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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 38 KB, 472x332, machado_de_assis75442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9515661 No.9515661 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw our greatest writer was a son of a slave father and an açorian immigrant

>> No.9515677
File: 51 KB, 480x692, guimaraes-rosa-2-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our second greatest writer is a hick from MG who liked to pretend he was from the Sertão for whatever reason

>> No.9516137
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*manda beijo pro cavalo*

>> No.9516156
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>our greatest poet is 6 years old

>> No.9516231
File: 80 KB, 1080x720, 978321798213789213897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw our greatest poet is still alive

A Marcha do Vadio

Pelado e altivo, sairei pelas praças
Com meu peru à mostra, ereto e duro,
E mandarei marcar com ferro em brasa
Quem nele veja algo de feio e impuro.

Do alto dos templos tocarei punheta
E por força de lei será proibido
Conjeturar que há nisso troça ou treta
Ou coisa de maluco pervertido.

Mostrar o pau em público é um direito,
O cume da moral e da beleza,
Ao qual ninguém pode negar respeito.

Sou o novo paradigma, pois tarado
É quem sente conforme a natureza
Em vez de ceder tudo à moda e ao Estado.

>> No.9516233


>> No.9516238

>backlands will never be reprinted
what the FUCK is nyrb doing

>> No.9516314

Shit. I laughed harder than I should.

>> No.9516352
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>soneto com pé quebrado


>> No.9516468

He was also ultra-racist and hated to me reminded of his mixed ancestry.

>> No.9516476


>> No.9516491
File: 713 KB, 590x488, machado-abolição.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao no. Read Pai contra Mãe faggot

>> No.9516495

This is awesome wtf that kid is a genius

>> No.9516502

Sometimes I wonder if he didn't create a Goethe effect in brazilian literature, we produce much more poets (and even songwriters) of worth than writers, because Machado pretty much BTFO everyone. It took the gemrans what, 200 years? to go back to literature after Goethe because no one had any idea where to take it after him.

>> No.9516504

>Joaquim Nabuco, em carta enviada de Washington, em 25 de novembro, ficou escandalizado ao ver Machado sendo chamado de “mulato”: “Eu não teria chamado o Machado mulato [itálico no original] e penso que nada lhe doeria mais do que essa síntese (...). O Machado para mim era um branco, e creio que por tal se tornava [sic]; quando houvesse sangue estranho, isso em nada afetava a sua perfeita caracterização caucásica. Eu pelo menos só vi nele o grego. O nosso pobre amigo, tão sensível, preferiria o esquecimento à glória com a devassa sobre suas origens”.

>> No.9516510

Não é o Machado de Assis que ficou escandalizado e sim o Joaquim Nabuco

>> No.9516511

Brazil doesn't produces good literature anymore because the literaly establishment is still dominated by literal communists who boycott anyone who doesn't toe the party line.

>> No.9516516

Joaquim Nabuco o conhecia melhor que eu e você.

>> No.9516525
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The world doesn't produce good literature anymore my friend, it's not just Brazil. Everything that doesn't sell and doesn't get publicity or appease the interest of the masses isn't suitable for literature nowadays

>> No.9516529

So, your argument for him being racist is that people were racist and thought he was too civilized to be white?

Oh fuck off dude, most of our greatest authors were card carrying communists, it's not the left's fault the right can only produce geniuses like Pondé and Lobão while ignoring good right wing authors we had because everyone is a fucking illiterate code monkey or administration student.

>> No.9516555
File: 79 KB, 874x684, 1481351934290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9516556

to be black*

>> No.9516557

Gimme like twenny years is good.

>> No.9516746

>poets aren't writers

What the actual fuck.

>> No.9516768

Yeah, sorry, I meant novelists, probably because in (brazilian) portuguese you can use "writer" when talking about a novelist because novela means pretty much soap opera

>> No.9517048

Nah, novela means something not so short as a short story but not so long as a novel e.g. Kafka's Metamorphosis.

And we do have a lot of good novelists. Clarice? Raduan? Rosa?

>> No.9517064

You know exactly what I meant dude, unless you make very clear you're talking about literature, novela is for all intents and purposes a soap opera, even academical contexts.
And of course we have, but you have to admit the output of poetry (and chronicles, probably even theatre) is way more substantial than romances and novels.

>> No.9517102
File: 607 KB, 2592x1944, houaiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. You better stick with videogames.

>even theatre
Yeah so fucking good that our most famous name is Nelson Rodrigues.

>> No.9517104

>Guimarães "não sei o que é prosa" Rosa is the second greatest writer in our country
>not based José de Alencar

tfw ywn sentirá a salgada brisa do infinito azul lhe ninhando em uma suave rede, amando sua indiana dos lábios de mel sob fronde da carnaúba na terra onde canta a jandaia

>> No.9517115

>you will never sentirá

Ayy. That's a poor portuguenglish from you, my friend.

>> No.9517141

Yeah, but if I wrote it right I wouldn't be able to use the meme abbreviation

>> No.9518264


>> No.9518812


>> No.9519119

>o que é o jequitinhonha e norte de minas

>> No.9519396

o cú do país

>> No.9519423

>our main theater dude is freud + beckett meme dude
I cri everytime.

>> No.9519429

u wat

>> No.9520450
