author wrote this.
The tone is perfect; it captures his sort of child-like thought, psychopathy, narcissism and his insecurities amazingly.
It feels honest throughout and has you going through all sort of emotions.
The only thing that's missing is some sort of epilogue or last chapter describing what ended happening; it's the perfect bittersweet ending.

>> No.9516915

>when was the last time a black guy thought to himself "gosh i'm a fucking loser, maybe i should just end myself" of course not, they have such low self-awareness they could be a high school drop out unemployed felon and they'll still think they're the shit

Today I learned niggas are incapable of feeling emotions like self-doubt and sadness, 4chan is a wellspring of knowledge

>> No.9516944

>He was a reddit user,

Are you aware that there are people in this world that have a severe medical condition which causes them to be that way? My mother for instance is one of those people. She is a truck driver that has bad knees and a bad back from driving the truck but you probably do not care about that case either. Oh well I am not one of those people I am 6'4" 245lbs and I exercise every day. I would love to see you say something like to my mother in front of me. Probably never happen though you are probably just an internet tough guy. I doubt very seriously you would say that to someones face. Just my thought.What do you think. Oh I am sorry you probably do not have a brain. I on the other hand will be happy to buy you a plane ticket to come here and see if you have the nerve to say that to someone I know.

>> No.9516945

He's Bernard Marx in Brave New World. Manlets never change

>> No.9516962

That is a pasta I have not seen in a while.

>> No.9516993

try reading a book once in awhile
chimpanzees actually ostracize bullies and alpha males. theyre a higher organism than us

>> No.9517003

Fucking lol, Arabs throw acid at women who reject them all the time. Arab society is 90% bitter NEET.

>> No.9517135

This hit a bit close to home. My parents told me I should be a writer. I told them to fuck off because I and people with more reputable opinions deemed my writing shit. I haven't improved as a human being and I'm almost as lonely and pathetic as him. Problem is, I don't blame others for this and I'm not so narcissistic as to kill people due to "muh shit life"

>> No.9517208

all writers start out bad, its all about practice. It sounds cliche but its true

>> No.9517219

Yeah but I'm a lazy genuinely autistic cunt so I don't give a shit about my writing skills.

>> No.9517223

No, this is pretty normal for a guy having his first sexual experience. It takes a bit of time to get experienced enough that you're comfortable and relaxed. If you're not physically and mentally relaxed, sex won't be very enjoyable. The more experience you get fucking, the more relaxed you'll be when it happens, and the more pleasant it will be.

>> No.9517226

Doomed to failure at the start, lol

>> No.9517231

No. I used to think this until I was in my mid-20s or so, but it turns out I was just too wound up about sex to have a good time with it. When I got more experienced, got the ego-validation stuff out of the way (cause I fucked enough girls), and got the courage to act out some of my fetishes with a girl, I started to think of sex as primarily something to do for pleasure. Not a slave to my ego anymore, praise Jebus.

>> No.9517234

You get to conjecture it from your own understanding of Elliot's head. It's all about your own experiences l projected onto his'
MTW is probably one of the greatest works of literature in the 21st century

>> No.9517352

>In a world without sex, humanity will be pure and civilized. Men will grow up healthily, without having to worry about such a barbaric act. All men will grow up fair and equal, because no man will be able to experience the pleasures of sex while others are denied it. The human race will evolve to an entirely new level of civilization, completely devoid of all the impurity and degeneracy that exists today.
In order to completely abolish sex, women themselves would have to be abolished. All women must be quarantined like the plague they are, so that they can be used in a manner that actually benefits a civilized society. In order carry this out, there must exist a new and powerful type of government, under the control of one divine ruler, such as myself. The ruler that establishes this new order would have
complete control over every aspect of society, in order to direct it towards a good and pure place. At the disposal of this government, there needs to be a highly trained army of fanatically loyal troops, in order to enforce such revolutionary laws. The first strike against women will be to quarantine all of them in concentration camps. At these
camps, the vast majority of the female population will be deliberately starved to death. That would be
an efficient and fitting way to kill them all off. I would take great pleasure and satisfaction in
condemning every single woman on earth to starve to death. I would have an enormous tower built just
for myself, where I can oversee the entire concentration camp and gleefully watch them all die. If I can’t
have them, no one will, I’d imagine thinking to myself as I oversee this. Women represent everything
that is unfair with this world, and in order to make the world a fair place, they must all be eradicated.
A few women would be spared, however, for the sake of reproduction. These women would be kept
and bred in secret labs. There, they will be artificially inseminated with sperm samples in order to
produce offspring. Their depraved nature will slowly be bred out of them in time.
Future generations of men would be oblivious to these remaining women’s existence, and that is for
the best. If a man grows up without knowing of the existence of women, there will be no desire for sex.
Sexuality will completely cease to exist. Love will cease to exist. There will no longer be any imprint of
such concepts in the human psyche. It is the only way to purify the world.

The fact that the book concludes with this ideology is hilarious considering he didn't ask a girl out ONCE in the entire book, proving that he wasn't even trying.

>> No.9518230

He is not honest at all.
Having read the whole thing, it's kind of obvious he never actually spilled drinks on anyone.

>> No.9518427

Alright, thanks, that makes sense.
I had no idea who this person was, so that d8d make me feel uncomfortable, as I am a person who values my privacy and tends to "screen" people for traits and values I value or at least find interesting. I don't mean to sound like a cold-hearted person, I trest everyone with the respect of an9ther human being and I talk to them like they are fellow human beings but people who are in my social circle need to have something I'm interested in.

>> No.9518430

It's those soulless asian eyes mate

>> No.9518537

hey mumkey

>> No.9518601

>As terrible a lifestyle it is, I feel like reading some seduction techniques on the internet and going out to clubs trying to pick up random girls would have been the best cure for Elliot.
nah, only numales think that a cure is to be OK with trying to entertain a girl before she lets you try to give her pleasure

>> No.9518663

Lol what?

>> No.9518670

>even if he did not achieve his immediate desire for sex, which you can pretty much have at any fucking point in your life
Do you mean prostitutional/superficial sex or sex sex? Your statement is only true for the former, definitely not the latter. To a certain degree I can understand Rodger's lunatic desire for a relationship and sex, because that's where he saw all the love he was deprived of.

His biggest issue was not that he was too dumb, but that he was highly perceptive and more intelligent than your average Joe. Some (if not to say, alot of) people deal with depravation of love all their lives, but most don't realize how bad it's fucking them up and are instead rationalizing deeper and deeper, until nothing's left of their original personality and desires.

Elliot realized his role and situation, but he made the mistake of clinging onto a psychotic fallacy for the rest of his short life, instead of taking the chance of improving himself, swallowing the bitter of "tough shit" and going from there. With the wealth of his family, he could've moved out easily, freed from his toxic environment and seeked out support from an excellent psycho-therapist.
But he didn't, and he is just another one of many tragic people in our history.

>> No.9518679

>His biggest issue was not that he was too dumb, but that he was highly perceptive and more intelligent than your average Joe.
No. This is clearly not the case.

>> No.9518691

My Twisted World is basically Notes From Underground but for this generation.

>> No.9518754

>With the wealth of his family, he could've moved out easily, freed from his toxic environment and seeked out support from an excellent psycho-therapist.

This was the crux of the problem. Near the end, he phoned his parents in a fit of grief to tell them of his desperate loneliness and all they did was send him to a psychologist. They clearly wanted nothing to do with him and were incapable of providing the affection he needed. Elliot was a saint compared to the monsters that raised him.


>> No.9518854
File: 16 KB, 291x300, rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck man, the physiognomy of his dad says it all. He even denies that he knew that Elliot was a potential danger, because it is well know that his parents became alarmed as soon as they knew about his videos and his latest purchases of firearms, called the police on him, but Elliot played it down and got away with it; the police didn't see a threat in him.

Coming from an abusive and love-depraved family myself, parents/siblings as such make my blood boil every fucking time.