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File: 259 KB, 518x600, ChrisHedges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9508185 No.9508185 [Reply] [Original]

I'm talking the worst of the worst. Where just getting through the book gives you a headache.

>> No.9508198
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Looks like he's more of a miserable bastard than a bad writer from my pov

>> No.9508221
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>Le brouillard, c'est moi.

>> No.9508226

He just repeats a lot of stuff, over and over again.

The only book of his I could stomach was "Empire of Illusion"; where the topic was so broad (everything between porn and college) that I didn't notice his repeating.

Compared to Death of the Liberal Class (pre-WWII community theater was the height of the labor movement in the US), and War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning (I say I've been to like ten war zones, but really I've only had extensive experience in Bosnia), Illusion is like a godsend that might as well been ghostwritten.

>> No.9508234
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>> No.9508255



>> No.9508265
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>> No.9508313

Tolkien is a really shitty writer most of the time. Not that it bothers me, I actually like the academic style but I can see why people hate reading him.

>> No.9508368


I have no problem with his writing except the hyperbole and the insistence on mass movement solutions (the era of movements is over in america).

He also relies too heavily on specific writers like Wollin, Arendt and Chomsky. But his books got me into politics and to think critically about America. He also introduced me to a lot of people I wouldnt have come across any time soon.

>> No.9508379

He is an absolutely horrible writer, but a decent lecturer and person.

>> No.9508387
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Larry David. SOUR GRAPES was fucking unwatchable. Flat dialogue, bad direction. His second attempt fifteen years later, CLEAR HISTORY, was only slightly better.

Barry Levinson. DINER was garbage. The dialogue's not terrible, but the story goes nowhere. Bonus negative points for being set in Baltimore and making Paul Reiser.

>> No.9508392

>Chris Hedges is married to the Canadian actress Eunice Wong

can't make this shit up, fuckin goofy looking white weeb

>> No.9508401


One day you will learn that a thinker/writer cannot be ascertained by reading their Wikipedia page any more than a book can be ascertained by reading its cover.

Quit being a plebe. Your opinion is not always called for.

>> No.9508403

>Eunice Wong
Holy shit that woman is ugly. Like her cheekbones melted and slid down the inside of her face...

>> No.9508432
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>> No.9508500

>His newspaper, The New York Times, criticized his statements and issued him a formal reprimand for "public remarks that could undermine public trust in the paper's impartiality"

the new york times concerned about its "impartiality"? oh my sides, give me a fucking break, he exposed them as the imperialist warmongers wrapped in liberal identity politics that they are, fuck the new york times, everyone knows foxnews is full of shit, but a lot of people think the nytimes is actually something to be believed, fuck the nytimes straight to hell

>> No.9508501


you can pretty much judge a person by the way they look.

>a man's face says more and more interesting things than his mouth, for it is a monogram of all his thoughts

>> No.9508506


Neato mosquito

>> No.9508523


I like his leather jacket but that's about the nicest thing I can say about him.

>> No.9508527

i like this activism but when i tried to listen to an interview with him he seemed really resentful and buttblasted about the rich kids he went to private school with, it's like oh boohoo poor baby hedges, you could always drop out and go to public school, fag

>> No.9508560

Wolin is excellent though, and this is coming from a conservative, his criticisms of the present state of capitalism and their effect on the civic responsibility and political engagement are hard to refute. Hedges takes Wolin's arguments and creates a more concrete prescription, albeit one that is naive and borderline delusional.

>> No.9508578


I like Wollin Arendt and Chomsky just fine, i think he relies on them too heavily as if crutches.

>> No.9508596

i always felt like al giordano was like an authentic version of what chris "mr. privilege" hedges pretends to be

>> No.9508701

The first thing that comes to mind is Ayn Rand. Her writing is just clumsy. Probably goes without saying around these parts.

>> No.9509807

>you can pretty much judge a person by the way they look.
This is 100% accurate. If a person is ugly they are actually a bad person. I don't associate with people who I find unattractive.

>> No.9509812

>muh hell
>muh boring-ass purgatory
>muh heaven where it's just this one bitch showing up

>> No.9509837

Whoever wrote Ready Player One
Whoever wrote The Martian
Whoever wrote When Breath Becomes Air

All books massive bestsellers - all books insincere, clumsy, lazy, boring, Fremdscham-inducing, complete garbage and a waste of my and all of mankind's time

>> No.9510711
File: 175 KB, 901x1272, LITERALLY the WORST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got the book as a present from my mom
couldn't put it down, i was just so baffled about how awful it was

some tv presenter chick is about to get an award; is typical career woman (husband and child feel neglected). She accepts the award; has sex with a coworker she fancies. She gets hit by a fucking russian satelite falling from the sky. Gets reborn as an ant. Befriends the reincarnated Casanova (yes, THE casanova) and continually dies, gets reincarnated as various animals, trying to collect good karma; while spying on husband who is now together with another girl. In the end she fucking reincarnates as a mid 40 fat chick (after somehow blackmailing buddha i don't remember). She leaves the dude the fat chick is together with pretty coldheartedly and then proceeds to stalk husband. He falls in love with her again (altough she was always a cunt and never stopped being one). She reveals who she is. Everyone is happy and she realizes her familiy is Nirvana. END

some excerpts:
>The day i died, wasn't really fun (this is the first fucking sentence of the book)
>It was the best sex i had in years. It was wonderful, phantasic, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
>when i woke up i realized, that i had a giant head. And a massive behind. And six legs. And two incredibly long antennae. And that was number one of the worst moments of the day!
>nina continued talking and i tried to read her lips. "Frblmpf" i read. "haa, daaaffn, proll" i read Alex' smiling answer. i had to concentrate more. i read from Ninas' lips: "gynaecologists dance sorbet". Alex replied "and urologists tortellogni". Nina said: "i love your caravan". Either that or she said "i love your peepee". Alex replied to that "my peepee has also dolby digital"
>for nirvana you don't need nirvana (this is the last sentence of the book)

i mean i could go on and on (there's one scene of a reincarnated Einstein who says something along the lines "maybe the world is even more relative, than i thought", which got me especially mad, but i couldn't find it). This shit book is filled with brimming garbage. I haven't read one single normal fucking sentence in the entire book

>> No.9510776

... Jesus

>> No.9510783

But Curb and Seinfeld are excellent you madman

>> No.9510790

James Joyce

>> No.9510798

>"maybe the world is even more relative, than i thought"


>> No.9510803

Not memeing, but John Green.

He writes in such a painfully precious, wanna be deep-and-meaningful way.

Plus the 'you are very important and special things will happen to you' tone of his books and the dumb wish-fulfilment plot developments where everyone that wronged the teenage girl protagonists realises how wrong they were and apologises profusely.

>> No.9510806

Most of the pomo's are unendurable. Take a topic better suited to a 2,000 word essay, turn it into a 900 page novel, add completely unreal characters (haha its intentional dumbass) and unfathomably complicated yet tedious plots and you get the literary equivalent of Andy Kaufman. The joke is on the reader.

>> No.9510814
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>> No.9510817

hard to beat this, but guessing most posters have never read a young adult book. Something like The Alchemist is similarly bad, the didactic self help shit is just the opposite of literature.

>> No.9511345

The Martian wasn't actually bad though. Writing was mediocre at best but the actual background was pretty clever and very well researched.

>> No.9511734

Curb was mostly ad libbed, and Seinfeld had a writers room. The movies I named were all larry david.

>> No.9511752

Haha holy fuck

>> No.9511758


>> No.9511767
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>> No.9511883
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Holy shit what the fuck. How the hell could someone waste his time writing such garbage

>> No.9511889
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>> No.9511939

never not related:
>Norman Mailer once punched Gore Vidal at a party after the writer had given him a bad review. Still on the floor, Vidal declared: "Once again, words fail Norman Mailer."

>> No.9511975
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what the fuck is his problem?

>> No.9512016
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>> No.9512045

In all conceivable ways, he is terrible.

I was not shocked at all when he was chosen to finish the Wheel of Time when Jordan died.

>> No.9512046

do not shittalk the french goburin

>> No.9512107


>> No.9512124

>I was not shocked at all when he was chosen to finish the Wheel of Time when Jordan died.
>implying Robert Jordan is any better

>> No.9512162

William Gass

>> No.9512182

He did a fairly decent graphic novel with Joe Sacco called "Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt" which was pretty good. Much better than the two that you mentioned

>> No.9512189

Jesus as if the writing wasnt bad enough, I hate that this person clearly doesn't get how reincarnation "actually" supposed to occur

>> No.9512220

Stephen King. I recently got It and told myself I'd power through it, about halfway through i realized how bad it was and it has taken me almost a month to read 300 pages more.

>> No.9512240
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not really a writer, but fuck his prose makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.9512254
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How do you know you know what they look like?

>> No.9512280

lol that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard

>> No.9512284

>reading Adorno

>> No.9512309

I guarantee you the next Norman Mailer is on /lit/ right now, faking his writing style and sense of taste as best he can.

>> No.9512381

I think anytime someone writes purely for themselves it won't come out so good.

>> No.9513525

i...is this a real quote?
whelp guess i'm a Nazi then. Gas the je..aehm cows!

>> No.9514194

panfaced yellows are good pleb

>> No.9514200
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worst alive french author

>> No.9515378

fucking christ

>> No.9515571

I used to be a marxist.

>> No.9515642

Actually so bad it's funny

>> No.9515731



>> No.9515747
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>> No.9515767

>The day i died, wasn't really fun

I'm stealing this for the next first line thread on /lit/.

>> No.9515787

I agree he can't write endings, but his prose, although plain, is very solid and readable without any clunky or cringy sentences.

Now, this guy has received quite some praise from critics and such, but I read pic related and holy cannoli it was bad. Every character was basically perfect, every minor conflict was resolved within two pages. About halfway in I dropped it, then I peeked at the ending to see what the "Drama" was and it was just so unimaginative.

>> No.9515796

>hehehe I know exactly what will rile up those readers on /lit/
>I'll just call one of the greatest writers bad!
>It's perfect! I'm such a clever shitposter
Fuck off

>> No.9515804

Why do you even bother replying to bait?

>> No.9515815

Ira Levin

Goddamn was Rosemary's baby fucking boring.

>> No.9515832

Sounds like a so bad it's good kind of deal

>> No.9515974


I liked the bridgemen story. fucking dropped the mistborn at the very beginning of the second book.

>> No.9515996
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>> No.9516036

>pic related
no wonder conflicts are resolved in two pages, the book's so small i can't see it

>> No.9516805

Source on pic?

>> No.9516825


It's not bait. I genuinely dislike Joyce's writing.

>> No.9516888
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>Tolkien is a really shitty writer
>academic style
nigga wat

>> No.9516997

This is a thread for bad writers not writers you dislike.

>> No.9517012

Fuck you

>> No.9517168

Maybe it was because I'm a translation reading pleb, but Whatever was terrible. But I gave him a second chance and I'm reading elementary particles which is much better.

>> No.9517172

What's wrong with Chris Hedges OP?

>> No.9517180

>liberal identity politics
Anon please

>> No.9517188

I think that's called projection

>> No.9517197

Well let's get the obvious ones out of the way.

Jk Rowling, Stephen King, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Stephanie Meyer.

>> No.9517284

not Nabokov, but saw a few people here saying Ada was his masterpiece here the other day and the first 20-some pages of that I read just now made me want to rip my skin off

>> No.9517288

>implying Nazis ate the Jews

Adorno is permanently off my reading list, just because I read this quote tonight.

>> No.9517372
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Nabokov & Isherwood are bottom-of-the-barrel scum

>> No.9517516

The Dialectic of Enlightenment is pretty good though.

>> No.9517533
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Probably not the worst writer ever but this book nearly gave me a seizure from how shitty it was.

>> No.9517559

Read one Brandon Sanderson and you might like it. Read more than one and realize they're all the same fucking book.
The main character of the book "narrows her eyes" when she's suspicious. He uses that description all series long. If she narrows her eyes anymore she'll be fucking blind.

>> No.9517585

Interesting you would say that, the main reason I dislike him is that his prose has me rolling my eyes the entire time. It's so forced, so edgelord. The way he tries to inject curse words into the prose itself is laughably bad, it seems like a child wrote it. I realize I'm in the minority when it comes to King, but I think he's the most overrated author of all time. IT was pretty good, though, up until the end, I can't help but believe the same story could have been done better by someone else. He's the only author I will listen to on audiobook (I don't like listening to books) because reading his prose takes me right out of the story, but when I'm listening to it it's easier to ignore the clunky, embarrassingly amateurish wording and focus on the story instead.

>> No.9517668

>The Alchemist
That book and Paulo Coelho will forever remind me of my dad.

>talking to my dad over the phone a few years back
>tells me of this fantastic and interesting book he found
>he's an avid reader so I'm all ears
>"I'm reading The Alchemist. It's about this and that and..."
>"O-oh. Sounds good, dad. I'll check it out."
>never bother to read it because I know it's shit
>get a call a month later
>"You remember that Paulo guy I mentioned?"
>"Fuck that piece of shit hack. Every book he writes is the same damn thing!"
What followed was 10 minute rant that was so passionate that I could feel the hatred over the phone. He felt like he legitimately wasted a bit of his life reading those books. It was pretty great.

>> No.9517691
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but even on its own the alchemist is garbage..

>> No.9517777

the eights don't lie

>> No.9517863

Are you from America? IT is one of King's actually good books. His view of the time and his ability to project it is fantastic. Still it's King, but that book isn't bad at all.

>> No.9517927
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Keksimus Maximus

>> No.9517948
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"The Hobbit" reads like it was narrated by Butters.
>"and it was a really big battle, many terrible things happened in it, but I can't talk about it here"

>> No.9517954
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Some say McGonagall

>> No.9517956

Because it's a book for kids, not for your edgy teen ass
Of course Tolkien haters hang on to every straw

>> No.9517964

I have yet to see lit prove this is a bad passage.

>> No.9518012

edgy teens ARE kids today. Some adults are, even.

>> No.9518037

It's corny freshman shit. Any adult who writes about these kind of feelings is probably stuck in high school emotionally.

>> No.9518038

Mathew Reilly anyone? I felt my blood pressure rise every time I read the phrase "riddled with bullets" in one of his stupid fucking books as a kid.

>> No.9518048

GRRM desu senpai
Friend of mine is a pretty good guy, but the only shit he reads (despite being in grad school for literature) is ASOIAF, so I decided to give it a chance, and holy shit is it hard to get through. It's a shame when I'm also reading Vineland, widely considered Pynchon's worst, and it's blowing me away with its prose every other page, as my mind is so dulled by GRRM

>> No.9518060

I like reading this kind of corny stuff because it means even I have a chance.

>> No.9518061

That's sad.

You're pathetic right now, but you don't have to be forever.

>> No.9518062

> The way he tries to inject curse words into the prose itself is laughably bad

So much this, I remember reading IT in 5th grade and thinking along similar lines.

It confused me honestly.

>> No.9518161
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>> No.9518165

I tried reading It and Salem Lot but his prose was so dry and the plot moves so slow in the beginning that I gave up. The Stand was pretty good from the sample chapters I read

>> No.9518210

How do you know it isn't a masterpiece in German? Also what the fuck kind of man writes a story like this?

>> No.9518224

I remember reading that guy's earlier books. His entire bibliography as far as I can remember is just a collection of novelizations of the movie Aliens but not Aliens. Nothing wrong with that if you really liked Aliens.

>> No.9518312

i did read it in german. I was just posting the english cover for the thread

>Also what the fuck kind of man writes a story like this?

a talentless hack, who is aware of his shit writing, but knows how to market himself to a huge audience of middle aged woman without taste

>> No.9518324

>tfw you don't know how to market yourself to tasteless middle aged women
There's so much money to be made and it will never be mine.

>> No.9518326

Then you'll never understand how, the more you get to like people, the more attractive you find them. You can find someone ugly at first and then see beauty in them later.

>> No.9518329

Poor anon, is everybody ITT ignoring you? Have a (You) for trying so hard.

>> No.9518339

This. Purveyor of sensationalist trash for the easily shocked. He owes his career to the prudery of the western middle classes.

>> No.9518360


>sensationalist trash

Poor Ahmed, still mad that Soumission isn't all that farfetched?

>> No.9518372


>/lit/ ignores this post


>> No.9518390

Stephen King is very good at what he does. He's not trying to be literary he's writing comfy popcorn books. Although he is a better writer sentence by sentence when he wants to be as evidenced by The Gunslinger.

Fuck this racist cunt

>> No.9518391

sound's like a soccer mom's rip off of Mao Yan

>> No.9518401


Fucking towelheads on my /lit/

>> No.9519346

thank you for actually putting effort into this post. my favourite /lit/ posts are quotes from awful books so i can feel superior

i only read classics so i have nothing to contribute

>> No.9519586
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I can only assume

>> No.9519602
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Ian Fleming

>> No.9519645
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Hedges isn't a fantastic writer but he's not bad. Certainly not even closet to the worst. Pic related was good, though the collaborative book he did with Joe Sacco wasn't amazing.

>> No.9519764

Christ Hedges is great, sorry you got triggered and have no arguments senpai

>> No.9519918

The issue here is mainly repetition in writing, though it really sounds a little inane.

>> No.9519975

You die in a fire.

>> No.9520966
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>One of these thinga is not like the other
>JK Rowling

>> No.9520969


>> No.9521075

I once found his book in english in the local bookstore (non english-speaking country). The Fault in our Stars I think it was. You guys weren't memeing, the first page was like condensed reddit. Self-importance disguised with irony combined with the lack of style

>> No.9521086
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The amount of hatred I have towards Peter Carey's work is so damn high

>> No.9521093


Elaborate, please? I was considering reading him soon.

I probably will regardless, but I'd like to hear why you hate his work.

>> No.9521098

he gives me a headache but not because he's a bad writer.

>> No.9521111

Mark lawrence

>> No.9521130

Hes a fucking millionaire

>> No.9521143

>Hilda heard the fading sound of galloping abs
I'm in tears. That whole thing was glorious.

>> No.9521205
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>dick Parkinson's

>> No.9521286

Lots of millionaires are horrible writers.

>> No.9521470

what about him: 14yo and already published 2 books

>> No.9521479

>Shakespeare was a bad person
Really fires my neurons

>> No.9521931

He is the son of a preacher man, repetition is family trade. I can listen to him talk for hours for the same reason.

>> No.9521936

Unironically kill yourself

>> No.9521947


>> No.9521958

this is what happens when you love shit like the Fountainhead

>> No.9522795

That makes them objectively better than you neetfag

>> No.9522808

Quads confirm

>> No.9523170
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